Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
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Strip Search - Training Day



  • AmarylAmaryl Registered User regular
    I like how the editing seems to get better with every new episode. especially with the previous social challenges, you guys seemed to have had troubles fitting in the confessionals with the challenge itself - One things that still seems to irk me, is the lack of variation in music.

    every episode there's a new piece, but its repeated constantly for every other segment, which gives it a monotonous feeling, if the training is scored the same way as the final.

  • CybexxCybexx Registered User new member
    I guess there is no Art challenge for day 7? Unless the preview is a ruse.
  • shisershiser Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    <baleeted double post. Stupid phone browser :-/>
    shiser on
  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I don't know... potentially eliminating someone because they might suck at ping pong? Come on. But I am holding out hope the preview for the next episode is a ruse...
    Angry_Samoan on
  • DCAarmusDCAarmus Registered User regular
    Head-to-head ping pong with PA staff seems unlikely, but I wonder if they'll be playing doubles with pairings based on performance in this challenge (Katie won so she would be paired with Khoo). Still seems unlikely. My bet is that the teaser for the next episode is a red herring, and the actually challenge will be something completely different.
  • ragnarok628ragnarok628 Registered User regular
    i do hate to be mean but i just have to say holy cow all six of these people are TERRIBLE at ping pong! none of them stand any kind of chance against any PA guys!
  • dejavu,againdejavu,again Registered User regular
    Badaboom wrote: »
    It's unbelievable how bad these people are at ping-pong. Very entertaining to watch, though. I guess schools aren't equipped with ping-pong tables in USA? Here in Denmark - to my knowledge - more or less all the regular schools have them, at least the ones I've been to have had a ton of them.

    No, ping pong tables are sadly pretty rare here in the US. The best you can generally hope for is a friend with a table in the basement, and if you ever reach even a moderate level of competency you'll have no one to play against. Unless you're near a big university with a bunch of foreign students.

    Seriously, ping pong in the US is a joke. Our best players suuuuuuck on the international stage- they won't practice together because they don't want to "show their serves". Can you imagine if a countries best tennis players wouldn't train together for international events to try and maintain an edge in national ones? Or basketball players? Or hockey players?

    Shit's fucked.
    It's been 15 years or thereabouts for me too, but I still remember learning how the weak point of the penhold grip was the backhand - and also that traditionally Asian players used that grip. Which is why I though it was weird that the only Asian contestant was also the only one using the grip here... and even weirder that she exploited another player's weak backhand (instead of it being the other way around).

    Yes, traditional penhold had/has a problem with the backhand, which is why the reverse penhold backhand was invented. However, at this level I don't think it makes much of a difference. Monica just noticed that Lexxy's forehand was good and her backhand was weak, so she aimed for Lexxy's backhand.
    As a fan of ping pong, I loved this episode and will certainly love the next. I wish I had a place like that club near me. I'm decent, but I still have much to learn. Wish I could work on those skills.

    You and me both. There's no one and no where to play here at my uni...and the robot gets pretty old pretty fast ;_;
  • UNHchaboUNHchabo Registered User regular
    Nice job LRR crew on the editing; I liked the way you mixed in the interviews with the training, and the editing on the games was excellent as well.

    Also, Monica cosplaying as Tavis in the next episode is awesome. :-D
  • thegreenmonkeythegreenmonkey Registered User regular
    Great episode, editing was perfect and it made it very entertaining with the interlacing of the game and interviews.

    As for all of you naysayers, I thought for duffers at ping pong they did very well. It's not a very popular game in the US except for very specific instances so I don't find it unusual that many people have not played. It is quite enjoyable, and I love playing, but I'm not very competitive at it since I don't approach it as a win at all costs game, but it is very fun to have a few beers and just hit the ball back and forth.

    I'm kind of curious about the prize Katie won. And the teaser just makes me hunger for the next episode. This show has really kept interested to see what exactly happens each time.

