Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

North Country [chat]land



  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Narwhal that is an awesome comic.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular



    this aesthetic really does not match my mental picture of the ender universe

  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    She had to replace the vibrator she tossed before leaving for bootcamp. She's pretty smitten with the new one
    Sarksus on
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    Prince Henry of madeupistan is a fantastic man I will have you know!
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    HE'S REAL.
  • tyrannustyrannus Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    does he live in canada

    edit: on the other hand

    gooey sux
    tyrannus on
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    She had to replace the vibrator she tossed before leaving for bootcamp. She's pretty smitten with it.

    It is pretty awesome. I've used it every single day since I've been home.
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    hehehe, the day MSFT started going up above 30 for the first time in years was the same day they got downgraded by McAdams
    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    HE'S REAL.

    Sure! Abstractions are totally real. Social constructs, for example!
    Don't hurt me.
  • AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »

    That's awesome.
    Note he concluded that Prenda's model was to demand settlement "a sum calculated to be just below the cost of a bare-bones defense." In footnote 5, explaining the amount of sanctions he imposed, he says "This punitive portion is calculated to be just below the cost of an effective appeal."

    Never, ever piss off a judge. Especially one with a razor sharp wit. They will immortalize your utter humiliation in a ruling of law that is brilliantly written.
    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum
    Damn straight and I'm not giving up any of my crazy ground to some no talent hack.
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    ok got home, chugged this glass of wine cuz i wanted it and some cashews, time to go to some show with tig notaro or something

    running lateeeee stupid workkkk
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    tyrannus wrote: »
    does he live in canada

    edit: on the other hand

    gooey sux

    No, he doesn't.
  • AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    wow, Microsoft stock has actually been going up lately. It's been at 30 for pretty much since Ballmer took over in 2000. Sometimes drops a bit or goes up a tiny bit but then snaps right back to 30. Right now it's at 33. That's higher than it's been in a decade outside of a period of about a week in mid 2007.

    Any rumors that the ol' chairflinger is calling it quits?
    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum
    Damn straight and I'm not giving up any of my crazy ground to some no talent hack.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    evilbob wrote: »
    What was your pizza special?

    I stole your idea(s) pretty liberally, not gonna lie!

    marinated artichoke hearts
    black olives
    red onion
    mozzarella and goat cheese
    grilled chicken breast

  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Doesn't live in Canada.

    Gooey totally sucks though.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    What was your pizza special?

    I stole your idea(s) pretty liberally, not gonna lie!

    marinated artichoke hearts
    black olives
    red onion
    mozzarella and goat cheese
    grilled chicken breast


    *condescending Italian noise*
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    My phone has become absurdly slow recently for no good reason, and every google search response is like "root it lol"

    Nerds are pretty much the definition of "if all you have is a hammer"
  • RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    wow, Microsoft stock has actually been going up lately. It's been at 30 for pretty much since Ballmer took over in 2000. Sometimes drops a bit or goes up a tiny bit but then snaps right back to 30. Right now it's at 33. That's higher than it's been in a decade outside of a period of about a week in mid 2007.

    Any rumors that the ol' chairflinger is calling it quits?

    nothing I've heard

    there's been no real big news lately. The next big announcement is probably the xbox thing later this month.

    There was a neat article about the thing I am working on yesterday: http://www.autonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130506/OEM06/305069955/microsoft-wants-to-become-key-player-in-auto-software
    What you think "makes sense" has nothing to do with reality. It just has to do with your life experience. And your life experience may only be a small smidgen of reality. Possibly even a distorted account of reality at that. So what this means is that, beginning in the 20th century as our means of decoding nature became more and more powerful, we started realizing our common sense is no longer a tool to pass judgment on whether or not a scientific theory is correct. - Neil Degrasse Tyson
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    She had to replace the vibrator she tossed before leaving for bootcamp. She's pretty smitten with it.

    It is pretty awesome. I've used it every single day since I've been home.

    Were you always this way or have you got like four months of pent up stuff to release?
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    i used to think i wasn't interested in fashion but then i played saints row and realized i kind of was, it's just that i look terrible irl

    What? Fashion? Yes. That is how I make my character. To be fashionable.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Anyway, tomorrow's a day off so

    ... I was gonna post a song, but none of you would listen anyway!


    :whistle: I'm gonna get my drink on :whistle:
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Also I find that funny, Mim, cuz since estrogen I've had to force myself to do stuff like that to make sure I still can.

    I went like a month without realizing it and was like "oh right I used to.. do things."
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    She had to replace the vibrator she tossed before leaving for bootcamp. She's pretty smitten with it.

    It is pretty awesome. I've used it every single day since I've been home.

    Were you always this way or have you got like four months of pent up stuff to release?

    I had sex recently so it's nothing that's pent up anymore. I'm just doing it to do it.

    Like, the more sex you have, the more you want it. I'm not near the sex source so I'm masturbating to see if it still works.

  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    Dis girl needs to hurry up and tell me she doesn't want to date me coz I hate not knowing and it feels like I've been waiting weeks and it hasn't really been very long and ugh. I am bad at people stuff.

    People are hard.

    But like not for me apparently.

