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[Phalla] Time Wars: JUMP 1 - DAY 1



  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular
    Also, it seems that if we lose a general before they can have a victory it would be very bad for the village.
    Xbox Live: Pastalonius
  • RetabaRetaba Rintaro Okabe Mad ScientistRegistered User regular
    Hello? It's me. My Reading Steiner has gone off and I fear the Organization is finally making its move. I can't find my team and it would appear all the work I did has been undone, World War 3 is in effect. I need to find Kristina. Shh do you hear that? I think someone is listening in on us!
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    lufthgiled si eniw siht

    ]etouq/[1 yad no uoy gnillik ton yb ydobyreve loof dna aifam eb annog yllatot m'I

    ]etouq/[ .dne s'emag siht yb lluks sih fo tuo aliuqet knird dna rohpyhP redrum annog m'I

    .trapa esrevitlum eht pir ot evah I fi erac t'nod I taht nwonk eb ti tel ,noitidda nI]"13556762;lagunoZ"=etouq[]"74756762;rohpyhP"=etouq[
  • TheRoadVirusTheRoadVirus Well then, no time to lose. I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off.Registered User regular
  • Iron WeaselIron Weasel Totes not mafia, guys Oh shit, an awlRegistered User regular
    Currently Playing:
    GT/Twitter: Tanith 6227
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    lufthgiled si eniw siht

    ]etouq/[1 yad no uoy gnillik ton yb ydobyreve loof dna aifam eb annog yllatot m'I

    ]etouq/[ .dne s'emag siht yb lluks sih fo tuo aliuqet knird dna rohpyhP redrum annog m'I

    .trapa esrevitlum eht pir ot evah I fi erac t'nod I taht nwonk eb ti tel ,noitidda nI]"13556762;lagunoZ"=etouq[]"74756762;rohpyhP"=etouq[

    This is both obnoxious and I think against forum rules.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • ObiFettObiFett Phalla Bounty Hunter Seeking ContractsRegistered User regular
    lufthgiled si eniw siht

    ]etouq/[1 yad no uoy gnillik ton yb ydobyreve loof dna aifam eb annog yllatot m'I

    ]etouq/[ .dne s'emag siht yb lluks sih fo tuo aliuqet knird dna rohpyhP redrum annog m'I

    .trapa esrevitlum eht pir ot evah I fi erac t'nod I taht nwonk eb ti tel ,noitidda nI]"13556762;lagunoZ"=etouq[]"74756762;rohpyhP"=etouq[

    This is both obnoxious and I think against forum rules.
    Phyphor wrote: »
    Zonugal wrote: »
    In addition, let it be known that I don't care if I have to rip the multiverse apart.

    I'm gonna murder Phyphor and drink tequila out of his skull by this game's end.

    I'm totally gonna be mafia and fool everybody by not killing you on day 1

    this wine is delightful

    Its a joke that he setup pregame. Its fine as a one time thing.
    Phalla Bounty Board coming soon...
  • MegafrostMegafrost Leader of the Decepticons Registered User regular
    Ok. From Day 1 Narration I see four factions:

    General Gomez
    General Stevens
    General Porter
    Ambassador Maynard
    General Gibson
    General Web
    General Boyd (two appearances)

    Time Science
    Dr. Roth
    Dr. Johnson
    Dr. Carrillo
    Dr. Kent
    Dr. Paul Henri Durand

    Asian Empire (each with multiple appearances)
    Shangjian Yuen
    Shangjiang Sun Tzu

    Mediterranean Ascendency
    Stratigos Mancini

    So, America seems to be village. Time Science sounds like village or village aligned to me, but Dr. Paul Henri Durand basically started this whole thing, so i dunno. Asian Empire seems like mafia, Mancini seems to be neutral (only after that sweet, sweet, gold), but they could be mafia aligned.

    From what I was reading in the OP and first narration, the Asian Empire and the Mediterranean Ascendency are allied with each other, the Time Science department is part of the American government, and that it's unclear if Dr. Paul Henri Durand willingly defected or was simply captured. So for the most part we should have a simple village vs. mafia situation. Maybe Time Science consists of village specials with more control over the anomaly, while non-vanilla Americans are villagers who played an important role in the war and should be kept alive.

    That's my two energon cubes, anyways.

  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »
    That's my two energon cubes, anyways.

