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[Programming] Thread: Restricting masking of red pandas since 2013.



  • ecco the dolphinecco the dolphin Registered User regular
    Phyphor wrote: »
    Clearly you should have written a CPU emulator, the wrote a program to solve it in C, compiled that, dumped the binary and do the same trick with the instructions. Make it completely indecipherable!

    Dear Prof xyz

    I need a one week extension to the assignment due to a delay from the bindery in binding my assignment, and the CPU ISA that I have invented (with floating point acceleration!).

    With regards,

    Penny Arcade Developers at PADev.net.
  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    Boss man wanted to have a look at my project today to see how things are coming along. It turns out there's been some miscommunication. While I don't have and probably won't have the level of planning and requirements I'm used to, he has no intention of me being the one who has to get the css and html all correct, I just have to get it functional and good enough. Someone else will come along after me and make it fabulous.

    Guess I should have talked to him sooner, but it didn't start really getting to me until today. Right before I started the project he said that the developers would be taking on most of the css/html because we were short on designers but not developers. Then the designer guy gave me a bunch of pngs, said "make it look like this", and told me that he hoped to be done soon and not touch the project again.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Parsing json strings in Lua! There are some \/ escaped /es. The reference implementation accept this (technically) invalid escape sequence, and the library I'm using relies on this.

    Their website which provides a demo type-your-app-in-and-we'll-run-it-for-you page does not. Apparently they use a different version with a stricter lexer?

    I'm now using a second implementation which also does not accept this escape! And wondering why parsing the json from here keeps crashing
    Phyphor on
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Jimmy King wrote: »
    Boss man wanted to have a look at my project today to see how things are coming along. It turns out there's been some miscommunication. While I don't have and probably won't have the level of planning and requirements I'm used to, he has no intention of me being the one who has to get the css and html all correct, I just have to get it functional and good enough. Someone else will come along after me and make it fabulous.

    Guess I should have talked to him sooner, but it didn't start really getting to me until today. Right before I started the project he said that the developers would be taking on most of the css/html because we were short on designers but not developers. Then the designer guy gave me a bunch of pngs, said "make it look like this", and told me that he hoped to be done soon and not touch the project again.

    Well that's a relief!
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    / is escaped as \/ but inconsistently. Yay non-standard standards! :D

    It is to avoid the possibility of a JSON string literal having </ in it which would break your HTML.
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  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    bowen wrote: »
    Jimmy King wrote: »
    Boss man wanted to have a look at my project today to see how things are coming along. It turns out there's been some miscommunication. While I don't have and probably won't have the level of planning and requirements I'm used to, he has no intention of me being the one who has to get the css and html all correct, I just have to get it functional and good enough. Someone else will come along after me and make it fabulous.

    Guess I should have talked to him sooner, but it didn't start really getting to me until today. Right before I started the project he said that the developers would be taking on most of the css/html because we were short on designers but not developers. Then the designer guy gave me a bunch of pngs, said "make it look like this", and told me that he hoped to be done soon and not touch the project again.

    Well that's a relief!
    Yeah it is. I wish I could get real planning/requirements, but I can still do that part I'm good at with questionable requirements a whole hell of a lot better than I can do the part I'm not good at even with good requirements.

    Now that I know I don't have to worry so much about UI nonsense, it's time to crank out some usable but ugly pages real quick.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Alright so for some fucking reason maven is generating a blank .as file. I am not sure why or how it's doing it, but it is and it's making it impossible to compile this code following the generation.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Anyone here use flex before? I have some .as files that say "import java.io.InputStream" but I'm getting compiler errors because it doesn't know where java.io is. I can't seem to find the swc for it.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Turns out the file I was generating wasn't supposed to be in there. So... Yay!
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Odd problem. I have a folder (src/main/java/com/company/files) with, let's say, 5 files:


    I have a line of maven code:

    When I run this code I get a total of six files:


    But when I do:

    I get the appropriate 5 .as files. I have checked the directory to make sure there are no hidden files and have redownloaded the folder from SVN. Very weird.
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    urahonky wrote: »
    Odd problem. I have a folder (src/main/java/com/company/files) with, let's say, 5 files:


    I have a line of maven code:

    When I run this code I get a total of six files:


    But when I do:

    I get the appropriate 5 .as files. I have checked the directory to make sure there are no hidden files and have redownloaded the folder from SVN. Very weird.