    Grats to Katie!
  • bubbaholybubbaholy Registered User regular
    Fun episode! I can't put my finger on why this was so much better than the go-karting ep, but I ain't complaining.

    I've been weirded out and confused about the preview of the next challenge... then I finally realized, the PA staff have ping pong related shirts on and one of them is holding a ping-pong paddle case. So they aren't actually... you know... hitting and kicking each other next episode. Phew.

    That being said, I have a feeling that getting smoked in ping-pong by the PA staff might land you in a hospital just the same.
  • BuchoBucho Women sense my power Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    For every other episode I've dragged the playbar along to skip the "last episode on" and "opening credits" bits just so I could get to the good stuff asap, but not for this one. Last episode was so stupendous I wanted to relive it in highlight form at the beginning of this one.
    Bucho on
    "yo are y'all havin a good ol-fashioned MERMAID FIGHT in here" - World as Myth
  • BuchoBucho Women sense my power Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    "What are you most dreading that this physical challenge could be?"


    Hey everyone, sorry for ranting here, but I'm just getting something off my chest about how much people are reading into this.

    I'm dismayed that if a contestant shows confidence some people label them as "unlikeable." All the Artists have been pretty open about what they think are their strengths and weaknesses. Strip Search does not have "bad guys" and "good guys" it has people. People that READ THESE COMMENTS.

    That's a bingo. Confidence does not equal arrogance. Mike, Jerry, Khoo, Scott, Kris ... a bunch of our heroes are confident in their skills. It's part of what's cool about them. Part of what's cool about some of these contestants is that they are also confident in their skills. Because have you seen their skills? They're fucking great!!!

    Peeps have to stop letting their own insecurities make them delusional in their judgment of other peeps and maybe they'd have a little more fun and happy feels in their lives. Like a super smart dude with a Sam Rockwell avatar once said on an internet message board, "Don't let very capable people intimidate you, let them inspire you."

    (And just in case it's not blatantly obvious, this is not in any way an underhanded shot at Katie's comments in the episode, it's an overhanded shot at some commenters in the comments.)
    Bucho on
    "yo are y'all havin a good ol-fashioned MERMAID FIGHT in here" - World as Myth
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Hey everyone, sorry for ranting here, but I'm just getting something off my chest about how much people are reading into this.

    I'm dismayed that if a contestant shows confidence some people label them as "unlikeable." All the Artists have been pretty open about what they think are their strengths and weaknesses. Strip Search does not have "bad guys" and "good guys" it has people. People that READ THESE COMMENTS.

    I'd like to build on this. I've seen a couple of the other subforums, and what Kathleen is bringing up is also why some of the contestants do not post in this subforum. Lexxy took it well, Amy's taken it well, but several of the others are cringing watching their new friends have to take that kind of abuse. There aren't villains here. There aren't going to be any. Khoo kicked out all the potential villains before they even set foot in the house. Stop trying to create villains out of thin air.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • chasabchasab Registered User regular
    I dislike Lexxy more and more.
  • WigawagaWigawaga Registered User regular
    Im all for fostering warm fuzzies, but some of this care bear talk is making my head hurt. If one is not allowed to call PEOPLE arrogant, because they are PEOPLE, then what can we use the term to describe? Lamps? Chunks of stew? Platapii? People can be arrogant, even people you like. Confidence does not equal arrogance, but the matter is fairly subjective and the sometimes thin line between the two can be drawn in different spots for different people. Sometimes you just find someone unlikable, and when discussion of who you would like to see win a contest that interests you that sort of thing might play a factor. Why demonize people who are simply stating their opinions, all in the guise of nicety? Yes the people in this contest are people. People with more knowledge about their own traits then we will ever have. People with minds and talents and spines, not fragile little eggs. I have no doubt each an every one of the contestants can survive coming to this comment section and reading that a tiny fraction of a fraction of all the people on earth might think they came off as arrogant in this one moment of their existence. I mean if you like these folks so much, give them a little credit.
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    Geez, it's like the editors said to themselves "crap Amy's gone... okay, now EVERYONE WILL BE ON TEAM SCHEMER"
  • vidvid Registered User regular
    Amaryl wrote: »
    I like how the editing seems to get better with every new episode. especially with the previous social challenges, you guys seemed to have had troubles fitting in the confessionals with the challenge itself - One things that still seems to irk me, is the lack of variation in music.

    every episode there's a new piece, but its repeated constantly for every other segment, which gives it a monotonous feeling, if the training is scored the same way as the final.

