Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[chat]on Oswalt



  • simonwolfsimonwolf Registered User regular
    I lived next to a Catholic church for 23 years

    I think I've taken in enough second-hand guilt from that place to be a half-Catholic at least
  • Mojo_JojoMojo_Jojo Tough on mime. Tough on the causes of mime Registered User regular
    Oh motherfucker. This project clusterfuck costs me my jolly to Chicago and somewhere in Wisconsin.

    Also my pay rise is negligible. I am holding my payslip and the additional funds are barely detectable.

    I am going to scream into a pillow.
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    simonwolf wrote: »
    I lived next to a Catholic church for 23 years

    I think I've taken in enough second-hand guilt from that place to be a half-Catholic at least

    Only if you experienced a prolonged exposure of 500 Rites per day.
    RMS Oceanic on
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Zephiran wrote: »
    A prominent barrister specialising in reproductive rights has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13.

    Barbara Hewson told online magazine Spiked that the move was necessary in the wake of the Savile scandal to end the "persecution of old men".

    She also said that complainants should no longer receive anonymity.

    "What we have here is the manipulation of the British criminal justice system to produce scapegoats on demand. It is a grotesque spectacle," she said.

    "It's time to end this prurient charade, which has nothing to do with justice or the public interest."

    She argues for an end to complainant anonymity, a strict statute of limitations to prevent prosecutions after a substantial amount of time has passed and a reduction in the age of consent to 13.

    She said that "touching a 17-year-old's breast, kissing a 13-year-old, or putting one's hand up a 16-year-old's skirt" are not crimes comparable to gang rapes and murders and "anyone suggesting otherwise has lost touch with reality".

    Image text: Ms Hewson calls Hall's crimes "misdemeanours" and warns against "fetishising victimhood"

    Bolds're mine.


    Motherfucker, what am I reading!?!

    Did someone forget her pills or some shit?

    There were some women who found the gender relations of the mid 20th century quite suited to their taste:
    Washington writer Sally Quinn told of a 1950s reception where: “My mother and I headed for the buffet table. As we were reaching for the shrimp, both of us jumped and let out a shriek. Senator Strom Thurmond, grinning from ear to ear, had one hand on my behind and the other on my mother’s. As I recall, we were both quite flattered, and thought it terribly funny and wicked of Ol’ Strom.”
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    It's interesting because the last time the government tried to move up the productivity chain, it triggered a massive recession and opened the doors to its first real political challenge.

    And it's going to create another.. The newer Asian democracies (especially in the city states) are so interesting, they all follow along with what Japan has done before them for the most part, or vehemently try to fight having "the lost decade".

    I'm not honestly sure. The last attempt was rather clumsily Keynesian, in the naive let's-raise-wages-and-let-the-market-sort-out-the-details sense. This one seems more sophisticated. Notice that the Ms. Seah featured did not go on to simply employ a low-skilled Singaporean at higher wages. No, she just bought more machinery. There has been no attempt to engineer wages up directly. The government's new model - generous minimally-regulated-and-indeed-subsidized-growth, then redistribution out of taxes just before every election - seems to be working.

    I don't know enough about the intricacies of Singaporean politics to really get Into it without doing some reading, I just remember hearing about the wealth inequality, and generous tax oppurtunities there for expats. Anything you wanna put up as good reading I'll read for sure, even though my backlog is getting a bit dense again, and I'm trying to figure out if I wanna stay up all night and handicap two forms, of head into the office.

    The wealth inequality stems from the last recession, when the government there decided to completely give up on trying to raise median wages because of all the problems trying to raise it caused.

    I thought it had to do to their appeal to overseas investors and Japan as their big buddy in the area? Kinda like Maccau and Taiwan, but in very different ways.

    No - more like Hong Kong. Macau has no industry. Taiwan is much bigger.

    Macau has a lot of industry, and the most In my field, But yea, Hong Kong is definitely on the money. I just know more about Macau business/political dynamics than Hong Kong.
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Mojo_Jojo wrote: »
    Oh motherfucker. This project clusterfuck costs me my jolly to Chicago and somewhere in Wisconsin.

