Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

EA - Your Exclusive Publisher of a Galaxy Far Far Away



  • b1rdmanb1rdman Registered User regular
    What if you masturbate, but drink the good stuff? Are you still paving towards hell?
    3DS: 1118-0304-5441 | PSN: b1rdman385 | steam:b1rdman385 | Words/Hanging With Friends: Mark Saba | wordfeud: mark saba | BattleTag(Diablo 3): Marticus#1981
  • CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Ascension. Ascension. Hallelujah.Registered User regular
    That's why God invented Purgatory.
    Raoul Duke wrote:
    There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

    I have a tumblr.
    Check it out.
  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    speaking of star wars episode 1 racer i'm actually pretty surprised that GOG hasn't come up with any of the older lucasarts games

    i just don't want to have to run a goddamn virtual machine on my desktop to drive a guddamn podracer

    that game - to this day - still has the best illusion of AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SHITTTTTTTTTTT speed i've ever played

    EDIT: did some googling and apparently NO MODERN GRAPHICS CARDS will actually run the game anymore, so even if i DID have an older operating system it wouldn't work

    PC backwards-compatibility, you have failed me. D:
    curly haired boy on
    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy | blog
  • GodfatherGodfather Registered User regular
    There are companies in America today that are literally paid to go and shoot people.

    But man, optional microtransactions are so much worse.

    First World Bitching
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu ___________PIGEON _________San Diego, CARegistered User regular
    Maybe this could be the Star Wars video game thread instead of the business ethics thread. People have been saying stuff like "we won't get a Star Wars Mirror's Edge game - ME tanked!" but I wonder how much of that was due to trying to launch a new IP. Maybe what EA has been waiting for is a way to try all that shit out again, but this time with a license that basically prints money. Instead of trying to sell people on a brand new shiny white game where you play an Asian lady, they can just get nerds to buy an Aurra Sing game and laugh all the way to the bank.
    youtubevi.png steamhg.png personalt.png lastfmx.png twitterre.png 65810446.jpg tumblrdr.png c8KNL.png xcom.jpg
  • AegeriAegeri Registered User regular
    I just had a total case of deja-vu just now, like... whoa.

    In any event I honestly think those of you expecting things like another old republic game are maybe being too optimistic. I would be 100% certain that with Disney focusing on the new trilogy, that they will be handing down instructions to EA to make games that integrate into the new trilogy in some manner. So I would think a new X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter (unless it fits into the new trilogy of course) or Old Republic Game are probably right out of the question.

    But I have to say, I am not adverse to someone injecting some new ideas into Star Wars in some way. A focus on a new era could be what they need?
  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    EA using the star wars license as a safety net for innovation is something i can get behind

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy | blog
  • Mr.SunshineMr.Sunshine Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    A new era Star Wars game where you're a squad of competent New Era Storm Troopers.

    Totally not like that one game where you played a squad of competent Clone Troopers.

    It could be like a prequel to the new Star Wars!
    Mr.Sunshine on
  • AegeriAegeri Registered User regular
    A new era Star Wars game where you're a squad of competent New Era Storm Troopers.

    Totally not like that one game where you played a squad of competent Clone Troopers.

    Totally different.
  • CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Ascension. Ascension. Hallelujah.Registered User regular
    As long as they kept the squad focus I could totally not get behind that.
    Raoul Duke wrote:
    There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

    I have a tumblr.
    Check it out.
  • AegeriAegeri Registered User regular
    Although my response may seem overly sarcastic, I too would be absolutely behind that because Republic Commando was a terrific game.
  • CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Ascension. Ascension. Hallelujah.Registered User regular
    It really was. I love looking at Star Wars from the bottom up.

    That said, I feel like KoTOR I, while it hasn't aged well, still better captured the feeling of Star Wars then TSL did.
    Raoul Duke wrote:
    There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

    I have a tumblr.
    Check it out.
  • l_gl_g Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Republic Commando gameplay-wise is actually oddly normal by today's standards: if you think about it, it can basically be a cover-based shooter with squadmates that you can order around to do things. Space soldiers in a squad being bros is de rigeuer now. The problem is, rather than being a weird thing that people just don't get, it now might appear too commonplace for people to be interested in.

