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[Phalla] Time Wars: JUMP 1 - DAY 1



  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    CesareB wrote: »
    Man, time travel sure was/is/will be a popular genre right about then/now/eventually.

    Time travel and rule changes, buddy.

    My next project combines two flavors that taste good together into a game where you can change the rules and all rule changes apply retroactively.
  • premiumpremium Registered User regular
    I actually wanted to run another time travel game because I felt my last one was really underwhelming but I think I'm going to put that on hold for at least a few months.
  • SLyMSLyM Registered User regular
    Time travel will being fun to does.
    Steam Starcraft SLeague of Legends
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Invictus wrote: »
    CesareB wrote: »
    Man, time travel sure was/is/will be a popular genre right about then/now/eventually.

    Time travel and rule changes, buddy.

    My next project combines two flavors that taste good together into a game where you can change the rules and all rule changes apply retroactively.


    Speaking of which I wish they'd hurry up and release the last WoT book as paperback so I can read it and finish up my game of balefire paradoxes
  • The AnonymousThe Anonymous Despair. Registered User regular
    I've come from the future to ensure the village's absolute victory in this game
  • OminousLozengeOminousLozenge Registered User regular
    @OminousLozenge and @TheRoadVirus, come be time travel bros with us.

    Even if you're mad, join up. We'll all go back and have ice cream instead of doing the thing that pissed you off, ok?

    Too busy, sorry bro. Probably gonna be that way for a good 3 weeks if the past few days have been any indicator. :\
  • MillMill Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Invictus wrote: »

    As long as I don't have to be nethead.
    Mill on
  • TheRoadVirusTheRoadVirus Well then, no time to lose. I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off.Registered User regular
  • SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.

  • TheRoadVirusTheRoadVirus Well then, no time to lose. I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off.Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.


    Well o' course you do! You've all of time ! And space! Silly humans. So linear. Play the game and we will have you back before you left!
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Mill wrote: »
    Invictus wrote: »

    As long as I don't have to be nethead.

    I'll be mafia nethead!
  • JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    Sign me up
  • SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.


    Well o' course you do! You've all of time ! And space! Silly humans. So linear. Play the game and we will have you back before you left!

    But inspector! What if the tea and crumpets get cold?
  • TheRoadVirusTheRoadVirus Well then, no time to lose. I'm the Doctor. Do everything I tell you, don't ask stupid questions, and don't wander off.Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.


    Well o' course you do! You've all of time ! And space! Silly humans. So linear. Play the game and we will have you back before you left!

    But inspector! What if the tea and crumpets get cold?

    You're looking at the wrong traveler, Reggie! Just... just wait here. he'll be along. Probably. Well, maybe. Well, he will be here but not maybe in the right when. His aim was always a bit...off
  • kimekime Queen of Blades I am the SwarmRegistered User regular
    'allo! Did someone say time war? Well, allons-y!

    hehe nice av :P
  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Hipstah Kitteh Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    But @SaberOverEasy ... if you play all the players I've stabbed in the back will be in. You can form a covenant and end my reign of tyrrany.
    Mikey CTS on
    Astro Girl, Paragon of Titan - "And Justice for All" M&M3e
    Nadine Seksuel, Human Swashbuckler - Wyvern Watch DW

    GM of [Deadlands: Reloaded] Coffin Rock
  • MegafrostMegafrost Leader of the Decepticons Registered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.


    Well done, Mafia. You managed to day -1 Saber.
  • SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Registered User regular
    Mikey CTS wrote: »
    But @SaberOverEasy ... if you play all the players I've stabbed in the back will be in. You can form a covenant and end my reign of tyrrany.

    Wait, when did you stab me in the back?
  • SeGaTaiSeGaTai Registered User regular
    Signup for adventures in spacetime
    PSN SeGaTai
  • Mikey CTSMikey CTS Hipstah Kitteh Registered User regular
    Mikey CTS wrote: »
    But @SaberOverEasy ... if you play all the players I've stabbed in the back will be in. You can form a covenant and end my reign of tyrrany.

    Wait, when did you stab me in the back?

    Poker phalla, I believe. Or the one before. I was mafia and you were convinced I was village.
    Astro Girl, Paragon of Titan - "And Justice for All" M&M3e
    Nadine Seksuel, Human Swashbuckler - Wyvern Watch DW

    GM of [Deadlands: Reloaded] Coffin Rock
  • SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Registered User regular
    Mikey CTS wrote: »
    Mikey CTS wrote: »
    But @SaberOverEasy ... if you play all the players I've stabbed in the back will be in. You can form a covenant and end my reign of tyrrany.