    Also my pay rise is negligible. I am holding my payslip and the additional funds are barely detectable.

    I am going to scream into a pillow.

  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    (That was a radiation joke. I was referring to the obselete unit Rad)
    RMS Oceanic on
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    (That was a radiation joke. I was referring to the obselete unit RAD)


    *bells toll in the distance*
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    (That was a radiation joke. I was referring to the obselete unit RAD)


    *bells toll in the distance*

    The concept of Mutually Assured Excommunication is serious business!
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular



    just stahp
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »



    just stahp

    So I should tear down this wall? Of Vatican City?
  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Zephiran wrote: »
    A prominent barrister specialising in reproductive rights has called for the age of consent to be lowered to 13.

    Barbara Hewson told online magazine Spiked that the move was necessary in the wake of the Savile scandal to end the "persecution of old men".

    She also said that complainants should no longer receive anonymity.

    "What we have here is the manipulation of the British criminal justice system to produce scapegoats on demand. It is a grotesque spectacle," she said.

    "It's time to end this prurient charade, which has nothing to do with justice or the public interest."

    She argues for an end to complainant anonymity, a strict statute of limitations to prevent prosecutions after a substantial amount of time has passed and a reduction in the age of consent to 13.

    She said that "touching a 17-year-old's breast, kissing a 13-year-old, or putting one's hand up a 16-year-old's skirt" are not crimes comparable to gang rapes and murders and "anyone suggesting otherwise has lost touch with reality".

    Image text: Ms Hewson calls Hall's crimes "misdemeanours" and warns against "fetishising victimhood"

    Bolds're mine.


    Motherfucker, what am I reading!?!

    Did someone forget her pills or some shit?

    There were some women who found the gender relations of the mid 20th century quite suited to their taste:
    Washington writer Sally Quinn told of a 1950s reception where: “My mother and I headed for the buffet table. As we were reaching for the shrimp, both of us jumped and let out a shriek. Senator Strom Thurmond, grinning from ear to ear, had one hand on my behind and the other on my mother’s. As I recall, we were both quite flattered, and thought it terribly funny and wicked of Ol’ Strom.”

    My Professor's extended relatives had a daughter who married Thurmond late in his life.

    I felt pity for that woman.
  • EchoEcho Per Aspera Ad Inferi Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I'm multitasking.

  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    The SI unit for radiation is the Gray.
  • VariableVariable Stroke Me Lady Fame Registered User regular
    what's the game on the left echo
    "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" - Dr. Johnson
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Apprently Echo, in addition to multitasking you are unstoppable, dominating and godlike!
  • EchoEcho Per Aspera Ad Inferi Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Variable wrote: »
    what's the game on the left echo

    Civ 5.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    I'm playing the bf3 campaign. I can't play the mp. Why should be obvious.

    anyway, good news: my laptop can run it perfectly! Wooh!

    bad news: jesus christ, this is bad. This is really bad.
  • Rear Admiral ChocoRear Admiral Choco Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I'm playing the bf3 campaign. I can't play the mp. Why should be obvious.

    anyway, good news: my laptop can run it perfectly! Wooh!

    bad news: jesus christ, this is bad. This is really bad.

    Bad as in death of productivity, or multiplayer not working?
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Echo wrote: »
    Variable wrote: »
    what's the game on the left echo

    Civ 5.

    god damn you for making me want to play a game of Civ V
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Dear France and the Netherlands.

    You are not supposed to have borders.


    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    last day of being "productive" then video gaems forever
  • RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Dear France and the Netherlands.

    You are not supposed to have borders.



    They were meant to have borders until Uppity Belgium wanted its own Kingdom with blackjack and hookers.
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Apprently Echo, in addition to multitasking you are unstoppable, dominating and godlike!