    What I'm secretly hoping for is that EA recognizes what an enormous miss not having real space combat in SWTOR was, what an enormous unsatisfied appetite there is for space combat (see: Star Citizen), and by following their noses they go about making space combat games. And since they're all up in making everything online always, the game they make is about gigantic fleet battles with tons of players.
    l_g on
    Cole's Law: "Thinly sliced cabbage."
  • Ov3rchargeOv3rcharge Feels like I'm wearing nothin' at all Stupid Sexy FlandersRegistered User regular
    It really was. I love looking at Star Wars from the bottom up.

    That said, I feel like KoTOR I, while it hasn't aged well, still better captured the feeling of Star Wars then TSL did.

    The only thing that hasn't aged well about KOTOR is the graphics, and even they're serviceable.
  • JediabiwanJediabiwan Registered User regular
    A new game like Jedi Outcast would be incredible, best combat of any star wars game by far with great design. The story seemed kinda stupid so any improvements in that area would be great. The ability to combine force powers, guns, and the lightsber is fantastic. Guns eh, not much different than other shooters (especiall sci-fi). Lightsabers and forcepowers are really cool too and I honestly wouldn't mind a decent 3rd person action game like TFU with an actual good plot and hopefully more open. But put all those elements together and you have one crazy awesome game!

    A new RPG would also be amazing, and KOTOR was by far the best single player star wars experience I have had. I doubt we'd be lucky enough to get KOTOR 3, but any sort of RPG or even more story focused games would be great.

    Also, despite what others have said, I am in no way tired of playing as a jedi. I'm not a huge fan of shooters either and setting them in the star wars universe only helps so much. But I'll probably buy any high quality star wars game EA can put out.
  • SurikoSuriko AustraliaRegistered User, Soft Launch Tester regular
    edited May 2013
    The only way I'd be up for a jedi game would be if lightsabers were one hit kills, ideally with proper cutting/dismemberment. No anti-lightsaber infantry armour or anything. Challenge could be provided by big enemies (vehicles, droids), or dark side jedi (or light side if you're dark side). Clothing physics for some sweet flowing robes would be cool too.

    But any jedi games - and there will be jedi games - will most likely be yet more where they act as nothing more than glowing whiffle bats. A shame.
    Suriko on
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P Registered User regular
    l_g wrote: »
    Republic Commando gameplay-wise is actually oddly normal by today's standards: if you think about it, it can basically be a cover-based shooter with squadmates that you can order around to do things. Space soldiers in a squad being bros is de rigeuer now. The problem is, rather than being a weird thing that people just don't get, it now might appear too commonplace for people to be interested in.

    What I'm secretly hoping for is that EA recognizes what an enormous miss not having real space combat in SWTOR was, what an enormous unsatisfied appetite there is for space combat (see: Star Citizen), and by following their noses they go about making space combat games. And since they're all up in making everything online always, the game they make is about gigantic fleet battles with tons of players.

    The strength of Republic Commando is that your teammates come to feel absolutely vital to playing, as opposed to being trailing appendages you have to herd and protect. If they cross your line of fire, they duck down to avoid blocking your shots. If you get downed, they're perfectly capable of clearing the current enemies (if you tell them to) before getting you back on your feet. Need to get them all healed up? Position the lot near a bacta dispenser and they will all automatically heal themselves up.

    It was bizarrely competent AI design that I very much doubt EA would be able to recognize as valuable or replicate.
  • l_gl_g Registered User regular
    I was never really sure if my teammates were really that competent, or if they were just really durable. Everything in that game seemed really durable except for myself. But still, your remark about them being able to take care of business, without looking like idiots, stands.

    Heck, consider that in most of the Unreal engine third person shooters, crouching outside of cover isn't even an option.
    Cole's Law: "Thinly sliced cabbage."
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P Registered User regular
    l_g wrote: »
    I was never really sure if my teammates were really that competent, or if they were just really durable. Everything in that game seemed really durable except for myself. But still, your remark about them being able to take care of business, without looking like idiots, stands.

