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King of the [Chat]



  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Kalkino wrote: »
    I am also mildly amused that Auckland was named after the man who organised the first catastrophic British invasion of Afghanistan. Although to be fair to the good citizens of that town, it wasn't given the name because of the defeat

    I thought it was named after the Great Auk
  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    I was curious about what Noah Wyle had been doing since ER, but last night I returned from watching the new Star Trek movie and had my curiosity slaked as I saw the last twenty minutes of something called The Librarian. Boy howdy it is terrible. Take Indiana Jones, make him an insufferable git, add effects that would shame Plan 9 From Outer Space, stir in some decent actors clearly thinking about the extension this paycheck will give them (Kyle MacLachan and Kelly Hu, surely you could be doing better work somewhere), then add Bob Newhart in an action sequence. It is one of the most painful things I've ever seen. Like MacGyver, but smug and much, much worse.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    I was curious about what Noah Wyle had been doing since ER, but last night I returned from watching the new Star Trek movie and had my curiosity slaked as I saw the last twenty minutes of something called The Librarian. Boy howdy it is terrible. Take Indiana Jones, make him an insufferable git, add effects that would shame Plan 9 From Outer Space, stir in some decent actors clearly thinking about the extension this paycheck will give them (Kyle MacLachan and Kelly Hu, surely you could be doing better work somewhere), then add Bob Newhart in an action sequence. It is one of the most painful things I've ever seen. Like MacGyver, but smug and much, much worse.

    This sounds wonderful.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Falling Skies was ok at least.

    edit: unless it got a lot worse in season 2. I've only seen season 1.
    evilbob on
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Kalkino wrote: »
    I am also mildly amused that Auckland was named after the man who organised the first catastrophic British invasion of Afghanistan. Although to be fair to the good citizens of that town, it wasn't given the name because of the defeat

    I thought it was named after the Great Auk

    You need to stop reading the Secret History of the World as told by the Lord Protectors of the Association of the Anti Avian Ascendancy as they were quite mad

    Also, I am reading Lord Auckland's sister, Emily Eden's diaries.

    So far it is amusing if not particularly interesting, but apparently she has a lot of useful observations about India and the wars, once she moves there with her brother

    Miss Eden to Lady Buckinghamshire.

    June 4 [1819].
    MY DEAREST SISTER, Mary went out last night to Mrs. Baring’s[96] ball, which was not likely to do her much good, and is completely “frappée en haut” (Sir W. Wynn’s translation of “knocked up”) with headache and fatigue this morning. Dissipation is not likely to agree with her, certainly, but then, Sister, think of the pineapples and strawberries and ices and temporary rooms and magnificent hangings and beautiful flowers at Mrs. Baring’s.
    I wish I was a rich old banker; but then I would not have, or own, so many fellow-creatures as the Barings do. I keep my comforts a little more to myself.... We have had a most alarming visit from Rogers the Poet this morning, the very recollection of which would make my hair, black pins, combs and all, stand on end, if they had ever subsided since his first appearance. I never saw such a satirical, odious wretch, and I was calculating the whole time, from what he was saying of other people, what he could find ill-natured enough to say of us. I had never seen him before, and trust I never shall again. Your most affectionate

    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    Tav wrote: »
    This sounds wonderful.

    It is not. It is very bad. It wants to be charming and exciting and epic, but ends up smug and insufferable and shoddy.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Also you best not be dissing MacGyver. It's the perfect level of cheesy.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    Tav wrote: »
    This sounds wonderful.

    It is not. It is very bad. It wants to be charming and exciting and epic, but ends up smug and insufferable and shoddy.

    I love terribad movies.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Woo almost have DoW2: Retribution downloaded. Gonna play the IG campaign again and go crazy with melta guns. :D
  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    MacGyver was not very good, even as cheese. Sorry.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    MacGyver was not very good, even as cheese. Sorry.

    Dude blows up a wall with a conical flask of acid and bicarb in the first episode. What's not to love?
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    MacGyver was not very good, even as cheese. Sorry.

    You are a bad man. HE WAS A HERO!