    I just have massive self esteem issues where my entire sense of self worth is based on what I think other people think about me so when I don't know how they feel I don't know what to think about myself and I get kinda panicy and all over the place.

    Yes I am seeing someone about this.

    edit: alt post

    are you sure about that? :winky:


    I am pretty sure someone, somewhere is hard for me on occasion. It is the nature of the internet.

    Also I actually really get what you're saying here. So much of my self worth ties into how people perceive me and gender, and the two issues interact horrifically. It's only recently that I've even begun to be able to start shutting out what other people think in favor of what I know to be the case.

    It's a hell of a thing and I'm sorry you've got it too.

    Thankfully my anxiety has gotten better now to the point where I'm ok with meeting new people in person and stuff. But that's like easier because there's body language and shit so I can tell where I stand the whole time. It's just the after meeting people where I get all "oh god what if they've completely changed their mind about me".
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    i used to think i wasn't interested in fashion but then i played saints row and realized i kind of was, it's just that i look terrible irl

    What? Fashion? Yes. That is how I make my character. To be fashionable.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    I accidentally called one of the tiny, stick-figure servers at the restaurant fat today.
  • KageraKagera Registered User regular
    I shall start a community for us socially awkward folk. We will only build basements and all the stores will deliver and no one will talk to each other.
    _J_ wrote:
    If we only allowed pedophiles to be parents, then we would never have to worry about children being left alone, unwatched.
    XBL: Fanatical One AIM: itskagera
  • TehSlothTehSloth On that ass like Charmin Registered User regular
    Eddy wrote: »
    My phone has become absurdly slow recently for no good reason, and every google search response is like "root it lol"

    Nerds are pretty much the definition of "if all you have is a hammer"

    I feel like this is a pretty correct summation of how I tend to solve problems.

    Also, I prefer a maul because it's got a sharp side.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    4444 agrees yessss.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    Elendil wrote: »
    i used to think i wasn't interested in fashion but then i played saints row and realized i kind of was, it's just that i look terrible irl

    What? Fashion? Yes. That is how I make my character. To be fashionable.

    Yeah, my character was a British dude dressed in the generic outfit. I have SR3 on 360, so when I got it on PC I only played the very beginning.

    The delay was me going to slut up my character. Disappointed Leather and Lace isn't unlocked this early. Tried for anime eyes... ended up kind of freakish looking.
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular

    see i turned it around there i am now awesome
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    evilbob wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    Dis girl needs to hurry up and tell me she doesn't want to date me coz I hate not knowing and it feels like I've been waiting weeks and it hasn't really been very long and ugh. I am bad at people stuff.

    People are hard.

    But like not for me apparently.

    I just have massive self esteem issues where my entire sense of self worth is based on what I think other people think about me so when I don't know how they feel I don't know what to think about myself and I get kinda panicy and all over the place.

    Yes I am seeing someone about this.

    edit: alt post

    are you sure about that? :winky:


    I am pretty sure someone, somewhere is hard for me on occasion. It is the nature of the internet.

    Also I actually really get what you're saying here. So much of my self worth ties into how people perceive me and gender, and the two issues interact horrifically. It's only recently that I've even begun to be able to start shutting out what other people think in favor of what I know to be the case.

    It's a hell of a thing and I'm sorry you've got it too.

    Thankfully my anxiety has gotten better now to the point where I'm ok with meeting new people in person and stuff. But that's like easier because there's body language and shit so I can tell where I stand the whole time. It's just the after meeting people where I get all "oh god what if they've completely changed their mind about me".

    I'm glad it's gotten better. I hate that afterwards thing though - I like people who constantly reinforce that they like me because otherwise I'm like "OH GOD I SAID SOMETHING NOW THEY ARE JUST KINDA MEH ABOUT ME OR HATE ME"
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    What was your pizza special?

    I stole your idea(s) pretty liberally, not gonna lie!

    marinated artichoke hearts
    black olives
    red onion
    mozzarella and goat cheese
    grilled chicken breast


    Yesss. Awesome pizza.
  • tyrannustyrannus Registered User regular
    yeah no you suck gooey

    this page is great btw
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Gooey wrote: »
    mim you have mentioned that you are dating somebody like 20 times in the last couple of days

    who exactly are you trying to convince?

    us, or yourself?

    She had to replace the vibrator she tossed before leaving for bootcamp. She's pretty smitten with it.

    It is pretty awesome. I've used it every single day since I've been home.

    Were you always this way or have you got like four months of pent up stuff to release?

    I had sex recently so it's nothing that's pent up anymore. I'm just doing it to do it.

    Like, the more sex you have, the more you want it. I'm not near the sex source so I'm masturbating to see if it still works.



    I'm not sure if I am that way.

    I'll find out eventually I'm sure.
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »

    see i am not awesome

  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Kagera wrote: »
    I shall start a community for us socially awkward folk. We will only build basements and all the stores will deliver and no one will talk to each other.

    Use AIM to talk to people in the same room.
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    4444 agrees yessss.

    I am still in three digits because I say a lot of things people don't wanna publicly agree with when I'm depressed.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    I know mim's boyfriend's SSN
This discussion has been closed.