    Heck, consider that in most of the Unreal engine third person shooters, crouching outside of cover isn't even an option.

    If they were more durable, it wasn't by much. I think they just benefited from the AI being able to place them in good cover while still shooting, unlike people who can easily get distracted into standing in the open. It's entirely possible to hurt them pretty bad with a lousy grenade, or for them to get downed real fast by big droids. I also think the enemy AI tended to favor the player as a target a fair bit, but if you got downed, you could start losing squadmates quick as the enemy picked new targets.

    And a further positive point to the game is that there was no Jedi stuff. Ever. The closest it comes to Jedi is a transmission from Yoda, I think; otherwise, it's just mundane non-Force enemies, through and through. The most "Jedi"-esque enemy you face are Grievous' personal guard, and they're just fancy droids. It's actually pretty amazing that Lucas let Republic Commando slip past without trying to make the player a Force-user or something.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    So, whose looking forwards to Battlefront 3 being a free to play macro transaction game with a sprinkling of pay to win?

    No, just me?

    I mean, if I were EA battlefront would scream a game that you could put a free to play model around and churn out badly.

    When really they need to make battlefront 3 as a 20 pound budget game to get everyone going 'I have nostalgia!' and buy it instantly.
  • KadokenKadoken Registered User regular
    I would hope it wouldn't be as bad as LOTR conquest, which by all means was a Battlefront clone.
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    Suriko wrote: »
    The only way I'd be up for a jedi game would be if lightsabers were one hit kills, ideally with proper cutting/dismemberment. No anti-lightsaber infantry armour or anything. Challenge could be provided by big enemies (vehicles, droids), or dark side jedi (or light side if you're dark side). Clothing physics for some sweet flowing robes would be cool too.

    But any jedi games - and there will be jedi games - will most likely be yet more where they act as nothing more than glowing whiffle bats. A shame.

    I've said this before but I think the idea of lightsabers cutting through everything with extreme ease is something they added into the prequels. In one of the Luke-vader duals, Luke slashes his saber into Vader's shoulder pretty hard and it just sparks, makes a shallow cut and bounces off. I kind of imagine that's the case with light sabers when they don't one-hit kill in games.
  • curly haired boycurly haired boy Your Friendly Neighborhood Torgue Dealer Registered User regular
    alas, it's not that easy. something about modern cards not handling 16 bit directX anymore...

    Registered just for the Mass Effect threads | Steam: click ^^^ | Origin: curlyhairedboy | blog
  • l_gl_g Registered User regular
    Suriko wrote: »
    The only way I'd be up for a jedi game would be if lightsabers were one hit kills, ideally with proper cutting/dismemberment. No anti-lightsaber infantry armour or anything. Challenge could be provided by big enemies (vehicles, droids), or dark side jedi (or light side if you're dark side). Clothing physics for some sweet flowing robes would be cool too.

    But any jedi games - and there will be jedi games - will most likely be yet more where they act as nothing more than glowing whiffle bats. A shame.

    I've said this before but I think the idea of lightsabers cutting through everything with extreme ease is something they added into the prequels. In one of the Luke-vader duals, Luke slashes his saber into Vader's shoulder pretty hard and it just sparks, makes a shallow cut and bounces off. I kind of imagine that's the case with light sabers when they don't one-hit kill in games.

    I had thought that that was something special to Darth Vader, as opposed to something typical with lightsabers in general. After all, he could block blaster shots with the palm of his hand.
    Cole's Law: "Thinly sliced cabbage."
  • FairchildFairchild And that's the moment when the Universe ran out of ammunition. Registered User regular
  • Mego ThorMego Thor "I say thee...NAY!" Registered User regular
    RIP, Admiral Motti. :cry:
  • NocrenNocren Still AwesomeRegistered User regular
    Mego Thor wrote: »
    RIP, Admiral Conan Motti. :cry:

    It's true, look it up!
  • PriestPriest Registered User regular
    Fairchild wrote: »
    MASS EFFECT has been many things, but it's most definitely not been stagnant.

