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[chat] going one way, people another



  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Denying allows for a wider disparity in gold and XP amount between teams.

    Thus things can snowball harder.

    Like, this is very basic. I am not sure what you are getting hung up on.

    For all of the reasons I laid out in detail in two posts above.

    It creates a disparity that is local. It is skill based, and therefore you can do something about it. It is most relevant in the early game and if a snowballing happens in the first 15 minutes then you are losing anyway. By focusing on denying you are missing getting last hits yourself. It does not affect the global gold gain - only last hits in that lane.

    After the early game the laning phase is over and there close to zero denying going on at all.

    All gold gain is global gold gain Honk.

    I mean, not in the same sense as a tower kill, but when comparing overall team totals it will show up

    And a higher overall team gold total is one of the strongest indicators of eventual victory

    I understand that too, but I mean practically the amount of steady gold gain does not get affected for players outside of the lane.

    It is a function that is in the game and is a central part to affect how well you are doing in your lane. It is practically meaningless after the laning phase going into mid game.

    I understand that it may not seem at all logical if your main experience is LoL but it is a balanced and extremely central part of playing HoN. I do not know how it functions in Dota2 practically.

    I don't know what to say other than it is one out of several aspect HoN is balanced with regards to. It does not create more snowballing in HoN - that is just a false statement.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    fuck it, time to play some planetside.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I wore some pants I bought when I was fifteen a week ago

    they still fit

    then again I don't think I've gained much weight since then, so that shouldn't be a surprise
    ronya on
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    it was acceptable since in 5.84c, there was already a "don't autoattack creeps - you'll push the lane and get us in danger" counter-intuitiveness going on

    I don't know how LoL handles lane equilibrium though

    the "don't autoattack creeps to push the lane thing" is still a thing in the LoL meta. LoL lane equilibrium evens out pretty elegantly with the towers pushing creeps back and big waves forming under towers when left alone. Lanes eventually push themselves, slowly, and if you're going to extract gold from them you will always shift the balance towards your lane pushing. If the enemy is doing the same you arrive at equilibrium and all the creeps die and everyone gets money
  • poshnialloposhniallo Registered User regular
    If you listen very carefully, you can just hear @bobcesca calling me something awful in Latin.
    Neal Stephenson wrote:
    It was, of course, nothing more than sexism, the especially virulent type espoused by male techies who sincerely believe that they are too smart to be sexists.
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    i may try buying some 34 waist jeans see how we go
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Snowballing happens from like, second one of a moba and only ends when you finish an item build.

    MOBAs are basically scratching out any advantage you can and nursing them as much as possible to make them as large as possible until you win.

    I think they are a pretty deeply flawed game design, and are really only suited for games of very short duration.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    lanes push themselves very fast in dota, the ranged creep does a ton of damage

    conversely the tower is pretty weaksauce
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Planetside doesn't have any snowballing. I like that.
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    I remember when there was no such thing as a carry because farming opportunities generally outnumbered your ability to exploit them, rather than the other way around, so everyone farmed rather than reserve gold for the carry

    LoL is still somewhat like this.
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Denying allows for a wider disparity in gold and XP amount between teams.

    Thus things can snowball harder.

    Like, this is very basic. I am not sure what you are getting hung up on.

    For all of the reasons I laid out in detail in two posts above.

    It creates a disparity that is local. It is skill based, and therefore you can do something about it. It is most relevant in the early game and if a snowballing happens in the first 15 minutes then you are losing anyway. By focusing on denying you are missing getting last hits yourself. It does not affect the global gold gain - only last hits in that lane.

    After the early game the laning phase is over and there close to zero denying going on at all.

    Does snowballing has a special MOBA definition?

    You seem to be admitting to the general game usage of snowballing "A confrontation win now makes future confrontations more likely to be won by the previous winner." You are also arguing that it isn't really relevant to the general game picture which isn't something I can comment on.

    Not really, snowballing to me is when one team is just so powerful that the other team simply cannot win any engagements.

    Denying is really important but only in the early game as you can jump more powerfully into mid game. But given the disparity of all heroes available this effectively means nothing outside of the first quarter. Something that can be tactically used to give you an advantage is not the same as causing snowballing.

    The main function is to close down early farm for carry's.
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    How strong you are in the midgame is directly affected by how well or poorly your laning phase went. And if you are stronger than your opponent in the midgame and keep killing them...
    It is no fun getting blown out in a game. MOBAs just make it last longer.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Snowballing happens from like, second one of a moba and only ends when you finish an item build.

    MOBAs are basically scratching out any advantage you can and nursing them as much as possible to make them as large as possible until you win.