    Editing is definitely getting better with each episode, and it wasn't bad to begin with. I haven't had even the most remote interest in reality television since The Mole ended way back in 2002, but I've been pretty hooked on Strip Search since around Episode 3. It feels good to have a show of this style to look forward to again, and hope that it gets picked up for a second run.

    As for the music, yeah, the lack of variety hurts sometimes, but I think a bigger issue is that most of the music just lacks flavor. Bearing that in mind, the reason I originally delved into this thread was to post how much I liked the track that starts around the 05:20 mark for this episode, very chill, awesome take on a frequently used track. Are they any plans to make any of the music used for the show available in the future?
    Mother's Love 2 - A 24+ Hour Earthbound Charity Marathon
  • DevoninDevonin Registered User regular
    Hey everyone, sorry for ranting here, but I'm just getting something off my chest about how much people are reading into this.

    I'm dismayed that if a contestant shows confidence some people label them as "unlikeable." All the Artists have been pretty open about what they think are their strengths and weaknesses. Strip Search does not have "bad guys" and "good guys" it has people. People that READ THESE COMMENTS.

    The thing is though, just because this is a small-scale show with a slightly different process and endgame from most reality tv shows, it IS a reality TV show. And whether you are trying to deliberately manufacture drama or not, there both -is- drama being shown, -and- you're fighting against 13 years of Survivor, and Big Brother, where this is what you DO.

    Instead of deciding that the unwillingness of some contestants to post in this forum is indicative of the fact that the haters are doing a bad and wrong thing and chasing them away, you should consider it a mark of the success of the show that it has such a polarizing effect on the viewers. Someone may appear to HATE a contestant, but I think even those people are able to understand that the persona being presented (no matter how genuine you are trying to make it) is still a persona that is the result of extremely limited information.

    I think a thing that would mitigate the drama-creation and hostile posting for future seasons would be another episode each week that was -just- the comics hanging out challenge free, just interacting. When all we really get to see is competition, and comments on competition, the idea that we're attributing a stronger competitive drive to them than they have shouldn't really come as a surprise.
  • faitsfaits a panda eating cake seattleRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    No, ping pong tables are sadly pretty rare here in the US. The best you can generally hope for is a friend with a table in the basement

    My middle school (in north seattle) had a ping pong table in the activity center, and there was always a line to play at lunch.
    faits on
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    The assumption that all schools would come standard with a ping pong table seems strange.

    Some schools here have a tough time paying for books.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Sparkamus Prime Marduk is my co-pilotRegistered User, Super Moderator, Moderator, SolidSaints Zerzhul mod
    edited May 2013
    I am surprised that folks are bothered by the fact that a reality show is creating polarized opinions. It's not the viewer's responsibility to go interact with the contestants before forming opinions on them. The combination of the editing and the contestants' behavior on the show creates the context from which this narrative is birthed, and it's perfectly well reasonable to think that such a limited context could create a picture of a persona for a person that is not fully indicative of that person in other situations.

