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King of the [Chat]



  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular
    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    Ghost bong weed of the samurai

  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    TTODewback wrote: »
    Dale is the only thing I like about KOTH.

    God join Will in the sulking corner.
  • nexuscrawlernexuscrawler Registered User regular
    what part of texas is arlen suppsoed to be anyway
    SC2 : nexuscrawler.381
  • Rear Admiral ChocoRear Admiral Choco Registered User regular
    So that's how it feels to make a Cass post...
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    being both horny and on the rag is a special level of hell

    Gurl, I know that feel
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    desc wrote: »

    I am impatient to wob the dabstups

    you understand that this means that dscgui is now a real thing and we are going to be rich and famous and have throngs of people smashed together in clubs bouncing up and down to our music dont you

    you understand this

    (what color el wire should we be wearing)


    I do not know the best means of doing music together remotely yet!

    But yes

    Also no joke I am getting pretty interested in a a mask and gloves with LEDs and maybe EL and some control setup. I am basically about to become a raver cosplayer.

  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    So that's how it feels to make a Cass post...

    I'm not done recoiling in horror from it.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    what part of texas is arlen suppsoed to be anyway

    Roughly somewhere between Houston and Dallas.
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    what part of texas is arlen suppsoed to be anyway

    Austinish I think. That's where Mike Judge grew up if I am remembering for true.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    On a normal weeknight, Netflix (NFLX) accounts for almost a third of all Internet traffic entering North American homes. That’s more than YouTube, Hulu, Amazon.com (AMZN), HBO Go, iTunes, and BitTorrent combined. Traffic to Netflix usually peaks at around 10 p.m. in each time zone, at which point a chart of Internet consumption looks like a python that swallowed a cow. By midnight Pacific time, streaming volume falls off dramatically.


    i wonder how many american households have netflix

    I dunno about america specifically but from the same article
    Netflix has more than 36 million subscribers. They watch about 4 billion hours of programs every quarter on more than 1,000 different devices. To meet this demand, the company uses specialized video servers scattered around the world. When a subscriber clicks on a movie to stream, Netflix determines within a split second which server containing that movie is closest to the user, then picks from dozens of versions of the video file, depending on the device the viewer is using. At company headquarters in Los Gatos, Calif., teams of mathematicians and designers study what people watch and build algorithms and interfaces to present them with the collection of videos that will keep them watching.

  • FeralFeral Who needs a medical license when you've got style? Registered User regular

    I am comforted by Richard Dawkins’ theory of memes. Those are mental units: thoughts, ideas, gestures, notions, songs, beliefs, rhymes, ideals, teachings, sayings, phrases, clichés that move from mind to mind as genes move from body to body. After a lifetime of writing, teaching, broadcasting and telling too many jokes, I will leave behind more memes than many. They will all also eventually die, but so it goes. - Roger Ebert, I Do Not Fear Death
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    Zephiran wrote: »

    Quoting the OP For Fun and Profit
  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    Okay, to avoid legal issues you must all go off and buy Hawkeye comics.
    i couldn't find any hawkguy comics

    Do you mean Iron Fist?
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    Arlen is located in the hearts of everyone who appreciates a properly cleaned, efficient propane grill.
    Hank's distaste of charcoal is the one thing that always made me cringe.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    being both horny and on the rag is a special level of hell

    oh, are you and aaron cowards?

    Nah, we've done it on the rag before but it's just not as enjoyable

    Pushing against the Niagara-like flow of extra chunky spaghetti sauce just ain't go down as well as the other three weeks in the month, yanno?

    yeah and then you pull out and we just look down and we can see a little hand of our unborn child weakly gripping onto your bloody pubic hair and its a mood killer
  • Rear Admiral ChocoRear Admiral Choco Registered User regular
    I got tiny sneeze disease from Cass

    My coworkers have called me adorable

  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    what part of texas is arlen suppsoed to be anyway

    i think i read it was based on an austin suburb

    but really it's like

    pretty much all of texas
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular

  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    @desc this song in saints row always reminds me of you


    Every song I love but am pretty sure no one else on earth likes makes me think of you

    They are elendil listening moments
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Geth thinks your fleshling ailments are adorable, too.
  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    Zephiran wrote: »

    Quoting the OP For Fun and Profit

  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    being both horny and on the rag is a special level of hell

    oh, are you and aaron cowards?

    Nah, we've done it on the rag before but it's just not as enjoyable

    Pushing against the Niagara-like flow of extra chunky spaghetti sauce just ain't go down as well as the other three weeks in the month, yanno?

    yeah and then you pull out and we just look down and we can see a little hand of our unborn child weakly gripping onto your bloody pubic hair and its a mood killer


    wait, what?

    Gurl, I do not know that feel
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    oh my fucking god I just want it to be next week already
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    Things Quid doesn't do:

    Get sick.

    Don't do the things Quid does doesn't do.
  • CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    Quid wrote: »
    Arlen is located in the hearts of everyone who appreciates a properly cleaned, efficient propane grill.
    Hank's distaste of charcoal is the one thing that always made me cringe.

    The episode where Bobby and Peggie discover the greatness of charcoal is great.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    So that's how it feels to make a Cass post...

    dude if you have to text me to ask for approval it's not a cass post
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular

  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    Quid wrote: »
    Things Quid doesn't do:

    Get sick.

    Don't do the things Quid does doesn't do.


    But I want to be awesome.
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    Those 3D printers take, like, hours to print something a couple inches tall.

    If it starts printing cop shoes instead of your designer drug, turn that shit off.
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    being both horny and on the rag is a special level of hell

    oh, are you and aaron cowards?

    Nah, we've done it on the rag before but it's just not as enjoyable

    Pushing against the Niagara-like flow of extra chunky spaghetti sauce just ain't go down as well as the other three weeks in the month, yanno?

    yeah and then you pull out and we just look down and we can see a little hand of our unborn child weakly gripping onto your bloody pubic hair and its a mood killer


    wait, what?

    Gurl, I do not know that feel


    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Quid wrote: »
    Things Quid doesn't do:

    Get sick.

    Don't do the things Quid does doesn't do.

    You better not get sick, you have an appointment with my sniper rifle tonight.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    when pot is legal I wonder if it will be legal to brew beer with pot in it
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Quid wrote: »
    Things Quid doesn't do:

    Get sick.

    Don't do the things Quid does doesn't do.

    You better not get sick, you have an appointment with my sniper rifle tonight.

    Oh hey that's tonight isn't it?
  • Rear Admiral ChocoRear Admiral Choco Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »
    Those 3D printers take, like, hours to print something a couple inches tall.

    If it starts printing cop shoes instead of your designer drug, turn that shit off.

    But then what happens to the cop

  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    when pot is legal I wonder if it will be legal to brew beer with pot in it

    Corehealer on
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    king of the hill is way funnier if you live/have lived in texas and you are not will

    seriously every time i saw it i was like

    why are you so ignorant hank hill why are your friends so goddamned ignorant

    what is wrong with you people


    Also: Netflix has >30 million subscribers.
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Irond Will wrote: »
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    Lol @ DVDs.

    How do you watch King of the Hill, Icy?

    Netflix is the one true path.

    does it make sense in canada

    like, when it first came out i was living in texas and hated living there

    watching king of the hill was honestly just too painful for me

This discussion has been closed.