    Remember that time he outsmarted the high tech mountain base with the AI controlled robot security guards??
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Noah's show is pretty bad though, I have seen an entire episode and I wish I hadn't
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    I like the car racing episode where it turns out was a really good driver in f1 but totally not f1 because we aren't paying for the rights to show footage of that, but somehow this was never mentioned before or since.
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    The problem with Bogart is, like many a silly school boy who inadvertently chose the wrong football team to support, that he chose the wrong person to support, in this case, Murdoc.

    Being a staunch Murdoc partisan, Bogart is naturally anti MacGyver


    To be fair to Bogart, Murdoc was not simply a one dimensional villain, he was a noted pianist as well
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    I think there was an episode of MacGyver that nicked all the car chase footage from the original Italian Job and edited in shots of Richard Dean Andersen pretending to drive. Just awful.
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    I think there was an episode of MacGyver that nicked all the car chase footage from the original Italian Job and edited in shots of Richard Dean Andersen pretending to drive. Just awful.
    Awfully awesome you humorless bastard.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    I think there was an episode of MacGyver that nicked all the car chase footage from the original Italian Job and edited in shots of Richard Dean Andersen pretending to drive. Just awful.


    It is a mashup!
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Kagera wrote: »
    Bogart wrote: »
    I think there was an episode of MacGyver that nicked all the car chase footage from the original Italian Job and edited in shots of Richard Dean Andersen pretending to drive. Just awful.
    Awfully awesome you humorless bastard.

    Oh gods they even left the bit in where they stole the chicken off a plate as the drivers drove past a restaurant
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • HaphazardHaphazard Registered User regular
    Yesterday was a good day. Met @Aldo , which was lovely as always.
    Also, I watched Into Darkness, which I really liked. It was fun and had, in retrospect, really well constructed trailers.
  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    Look, I don't want to ruin anyone's innocent enjoyment of a cheesy TV show, but it is a fact that people who gain genuine pleasure from MacGyver over the age of fourteen are Nazis.

    Even the episodes with the evergreen Bruce McGill, a man I could watch do almost anything.
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Bogart wrote: »
    I think there was an episode of MacGyver that nicked all the car chase footage from the original Italian Job and edited in shots of Richard Dean Andersen pretending to drive. Just awful.

    Yep! There was also one where MacGyver has to stop a column of army ants from eating a South American plantation, which cheerfully repurposed footage from the Charlton Heston movie The Naked Jungle, where Heston has to stop a column of army ants from eating etc etc
  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    Maybe there was an episode of MacGyver where he had to go back in time and rescue a resistance figurehead from a sticky situation in North Africa while also owning a bar and romancing a sultry brunette and also I guess he's colourblind or something.

    For some reason I am now remembering the episode of Moonlighting where the whole thing was a dance thing set to Billy Joel's Big Man On Mulberry Street. Man that was odd. Or the one where they did The Taming Of The Shrew.
  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    I am in the office, by the way, for the second day of this weekend in a row, which may be affecting my good humour.

    Jacob, new Star Trek is worth seeing but you may cringe at certain parts. Give me a shout when you've seen it so we can waste a significant portion of our lives talking about it.
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    McGyver was a show about a guy taking random bits of stuff lying around, sticking them together, and somehow producing a half hour television series out of it starring Richard Dean Andersen
    Elldren on
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Bogart wrote: »
    I am in the office, by the way, for the second day of this weekend in a row, which may be affecting my good humour.

    Jacob, new Star Trek is worth seeing but you may cringe at certain parts. Give me a shout when you've seen it so we can waste a significant portion of our lives talking about it.

    it will be in a fortnight or so because of encroaching Communism
  • HaphazardHaphazard Registered User regular
    Speaking of ants. You know which movie I always like when it pops up on TV? Phase IV. It's one of the few films I will watch when stumbling upon it.
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular

    Well at least we can all agree that this is the best opening to a 1980s US tv show