    Personally, my interactions with the various contestants via the forums, twitter, reading their comics, etc, have all had different effects on how I view each one of them. Some I liked based just on the show, and then given other experiences I ended up forming a more neutral or negative opinion. Some haven't seemed, based on the show, like people I might like, but then after those other interactions my opinion became more positive. Just because they're real actual people doesn't mean they're immune from opinions, positive or negative. Just because I think they're all probably pretty decent human beings doesn't mean I have to like or dislike each one either.

    tl;dr: in a limited context, some people are going to interpret things differently from other people.
    zerzhul on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Glad I'm not the only person that was kinda thrown off by that post. :P

    I mean, it's one thing when people are saying stuff that's obviously out of line—which has been pretty swiftly dealt with—but the rest is just criticism of people/characters common to well, any show. Really not sure what kind of dialogue you're (Kathleen) expecting people to have over a competitive show with favorites and the like. They voluntarily put themselves on a show which put them in a position where others may or may not say nice things about them based off what they do and how it's presented to us...
    tastydonuts on
    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • KhorusKhorus Registered User new member
    So, here's my $0.02 regarding the negative commentary debate. I don't think the distaste stems from any circumstances regarding a comment that is critical of a contestant, but rather is directed at the phrasing and the attitude behind that particular communication. Criticism always has a place, but hatred for its own sake is never going to generate a positive response. We can handle comments that say "I feel that (X Artist) always comes off as cocky" but struggle a bit more to be accepting of a post that stats that "I hate (X Artist), they're completely worthless". The first is a description of a character trait or accident ("accident") of editing that explains the creation of a negative response or personal turn-off. The second is simply meanness for the sake of being mean, or to generate conflict. Its much harder to appreciate the second type of communication...{In my humble opinion....}
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Devonin wrote: »
    Instead of deciding that the unwillingness of some contestants to post in this forum is indicative of the fact that the haters are doing a bad and wrong thing and chasing them away, you should consider it a mark of the success of the show that it has such a polarizing effect on the viewers.

    The thing is, though, it isn't polarizing except in this specific subforum. Everywhere else, other subforums, other websites, it's overwhelmingly positive commentary. Everywhere but the Hub.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • EvermournEvermourn Registered User regular
    It's been 15 years or thereabouts for me too, but I still remember learning how the weak point of the penhold grip was the backhand - and also that traditionally Asian players used that grip. Which is why I though it was weird that the only Asian contestant was also the only one using the grip here... and even weirder that she exploited another player's weak backhand (instead of it being the other way around).
    Monica is Asian?

  • NijhazerNijhazer Sunnyvale, CARegistered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    Devonin wrote: »
    Instead of deciding that the unwillingness of some contestants to post in this forum is indicative of the fact that the haters are doing a bad and wrong thing and chasing them away, you should consider it a mark of the success of the show that it has such a polarizing effect on the viewers.

    The thing is, though, it isn't polarizing except in this specific subforum. Everywhere else, other subforums, other websites, it's overwhelmingly positive commentary. Everywhere but the Hub.

    With respect, I'm not sure what you're arguing here. It seems as if you're arguing that there is a significant percentage of people on the PA forums that have a vendetta of some kind against the contestants, and I have a hard time believing that. I'd instead argue that since this is the "official" discussion area for new episodes, most of the folks that are inspired to comment at length on new episodes are going to come here to do it, resulting in a wider variety of different opinions.
  • BuchoBucho Women sense my power Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I come off strongly against peeps who criticize the personalities of these artists for three reasons. One, I expect people to be sophisticated enough by 2013 to realize that what you're seeing in the context of a reality show might not be all there is to the real person. We're seeing them way out of their comfort zones and only in competition with each other and we should be smart enough to know our lens is skewed by this context, which makes judging them as people a little odd.

    And two, I also expect peeps to be sophisticated enough to realize that the artists probably would like to read these threads and so commenters should be cool enough not to want to make those artists feel bad about how they might be coming across on the show. Especially when, given point one, we don't have any genuine reason to want to make the artists feel bad. I also expect peeps to realize that artists can be some of the most sensitive people around, which often is why they're artists. Their sensitivity is their greatest strength when it comes to being creative, but it also can be their Achilles' heel when it comes to receiving feedback.