    I think they are a pretty deeply flawed game design, and are really only suited for games of very short duration.

    dota favours an unstable flow of the game - an early gold advantage can explode or be abruptly reversed based on a single bad fight

    lol is more incremental. more poking, etc.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    I remember when there was no such thing as a carry because farming opportunities generally outnumbered your ability to exploit them, rather than the other way around, so everyone farmed rather than reserve gold for the carry

    LoL is still somewhat like this.

    lol has like... roles, though. pre-defined, to be sure.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Denying allows for a wider disparity in gold and XP amount between teams.

    Thus things can snowball harder.

    Like, this is very basic. I am not sure what you are getting hung up on.

    For all of the reasons I laid out in detail in two posts above.

    It creates a disparity that is local. It is skill based, and therefore you can do something about it. It is most relevant in the early game and if a snowballing happens in the first 15 minutes then you are losing anyway. By focusing on denying you are missing getting last hits yourself. It does not affect the global gold gain - only last hits in that lane.

    After the early game the laning phase is over and there close to zero denying going on at all.

    Does snowballing has a special MOBA definition?

    You seem to be admitting to the general game usage of snowballing "A confrontation win now makes future confrontations more likely to be won by the previous winner." You are also arguing that it isn't really relevant to the general game picture which isn't something I can comment on.

    Not really, snowballing to me is when one team is just so powerful that the other team simply cannot win any engagements.

    Denying is really important but only in the early game as you can jump more powerfully into mid game. But given the disparity of all heroes available this effectively means nothing outside of the first quarter. Something that can be tactically used to give you an advantage is not the same as causing snowballing.

    The main function is to close down early farm for carry's.

    that's a bad definition of snowballing that doesn't even make sense

    that's not what a snowball does!
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    It is no fun getting blown out in a game. MOBAs just make it last longer.

    Getting blown out in a game is fine, if it is fast enough.

    Generally also if it takes more than one round to win or lose a match of that game and there is no carryover between rounds.

    Getting blown out via death by a thousand papercuts over an hour, which is very common in MOBAs, is basically unacceptable design to me.
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Denying allows for a wider disparity in gold and XP amount between teams.

    Thus things can snowball harder.

    Like, this is very basic. I am not sure what you are getting hung up on.

    For all of the reasons I laid out in detail in two posts above.

    It creates a disparity that is local. It is skill based, and therefore you can do something about it. It is most relevant in the early game and if a snowballing happens in the first 15 minutes then you are losing anyway. By focusing on denying you are missing getting last hits yourself. It does not affect the global gold gain - only last hits in that lane.

    After the early game the laning phase is over and there close to zero denying going on at all.

    Does snowballing has a special MOBA definition?

    You seem to be admitting to the general game usage of snowballing "A confrontation win now makes future confrontations more likely to be won by the previous winner." You are also arguing that it isn't really relevant to the general game picture which isn't something I can comment on.

    Not really, snowballing to me is when one team is just so powerful that the other team simply cannot win any engagements.

    Denying is really important but only in the early game as you can jump more powerfully into mid game. But given the disparity of all heroes available this effectively means nothing outside of the first quarter. Something that can be tactically used to give you an advantage is not the same as causing snowballing.

    The main function is to close down early farm for carry's.

    that's a bad definition of snowballing that doesn't even make sense

    that's not what a snowball does!

    Sorry I left out the unspoken but completely obvious part where the snowball grows larger because they keep winning engagements. Better?
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    I have played quite a few dota games where we got slaughtered at the laning phase, at the midgame, but won on the endgame

    having hard carries combined with heroes who can resist pushes easily will do that
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    lanes push themselves very fast in dota, the ranged creep does a ton of damage

    conversely the tower is pretty weaksauce

    the creeps in LoL do very little damage (except the cannon creep, which does not much damage)

    The tower kills melee creeps in just over two shots, ranged creeps in just under two, and the cannon in I think 5 or 6, and fires about once a second.
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    How strong you are in the midgame is directly affected by how well or poorly your laning phase went. And if you are stronger than your opponent in the midgame and keep killing them...

    Again there are three lanes.

    If I come out of my lane after winning it strongly I have a personal advantage going into midgame. If the enemy lost all of their lanes then yes the mid game looks bad for them.
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic I've Done Worse Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Denying allows for a wider disparity in gold and XP amount between teams.

    Thus things can snowball harder.

    Like, this is very basic. I am not sure what you are getting hung up on.

    For all of the reasons I laid out in detail in two posts above.

    It creates a disparity that is local. It is skill based, and therefore you can do something about it. It is most relevant in the early game and if a snowballing happens in the first 15 minutes then you are losing anyway. By focusing on denying you are missing getting last hits yourself. It does not affect the global gold gain - only last hits in that lane.

    After the early game the laning phase is over and there close to zero denying going on at all.

    Does snowballing has a special MOBA definition?

    You seem to be admitting to the general game usage of snowballing "A confrontation win now makes future confrontations more likely to be won by the previous winner." You are also arguing that it isn't really relevant to the general game picture which isn't something I can comment on.

