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[WiiU] "y cant metroid crawl?"



  • Capt HowdyCapt Howdy Registered User regular
    Henroid wrote: »
    There is no goddamn way so many people are getting stuck in Super Metroid like that. I refuse to believe it.

    Wasn't there an article about how gamers today need to have their hand held while playing?

    Super Metroid is from a primal time, figure that shit out or get eaten like a delicious t-bone.
    When people ask me how old I am; I just tell them I was a part of the Great Console War..... we won.
  • edzeppedzepp Registered User regular
    I don't doubt that some people got stuck, but how many people are just saying that for a laugh now? That 'y can't metroid crawl?' post seems kind of jokey.
  • HenroidHenroid Baba Booey to y'all Tyler, TX (where hope comes to die!)Registered User regular
    I believe people are stuck at the red doors

    They don't give any indication you need to fire five missiles

    Which is pretty stupid, anyways. In Metroid Prime, missile doors only took one missile

    It's not like the manual would explain this shit.
    "Ultima Online Pre-Trammel is the perfect example of why libertarians are full of shit." - @Ludious
    Unmotivate - Updated May 17th - "Let's Complain About Nintendo"
    The PA Forumer 'Lets Play' Archive - Updated March 25th, 2013
  • KriegaffeKriegaffe Registered User regular
    I officially quit Simons Quest cause I never knew about the 'kneel to cast spell' mechanic. The second quest of Zelda 1 also stumped me for ages with the 'magic walls you can push through'.

    But I never had an issue with Metroid/Super Metroid.
  • RizziRizzi Registered User regular
    Soooo I may have only just realised that the VC games have a digital manual.
  • edzeppedzepp Registered User regular
    Sorry, but you are now demoted to casual scrub. :P
  • RizziRizzi Registered User regular
  • QuicalQuical Registered User regular
    Oh cool new thread.
    Haha y can't metroid crawl? Haha this is fun you guys.

    Seriously I can't believe super metroid is practically given away for 30p though! I would have thought they would hold this one back and release it for fifty pounds considering its still as perfect as when it was first released.
    NNID: Quical
  • edzeppedzepp Registered User regular
  • Look Out it's Sabs!Look Out it's Sabs! Registered User regular
    I have never played Super Metroid before. I assume I should take advantage of the 30 cent price tag it's at right now :P
    NNID: Sabuiy
    3DS: 2852-6809-9411
  • Capt HowdyCapt Howdy Registered User regular
    Whaaaaa SMB2 is half-off if you have Super Mario World already?

    Don't mind if I do!

    Wait. On WiiU or Wii VC?
    When people ask me how old I am; I just tell them I was a part of the Great Console War..... we won.
  • AthenorAthenor Dapper Storyteller Registered User regular
    chiasaur11 wrote: »
    chiasaur11 wrote: »
    chiasaur11 wrote: »
    I'm totally not stuck in the same place as those first 7 people.

    Nope, not at all.
    Get the morph ball. It's right where it was in metroid 1. Then shoot the blocks and double tap down.
    See that's what I was trying to do as you have to have the morphball to get in there, but the blocks will not break.
    Right, right. You need bombs to get past there, then. Find the first boss, kill him, and get some micro explosives.
    But I can't get out of there to get em! :D

    The left entrance where you roll in is too high and the room at the bottom to the right has a few flies to regen missiles but can;t seem to go anywhere else.
    Tried the missiles on the rocks?
    Yep yep.

    I dunno I feel like I'm missing something super obvious.

    I'm gonna lay out the sequence of events for the the first landing on criteria in a series of spoilers, up until the first boss. Pick and choose how far you want to go, spoiler wise.
    The first part's obvious - the game only lets you go left, and you can't morph ball to get anywhere yet. Go left, then down.
    Eventually you'll pass through Tourian from the original Metroid. Keep going right, then take the elevator.
    The elevator will bring you to the original game's starting point, Brinstar. If you go left, just like in the original game, you'll find the morph ball.
    It's here that the game teaches you how to duck and shoot, as a standing shot won't break the low block and you need to get rid of the low block to go back right.
    Keep going right. Eventually you'll pick up one, possibly 2 missile packs, depending on how thoroughly you explore. All you need is one. FYI, select switches subweapons.
    Once you have the missiles, go back up to Crateria, and head back to the red doors you couldn't open before.
    SURPRISE! Space Marines. Thought that eye was just for decoration, eh? Anyways. Explore all the paths above the escape path from the original game. You should find:
    a Map room, a save spot, and a few more places you can't go.
    Above the escape shaft in Crateria and right back along the path towards your ship, you'll see a low hole that you can roll into. Fall into that. The path back up is blocked with unbreakable bricks.
    Because you can't get out of this nice little death trap, head down and right until you get to a red door. Open it, fight the boss.

    Use what you got from the boss to do more exploring. Start where things seem logical; eventually illogical secrets will be revealed, but don't rush those.

    You know, the more I think about it, I think it might be possible to get trapped in the area leading to the first boss if you didn't get everything you could leading up to it. I guess I never tried as a kid. Luckily there's no way to save if you get into that situation, so you'll only lose work going back to landing on the planet.

