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[Programming] Thread: Restricting masking of red pandas since 2013.



  • DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I actually like MATLAB. Its super powerful and quick to prototype shit. However, FUCK MATLAB PROGRAMMERS!!! These god damn PHD students who never took a programming class in their life pumping out the worst god damn MATLAB I have ever seen in my life, and I have to debug and fix it for them. And I'll be damned if they know how to do anything themselves, they only use MATLAB supplied functions.

    And @Tav if your teacher didn't tell you first thing that ; supresses output, he's a fuckwad. That is the FIRST thing you learn with a typical MATLAB Hello World.

    DrunkMc on
  • seabassseabass Registered User regular
    Tav wrote: »
    fuck MATLAB indeed

    none of us taking the MATLAB class his year has any idea what's going on, there's no tutorials and the lecturer prefaces everything with "it's easy to do..."

    also figuring out that ending a statement with ; hid the output took a while and a lot of frustration

    MATLAB is a lot like a special dialect of C tailored for solving differential equations and simultaneous systems of equations. You can write whole, full featured simulations in it if you really want to, but I'm of the opinion that you should probably avoid that and just use it to crunch numbers.

    On an almost related note, anyone here familiar with linear programming / operations research techniques that can suggest an introductory text? I'd like to branch out a bit from my discrete optimization expertise into continuous optimization, but I don't know very much about the topics other than "let's model systems as a large set of related equations and solve them / hillclimb to find extrema".
    Run you pigeons, it's Robert Frost!
  • DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Oh god, required certs in .net for employment?

    I can code the shit out of whatever you need me to. I have maintained and admined foreign systems dropped in my lap like salesforce.com, etc. Done it for years. Stick me in front of a standardized test for it? Ill fail it every time. I had just finished a major project in school that relied heavily on those functions and recreating those functions in C++. I know how to ceiling and floor correctly. I had a math test that put ceiling and floor questions on it a week later. I got every single one of them wrong. I failed the basic cert for salesforce after maintaining a corporations instance for over a year and a half. I have seen drooling idiots pass that cert.
    Apothe0sis wrote: »
    So, I don't really know whether this is the right place. I have a bunch of SQL data, which is polling data. Data resolution is currently at about every 9 minutes.

    Project requirements have suddenly expanded to add in a consolidated reporting requirement.

    This is not currently a development project, per se, but I am running into the following issue. The only way to pull all the data currently available is excel and word (no crystal reports or anything like that).

    The data it pulls does not graph correctly in excel, it seems to ignore the time portion and only pay attention to the date portion of the horizontal series marks.

    Which leads to three questions:
    1. How easy would it be to consolidate the data into hourly blocks by modifying my SQL query?
    2. Is this easier to do via excel?
    3. Is there a way to just fix the damn graph so it just works?

    This is more of a excel question I think, but:

    1.kind of easy?
    2.yes if you just fix it (depending)
    3.there should be?

    How is the data getting into excel? are you filling in a template, or the file just gets generated by something?
    DiannaoChong on
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    Wait, so people use MATLAB for real projects?
  • Lt Muffin360Lt Muffin360 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Kolosus wrote: »
    Wait, so people use MATLAB for real projects?

    Lt Muffin360 on
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    My god do I dislike doing highly detailed html and css. This shit is fucking tedious and boring for so little gain over what I could do just getting it "pretty close" to what the official spec is rather than exactly.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    Why yes I actually sent this image to my UI guy when I turned over some of my work for him to make pretty.

  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Jimmy King wrote: »
    My god do I dislike doing highly detailed html and css. This shit is fucking tedious and boring for so little gain over what I could do just getting it "pretty close" to what the official spec is rather than exactly.

    Balsamiq is genius in that regard.

    Intentionally scribbly so that QA can't pixel-bitch.
    Infidel on
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
    The PhalLounge :: Chat board for Phalla discussion and Secret Santas :: PhallAX 2013
    Critical Failures IRC! :: #CriticalFailures and #mafia on irc.slashnet.org
  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    I miss having a UI guy. At my old job I had a UI guy and it was great. He got the base styling set up, I'd then create new views/pages, add in the right data and get it more or less in the right place, then he'd perfect it.