    Three is simply that the only other reality TV I watch with any regularity is The Ultimate Fighter, and if you think anyone on Strip Search is arrogant or odious in any way then you ain't seen nothing. You have to have lived a pretty sheltered life to find any of these Strip Searchers arrogant or unlikable. What makes it most weird is that in the wake of their time on the show these artists clearly all still like each other a whole bunch. If anyone was really arrogant or off-putting would they still be palling around like they so clearly are?
    Bucho on
    "yo are y'all havin a good ol-fashioned MERMAID FIGHT in here" - World as Myth
  • pkc47pkc47 Registered User regular
    I can't draw. But I would absolutely have killed it in this challenge. Not a ping pong player in the bunch.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Evermourn wrote: »
    It's been 15 years or thereabouts for me too, but I still remember learning how the weak point of the penhold grip was the backhand - and also that traditionally Asian players used that grip. Which is why I though it was weird that the only Asian contestant was also the only one using the grip here... and even weirder that she exploited another player's weak backhand (instead of it being the other way around).
    Monica is Asian?

    She said on her tumblr that she's half-Chinese. I didn't really see it either, but there you go.
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • JermsJerms Registered User regular
    LOL at Lexxy's meditation fail comic. :D
  • Spiffy McBangSpiffy McBang Registered User regular
    Hey everyone, sorry for ranting here, but I'm just getting something off my chest about how much people are reading into this.

    I'm dismayed that if a contestant shows confidence some people label them as "unlikeable." All the Artists have been pretty open about what they think are their strengths and weaknesses. Strip Search does not have "bad guys" and "good guys" it has people. People that READ THESE COMMENTS.

    I don't understand why people take direct shots at other people based on something that doesn't involve a direct interaction. Never really have.

    However, when Lexxy says, "I had a couple of comics go viral on Tumblr," what I think is, "Man, they're making her look like a jerk." I don't have any reason to think she really is a jerk- what jerk helps make brownies for a bunch of people she just met a week ago, much less people she's competing with for a pretty sweet prize? But when that's pretty much the whole sound bite, and we don't see any of the context around why she may have said that, it sounds like a weak-ass internet kid boast.

    It's not a unique occurrence, either. I can't pull them out of my brain right now, but there have been other times something has been picked out where what she says goes past a simple "I'm confident" and into a place where, if someone talked like that all the time, you would want to stuff them in a garbage can and roll them down a hill. The fact she almost certainly is not that kind of person doesn't change the perspective of her that the show is sometimes giving. So it doesn't surprise me if some people take the short route to thinking she's unlikable rather than viewing it as the editing making her seem that way.

    Mind you, I don't think y'all are doing a bad job, far from it. I'm loathe to even criticize the editing of Lexxy's parts specifically because I don't know what you have to work with. It's entirely plausible that those are sometimes the most interesting or relevant comments she makes, even though they're a much smaller percentage of what she says overall than of what we see. And I absolutely believe that negative comments need to be carefully worded to be constructive and not douchey. But if it bothers you that people are seeing her, or whoever, as a "bad guy"... I'm sorry, but it's definitely not unreasonable that someone might end up with that opinion.
  • MicroMagicMicroMagic Registered User regular
    I hope Katie wins the show since Skadi is the most well done cartoon out of the bunch in my opinion. I just hope if she wins, she starts drawing more than 1 per week. It's fun watching Monica get all excited and bounce around in the last few episodes. It's like she's a cartoon character.
  • BuchoBucho Women sense my power Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hey everyone, sorry for ranting here, but I'm just getting something off my chest about how much people are reading into this.

    I'm dismayed that if a contestant shows confidence some people label them as "unlikeable." All the Artists have been pretty open about what they think are their strengths and weaknesses. Strip Search does not have "bad guys" and "good guys" it has people. People that READ THESE COMMENTS.

    I don't understand why people take direct shots at other people based on something that doesn't involve a direct interaction. Never really have.

    However, when Lexxy says, "I had a couple of comics go viral on Tumblr," what I think is, "Man, they're making her look like a jerk." I don't have any reason to think she really is a jerk- what jerk helps make brownies for a bunch of people she just met a week ago, much less people she's competing with for a pretty sweet prize? But when that's pretty much the whole sound bite, and we don't see any of the context around why she may have said that, it sounds like a weak-ass internet kid boast.