    The only thing I can think of is that it's picking up the .svn directory or something in it.

    Hmm, another idea - Do any of those files contain more than one class in them?
    Your belief is not required
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Java :rotate:

    I'm sorry, that's about all there is to it.

    Meaningful error messages? Pft.
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    One does, but even if that were the case wouldn't it still happen if I compiled each of them separately?
  • TofystedethTofystedeth veni, veneri, vamoosi Registered User regular
    Kolosus wrote: »
    So, I have an unrelated question about Steam. Every page is in Hungarian for me, anyone know how on earth to fix this? It wasn't always this way.

    Had this same thing happen to me when a Danish guy sent me a game from SteamGifts and I clicked on the link to redeem it in the email. It reset my region. I don't have Steam in front of me but I think in the upper right corner by the signout and stuff is a dropdown setting where you can change your language.
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    bowen wrote: »
    Java :rotate:

    I'm sorry, that's about all there is to it.

    Meaningful error messages? Pft.

    That's not Java, that's Maven. Saying that's Java's fault is like blaming Microsoft when your Oracle installation shits itself.

    @urahonky Why are you white-listing the classes? It should pick everything up automatically anyway.
    Your belief is not required
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Details are a bit sketchy. Basically we have a large project that have some interfaces that we're converting to .as files. I don't want to convert EVERYTHING in that project to .as, since that would be completely useless.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    gjaustin wrote: »
    bowen wrote: »
    Java :rotate:

    I'm sorry, that's about all there is to it.

    Meaningful error messages? Pft.

    That's not Java, that's Maven. Saying that's Java's fault is like blaming Microsoft when your Oracle installation shits itself.

    @urahonky Why are you white-listing the classes? It should pick everything up automatically anyway.

    More like:

    That's like blaming Microsoft when a .NET assembly shits itself.


    But, alas, I've found the problem:

  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    Thursdays make up for any pain and frustration from the rest of the week here. Lunch on the company which today included beer from the microbrewery next door.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    I hate you so much right now Inf.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Hate @ethea, he's the one with all the fancy equipment because he gets a personal budget to spend on it.
  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    I'm wondering how they're going to handle computers long term here. It's a young company and I got a huge budget when hired for whatever equipment I wanted (with recommendations based on what other people use), but I don't know if I now have to make this stuff last 10 years (if I were to work here that long) or if every couple years I get money to spend on new stuff. I should ask some time.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    I'm an equal opportunity hater.
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    bowen wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    bowen wrote: »
    Java :rotate:

    I'm sorry, that's about all there is to it.

    Meaningful error messages? Pft.

    That's not Java, that's Maven. Saying that's Java's fault is like blaming Microsoft when your Oracle installation shits itself.

    @urahonky Why are you white-listing the classes? It should pick everything up automatically anyway.

    More like:

    That's like blaming Microsoft when a .NET assembly shits itself.


    But, alas, I've found the problem:


    I'm going to maintain that this isn't a problem with Java. It's a problem with the kind of developers who use Java.

    You know, the ones who think that vi is all the text editor you'll ever need.

    That said, setting up a Jenkins build server (using Maven) for my latest project was one of the weirdest things I've ever done. I had to download a plugin to clear my workspace before the build. And I had to add a command line argument to make sure it actually updated my dependencies, instead of just using whatever JAR file it had laying around. At one point, it was using a 2-week old JAR, just because.
    Your belief is not required
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    Hey, hey, hey. Some of them use vim. They're still crazy, but not quite as much!
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    I don't think bowen actually hates Java, he just has to keep up the facade.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Jimmy King wrote: »
    I'm wondering how they're going to handle computers long term here. It's a young company and I got a huge budget when hired for whatever equipment I wanted (with recommendations based on what other people use), but I don't know if I now have to make this stuff last 10 years (if I were to work here that long) or if every couple years I get money to spend on new stuff. I should ask some time.

    Just bring it up casually, rather than "holy hell I can't compile I've been waiting 40 minutes for tomcat to launch." Because when it's in a crunch people hate it so much more.

    Hell fire off an email to your supervisor so you can bring it back up when you need to.
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    urahonky wrote: »
    I don't think bowen actually hates Java, he just has to keep up the facade.