    For some reason that is not what is happening at my current job. I'm honestly surprised because this is a company known for doing high end dev work in the area and taking the time to do things right. Somehow I still managed to get the underfunded project where the plan to deal with the lack of funding is to minimize man hours. The plan to minimize man hours is to do less planning, have the requirements less specced out, and have the developer/architect (that's me!) also be the guy who does the css and html. Given this company's reputation, I'm pretty shocked that they thought this was a good (or even acceptable) plan and have no idea why they think it'll work for them when it's worked for exactly 0 software projects previously if there was any expectation of quality.

    My "requirements" are a bunch of pngs done up by the usual UI guy, many of which have changed every 2-3 days, and are thrown in a directory all planned out way ahead of time waterfall style and a very loose spec saying "the margins are usually one of these 3 values and use this for blue, this for dark blue, and one of these 3 values for grey". I then sort through and try to figure out what all of the moving parts are and how they fit together based on the static pngs. I'm less than thrilled.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    Jimmy King wrote: »
    I miss having a UI guy. At my old job I had a UI guy and it was great. He got the base styling set up, I'd then create new views/pages, add in the right data and get it more or less in the right place, then he'd perfect it.

    For some reason that is not what is happening at my current job. I'm honestly surprised because this is a company known for doing high end dev work in the area and taking the time to do things right. Somehow I still managed to get the underfunded project where the plan to deal with the lack of funding is to minimize man hours. The plan to minimize man hours is to do less planning, have the requirements less specced out, and have the developer/architect (that's me!) also be the guy who does the css and html. Given this company's reputation, I'm pretty shocked that they thought this was a good (or even acceptable) plan and have no idea why they think it'll work for them when it's worked for exactly 0 software projects previously if there was any expectation of quality.

    My "requirements" are a bunch of pngs done up by the usual UI guy, many of which have changed every 2-3 days, and are thrown in a directory all planned out way ahead of time waterfall style and a very loose spec saying "the margins are usually one of these 3 values and use this for blue, this for dark blue, and one of these 3 values for grey". I then sort through and try to figure out what all of the moving parts are and how they fit together based on the static pngs. I'm less than thrilled.

    This sounds too bad to be true, I am sorry man.
  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    Sadly, it's still far from the worst project I've been handed to work on. It's just incredibly surprising because this company does not have a reputation for doing this sort of thing and I thought I was escaping getting handed messes like this finally.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • KakodaimonosKakodaimonos Registered User regular
    seabass wrote: »
    Tav wrote: »
    fuck MATLAB indeed

    none of us taking the MATLAB class his year has any idea what's going on, there's no tutorials and the lecturer prefaces everything with "it's easy to do..."

    also figuring out that ending a statement with ; hid the output took a while and a lot of frustration

    MATLAB is a lot like a special dialect of C tailored for solving differential equations and simultaneous systems of equations. You can write whole, full featured simulations in it if you really want to, but I'm of the opinion that you should probably avoid that and just use it to crunch numbers.

    On an almost related note, anyone here familiar with linear programming / operations research techniques that can suggest an introductory text? I'd like to branch out a bit from my discrete optimization expertise into continuous optimization, but I don't know very much about the topics other than "let's model systems as a large set of related equations and solve them / hillclimb to find extrema".

    One thing to remember about MATLAB. If you are using it to prototype an algorithm and send someone (like me) the C code you can generate from it, they will hate you. I hated trying to support that crap.

    Are you looking for linear optimization or continuous optimization?
    Bertismas and Tsitsikilis Intro to Linear Optimization is a good starting point for linear stuff. Not too hairy on the math side and a good overview.

  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    The worst was when I came in to do some reports for a project because they were way behind on them and it was emergency do-or-die time.

    So I do all the analysis and requirement gathering by talking with everyone because no one planned shit, and start making the reports, and go through a bunch of revision adhoc.

    And I tell them they need to document the requirements now or they'll never make it through QA cause what the fuck are they gonna do exactly?

    And so they upload a bunch of screenshots of my developed reports as the "requirements" to a Sharepoint site.

    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
    The PhalLounge :: Chat board for Phalla discussion and Secret Santas :: PhallAX 2013
    Critical Failures IRC! :: #CriticalFailures and #mafia on irc.slashnet.org
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    Slightly related, I don't think I have ever written software based on a spec. It's the beauty of working on an data transmission engine. Now that I am moving into doing some frontend stuff, I do not look forward to requirements meetings.
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.
    Your belief is not required
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    I'm far too OCD to be doing wireframes and Peer Reviews.
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.