    Speaking of which: Unless you watch the "attract" reel at the beginning of the game, you likely won't know that you can re-enter your ship to recharge yourself and save. Keep that in mind. :)

    ... Yes, there's an attract reel. It shows off some pretty cool advanced shit.
    NNID and many other services: Athenor or Myridiam // 3DS: 3883-5283-0471
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    I hate you guys. I come online and see there were 90+ new posts and a new thread and I thought something major happened..... I got my pants all tight for no reason!
  • Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular

    Portable Metroid

    It'd actually be rad if they could do some GBA/DS VC on the Wii U

    But goddamn I won't hold my breath

    You do know that they announced GBA VC on Wii U way back on Valentine's Day. Probably see it in the next few months.
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
  • MNC DoverMNC Dover Aspiring Game Designer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    urahonky wrote: »
    I hate you guys. I come online and see there were 90+ new posts and a new thread and I thought something major happened..... I got my pants all tight for no reason!

    Hopefully something major will happen a few hours from now. Probably not, but we do so love getting our hopes up...only to have them dashed later.
    http://www.gamesbygray.com (my website and resume)
    Nintendo Network ID: MNC.Dover
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    3DS: 1934-0659-5183
    Hero Academy: MNC_Dover
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Do we have a link for today's ND?
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Okay that image is blocked at work. :P
  • TimFijiTimFiji Registered User regular
    It's Link. Unoriginal, I know.
    NNID: Archpriest
    3DS: 5112-3442-2082
    Kid Icarus, MK7, Heroes of Ruin, Mario Tennis, Colors: 3D
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Sit in the corner.
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Be advised: The situation is butt. Over. Seriously, it's way fucked.Registered User regular
    My brain read that as "Shit in the corner"...
    We're Oscar Mike two-one Bravo. Attempting to contain Delta-Charlie-Xray-Xray. We need the situation to be less toilets ASAP.
    3DS FC: 5129-0946-8305
  • edzeppedzepp Registered User regular
  • KiTAKiTA Registered User regular
    This is the link to the ND, right?

    Or will it be a different link?
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct in case anyone's wondering.
    urahonky on
  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    I'll make a compilation post of all the Nintendo Direct links (mind, you might need to do some clicking, these are by and large all "announcement" pages that don't, if I remember correctly, take you to the actual stream without input).

    Here's the Japanese one:


    Here's the European one:


    And here's the North American one:


    It's supposed to be "Global Announcement" stuff, so they should all be more or less the same with some variation likely to the extent only of dates, pricing and disposition.

    I'll be tuning in to the Japanese one, in time honored fashion by now, to scour the announcements for funky new shit that we all know Japan is the most likely to get a first sample of.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    That is probably where you can find it later.
  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yes, the fact that both me and KiTA linked to the "Archives" section doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

    I think it'll work though.


    EDIT: Also, in case other people feel like trawling the Japanese direct for good shit but also want to understand what the balls they're watching, here's Cheesemeister to the rescue. He'll be translating the important/ funny/ WEIRD segments for the benefit of mankind:

    Zephiran on
  • edzeppedzepp Registered User regular
  • MblackwellMblackwell Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So it's official:
    EA Has No Wii U Games In Development

    Before we blame this on Nintendo though, someone (in the comments of all places) pointed out a surprising lack of EA games on 3DS as well.

    Funny eh?

    Anyway besides Mass Effect titles EA has pretty much lost me since they stopped pushing games like Mirror's Edge. And Criterion isn't developing the next NFS so nothing lost there.
    Mblackwell on
  • RiokennRiokenn Registered User regular
    They need to remake Final Fantasy 4-6 on the Wii U. I know 4 was ported a bajillion times, but in all honesty it's a great game with a great story. Five and Six are LONG overdue for a remake, remastered, HD port game.
  • Dirk2112Dirk2112 Registered User regular
    I just want to thank the folks in advance who post info from the Nintendo Direct for those of us who can't watch videos at work!

    Mblackwell wrote: »
    So it's official:
    EA Has No Wii U Games In Development

    Before we blame this on Nintendo though, someone (in the comments of all places) pointed out a surprising lack of EA games on 3DS as well.

    Funny eh?

    Anyway besides Mass Effect titles EA has pretty much lost me since they stopped pushing games like Mirror's Edge. And Criterion isn't developing the next NFS so nothing lost there.

    I guess that means we don't get the next Need For Speed. Sucks to be us.
  • KiTAKiTA Registered User regular
    Is the Nintendo Direct Japan one going to happen at the same time ours does or something?
  • Maz-Maz- C'mon Donny! Registered User regular
    My body is ready.
    Steam | Origin: MazPA | 3DS: 1848-2888-3654
  • Maz-Maz- C'mon Donny! Registered User regular
    KiTA wrote: »
    Is the Nintendo Direct Japan one going to happen at the same time ours does or something?

    Steam | Origin: MazPA | 3DS: 1848-2888-3654
  • TimFijiTimFiji Registered User regular
    edzepp wrote: »
    You can't put Tim in the corner!

    Nobody puts baby in a corner.
    NNID: Archpriest
    3DS: 5112-3442-2082
    Kid Icarus, MK7, Heroes of Ruin, Mario Tennis, Colors: 3D
  • RiokennRiokenn Registered User regular
  • edzeppedzepp Registered User regular
  • RiokennRiokenn Registered User regular
    Well this is their last Direct before E3, I'd assume there will be something worthwhile today.
  • Maz-Maz- C'mon Donny! Registered User regular
    Here we go.
    Steam | Origin: MazPA | 3DS: 1848-2888-3654
  • earthwormadamearthwormadam Registered User regular
    c'mon MarioKart that tries to do something different than the previous Wii versions!!
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