    Not really, snowballing to me is when one team is just so powerful that the other team simply cannot win any engagements.

    Denying is really important but only in the early game as you can jump more powerfully into mid game. But given the disparity of all heroes available this effectively means nothing outside of the first quarter. Something that can be tactically used to give you an advantage is not the same as causing snowballing.

    The main function is to close down early farm for carry's.

    I really think you are using the term different than the rest of them.

    I don't think snowballing is an inherently negative term, I think it's just a quality of gameplay. Good early lane denying should result in an advantage and if you think that's true, that's going to cause the game to snowball to a certain extent. Snowballing isn't steamrolling, it just means early good play has a reward in effectiveness. When it too quickly becomes insurmountable is probably a negative.
    "When you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. When you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

    Borderlands 2 PA Xbox Metatag - Bazillion Guns
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Really the first rule of online gaming for anyone should be don't use voice chat with random people.
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Denying allows for a wider disparity in gold and XP amount between teams.

    Thus things can snowball harder.

    Like, this is very basic. I am not sure what you are getting hung up on.

    For all of the reasons I laid out in detail in two posts above.

    It creates a disparity that is local. It is skill based, and therefore you can do something about it. It is most relevant in the early game and if a snowballing happens in the first 15 minutes then you are losing anyway. By focusing on denying you are missing getting last hits yourself. It does not affect the global gold gain - only last hits in that lane.

    After the early game the laning phase is over and there close to zero denying going on at all.

    All gold gain is global gold gain Honk.

    I mean, not in the same sense as a tower kill, but when comparing overall team totals it will show up

    And a higher overall team gold total is one of the strongest indicators of eventual victory

    I understand that too, but I mean practically the amount of steady gold gain does not get affected for players outside of the lane.

    It is a function that is in the game and is a central part to affect how well you are doing in your lane. It is practically meaningless after the laning phase going into mid game.

    I understand that it may not seem at all logical if your main experience is LoL but it is a balanced and extremely central part of playing HoN. I do not know how it functions in Dota2 practically.

    I don't know what to say other than it is one out of several aspect HoN is balanced with regards to. It does not create more snowballing in HoN - that is just a false statement.
    In LoL the only way to deny is 'zoning' whereby you force the opponent away from the creep line so they cannot farm (and if you do it effectively enough that they cannot gain exp). This is quite difficult to do and if it happens to you, you should switch lane so someone else can do better. In HoN you have this mechanism that allows you to deny gold without forcing the enemy back, this magnifies skill/ping/char differences to a far greater degree.

    Doing well in the early game means you do better in the mid game means you do better in the late game. This is snowballing. It occurs in all MOBAs, but with denying your own creeps it is magnified even further.

    The way you are talking doing well in the early game has no effect on the mid game.

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    How strong you are in the midgame is directly affected by how well or poorly your laning phase went. And if you are stronger than your opponent in the midgame and keep killing them...

    Again there are three lanes.

    If I come out of my lane after winning it strongly I have a personal advantage going into midgame. If the enemy lost all of their lanes then yes the mid game looks bad for them.

    I know there are three lanes. That doesn't change my point at all.

    You can win a lane more strongly with denying than you can without it.

    That's it.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    once "reserve gold for the carry" became a thing, there had to be something for supports to do besides plink at the enemy carry

    note that spells are so expensive in dota that you can't generally use them as pokes
    ronya on
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    I have played quite a few dota games where we got slaughtered at the laning phase, at the midgame, but won on the endgame

    having hard carries combined with heroes who can resist pushes easily will do that

    I've played several LoL games like this. Usually with my team since pubs will have given up by then.

    but a strong teamfighting composition which can resist pushes and eventually reach parity despite early losses with a hard carry and good peeling can turn that around late
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Snowballing is not an inherently bad thing.

    I mean, generally for a game to work one event has to feed into the next and advantages can accrue over these series of linked events. Otherwise the game would just be like, a series of unrelated coin flips.

    How much a game should snowball is a matter of taste. LoL already snowballs too much as it is in my opinion, it doesn't need another mechanic that adds to it.
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp! I can show you how to be a real man!Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I can't find my DS. Phooey.
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    I remember when there was no such thing as a carry because farming opportunities generally outnumbered your ability to exploit them, rather than the other way around, so everyone farmed rather than reserve gold for the carry

    LoL is still somewhat like this.

    lol has like... roles, though. pre-defined, to be sure.

    oh yeah

    I meant that there is always more farm than can be reasonably extracted on the map, even at the pro level.
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    Okay the working assumption I had of snowballing was that thing when a team gets so much more powerful they are very unlikely to lose a teamfight going into early game. Then they keep winning fights and getting more powerful, repeat. Because the first usage of the word snowballing had a negative connotation.