    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
    Hmm. Digging the Game Grumps so far.
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Elldren: omg mcgyver facts
    jacobkosh: in chat??
    Elldren: tell me they stole more stock footage
    jacobkosh: oh dude
    jacobkosh: I can't speak for the whole show
    jacobkosh: but my roommate kit got the first season many years ago and we watched all the way through
    jacobkosh: and there were at least six episodes that did it
    Elldren: :D
    Elldren: tell me more!
    jacobkosh: it was so bad and blatant
    jacobkosh: like
    jacobkosh: there'd be some circa 1970s shot of Bermuda
    jacobkosh: with that certain kind of film quality or whatever
    jacobkosh: cut to a video shot of Richard Dean Anderson with 80s hair on what is clearly an LA beach
    Elldren: XD
    jacobkosh: and then someone walks up and says in some really affected "caribbean" accent WELCOME TO BERMUDA MR MACGYVER
    jacobkosh: and like
    jacobkosh: you can see the Capitol Records building in the background
    jacobkosh: or whatever
    jacobkosh: like it is almost impressive in its audacity
    Elldren: XD
    jacobkosh: t's so funny to me because it speaks of a completely different era of TV
    jacobkosh: you couldn't do that now
    jacobkosh: the internet would savage you
    jacobkosh: modern jet-setting TV shows that don't have the budget for location shooting at least have the decency to just like, get a picture of the exterior of a French building or whatever before cutting to an interior set and being like PARIS EMBASSY or something
    Elldren: yeah
    Elldren: I thought my comment was droll
    jacobkosh: it is so weird what holds up. all my beloved childhood cartoons are almost without exception just execrable, animated-at-2-fps toy commercial garbage. but the disney cartoons are legit brilliant. knight rider and the a-team turn out to be awful, macgyver is cheap, but the equalizer and magnum pi are fantastic dramas that presage modern television. ALF is barely watchable but married with children is a classic. young jacob would be so confused
  • HaphazardHaphazard Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    I am in the office, by the way, for the second day of this weekend in a row, which may be affecting my good humour.

    Jacob, new Star Trek is worth seeing but you may cringe at certain parts. Give me a shout when you've seen it so we can waste a significant portion of our lives talking about it.

    I am not Jacob, but here are my two gripes with the new film (spoilery, obviously):
    Seemingly every major character has to squeeze out a single tear over the course of the film.
    Also, seemingly ever single character who ever stumbled upon the bridge got one quick close-up shot in the film, which felt really forced.
  • Giggles_FunsworthGiggles_Funsworth Paranoiac Bay Area SprawlRegistered User regular
    I have just become familiar with the phrase "hard left Obama Democrat".

    Fuck me.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    my wife is more of a morning person so she usually gets up with sawyer and lets me sleep

    but its mothers day so Ive been up with soy since ~5am

  • BogartBogart Registered User regular
    Haps, major Star Trek spoilers.
    I thought everything worked really well except the painful attempts to rework scenes from WoK, but those bits were incredibly awful.

    I have no idea whether those bits work for people who've never seen the original film, but for someone who's seen it many times and loves it they were just painful.
    my wife is more of a morning person so she usually gets up with sawyer and lets me sleep

    but its mothers day so Ive been up with soy since ~5am


  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    my wife is more of a morning person so she usually gets up with sawyer and lets me sleep

    but its mothers day so Ive been up with soy since ~5am


    Take babby to pub?
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • HaphazardHaphazard Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Bogart wrote: »
    Haps, major Star Trek spoilers.
    I thought everything worked really well except the painful attempts to rework scenes from WoK, but those bits were incredibly awful.

    I have no idea whether those bits work for people who've never seen the original film, but for someone who's seen it many times and loves it they were just painful.
    I dunno, I kinda liked it. I guess. Like, it makes much more sense to pit Spock against Kahn in a physical fight. The reversal of the Spock dying scene also worked for me.
    And Cumberbatch did a fine job playing a megalomaniacal superhuman. Perhaps not as memorable as Montalban, but still fine.
    Haphazard on
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    I want to see Star Trek but money is tight and I need to save for Pacific Rim
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    ok bros elldren and I are waxing nostalgic about TV

    join us join usssss


    @Bogart did you ever hear of Mystery? It was our PBS show that packaged all your UK mystery programs and bookended them with introductions and closing thoughts by Vincent Price and Diana Rigg

    check out the Edward Gorey intro!

This discussion has been closed.