    Well, let's be honest, Java :rotate:
  • EvilMonkeyEvilMonkey Registered User regular
    Uneducated guess; Is it treating the files directory as a file when you use the wildcard solution and freaking out when it can't find a package name inside the "file"?
    [PSN: SciencePiggy] [Steam]
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 13 minutes 28 seconds
    [INFO] Finished at: Thu May 16 14:15:19 EDT 2013
    [INFO] Final Memory: 41M/240M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 41.255s
    [INFO] Finished at: Thu May 16 14:16:31 EDT 2013
    [INFO] Final Memory: 42M/391M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Can you tell which one was Windows (with virus scan) and which was Linux (with no virus scan)? :P
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    EvilMonkey wrote: »
    Uneducated guess; Is it treating the files directory as a file when you use the wildcard solution and freaking out when it can't find a package name inside the "file"?

    That is entirely possible.
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    Wait, how the hell do you associate vim with Java?
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
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    Critical Failures IRC! :: #CriticalFailures and #mafia on irc.slashnet.org
  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    bowen wrote: »
    Jimmy King wrote: »
    I'm wondering how they're going to handle computers long term here. It's a young company and I got a huge budget when hired for whatever equipment I wanted (with recommendations based on what other people use), but I don't know if I now have to make this stuff last 10 years (if I were to work here that long) or if every couple years I get money to spend on new stuff. I should ask some time.

    Just bring it up casually, rather than "holy hell I can't compile I've been waiting 40 minutes for tomcat to launch." Because when it's in a crunch people hate it so much more.

    Hell fire off an email to your supervisor so you can bring it back up when you need to.

    Eventually I will. It'll be awhile before this computer isn't useful. I think I've only ever worked at the same company long enough for a computer like I've got now to be unbearable once.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • Jimmy KingJimmy King Registered User regular
    Infidel wrote: »
    Wait, how the hell do you associate vim with Java?
    jim, the java port of vim.
    import com.seriouscompany.business.java.fizzbuzz.packagenamingpackage.interfaces.stringreturners.StringStringReturner;
  • KolosusKolosus Registered User regular
    urahonky wrote: »
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 13 minutes 28 seconds
    [INFO] Finished at: Thu May 16 14:15:19 EDT 2013
    [INFO] Final Memory: 41M/240M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 41.255s
    [INFO] Finished at: Thu May 16 14:16:31 EDT 2013
    [INFO] Final Memory: 42M/391M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Can you tell which one was Windows (with virus scan) and which was Linux (with no virus scan)? :P

    Clearly the longer one was Linux because it had to get through all the neckbeard to build.
  • PhyphorPhyphor Registered User regular
    But, linux never reports time in a readable format like X minutes, Y seconds, it's always XXX.YYY seconds. Conundrum!
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Infidel wrote: »
    Wait, how the hell do you associate vim with Java?

    It's not a direct association, but rather a chain of logic.

    People who program in Java are more likely to love them some Unix.
    People who love them some Unix are more likely to be insane.
    Insane people are more like to use vi.
    Your belief is not required
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Infidel wrote: »
    Wait, how the hell do you associate vim with Java?

    It's not a direct association, but rather a chain of logic.

    People who program in Java are more likely to love them some Unix.
    People who love them some Unix are more likely to be insane.
    Insane people are more like to use vi.

    Yeah, I am gonna guess that some people have skewed experiences with "Java developers" but the majority are actually the opposite and bloated IDE dependent, doing stuff like Eclipse in Windows. :)
    Play D&D 4e? :: Check out Orokos and upload your Character Builder sheet! :: Orokos Dice Roller
    The PhalLounge :: Chat board for Phalla discussion and Secret Santas :: PhallAX 2013
    Critical Failures IRC! :: #CriticalFailures and #mafia on irc.slashnet.org
  • gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Infidel wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Infidel wrote: »
    Wait, how the hell do you associate vim with Java?

    It's not a direct association, but rather a chain of logic.

    People who program in Java are more likely to love them some Unix.
    People who love them some Unix are more likely to be insane.
    Insane people are more like to use vi.

    Yeah, I am gonna guess that some people have skewed experiences with "Java developers" but the majority are actually the opposite and bloated IDE dependent, doing stuff like Eclipse in Windows. :)

    I guess I should have clarified better that I'm talking more about the people who write the tools.

    You know, the people who didn't bother to develop a GUI to go with Maven.
    Your belief is not required
  • urahonkyurahonky Registered User regular
    Oh great. I've moved on to having it run a mvn clean install just fine in Linux, but not in Windows.
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