    If the definition of snowballing is simply that playing good provides you with an advantage. Then yes of course. Playing good should of course give you an advantage for the next stage of the game.

    The only other alternative is a game where both teams do exactly as well for 40 minutes until suddenly one of them win for no discernible reason.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Snowballing is not an inherently bad thing.

    I mean, generally for a game to work one event has to feed into the next and advantages can accrue over these series of linked events. Otherwise the game would just be like, a series of unrelated coin flips.

    How much a game should snowball is a matter of taste. LoL already snowballs too much as it is in my opinion, it doesn't need another mechanic that adds to it.

    lol is incremental, or so I'm told. a small gold advantage leads to a small advantage. you build up on that to win.

    dota is unstable by design - a small gold advantage leads to a large advantage, but that applies in converse too; the large advantage can be abruptly wiped out.
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    What you should also comprehend is that the most common situation is where both sides of a lane get close to an equal amount of denies and last hits. Since those are the two prime mechanics you are focusing on.

    Carrys will focus more on last hits in order to become relevant quicker. Therefore when facing a carry it is good if you try to focus more on denying.
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Okay the working assumption I had of snowballing was that thing when a team gets so much more powerful they are very unlikely to lose a teamfight going into early game. Then they keep winning fights and getting more powerful, repeat. Because the first usage of the word snowballing had a negative connotation.

    If the definition of snowballing is simply that playing good provides you with an advantage. Then yes of course. Playing good should of course give you an advantage for the next stage of the game.

    The only other alternative is a game where both teams do exactly as well for 40 minutes until suddenly one of them win for no discernible reason.

    A game does not require giving you a mechanical advantage for doing well.

    See for example: fighting games. It is not like every time I hit my opponent that my punches do more damage in addition to making them lose life.
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Okay the working assumption I had of snowballing was that thing when a team gets so much more powerful they are very unlikely to lose a teamfight going into early game. Then they keep winning fights and getting more powerful, repeat. Because the first usage of the word snowballing had a negative connotation.

    If the definition of snowballing is simply that playing good provides you with an advantage. Then yes of course. Playing good should of course give you an advantage for the next stage of the game.

    The only other alternative is a game where both teams do exactly as well for 40 minutes until suddenly one of them win for no discernible reason.
    The argument is over the degree of the advantage.

    In HoN the advantage for winning lane (denying creeps, getting more farm) is greater than that of LoL. That is the issue people have with denying.

    Also killing your own men? That's just dumb.

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    What you should also comprehend is that the most common situation is where both sides of a lane get close to an equal amount of denies and last hits. Since those are the two prime mechanics you are focusing on.

    Carrys will focus more on last hits in order to become relevant quicker. Therefore when facing a carry it is good if you try to focus more on denying.

    This is understood. You try to deny their carry while hoping that you carry farms so that your carry snowballs relative to theirs.

    Like, you are saying things that agree with me but acting like they do not for some reason.
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Okay the working assumption I had of snowballing was that thing when a team gets so much more powerful they are very unlikely to lose a teamfight going into early game. Then they keep winning fights and getting more powerful, repeat. Because the first usage of the word snowballing had a negative connotation.

    If the definition of snowballing is simply that playing good provides you with an advantage. Then yes of course. Playing good should of course give you an advantage for the next stage of the game.

    The only other alternative is a game where both teams do exactly as well for 40 minutes until suddenly one of them win for no discernible reason.

    A game does not require giving you a mechanical advantage for doing well.

    See for example: fighting games. It is not like every time I hit my opponent that my punches do more damage in addition to making them lose life.

    FIghting games also lack a leveling up and build system where you throughout the course of the game need to control two currencies - xp and gold - in order to gain skills and stats.

    It is a numbers game with mechanical skill as the input layer.

    It is important in MOBAs.
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Geth, roll 4d6h3
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    Honk wrote: »
    Okay the working assumption I had of snowballing was that thing when a team gets so much more powerful they are very unlikely to lose a teamfight going into early game. Then they keep winning fights and getting more powerful, repeat. Because the first usage of the word snowballing had a negative connotation.

    If the definition of snowballing is simply that playing good provides you with an advantage. Then yes of course. Playing good should of course give you an advantage for the next stage of the game.

    The only other alternative is a game where both teams do exactly as well for 40 minutes until suddenly one of them win for no discernible reason.

    A game does not require giving you a mechanical advantage for doing well.

    See for example: fighting games. It is not like every time I hit my opponent that my punches do more damage in addition to making them lose life.

    FIghting games also lack a leveling up and build system where you throughout the course of the game need to control two currencies - xp and gold - in order to gain skills and stats.

    It is a numbers game with mechanical skill as the input layer.

    It is important in MOBAs.

    Bloodline Champions has no in game leveling up or gold acquiring. It is a MOBA and it works just fine.
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Nope, I still haven't figured out what the h is for.
This discussion has been closed.