    It's not a unique occurrence, either. I can't pull them out of my brain right now, but there have been other times something has been picked out where what she says goes past a simple "I'm confident" and into a place where, if someone talked like that all the time, you would want to stuff them in a garbage can and roll them down a hill. The fact she almost certainly is not that kind of person doesn't change the perspective of her that the show is sometimes giving. So it doesn't surprise me if some people take the short route to thinking she's unlikable rather than viewing it as the editing making her seem that way.

    Mind you, I don't think y'all are doing a bad job, far from it. I'm loathe to even criticize the editing of Lexxy's parts specifically because I don't know what you have to work with. It's entirely plausible that those are sometimes the most interesting or relevant comments she makes, even though they're a much smaller percentage of what she says overall than of what we see. And I absolutely believe that negative comments need to be carefully worded to be constructive and not douchey. But if it bothers you that people are seeing her, or whoever, as a "bad guy"... I'm sorry, but it's definitely not unreasonable that someone might end up with that opinion.

    As much as I've railed against negative reactions like that I do get where they're coming from because in all honesty, my instinct is the same. I get that same snarky spark of, "Oh look at you Miss Big-Time Viral Tumblr Cartoonist", so I know what that feeling is. I don't have a heart of gold.

    But I do have a brain of brain matter which then tells me, "Wait a second snarko, this person isn't taking anything from you, this person is simply expressing happiness at something good which happened to them as the result of a TON of hard work and years of study, and if you can't enjoy your successes then what's the point of all that hard work and study?" And then I realize that of course the problem isn't Lexxy's hard-earned success or her expression of happiness at it, it's that for that initial instant it sets off a defense mechanism in my brain which is trying to protect me from feeling like a lesser person for not yet having had the success Lexxy has had.

    So do I agree with a lot of your post Spiffy, I just disagree with your final thought that "it's definitely not unreasonable that someone might end up with that opinion", because I think that opinion comes not from reason, but from instinct. From irrational kneejerk defensiveness. If we use reason it seems far more likely to me that we come to the opinion that Lexxy is almost certainly not a "bad guy" at all, just a victim of imperfect instinctual prejudices in some people which aren't helpful or constructive or ever going to lead to any actual good stuff happening. What she really is is an extremely talented and hard-working artist whose successes, and the joy she has with her successes, would much more intelligently be regarded as a pretty damn sweet source of inspiration.
    Bucho on
    "yo are y'all havin a good ol-fashioned MERMAID FIGHT in here" - World as Myth
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    I think most of the Lexxy hate is just that she got called back after the elimination?

    It did seem a bit contrived in that fashion rather then wildcard! so I suppose there's a bunch of people hanging out to see her go to elimination again. Which, put me down for it, unless she or Monica win immunity, it's going to be her and Monica next up.

    Which - put me down for Team Monica because I discovered Settlers of Catan thanks to her comic!
  • Spiffy McBangSpiffy McBang Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Bucho wrote: »
    Hey everyone, sorry for ranting here, but I'm just getting something off my chest about how much people are reading into this.

    I'm dismayed that if a contestant shows confidence some people label them as "unlikeable." All the Artists have been pretty open about what they think are their strengths and weaknesses. Strip Search does not have "bad guys" and "good guys" it has people. People that READ THESE COMMENTS.

    I don't understand why people take direct shots at other people based on something that doesn't involve a direct interaction. Never really have.

    However, when Lexxy says, "I had a couple of comics go viral on Tumblr," what I think is, "Man, they're making her look like a jerk." I don't have any reason to think she really is a jerk- what jerk helps make brownies for a bunch of people she just met a week ago, much less people she's competing with for a pretty sweet prize? But when that's pretty much the whole sound bite, and we don't see any of the context around why she may have said that, it sounds like a weak-ass internet kid boast.

