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[Programming] Thread: Restricting masking of red pandas since 2013.



  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Inf, you've finally gone mad.
  • gavindelgavindel Registered User regular
    Don't worry guys! If our boss tries to fire us/ our professors try to fail us / our computers try to delete us, we can just tap our little buttons and ride the game to a new land! One time skip later, we'll all be gruff, scarred veterans of countless horrors!
    Aether drive online. Blogs, rants, gaming nerdity. http://www.aetherdrive.com
  • iTunesIsEviliTunesIsEvil Registered User regular
    I don't even know what that's all about, but I'm imagining we're squirt-bottle-spraying Bowen like he's a naughty cat who's just climbed up on the entertainment center again after we just had this discussion.
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    We squirt him when he pulls out his knife
  • iTunesIsEviliTunesIsEvil Registered User regular

    But how will we get rid of Java :rotate: now? It's gonna get such an attitude with no one around to keep it in check with threats of a stabby cutty evening in the basement.
  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    geth roll 1d:rotate:
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    The spray bottle is brought out when people (mainly Cass) start writing fan fiction in the LoL thread.

    It happens frequently...
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
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  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Beep Booper Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    So that is hilarious and great. Good use of API ;p
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Speaking of the API is there an easy way to log in via it?
  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular

    Cast off the shackles of robotic oppression! As far as I know they're not immune to wet circuitry!
  • IcyLiquidIcyLiquid Beep Booper Montreal, QuebecAdministrator, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Just use cURL and enable the cookie jar. Then POST to the /entry/signin with the appropriate parameters passed. Et voila.
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Ah, figured you'd say that
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    Just use cURL and enable the cookie jar. Then POST to the /entry/signin with the appropriate parameters passed. Et voila.

    This is exactly what I do.

    And yeah, I like how there is json available for most things. Not everything, but still tasty.
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
    The PhalLounge :: Chat board for Phalla discussion and Secret Santas :: PhallAX 2013
    Critical Failures IRC! :: #CriticalFailures and #mafia on irc.slashnet.org
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    It is. Scraping vbulletin posts was always flaky, but the json interface is nice
  • SmasherSmasher Starting to get dizzy Registered User regular
    Infidel wrote: »
    Heh, made a thing for the LoL thread.


    Works pretty well! :D
    Mine opts for a sneak attack.

  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    Ah, I bet your gif sets the whole thing to "replace" and that gets rid of it after the first frame. Will have to see if I can hack that to persist without messing up your avatar (if I just overrided it you'd get a streaky animation of artifacts).
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
    The PhalLounge :: Chat board for Phalla discussion and Secret Santas :: PhallAX 2013
    Critical Failures IRC! :: #CriticalFailures and #mafia on irc.slashnet.org
  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Not only do I get sneak attacked, but apparently it causes me to gain weight.

    EDIT: Where are the docs for the API?
    Nightslyr on
    My PA, PSN, XBL, Origin, and Steam names are the same. 3DS Friend Code: 1607-1682-2948
    Stack Exchange | http://www.mpdevblog.blogspot.com
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Jesus christ. Say what you will about Java and all that, but tomcat is a simple install and go program. I cannot fucking get XAMPP to actually start anymore... And now it's throwing memory reference errors.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    IcyLiquid wrote: »
    I hard coded that limit to prevent people from creating spammy, unsightly output. It used to be limitless but then you people had to exist.

    Hey I was trying to see if I could crash the bitcoin economy ala Blizzard.

    You've got a one up on blizzard's plethora of CS program dropouts!
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    urahonky wrote: »
    Jesus christ. Say what you will about Java and all that, but tomcat is a simple install and go program. I cannot fucking get XAMPP to actually start anymore... And now it's throwing memory reference errors.

    I've never had problems.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Windows XP + Symantec End User thing (the user profiles) + McAffee = shitstorm when trying to get anything fucking installed.

    Even worse is the installer for XAMPP takes like 20 minutes.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Why not make another VM?
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    I'll also never understand why companies choose to instal overzealous AVs. Your job is to make money and perform work, you can't do either if you can't do anything. Why not implement strict AD policies and hire a system admin to maintain the system and prevent viruses from getting to the file servers and app servers? Individual desktops can be drop replaced.

