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Where in the world is [GeoGuessr]?

FearghaillFearghaill TEAM NICKRegistered User regular
edited May 2013 in Social Entropy++
So this is the coolest thing I've seen done with the Google Maps API probably ever

The game drops you into a random Street View location, and you need to guess where you are. You can use the Street View navigation to move around a bit and look for clues, but you can't zoom out and check the map. Once you think you know where you are, you click on the smaller map in the corner, and submit your guess. Points are awarded based on how many kilometers you are from the location, and you get 5 locations/guesses each round.

Come at me:

Fearghaill on


  • FearghaillFearghaill TEAM NICKRegistered User regular
    (When in doubt, it's in either Australia or Scandinavia)
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King arf arf Registered User regular
    this is very cool

    i do not know the world
  • FearghaillFearghaill TEAM NICKRegistered User regular
    I am bad at Russia.
  • FlarneFlarne Registered User regular
    92 meters off on a small town in the middle of the South Australian outback. Feels good.
  • PersonfacePersonface HAIL GAY SATANRegistered User regular
    My father took a brief look at the location and guessed to within 7km
    His knowledge of Polish geography is unmatched
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King arf arf Registered User regular

  • FlarneFlarne Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Russia is hard. So is Alaska.
    Flarne on
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    This looks pretty neat!
  • Quantum TigerQuantum Tiger There is no answer, only absurdity... And french toastRegistered User regular

    I cheated extensively with google so count me out of the competition

    Fun fact: My fifth round landed me directly outside this place
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular


    That is oddly close to me. Like 15 miles away.

    I got one where it literally put me at the foot of aztec temple.
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ha and then I get one that points me at a sign that says "ALIEN FRESH JERKY!" obviously I'm near area 51

    Edit: and I was super wrong
    Bucketman on
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    I got placed right next to a tour bus in Seoul for one of mine.
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King arf arf Registered User regular
    Yeah that 1km one was because it put me infront of the elementary school
  • BloodsheedBloodsheed Registered User regular
    Oh this is addictive.

    Also, my 4th round just plunked me on a dirt road in the middle of no where. I'm going to go with "Lucky if I hit the right continent" on this one.
    Xbox Live, Steam, PSN: Eclibull
  • Quantum TigerQuantum Tiger There is no answer, only absurdity... And french toastRegistered User regular
    I landed on a beach where they apparently dive for diamonds
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2013
    Oh jesus, my second photo is just this lone road going through a semi-arid completely unpopulated area so there's no buildings, no significant landmarks, just a bunch of dry grass and trees/shrubs with a two lane paved road running through it. So really the only thing I have to go on is the plants.
    Druhim on
  • Quantum TigerQuantum Tiger There is no answer, only absurdity... And french toastRegistered User regular
    Druhim wrote: »
    Oh jesus, my second photo is just this lone road going through a semi-arid completely unpopulated area so there's no buildings, no significant landmarks, just a bunch of dry grass and trees/shrubs with a two lane paved road running through it. So really the only thing I have to go on is the plants.

    Australian outback is a good bet
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I got 1.007 km off just now when they dropped me right in the downtown of a big-ass city with Cyrillic script and blue and yellow everywhere and right in front of what's clearly some major structure. Which means I'm in Kiev and now it's just a matter of zooming in, picking some principal-looking spot and guessing. (Turns out it was Maidan Nezalezhnosti if you're playing along at home; I guessed Poshtova Square.)
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • AtheraalAtheraal Registered User regular
    I got one of those, and guessed somewhere randomly in the American midwest. Turned out I was less than 100 km off.
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Druhim wrote: »
    Oh jesus, my second photo is just this lone road going through a semi-arid completely unpopulated area so there's no buildings, no significant landmarks, just a bunch of dry grass and trees/shrubs with a two lane paved road running through it. So really the only thing I have to go on is the plants.

    Australian outback is a good bet

    It could also be plenty of places in the southern U.S. as well as plenty of places throughout South America. It could even be somewhere in Africa. The only way to make a reasonable guess would be if I recognized specific plants that I knew had a limited range.
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Not to mention that the Australian outback is huge.
  • FearghaillFearghaill TEAM NICKRegistered User regular
    I've learned that I'm really bad at distinguishing the american southwest from Australia, and Mexico from South America.