    I don't know what sort of crazy hippie rules you follow over on Cyberloveshack, but this is America and we keep those covered.
  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular
    Paul Henri Durant "defected" before Time Department was created. Which makes me suspect that he was actually around circa 2358, then went back in time as America lost the war to give the Americas an early start on the time department with stuff he learned from the time department.

    Maybe he wasn't the only one who came back, and an Asian agent followed him and captured him.
    Xbox Live: Pastalonius
  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular
    We need to find someone who is their own grandfather. Their lack of beta brain waves will be incredibly helpful against the Asian brain melting guns.
    Xbox Live: Pastalonius
  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »
    Ok. From Day 1 Narration I see four factions:

    General Gomez
    General Stevens
    General Porter
    Ambassador Maynard
    General Gibson
    General Web
    General Boyd (two appearances)

    Time Science
    Dr. Roth
    Dr. Johnson
    Dr. Carrillo
    Dr. Kent
    Dr. Paul Henri Durand

    Asian Empire (each with multiple appearances)
    Shangjian Yuen
    Shangjiang Sun Tzu

    Mediterranean Ascendency
    Stratigos Mancini

    So, America seems to be village. Time Science sounds like village or village aligned to me, but Dr. Paul Henri Durand basically started this whole thing, so i dunno. Asian Empire seems like mafia, Mancini seems to be neutral (only after that sweet, sweet, gold), but they could be mafia aligned.

    From what I was reading in the OP and first narration, the Asian Empire and the Mediterranean Ascendency are allied with each other, the Time Science department is part of the American government, and that it's unclear if Dr. Paul Henri Durand willingly defected or was simply captured. So for the most part we should have a simple village vs. mafia situation. Maybe Time Science consists of village specials with more control over the anomaly, while non-vanilla Americans are villagers who played an important role in the war and should be kept alive.

    That's my two energon cubes, anyways.

    I agree that this is the case, but i don't want to lock in any faction as certainly village or certainly mafia, so i was a little conservative on their affiliations.
    Xbox Live: Pastalonius
  • premiumpremium Registered User regular
    ObiFett wrote:
    Dr. Paul-Henri Durand, the pioneer of Time Science and only person to successfully manipulate time, “defects” to the Asian Empire from America. The American government, convinced the defection was coerced or possibly a kidnapping, wastes no time in declaring war.
    ObiFett wrote:
    Conversions are fine on a really really limited basis

    We maybe have conversions this game?

    Could be reading too much into the narration.
  • SLyMSLyM Registered User regular
    I can't tell if the Mediterranean ascendency is allied with the Asians or just an opportunistic third power.
    Steam Starcraft SLeague of Legends
  • premiumpremium Registered User regular
    SLyM wrote: »
    I can't tell if the Mediterranean ascendency is allied with the Asians or just an opportunistic third power.

    The narration made it seem like they were both.
    Saw an opportunity to jump into the war and ended up an ally of convenience to the Asians.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    SLyM wrote: »
    I can't tell if the Mediterranean ascendency is allied with the Asians or just an opportunistic third power.
    Stratigos Mancini coordinates the Coalition forces of the Asian Empire and Mediterranean Ascendancy simultaneous invasion of both American coastlines.

    Seems to me to be a pretty good hint. Though not good grammar, Obi.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • Iron WeaselIron Weasel Totes not mafia, guys Oh shit, an awlRegistered User regular
    I didn’t play in it, but IIRC the last time Obi hosted a game that was presumed to be a straight-forward village vs mafia affair, folks were very surprised. Our dear host seems to like throwing curveballs, so we should probably keep an open mind.
    Currently Playing:
    GT/Twitter: Tanith 6227
  • 38thDoe38thDoe lets never be stupid again wait lets always be stupid foreverRegistered User regular
    Expect the unexpected
    Capitalism, Ho!
  • premiumpremium Registered User regular
    I didn’t play in it, but IIRC the last time Obi hosted a game that was presumed to be a straight-forward village vs mafia affair, folks were very surprised. Our dear host seems to like throwing curveballs, so we should probably keep an open mind.

    That game featured Obi blatantly lying to us about it being a straight forward game so we could be guinea pigs in a little experiment.
  • ObiFettObiFett Phalla Bounty Hunter Seeking ContractsRegistered User regular
    SLyM wrote: »
    I can't tell if the Mediterranean ascendency is allied with the Asians or just an opportunistic third power.
    Stratigos Mancini coordinates the Coalition forces of the Asian Empire and Mediterranean Ascendancy simultaneous invasion of both American coastlines.