    I'd hardly say that 2 and 3 were any grand innovation upon 1. 2 and 3 added little in terms of gameplay or technology that weren't pioneered by 1. Their popularity I'd largely attribute to writing, of which EA / chosen developer would have its hands tied in any Star Wars based writing. Also, the effects EA has had on development pre and post release of 2 and 3 are quite obvious, and account for many of the complaints against both games.
  • Mego ThorMego Thor "I say thee...NAY!" Registered User regular
    Nocren wrote: »
    Mego Thor wrote: »
    RIP, Admiral Conan Motti. :cry:

    It's true, look it up!

    "Admiral, what is best in life?"

    "To defeat the rebellion, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lack of faith in the Force."
  • NocrenNocren Still AwesomeRegistered User regular
    Mego Thor wrote: »
    Nocren wrote: »
    Mego Thor wrote: »
    RIP, Admiral Conan Motti. :cry:

    It's true, look it up!

    "Admiral, what is best in life?"

    "To defeat the rebellion, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lack of faith in the Force."

    Wrong Conan...
    Think, taller, skinnier, with red hair.
  • NocrenNocren Still AwesomeRegistered User regular
    oooooh.... Criterion....

    Can they do a Pod Racer: Burnout game?
  • SoundsPlushSoundsPlush On the edge. Making a run for it.Registered User regular
    Priest wrote: »
    I'd hardly say that 2 and 3 were any grand innovation upon 1. 2 and 3 added little in terms of gameplay or technology that weren't pioneered by 1.

    ME2 was the first time I ever thought Bioware was capable of making a fun game aside from just a well-written one, and then 3 iterated on that and added surprisingly good multiplayer, so I disagree.

    It didn't sound like Bioware was going to make anything beyond TOR, though, which would be a waste if true. Whoever they hand it to, it's not like there's been a lot of great Star Wars games in the past decade anyway, with, I guess, the exception of the Lego ones which people seem to love for some reason. At worst it'll be no worse than before and at best, there's a lot of talent in these studios and they might swing a few decent titles.
  • FairchildFairchild And that's the moment when the Universe ran out of ammunition. Registered User regular
    Priest wrote: »
    Fairchild wrote: »
    MASS EFFECT has been many things, but it's most definitely not been stagnant.

    I'd hardly say that 2 and 3 were any grand innovation upon 1. 2 and 3 added little in terms of gameplay or technology that weren't pioneered by 1. Their popularity I'd largely attribute to writing, of which EA / chosen developer would have its hands tied in any Star Wars based writing. Also, the effects EA has had on development pre and post release of 2 and 3 are quite obvious, and account for many of the complaints against both games.

    Did you even play Mass Effect 1.

    It plays like hammered poop.

    You cannot tell me with a straight face that there wasn't a vast leap in quality from 1 to 2. Graphically, game play wise, and in terms of pacing. And ME3s mulitplayer is really fun.

    I'm looking for an "I agree the heck out of this quote" button.
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    Priest wrote: »
    Fairchild wrote: »
    MASS EFFECT has been many things, but it's most definitely not been stagnant.

    I'd hardly say that 2 and 3 were any grand innovation upon 1. 2 and 3 added little in terms of gameplay or technology that weren't pioneered by 1. Their popularity I'd largely attribute to writing, of which EA / chosen developer would have its hands tied in any Star Wars based writing. Also, the effects EA has had on development pre and post release of 2 and 3 are quite obvious, and account for many of the complaints against both games.

    Sit down and play ME in reverse order.

    No seriously, do it.

    ME3 plays differently than ME2, not to mention the addition of a multiplayer mode that's was surprisingly awesome. And they're both leaps and bounds above ME1 in terms of gameplay.
  • MarkWebsterMarkWebster ScotlandRegistered User regular
    And ME3s mulitplayer is really fun.

    By fun do you mean lagging so bad I want to kick my router in its metaphorical testicles, a service about as reliable as stupid decisions in the first 2 series of Game of Thrones and a RNG system that makes things extremely fucking boring?
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