    And Russia is too dang big

    my proudest moment has been confusing norwegian and new zealand fjordland though
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Druhim wrote: »
    Oh jesus, my second photo is just this lone road going through a semi-arid completely unpopulated area so there's no buildings, no significant landmarks, just a bunch of dry grass and trees/shrubs with a two lane paved road running through it. So really the only thing I have to go on is the plants.

    Australian outback is a good bet

    Ok, you ended up being pretty close! I clicked down the road and came to an intersection with a road name and then looked up the road in Australia. After checking several intersections I found the right one near the Moore River Reserve just north of Perth. :)
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King arf arf Registered User regular
    I saw like what I thought where redwoods but where actually cedars and I was like pfft west coast british columbia

    hahahaha nope Finland!
  • BloodsheedBloodsheed Registered User regular
    Finished my first game with a logging road in the middle of nowhere Canada (I guessed a Dakota).

    Starting my second game and "Scandanavian Lake" does a poor job of narrowing it down without outside googling the unpronounceable 18 syllable name, dammit...
    Xbox Live, Steam, PSN: Eclibull
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
  • FearghaillFearghaill TEAM NICKRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    started a game with a street I've actually been on, in my province

    next one was a coral reef

    and the one that gave me Vice City flashbacks actually was Miami. awesome!
    Fearghaill on
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King arf arf Registered User regular
    One dropped me in a city 10 kms outside of rome

    It wasn't rome but gosh darn did it look like a place in roome I stood it!
  • AtheraalAtheraal Registered User regular
    I am easily amused.
    But then, if I weren't, would I still be playing this?
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    GOOD NEWS: Getting dropped right near a big red maple leaf and a sign saying 'Cape Breton'.
    BAD NEWS: Forgetting what coast of Canada Cape Breton is on. Guessing west. Being told east.
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • ZayZay FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan Please, just call me York.Registered User regular
    Druhim wrote: »
    Druhim wrote: »
    Oh jesus, my second photo is just this lone road going through a semi-arid completely unpopulated area so there's no buildings, no significant landmarks, just a bunch of dry grass and trees/shrubs with a two lane paved road running through it. So really the only thing I have to go on is the plants.

    Australian outback is a good bet

    Ok, you ended up being pretty close! I clicked down the road and came to an intersection with a road name and then looked up the road in Australia. After checking several intersections I found the right one near the Moore River Reserve just north of Perth. :)

    if you're looking stuff up you're playing it wrong
  • AtheraalAtheraal Registered User regular
    21080 points total, with googling. It's more fun playing that way, I think. I enjoy faux detective work.
  • FearghaillFearghaill TEAM NICKRegistered User regular
    eh, as long as you're learning about geography I'd say the game's purpose is being met

    otherwise it's just guesswork.

    a high score without research is definitely more impressive though
  • Quantum TigerQuantum Tiger There is no answer, only absurdity... And french toastRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yeah, it depends on how you want to spend your time

    I'm probably the worlds foremost expert on a certain 10m stretch of road in a South African fishing village
    Quantum Tiger on
  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    I guess Paraguay looks a lot like sourthern ohio.
  • MrMonroeMrMonroe Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    it's because of how smart I am
    MrMonroe on
  • BloodsheedBloodsheed Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I do as much as I can without looking anything up, but if all I'm getting is names of places that I have no context for or in a language I don't understand, instead of just making a blind stab I'll take what clues I have to google to try and track it down. Usually I'm close and just need that last bit to narrow it down.

    Also, interestingly, I just got plopped in a landmark panorama spot that wasn't from the normal streetview vehicle and couldn't move anywhere from it, so that was a different kind of challange.
    It was the Cuban Capital Building in Havana
    Bloodsheed on
    Xbox Live, Steam, PSN: Eclibull
  • AtheraalAtheraal Registered User regular
    14k without googling, I just lucked out that it plunked me down in front of the nightmare mansion in VA.
  • FlarneFlarne Registered User regular
    So apparently the google staff take the camera with them for lunch. Streetview just went right into a small scottish restaurant.

    25k points without googling. You shouldn't be allowed to call your business Upper Iowa Welding if you're actually across the border in Minnesota! And resolution too low to read the road signs is shit.
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