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[Programming] Thread: Restricting masking of red pandas since 2013.



  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    The reason i ask is because Netbeans had the option to "watch" a variable. If something changed it would trigger a breakpoint. And then you could even add expressions to do that.
  • dobilaydobilay Registered User regular
    Have you looked at the Expressions view? That might do it.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Unfortunately that view shows you when data is changed, but if you have a breakpoint set and the thing is stopped... However I think the breakpoint Properties window looks to do what I want it to do.
  • EchoEcho Per Aspera Ad Inferi Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    an_alt wrote: »
    There are three main programming paradigms you'll run into in the real world - imperative, functional, and OOP. There are a few others, but you might implement your event driven UI in OOP for example, so I'll just focus on these three.

    Nice post. I'll steal some of that for the next programming class I'm doing. Last time I walked through making a simple Door class with some properties (name, width, height) and methods (open, close) and then inheriting from that to a SafeDoor where I modified the constructor and open() to require a code to open the door.
  • DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    an_alt wrote: »
    There are three main programming paradigms you'll run into in the real world - imperative, functional, and OOP.

    I think that what you're describing as "imperative" is what I generally see referred to as "procedural". Imperative programming gets the job done by affecting program state; both procedural programming (a series of procedures that call one another) and OOP (a series of entities that interact with each other) are generally imperative. OOP, really, is a direct evolution of procedural programming; it bundles together related functions and variables into little packages in much the same way that procedural programming bundles together related individual statements and variables into little packages. OOP is like the next step from procedural programming.

    Strict, pure functional programming doesn't allow modification of state. One way to think about it is this: the only way a function can interact with the world outside of itself is through its return value. Of course, then you run into the unfortunate fact that the real world is totes stateful, and if you want your application to have to sort of an impact on the world (you know, like do basic I/O), you have to come up with work-arounds for certain scenarios (this is where Haskell's monads come in, if I understand correctly).

    Anyway, many languages tend to be multi-paradigm, anyway. Functional features are leaking into C# all the time, and F# is a functional-first language, but if you want to start changing state and building complex objects, you're more than welcome to. If you've ever used a lambda expression in a language like C++ or C#, then you've used a functional feature in a mostly-imperative language.
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