    OP champ is OP
    I'll be grabbing her later this week
  • Rear Admiral ChocoRear Admiral Choco Registered User regular
    Man where has my vidya gaem productivity gone anyway

    Got nice new equipment and everything yet I've only found time to play like 4 hours in the week so far, and barely played anything this weekend

    Probably all the grocery shopping and cooking and additional sleep and other adult shit

    Goddammit life, let me cling on to my disgusting nerdly ways
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    I'm the first one in the office. I can't figure out the lights, the only switch I can find doesn't do anything, so I'm just sitting here in the dark.

    I'll bet I scare the tits out of the second person in.
  • Rear Admiral ChocoRear Admiral Choco Registered User regular
    On the other hand we've been eating great and I'm making a meal plan as we speak so that's satisfying in its own way
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I'm playing the bf3 campaign. I can't play the mp. Why should be obvious.

    anyway, good news: my laptop can run it perfectly! Wooh!

    bad news: jesus christ, this is bad. This is really bad.

    Bad as in death of productivity, or multiplayer not working?

    no, the campaign, I mean. The campaign is really bad.

    the mp not working was entirely expected and not a negative thing.

    Checking if it could run was the only reason I acquired it.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    newspaper says that for authenticity's sake, women wearing the bunad on 17th of may should forgo wearing underwear.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    and now I have a new line to use.
  • JamesJames Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I'm playing the bf3 campaign. I can't play the mp. Why should be obvious.

    anyway, good news: my laptop can run it perfectly! Wooh!

    bad news: jesus christ, this is bad. This is really bad.

    Bad as in death of productivity, or multiplayer not working?

    no, the campaign, I mean. The campaign is really bad.

    the mp not working was entirely expected and not a negative thing.

    Checking if it could run was the only reason I acquired it.

    i think it is safe to say that people don't usually play battlefield for sophisticated narrative
  • BobCescaBobCesca Registered User regular
    Still working on stuff for the interview next week.

    The more I do, the more nervous I get.
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    I didn't sleep great

    I put some mattress protector on my mattress but maybe I also need some pillowy mattress pad
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Reading the Hate speech thread sometimes I wonder how the US views Europe. I mean we have these left wing policies and laws but then we have hate speech laws and gun control. Do they think of us as incredibly authoritarian?
    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    James wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I'm playing the bf3 campaign. I can't play the mp. Why should be obvious.

    anyway, good news: my laptop can run it perfectly! Wooh!

    bad news: jesus christ, this is bad. This is really bad.

    Bad as in death of productivity, or multiplayer not working?

    no, the campaign, I mean. The campaign is really bad.

    the mp not working was entirely expected and not a negative thing.

    Checking if it could run was the only reason I acquired it.

    i think it is safe to say that people don't usually play battlefield for sophisticated narrative

    yeah, but the narrative is a secondary or tertiary problem at worst

    the main problem is how there's no freedom whatsoever

    the godamn NPCs just do their scripted thing and expect you to follow the script. They're awful.

    everything is super linear.

    also I mean, a battlefield game where I can't enter the jeep over there if I want to? The fuck is this?
    Abdhyius on
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Reading the Hate speech thread sometimes I wonder how the US views Europe. I mean we have these left wing policies and laws but then we have hate speech laws and gun control. Do they think of us as incredibly authoritarian?

    hate speech is an american term isn't it
  • Rear Admiral ChocoRear Admiral Choco Registered User regular
    Variable wrote: »
    Man where has my vidya gaem productivity gone anyway

    Got nice new equipment and everything yet I've only found time to play like 4 hours in the week so far, and barely played anything this weekend

    Probably all the grocery shopping and cooking and additional sleep and other adult shit

    Goddammit life, let me cling on to my disgusting nerdly ways

    you disgust me

    No, no!

    Stop looking at me!!
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    i am a fat pie with my 2 cheez burgers
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Reading the Hate speech thread sometimes I wonder how the US views Europe. I mean we have these left wing policies and laws but then we have hate speech laws and gun control. Do they think of us as incredibly authoritarian?

    i think it is easier to conceive of someone other than the government as the enemy when the Other is all around you, in every direction, and outnumber you
This discussion has been closed.