Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[chat] going one way, people another



  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @IcyLiquid
    According to orokos r means reroll if that number or lower. since 9 leaves only one value and you exploded that. maybe it rolled the sub10s invisibly?

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    geth roll 1d1h1
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    So today there is a Twitch.tv app launching on 360

    US Only
    requires Xbox Live Gold
    and you can only watch the top 300 channels on Twitch

    Sounds like I'd be better off with a laptop in that regard.
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    it really doesn't help when RMS says something like that with his "i shall immolate your living soul" train face av

    He is happy because he just got back from Crewe a fine place for SICK ENGINES thank you very much. emot-colbert.gif

    he is smiling because he has found unguarded and innocent beings he can feed to the dark prince of eternal pain

    that is what that facial expression says

    A pox on you and your innate fear of otherness caused by particular manifestations of anthropomorphism!


    promise me you won't look into its eyes

    ignore the whispers

    and remember

    the Emperor protects
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • BobCescaBobCesca Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    i wonder how dark i can get before i fall outside peoples notions of me

    lets find out!
    oh you wanna play fucked up chicken?

    I'll let you start.

    not really to be honest

    if there's anyone left in [chat] who doesn't think i'm a terrible person i'd like to keep that last shred of faith in me alive

    I am of the opinion you are pretty awesome.

    You will not disabuse me of this fact.
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    BobCesca wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    i wonder how dark i can get before i fall outside peoples notions of me

    lets find out!
    oh you wanna play fucked up chicken?

    I'll let you start.

    not really to be honest

    if there's anyone left in [chat] who doesn't think i'm a terrible person i'd like to keep that last shred of faith in me alive

    I am of the opinion you are pretty awesome.

    You will not disabuse me of this fact.

    i knew there had to be at least one of you

    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @IcyLiquid

    oh wait I figured it out

    the r argument rerolls results less than the target number now (for stuff like Brutal in D&D I guess)

    what is the argument to reroll results over the target?
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Denying allows for a wider disparity in gold and XP amount between teams.

    Thus things can snowball harder.

    Like, this is very basic. I am not sure what you are getting hung up on.

    For all of the reasons I laid out in detail in two posts above.

    It creates a disparity that is local. It is skill based, and therefore you can do something about it. It is most relevant in the early game and if a snowballing happens in the first 15 minutes then you are losing anyway. By focusing on denying you are missing getting last hits yourself. It does not affect the global gold gain - only last hits in that lane.

    After the early game the laning phase is over and there close to zero denying going on at all.

    Does snowballing has a special MOBA definition?

    You seem to be admitting to the general game usage of snowballing "A confrontation win now makes future confrontations more likely to be won by the previous winner." You are also arguing that it isn't really relevant to the general game picture which isn't something I can comment on.

    Not really, snowballing to me is when one team is just so powerful that the other team simply cannot win any engagements.

    Denying is really important but only in the early game as you can jump more powerfully into mid game. But given the disparity of all heroes available this effectively means nothing outside of the first quarter. Something that can be tactically used to give you an advantage is not the same as causing snowballing.

    The main function is to close down early farm for carry's.

    that's a bad definition of snowballing that doesn't even make sense

    that's not what a snowball does!

    Sorry I left out the unspoken but completely obvious part where the snowball grows larger because they keep winning engagements. Better?

    it still makes no sense to only call it snowballing when it is past the point where one team just cannot win
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d1+9223372036854775807
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    it really doesn't help when RMS says something like that with his "i shall immolate your living soul" train face av

    He is happy because he just got back from Crewe a fine place for SICK ENGINES thank you very much. emot-colbert.gif

    he is smiling because he has found unguarded and innocent beings he can feed to the dark prince of eternal pain

    that is what that facial expression says

    A pox on you and your innate fear of otherness caused by particular manifestations of anthropomorphism!


    promise me you won't look into its eyes

    ignore the whispers

    and remember

    the Emperor protects

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Hatthulhu Sodor wgah'nagl fhtagn.
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    geth, roll 4d6k3

    str =
    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    So today there is a Twitch.tv app launching on 360

    US Only
    requires Xbox Live Gold
    and you can only watch the top 300 channels on Twitch

    Sounds like I'd be better off with a laptop in that regard.

    Yeah especially if you want to watch something other then the 75% League of Legends/DotA2, SC2 or MMO streams you are going to see.

    Twitch has become such a terrible service to what it used to be in the last 2 years its pretty sad.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    So today there is a Twitch.tv app launching on 360

    US Only
    requires Xbox Live Gold
    and you can only watch the top 300 channels on Twitch

    XBox Live Gold lol.

    Microsoft fat cats sitting around a board room

    Laughing about how people pay $10/month for a service you can get for free anywhere else

    Making fun of all the idiots shelling out the dough
    Like me :(
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    BobCesca wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    i wonder how dark i can get before i fall outside peoples notions of me

    lets find out!
    oh you wanna play fucked up chicken?

    I'll let you start.

    not really to be honest

    if there's anyone left in [chat] who doesn't think i'm a terrible person i'd like to keep that last shred of faith in me alive

    I am of the opinion you are pretty awesome.