    On my work machine. It's really weird.
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.

    On my work machine. It's really weird.

    When you go to Google, does it bring up the US page or another country's page?
    Your belief is not required
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Or, try this: http://whatismyipaddress.com/

    It'll tell you where the Internet thinks your computer is located.
    Your belief is not required
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.

    On my work machine. It's really weird.

    When you go to Google, does it bring up the US page or another country's page?

    It appears to be the US page.
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Funny thing or annoying error.

    I am writing a raytracer, rendering the standard cornell box. For any of you who have done it you know you code some form of method that checks for the closest intersection between a ray and an object.

    Instead I managed to write it wrong so it saves the farthest intersection, so only the walls were visible but not the boxes. Lawl.
    Honk on
  • Alistair HuttonAlistair Hutton Registered User regular
    "No business, what you are suggesting is a fairly radical change and will need plenty of time to analyse and implement"
    "Actually business, I might be done after 15 mins"
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.

    On my work machine. It's really weird.

    When you go to Google, does it bring up the US page or another country's page?

    It appears to be the US page.

    Did you get a chance to try http://whatismyipaddress.com/ ?
    Your belief is not required
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.

    On my work machine. It's really weird.

    When you go to Google, does it bring up the US page or another country's page?

    It appears to be the US page.

    Did you get a chance to try http://whatismyipaddress.com/ ?

    It shows me being exactly where I should be. It might be time to clear my cache.
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.

    On my work machine. It's really weird.

    When you go to Google, does it bring up the US page or another country's page?

    It appears to be the US page.

    Did you get a chance to try http://whatismyipaddress.com/ ?

    It shows me being exactly where I should be. It might be time to clear my cache.

    Yeah, I'm stumped then.

    Have you tried going to it in Chrome and using auto-translate? Then finding the account settings in case you accidentally ended up on the wrong language?

    Also, paranoid suggestion, consider contacting Steam support to see if any Hungarian IPs have connected to your account.
    Your belief is not required
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Is that at home or at work? Or at home on a work machine?

    Because for a few months my work network was routing through France. Google thought someone was trying to steal my Gmail account and Steam wouldn't let me buy anything off the website.

    On my work machine. It's really weird.

    When you go to Google, does it bring up the US page or another country's page?

    It appears to be the US page.

    Did you get a chance to try http://whatismyipaddress.com/ ?

    It shows me being exactly where I should be. It might be time to clear my cache.

    Yeah, I'm stumped then.

    Have you tried going to it in Chrome and using auto-translate? Then finding the account settings in case you accidentally ended up on the wrong language?

    Also, paranoid suggestion, consider contacting Steam support to see if any Hungarian IPs have connected to your account.

    I cleared my cache, and now everything is normal again. WTF Steam?
  • EchoEcho Per Aspera Ad Inferi Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Phyphor wrote: »
    There are 2 hard problems in computer science: caching, naming, and off-by-1 errors

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world:

    * People who understand binary
    * People who don't understand binary
    * People who don't understand ternary
    * People who don't understand quaternary
    * People who don't understand quinary
  • DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Kolosus wrote: »
    Wait, so people use MATLAB for real projects?

    Tons of people do here for quick prototyping. Typically an algorithm developer prototypes in MATLAB, then if it shows promise, they hand it to me, I figure out what they were doing and then write it effeciently in JAVA. That's right, the MATLAB code is so shitty it runs infintely faster in JAVA.


    And honestly, I use MATLAB to debug a lot of my output products. imagesc() is a goto.


    Let me be a bit more clearer, I typically am working in Image Processing. MATLAB is the balls for that sends images are just MATrices anyway.
    DrunkMc on
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Why is the flexmojos plug-in for maven such complete ass? I can get a java project up and running in maven in like 4 seconds, but I can't seem to fucking figure out how to make this terrible plugin actually DO anything without giving me an error.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Someone please tell me what the word "expecified" means. I am at a loss.
    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:3.8:compile-swf (default-compile-swf) on project flex: Source file not expecified and no default found! -> [Help 1]