    It's not a unique occurrence, either. I can't pull them out of my brain right now, but there have been other times something has been picked out where what she says goes past a simple "I'm confident" and into a place where, if someone talked like that all the time, you would want to stuff them in a garbage can and roll them down a hill. The fact she almost certainly is not that kind of person doesn't change the perspective of her that the show is sometimes giving. So it doesn't surprise me if some people take the short route to thinking she's unlikable rather than viewing it as the editing making her seem that way.

    Mind you, I don't think y'all are doing a bad job, far from it. I'm loathe to even criticize the editing of Lexxy's parts specifically because I don't know what you have to work with. It's entirely plausible that those are sometimes the most interesting or relevant comments she makes, even though they're a much smaller percentage of what she says overall than of what we see. And I absolutely believe that negative comments need to be carefully worded to be constructive and not douchey. But if it bothers you that people are seeing her, or whoever, as a "bad guy"... I'm sorry, but it's definitely not unreasonable that someone might end up with that opinion.

    So do I agree with a lot of your post Spiffy, I just disagree with your final thought that "it's definitely not unreasonable that someone might end up with that opinion", because I think that opinion comes not from reason, but from instinct. From irrational kneejerk defensiveness. If we use reason it seems far more likely to me that we come to the opinion that Lexxy is almost certainly not a "bad guy" at all, just a victim of imperfect instinctual prejudices in some people which aren't helpful or constructive or ever going to lead to any actual good stuff happening. What she really is is an extremely talented and hard-working artist whose successes, and the joy she has with her successes, would much more intelligently be regarded as a pretty damn sweet source of inspiration.

    Everything you say here is correct, and I want to be careful not to get wrapped up in a semantic argument. Maybe it would have been better to say we shouldn't be surprised if someone ends up with a negative opinion of Lexxy, because those instincts you refer to form our baseline perceptions of people, and not everyone has the inclination to analyze why they feel how they feel about a person.

    I fully believe if someone is going to express a negative opinion of someone on the show, they should take enough time to think it through and understand why that feeling exists. But when you have a large audience for something, the only way to make sure no one lashes out due to some automatic defensiveness is to not give them reason to feel defensive. And given that Kathleen is the one making this rant, I think it's important to point out that the way Lexxy's words are cut into the show may be as important as the words themselves in triggering that reflex. Or not. It really depends on what else of hers they had to work with.
    Spiffy McBang on
  • TrunkersTrunkers Registered User regular
    On the whole I feel that people have reacted much more negatively to certain people (Amy, Lexxy) that I feel was really warranted. Both came across as pretty genuine hard-working artists who were being very open with the camera. I of course have my favorites, but have found all the contestants to be extremely likable.

  • ahdokahdok Figment of your imagination Registered User regular
    I feel there's a difference between criticism and insult. It's okay to dislike someone or to criticise what they're doing, but you should frame comments on such in context, and explain what it is you dislike. Just writing "I hate (x)" or "(x) is so awful" isn't criticism, it's just being insulting.

    If we look at it a different way: These people are users of this forum, and there are rules about what you can say about users of this forum that aren't being followed.
    http://www.socksandpuppets.com for comics, art and other junk.
  • KoalaBro2KoalaBro2 Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    Evermourn wrote: »
    It's been 15 years or thereabouts for me too, but I still remember learning how the weak point of the penhold grip was the backhand - and also that traditionally Asian players used that grip. Which is why I though it was weird that the only Asian contestant was also the only one using the grip here... and even weirder that she exploited another player's weak backhand (instead of it being the other way around).
    Monica is Asian?

    She said on her tumblr that she's half-Chinese. I didn't really see it either, but there you go.

    I assumed from the first time I saw a pic of her when they posted bios that she was half-Asian, but then I know a lot of half-Asians. I'm curious, those of you who are surprised, did you think she was just white?

    Also, gotta agree with MicroMagic, she has been adorbz the last couple episodes. Hope she survives her first elimination!
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