    Wait, when did you stab me in the back?

    Poker phalla, I believe. Or the one before. I was mafia and you were convinced I was village.

    Totally forgot about it.
    For you, it was the worst day of your life.

    For me it was Tuesday.
    I just really wanted to say that at some point.
  • ZonugalZonugal One girl... I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat.Registered User regular
    Be it the 4th or 5th dimension, I'm coming for blood.

  • AuralynxAuralynx Registered User regular
    Does this game take place in a timeline where Zonugal networks and makes sense? Signs point to no, but we can always hope.
    Playing in:
    World's Largest Dungeon 4E as Torbera
    BSG Exodus Game 17 as Tom Zarek
    Twilight Imperium Game 7 as Muaat
  • ZonugalZonugal One girl... I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat.Registered User regular
    Zonugal does what he wants.

    Zonugal is a man without regrets.

    Zonugal lives his life like a burning man.
  • ZonugalZonugal One girl... I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat.Registered User regular
    Also let it be known that Zonugal would be down for networking (and has done so in the past) he just needs to be approached in the right way.

    "Hey, what are you?" is a really shitty approach.

    Quit approaching me that way.
  • ZonugalZonugal One girl... I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat.Registered User regular
    In addition, let it be known that I don't care if I have to rip the multiverse apart.

    I'm gonna murder Phyphor and drink tequila out of his skull by this game's end.
  • ObiFettObiFett Phalla Bounty Hunter Seeking ContractsRegistered User regular
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.


    Just save up that time for Phallance 2. ;)

    Because if you don't play in that I will be very disappointed.
    Phalla Bounty Board coming soon...
  • InvictusInvictus Registered User regular
    ObiFett wrote: »
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.


    Just save up that time for Phallance 2. ;)

    Because if you don't play in that I will be very disappointed.

    Is this coming soon?
  • ObiFettObiFett Phalla Bounty Hunter Seeking ContractsRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Invictus wrote: »
    ObiFett wrote: »
    Megafrost wrote: »

    I really do love Obi-phalla. I really just don't have a ton of time at the moment.


    Just save up that time for Phallance 2. ;)

    Because if you don't play in that I will be very disappointed.

    Is this coming soon?

    Yeah, a month or so.

    I am ironing out some kinks but it is mostly complete. I'm am really excited about it.
    ObiFett on
    Phalla Bounty Board coming soon...
  • MrBlarneyMrBlarney Registered User regular
    I !sign up. Nothin' more to be said than that.
  • FlarneFlarne Registered User regular
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    In addition, let it be known that I don't care if I have to rip the multiverse apart.

    I'm gonna murder Phyphor and drink tequila out of his skull by this game's end.

    I'm totally gonna be mafia and fool everybody by not killing you on day 1
  • MillMill Registered User regular
    Nah, this will be the game where Zonugal ends up being mafia. Then phy will also end up being mafia. Both of you will curse RNG for not allowing for the exchange since that would go against your shared wincon. Then the SK, which will probably be kime, will kill both of you. :P
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Why must you speak such horrors?
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Also, unless I broke the code to parse posts when I copied it over the magic box should be back for this game!
  • MillMill Registered User regular
    Just to get this out of my system since it's sort of relevant. :P
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Phyphor wrote: »
    Zonugal wrote: »
    In addition, let it be known that I don't care if I have to rip the multiverse apart.

    I'm gonna murder Phyphor and drink tequila out of his skull by this game's end.

    I'm totally gonna be mafia and fool everybody by not killing you on day 1

    this wine is delightful
  • blahmcblahblahmcblah Registered User regular
    Phyphor wrote: »
    Invictus wrote: »
    CesareB wrote: »
    Man, time travel sure was/is/will be a popular genre right about then/now/eventually.

    Time travel and rule changes, buddy.

    My next project combines two flavors that taste good together into a game where you can change the rules and all rule changes apply retroactively.


    Speaking of which I wish they'd hurry up and release the last WoT book as paperback so I can read it and finish up my game of balefire paradoxes

    Don't they have libraries in Canadia?
    Hosting: Game 87 of Chaos in the Old World

    Playing: Blah's Baby Bestiary in Dungeon Petz Game 1
    "Caprica" Six in Exodus Game 12 of Battlestar Galactica
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    I've actually been infiltrating America for the past little while in preparation for our eventual takeover, so no
  • MillMill Registered User regular
    Phyphor wrote: »
    I've actually been infiltrating America for the past little while in preparation for our eventual takeover, so no

    Gasp, you're part of Brood II!

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