Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

North Country [chat]land



  • y2jake215y2jake215 oh ok yeah that's cool RAP GAME KiNG TUTRegistered User regular
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    I need to spend moneys on useless things because my life is meaningless and empty

    any suggestions

    maybe like a book or a nice chef knife or a roomba

    maybe I'll pick up some books I've been meaning to read

    hardcover tomes
    So It Goes wrote: »
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    I need to spend moneys on useless things because my life is meaningless and empty

    any suggestions

    clothes and shoes baby

    I was at the mall last week looking at tons of cardigans and shorts and dress shirts and shoes and couldn't pull the trigger on anything it was awful
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    i'd argue steganography is a subsection of cryptography, personally
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    I read that comment and assumed Mim made it.

    And then the one a bit later where Mim responded.

    And somehow didn't think that was weird.

    I am tired maybe.

    Hugs. The day is almost over.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    All I care about is that Mim has been inducted into the Order of the Juicy Burger.

    Man yesterday they had part of the parking lot roped off and had a bunch of classic cars parked there for something and I was mad because it was around dinner time and the lot was very filled up and I was worried there would be a line inside and I was in no mood to wait.

    There wasn't and I got excellent service and excellent food but

    it could have been a disaster.

    Have faith in Juicy Burger, my child.

    There could've been a thousand people in the restaurant, and you still would've received excellent service and excellent food. Such is the nature of the Burger.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    Eddy wrote: »
    How is publicly capitalized letters on a message forum steganography?

    Shitty steganography is still steganography.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Eddy wrote: »
    How is publicly capitalized letters on a message forum steganography?

    No one said it was good steganography.

    Like xoring an unlimited string of ones into something is technically cryptography, but could be broken in like thirty seconds by noting the range and copy-pasting into an interpreter.
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    All I care about is that Mim has been inducted into the Order of the Juicy Burger.

    Man, it was so freaking juicy.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    tyrannus wrote: »
    SiG when you coming back to NY

    isn't it time for your annual visit

    yes :(
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular

    I almost asked y'all a question about relationships

    'Cause sometimes the stupid part of my brain worries about things

    But then I realized IDGAF


    Oh! Except!

    Blind date-at-my-friends-party on Saturday

    I guess I should concern myself with that, at least a little

    Maybe wear a shirt or something
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    In better news dinner was delicious.

    Feta and spinach turkey burger with a side of homemade fried okra.

    Tomorrow is Japanese curry with fresh spinach, potatoes, onions and baby carrots.
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Skopples, wat u doin with iMac?

    I dunno you want to buy

    I think you should fix and sell it to help pay for your new computer. $60 investment in HDD, $500-$600 payoff. It'll be exciting.

    surely it is not worth that much


    I just searched 2008 iMac on ebay and it looks like it is.
    Donkey Kong on
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    But seriously there is a chatwide ban on sex until I find someone. Mim you are in violation and will be fined.

    Just don't make it over $3000

    cause that's all I have left and it's all going towards student loans.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    All I care about is that Mim has been inducted into the Order of the Juicy Burger.

    Man yesterday they had part of the parking lot roped off and had a bunch of classic cars parked there for something and I was mad because it was around dinner time and the lot was very filled up and I was worried there would be a line inside and I was in no mood to wait.

    There wasn't and I got excellent service and excellent food but

    it could have been a disaster.

    Have faith in Juicy Burger, my child.

    There could've been a thousand people in the restaurant, and you still would've received excellent service and excellent food. Such is the nature of the Burger.

    They are so attentive. I feel bad not tipping but I was never given any indication that tipping is done!
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    desc wrote: »
    1 mile, baby arm curls, crunches, squats

    miniature mode because no time

    but better than nothing

    likkle babby wynd all around me
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    i'd argue steganography is a subsection of cryptography, personally

    Steganography is where the message is unexpected, though. Cryptography is where it's garbled.

    Cryptography by definition requires something be done to the message I think?
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    When my wife packed my lunch this morning, she zipped up my bag the wrong way. The zip was at the back of the bag instead of the front (And yes, despite looking the same, it does have a distinct front and back)

    Withhold sex tonight y/n?
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    I need to spend moneys on useless things because my life is meaningless and empty

    any suggestions

    maybe like a book or a nice chef knife or a roomba

    maybe I'll pick up some books I've been meaning to read

    hardcover tomes
    So It Goes wrote: »
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    I need to spend moneys on useless things because my life is meaningless and empty

    any suggestions

    clothes and shoes baby

    I was at the mall last week looking at tons of cardigans and shorts and dress shirts and shoes and couldn't pull the trigger on anything it was awful

    I hate when I get shoppers block
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    i'd argue steganography is a subsection of cryptography, personally

    Only in the loosest definition of cryptography.