    You will not disabuse me of this fact.

    i knew there had to be at least one of you


    if it makes you feel any better, in a Ludious Empire, you would be in the quick death category as opposed to the long, painful death category
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    it really doesn't help when RMS says something like that with his "i shall immolate your living soul" train face av

    He is happy because he just got back from Crewe a fine place for SICK ENGINES thank you very much. emot-colbert.gif

    he is smiling because he has found unguarded and innocent beings he can feed to the dark prince of eternal pain

    that is what that facial expression says

    A pox on you and your innate fear of otherness caused by particular manifestations of anthropomorphism!


    promise me you won't look into its eyes

    ignore the whispers

    and remember

    the Emperor protects

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Hatthulhu Sodor wgah'nagl fhtagn.



    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    $60/yr = $5/mo
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Geth, roll "4d6k3 4d6k3 4d6k3 4d6k3 4d6k3 4d6k3"
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    so the rings and things you sing about, bring em out
  • BethrynBethryn Registered User regular
    Minion roll 6xM
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa IcyLiquid

    oh wait I figured it out

    the r argument rerolls results less than the target number now (for stuff like Brutal in D&D I guess)

    what is the argument to reroll results over the target?

    ah ha, it's "o"

    Geth, roll 10d10o9h8
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    So the xbox twitch ap is as shit as the android one then?
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Those stats are actually okay!

    Also "Dice scatter ominously across the table..." :D
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    So today there is a Twitch.tv app launching on 360

    US Only
    requires Xbox Live Gold
    and you can only watch the top 300 channels on Twitch

    XBox Live Gold lol.

    Microsoft fat cats sitting around a board room

    Laughing about how people pay $10/month for a service you can get for free anywhere else

    Making fun of all the idiots shelling out the dough
    Like me :(

    There is a reason why Netflix is #1 on ps3 and not 360

    paywalls for services like that is some seriously weak shit
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    BobCesca wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    i wonder how dark i can get before i fall outside peoples notions of me

    lets find out!
    oh you wanna play fucked up chicken?

    I'll let you start.

    not really to be honest

    if there's anyone left in [chat] who doesn't think i'm a terrible person i'd like to keep that last shred of faith in me alive

    I am of the opinion you are pretty awesome.

    You will not disabuse me of this fact.

    i knew there had to be at least one of you


    if it makes you feel any better, in a Ludious Empire, you would be in the quick death category as opposed to the long, painful death category


    this goes in the top 5 nicest things enyones ever said to me
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • HenroidHenroid Baba Booey to y'all Tyler, TX (where hope comes to die!)Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20 for STR
    Geth roll 1d20 for DEX
    Geth roll 1d20 for CON
    Geth roll 1d20 for INT
    Geth roll 1d20 for WIS
    Geth roll 1d20 for CHA
    "Ultima Online Pre-Trammel is the perfect example of why libertarians are full of shit." - @Ludious
    Unmotivate - Updated May 17th - "Let's Complain About Nintendo"
    The PA Forumer 'Lets Play' Archive - Updated March 25th, 2013
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    evilbob wrote: »
    So the xbox twitch ap is as shit as the android one then?

    no nothing is as shit as the android app, but it is as bad as the ios app.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    $60/yr = $5/mo

    Whatever, exact numbers don't matter.

    And it is $10/month for individual months.
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Geth, roll

    Geth, roll 6#4d6k3
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    geth roll me a jay pls
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    both Geth NAILED your INT and WIS henroid.
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @IcyLiquid

    oh wait I figured it out

    the r argument rerolls results less than the target number now (for stuff like Brutal in D&D I guess)

    what is the argument to reroll results over the target?

    re-roll and keep? h

    re-roll only? use r, subtract the d value and take the unsigned value i guess.
    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • kaleeditykaleedity bad biscuits make the baker broke bro Registered User regular
    c'thulu f'taghn~

    what a wonderful phrase~
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Geth, roll

    Geth, roll 6#4d6k3

    I don't understand what's happening to my chat.

  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    Also I am pretty sure those stats are the cowardly lion's. Dumb as a brick, extremely likable and weak as shit
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • HenroidHenroid Baba Booey to y'all Tyler, TX (where hope comes to die!)Registered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    both Geth NAILED your INT and WIS henroid.

    "Ultima Online Pre-Trammel is the perfect example of why libertarians are full of shit." - @Ludious
    Unmotivate - Updated May 17th - "Let's Complain About Nintendo"
    The PA Forumer 'Lets Play' Archive - Updated March 25th, 2013
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Geth, roll

    Geth, roll 6#4d6k3

    I don't understand what's happening to my chat.

    Would you prefer the LoL -HoN MOBA chat again?

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    @Henroid: The most minmaxxed sorceror ever.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Geth roll 1d20 for STR
    Geth roll 1d20 for DEX
    Geth roll 1d20 for CON
    Geth roll 1d20 for INT
    Geth roll 1d20 for WIS
    Geth roll 1d20 for CHA
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    kaleedity wrote: »
    c'thulu f'taghn~

    what a wonderful phrase~

    It means skin flaying

    for the rest of your days

    it's a sanity free

    c'thulu f'taghn
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
This discussion has been closed.