    Hell, make a separate VLAN for departments and segment "danger" zones.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    bowen wrote: »
    Why not make another VM?

    Because this machine already has very limited resources and someone spent a few days trying to get our xwiki up and running on the machine.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Your department should petition for a separate VLAN so the AVs can come off and you can do work with your limited resources.

    Seriously, don't allow people to run exe files without administrator. Boom, done.

    Since you're running Java and tomcat nonsense, you can even anticipate that and put those in as "allowed."
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Better yet, set up unix workstations with virtualbox/vmware.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    The sad part is that our environment here is 100x better than on base.

    Also I think I FINALLY got it working... Had to change a few ports for Apache, but it seems to actually be running.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    What I am confused about is that they are okay with VM images of windows not having AV, but not your desktop? That's confusing. Why even have it at the desktop level?
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    bowen wrote: »
    What I am confused about is that they are okay with VM images of windows not having AV, but not your desktop? That's confusing. Why even have it at the desktop level?

    Yeah I'm not sure if they're okay with the VMs. We have Power User rights so we can install stuff, but every once in a while we'll log-in and have things removed. Google Chrome installed one day and then the next day I came in and they uninstalled it off my machine.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Sounds like a busy body admin. Still, who the fuck uses mcafee?
  • jaziekjaziek Registered User regular
    Today on FPGAs are fucking bonkers:

    The bus between my softcore which interfaces with the ethernet controller and my VHDL modules manages to conjure up some mystery data into one of its buffer on startup. There is absolutely no code anywhere that tells it to do this, but it appears, and then my design goes on to handle this data in the buffer as if its a packet which it needs to deal with.
    This extra data throws all of my timing calculations off by 1 cycle, which causes the system to interpret audio data as control signals from that point onwards.
    I've been trying to fix this problem for a week. And all I needed to do was tell it to wait a few hundred cycles before trying to handle any incoming data. GAH.
    Steam ||| SC2 - Jaziek.377 on EU & NA. ||| Twitch Stream
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Hmm. Is there a way to make a fake SMTP server that will just reroute everything through my email?

    Bugzilla uses an email system for their new users, but we don't have access to the company email... I'm guessing it's trying to log-in as a bugzilla email address or whatever that doesn't exist.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    How about just using a fake smtp server that logs all email it receives out to a file?

    Something like http://quintanasoft.com/dumbster/

    Edit to my dumb edit. Dumbster includes a jar that should be useable.
    Incindium on
  • SageinaRageSageinaRage Registered User regular
    So we're looking to get started with a Web UI testing framework, does anybody have any experience or opinions? I'm looking at Selenium, Watij, and Sahi. They all seem like they'd do the job, anything to use as a tiebreaker? I'm leaning towards selenium just because it talks explicitly about using with maven, which we already use a bunch.
  • EvilMonkeyEvilMonkey Registered User regular
    My only experience with Selenium was a few years back where the dev who was writing the test cases repeatedly blamed my build scripts for breaking their code. This person's team was using GWT and not defining explicit DOM id's so every build a new random set of id's were created, which caused the test cases to fail. All the while the rest of the team couldn't stop snickering because they damned well knew it was on them but they were tired of dealing with this person. Good times.
    [PSN: SciencePiggy] [Steam]
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    That codeschool interface is pretty awesome... Going to have to remember that when my kids gets a bit older. Also probably wouldn't hurt to run through some of them myself.
  • Alistair HuttonAlistair Hutton Registered User regular
    I'm really glad I post under my own name. That way I am not tempted to post "Stupid User" stories about powerful and important users that could then be traced back to me despite thinking I was safe posting under a pseudonym.
  • JasconiusJasconius bird internet Saint Petersburg RussiaRegistered User regular
    i like it my only critique is that every programming tutorial in history assumes the user has no idea

    A) How a computer works
    B) How to do math

    i know a lot of people don't

    but there is a market for people who are veterans in one language who need to move to another language that is not being served at all
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