    Real world application sees the two as distinctly separate.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    I read that comment and assumed Mim made it.

    And then the one a bit later where Mim responded.

    And somehow didn't think that was weird.

    I am tired maybe.

    Hugs. The day is almost over.

  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    But seriously there is a chatwide ban on sex until I find someone. Mim you are in violation and will be fined.

    Just don't make it over $3000

    cause that's all I have left and it's all going towards student loans.

  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Skopples, wat u doin with iMac?

    I dunno you want to buy

    I think you should fix and sell it to help pay for your new computer. $60 investment in HDD, $500-$600 payoff. It'll be exciting.

    surely it is not worth that much


    I just searched 2008 iMac on ebay and it looks like it is.

    dk if I have to suction cup dis bitch after all I'm ragin
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Y'all should just do what I do and read articles about cryptography cause that shit is awesome yo.
    Quid on
  • tyrannustyrannus Registered User regular
    isn't there sex in debtor's prison

    i'd imagine it'd be pretty poor though
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    Quid, read what you're quoting. So that no one, apart from the two parties, suspects its existence - security through obscurity

    "Plainly visible encrypted messages", to continue that Wikipedia entry, are not steganography. Awkwardly capitalized letters in a sentence that's written in public isn't obscure. The message draws attention to itself, particularly in a response to a public query - there's no invisible ink, no flame, no image with something else entirely embedded in the source code...
  • FrosteeyFrosteey Don't you think it's a little belittling or whatever? Registered User regular
    y2jake215 wrote: »
    I need to spend moneys on useless things because my life is meaningless and empty

    any suggestions

    Buy a pinata and enjoy the ironic juxtaposition.
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    Man, I want finals to be over now.

    Someone come take my last final for me.

    Preferably someone who speaks fluent German.
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    tyrannus wrote: »
    isn't there sex in debtor's prison

    i'd imagine it'd be pretty poor though

    badum tsssssshhhhhh
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    When my wife packed my lunch this morning, she zipped up my bag the wrong way. The zip was at the back of the bag instead of the front (And yes, despite looking the same, it does have a distinct front and back)

    Withhold sex tonight y/n?

    yeah and do the sexy thing where you straddle a shirt or towel and like rock back and forth on it

  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    Stenography is the act of hiding one message inside another. Cryptography is the process of coding or decoding messages . You could certainly do one, the other, or both at the same time, or use stenography as really poor cryptography.
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    When my wife packed my lunch this morning, she zipped up my bag the wrong way. The zip was at the back of the bag instead of the front (And yes, despite looking the same, it does have a distinct front and back)

    Withhold sex tonight y/n?

    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • tyrannustyrannus Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    applied crypto

    fun course
    tyrannus on
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    Quid wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    i'd argue steganography is a subsection of cryptography, personally

    Only in the loosest definition of cryptography.

    Real world application sees the two as distinctly separate.
    Real world application sees *fart noises*
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Man I'd probably only get $600 max for my mid-2010 MBP.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    Quid wrote: »
    P10 wrote: »
    i'd argue steganography is a subsection of cryptography, personally

    Only in the loosest definition of cryptography.

    Real world application sees the two as distinctly separate.
    Real world application sees *fart noises*

    *starts scribbling*
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    But seriously there is a chatwide ban on sex until I find someone. Mim you are in violation and will be fined.

    You will probably find someone before me. :(
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Although that's pretty good compared to a DIY PC or other consumer notebook.
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    Stenography is the act of hiding one message inside another. Cryptography is the process of coding or decoding messages . You could certainly do one, the other, or both at the same time, or use stenography as really poor cryptography.

    Stenography is something else entirely you nubloon
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    Skopples, wat u doin with iMac?

    I dunno you want to buy

    I think you should fix and sell it to help pay for your new computer. $60 investment in HDD, $500-$600 payoff. It'll be exciting.

    surely it is not worth that much


    I just searched 2008 iMac on ebay and it looks like it is.

    dk if I have to suction cup dis bitch after all I'm ragin

    You don't have to, but there is basically $520 free dollars inside.
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    And now Leonard Cohen is singing hallelujah while a thoroughly gratuitous sex scene plays in my head.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
This discussion has been closed.