    Seems to me to be a pretty good hint. Though not good grammar, Obi.

    UGH, that is an ugly sentence. I need an editor. Changing it!
    Phalla Bounty Board coming soon...
  • Iron WeaselIron Weasel Totes not mafia, guys Oh shit, an awlRegistered User regular
    premium wrote: »
    I didn’t play in it, but IIRC the last time Obi hosted a game that was presumed to be a straight-forward village vs mafia affair, folks were very surprised. Our dear host seems to like throwing curveballs, so we should probably keep an open mind.

    That game featured Obi blatantly lying to us about it being a straight forward game so we could be guinea pigs in a little experiment.
    I don’t want to reopen that particular discussion. I am just saying that we should expect the unexpected.

    Which we will then be able to go back and expect properly so it won’t be unexpected any more.

    Or something like that.
    Currently Playing:
    GT/Twitter: Tanith 6227
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    premium wrote: »
    I didn’t play in it, but IIRC the last time Obi hosted a game that was presumed to be a straight-forward village vs mafia affair, folks were very surprised. Our dear host seems to like throwing curveballs, so we should probably keep an open mind.

    That game featured Obi blatantly lying to us about it being a straight forward game so we could be guinea pigs in a little experiment.

    That game also featured everyone verbally punching him in the arm about it after, so I wouldn't worry too much.
  • Zombie HeroZombie Hero Registered User regular
    For know we should treat Mancini as a threat to the village who needs to be removed from the game. Neutrals tend to help the mafia anyways.

    Xbox Live: Pastalonius
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    It wouldn't surprise me that the default timeline does not initially include an alliance between two mafia factions, but on jumps to days after that coalition bit in the narration the two mafia factions can win together.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • SeGaTaiSeGaTai Registered User regular

    I'd like to temporarily kill you just so I have the pleasure of doing it again.
    PSN SeGaTai
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Peetty sure the red vote is permanent which makes zonugal the perfect target
  • MegafrostMegafrost Leader of the Decepticons Registered User regular
    INANTP can go eat an energon cube.
  • premiumpremium Registered User regular
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular

    I mean, I had this coming, but, uh... other African guys, please contact me. Thanks.
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
  • AnialosAnialos RPG MPD patient #1 Registered User regular
    enlightendbum never have liked your av.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Anialos wrote: »
    enlightendbum never have liked your av.

    Blasphemy against the Klackons will not stand! Are you some kind of Psilon, Anialos?
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • Iron WeaselIron Weasel Totes not mafia, guys Oh shit, an awlRegistered User regular
    Zombie Hero was on my list of suspects in the Mini Phalla of Brass, and I didn't act. Now I’m going to go back and correct that mistake.

    ... That is how this works, right?
    Currently Playing:
    GT/Twitter: Tanith 6227
  • MegafrostMegafrost Leader of the Decepticons Registered User regular
    Anialos wrote: »
    enlightendbum never have liked your av.

    Blasphemy against the Klackons will not stand! Are you some kind of Psilon, Anialos?

    Are you blind? He's obviously a Mrrshan.

  • premiumpremium Registered User regular
    Auralynx wrote: »

    I mean, I had this coming, but, uh... other African guys, please contact me. Thanks.

    Are you doing a reveal thing this early in the day after only 2 votes?
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »
    Anialos wrote: »
    enlightendbum never have liked your av.

    Blasphemy against the Klackons will not stand! Are you some kind of Psilon, Anialos?

    Are you blind? He's obviously a Mrrshan.

    Nobody plays Mrrshan.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    premium wrote: »
    Auralynx wrote: »

    I mean, I had this coming, but, uh... other African guys, please contact me. Thanks.

    Are you doing a reveal thing this early in the day after only 2 votes?

    Yep. To be clear, it's because Africans have some pretty serious incentive to get in touch with each other, because (somewhat geopolitically appropriately) we're kind time-screwed.
    Auralynx on
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
  • MegafrostMegafrost Leader of the Decepticons Registered User regular
    So... you're claiming to be neutral? Again?
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Well if we're going to start doing that already, if I could get all Canadians and/or Canadiennes to contact me. Thanks kisses mwah.
  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Megafrost wrote: »
    So... you're claiming to be neutral? Again?

    No, I am claiming to be African, which I will happily admit is definitely not neutral, but is also so unlikely to win by our wincon without getting our legs under us early that the reveal is worth it. We have as little reason to want the Mafia alive as the rest of you, so help us out!
    Auralynx on
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
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