    There is no source file for this project. It is just a bunch of random .as files.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    See, all it takes is me bitching like a little girl and I figure it out.
  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    "No business, what you are suggesting is a fairly radical change and will need plenty of time to analyse and implement"
    "Actually business, I might be done after 15 mins"
    I always tell co-workers to give me some time after asking me a question. It's almost always harder than they think but easier than I initially think (except when it's also harder than I think, but we don't know that until I start doing it).
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    DrunkMc wrote: »
    I actually like MATLAB. Its super powerful and quick to prototype shit. However, FUCK MATLAB PROGRAMMERS!!! These god damn PHD students who never took a programming class in their life pumping out the worst god damn MATLAB I have ever seen in my life, and I have to debug and fix it for them. And I'll be damned if they know how to do anything themselves, they only use MATLAB supplied functions.

    And Tav if your teacher didn't tell you first thing that ; supresses output, he's a fuckwad. That is the FIRST thing you learn with a typical MATLAB Hello World.

    we didn't get told shit. We just got homeworks and he said "if you know other languages, you can just pick it up as you go along"
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    I find that this is very close to how I usually describe things
  • ecco the dolphinecco the dolphin Registered User regular
    I used to use Matlab for quick prototyping of dsp algorithms and general number crunching.

    Ended up doing a form of Hungarian notation on the variables, because everything was so weakly typed.

    It's pretty darned good if your goal is to convert one set of numbers to another - you can easily debug everything by plotting like a madman and get a feel for how your algorithm's doing.

    On the other hand, it's so darned easy to abuse.

    Once, we were challenged to write the shortest Matlab programme to read input from a file, apply some calculations over it, and output the results.

    The idea was to use the inbuilt vector and matrix operations so that you could just go

    vX = vY .* vZ * mC;

    instead of manually using a for loop and iterating through every element.

    There were a lot of really bright people in our class - they mostly got it down to about 8-10 lines, and called it a day.

    I came up with an alternative solution which, I'd like to think, also used vector and matrix operations. Just maybe not in the way intended.
    instructionVector = [ 2, 3, 9, 4, 1 ...  ]; % etc
    codeVector = [ ';', 'fd = fopen', '(', ')', 'val = ' ... ]; % etc
    eval( instructionVector' * codeVector ); % generates a matrix of code to execute

    Basically, did a rudimentary compression pass on the true algorithm, and used vector multiply to decompress into a matrix form that eval() could run.

    What's that they say - when in doubt, add one level of indirection? =P

    Man, I had so much free time back when I was a student.
    Penny Arcade Developers at PADev.net.
  • jaziekjaziek Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yeah.... for the assignment that I just got done doing I threw all semblance of efficiency to the wind. For loops all over the place.

    jaziek on
    Steam ||| SC2 - Jaziek.377 on EU & NA. ||| Twitch Stream
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    For assignments, never go for efficient unless you have to or are bored
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I used to use Matlab for quick prototyping of dsp algorithms and general number crunching.

    Ended up doing a form of Hungarian notation on the variables, because everything was so weakly typed.

    It's pretty darned good if your goal is to convert one set of numbers to another - you can easily debug everything by plotting like a madman and get a feel for how your algorithm's doing.

    On the other hand, it's so darned easy to abuse.

    Once, we were challenged to write the shortest Matlab programme to read input from a file, apply some calculations over it, and output the results.

    The idea was to use the inbuilt vector and matrix operations so that you could just go

    vX = vY .* vZ * mC;

    instead of manually using a for loop and iterating through every element.

    There were a lot of really bright people in our class - they mostly got it down to about 8-10 lines, and called it a day.

    I came up with an alternative solution which, I'd like to think, also used vector and matrix operations. Just maybe not in the way intended.
    instructionVector = [ 2, 3, 9, 4, 1 ...  ]; % etc
    codeVector = [ ';', 'fd = fopen', '(', ')', 'val = ' ... ]; % etc
    eval( instructionVector' * codeVector ); % generates a matrix of code to execute

    Basically, did a rudimentary compression pass on the true algorithm, and used vector multiply to decompress into a matrix form that eval() could run.

    What's that they say - when in doubt, add one level of indirection? =P

    Man, I had so much free time back when I was a student.

    Clearly you should have written a CPU emulator, the wrote a program to solve it in C, compiled that, dumped the binary and do the same trick with the instructions. Make it completely indecipherable!
    Phyphor on
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