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Strip Search - Elimination #7



  • NavyBeanNavyBean Registered User regular
    New espadrille please!
  • wahaywahay Your Handicapped Hero Cincinnati, USARegistered User regular
    Damn it, PA-TV! Quit blue-balling me!
    "Sorry ladies, I give my everything to Sallie Mae."
    My Artist Corner Thread
  • electricitylikesmeelectricitylikesme Registered User regular
    I'm in Bulgaria right now and had to spoil myself on this episode since I don't have enough internet to watch it at the moment.

    Sucks that Monica is gone - her webcomic has really grown on me, and is probably the only searcher's that I've been showing to other people.
  • A Concerned CitizenA Concerned Citizen Registered User regular
    Withdrawals... must hit reload,,,,
  • Agent0fN0thingAgent0fN0thing Registered User regular
    Much later than we usually see these episodes. Maybe Graham and Kathleen are engaging in furious, last-minute edits.
  • SeriouslySeriously Maarebas Registered User regular
    just graham by himself actually
  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    Wow... even The Order of the Stick updated today. I wonder if there are issues with YouTube...
  • seegruseegru Master of None St. PaulRegistered User regular
    Always leave them wanting more....
  • Agent0fN0thingAgent0fN0thing Registered User regular
    Delays happen, and for the fact that we get all of this gratis, I can live with it. And did somebody say that OoTS updated today? IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS IN MAY!
  • MekkaBMekkaB Registered User regular
    Delays happen, and for the fact that we get all of this gratis, I can live with it.

    Word booty THIS. Graham, there's a Phillips Hop Circle/Amnesiac on me for your efforts, next time.

    /even though I give you isht about your screen time.
    //or maybe BECAUSE of it. Either way. Great beer.
  • SpiritfireSpiritfire Brookfield, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I've wondered what the reason was for putting up the video at around midnight Pacific. It's not exactly a time when a lot of people can view it. Capacity isn't likely an issue because it is Youtube and you'd figure people wouldn't have to burn the midnight oil on bot sides if there's a unexpected delay. Psychological pleasure similar to waiting in line for a midnight movie opening or a game release, perhaps?

    Oh, and I was showing my viewing partner (aka the wife) Monica's comics and was really surprised she didn't go with humor. If I had a hack at it, I'd make some dumb joke about T-Rexes being the feared creatures of the time because they acted out (violently) for not being able to put on roller skates like the other dinos on account of their short arms. Yes, I know it's played out and other dinosaurs would have just as hard as a time, but it looked funny in my head.

    Edit: Complete your sentences and thoughts, man...
    Spiritfire on
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    shiser wrote: »
    erom wrote: »
    It's also worth pointing out that Seattle isn't a cheap city - $15,000 even before tax is tough to live on. $15,000 is live with roomates, pack your lunch every day, eat ramen regularly kind of money in a city like that.

    A kickstarter is still a reasonable move if you want enough money to start your own thing, and not have to take commissions to make ends meet.

    $15,000 is just starter money. It's not to live on. This isn't $15,000 and a vacation in Seattle. You get $15,000 to help with your move, to buy tools or supplies, servers, whatever, and then you WORK for a year with Penny Arcade teaching you how to make money off of your webcomic (and presumably you're successful at it with their support) plus their help with marketing you. The point is you're supposed to be able to use this as a launching point for a full-time comic making career. It's like any prospective businessperson dipping into personal savings a bit until their business becomes profitable. PA is just giving the winner that extra money to help ends meet until things take off.

    There's nothing wrong with a winner or finalist seeking additional funding on top of the $15,000, but it does seem a little weird considering how valuable the final prize is in terms of apprenticeship, the free office space, and access to PA staff. If you can't make ends meet with $15,000 and all of that to help your business, you're really not using the opportunity very effectively. Penny Arcade apparently thinks $15,000 is plenty when added to whatever money they'll be able to make at comics, and they would probably know, right?
    with Penny Arcade teaching you how to make money off of your webcomic

    You realize this could literally be the advice they're teaching her? "Yeah, Kickstarter is a great way to market your stuff, you can really use it as a launching point for a full-time comic making career!"

    Not saying this us evidence that she won, obviously, just that it's certainly not evidence she didn't. The PA folk are all about the Kickstarter these days; it's a great tool to launch into something you otherwise wouldn't have the resources to do and Strip Search is an example starting you right in the face. Given Lexxy's particular situation (doesn't have an established strip, has grand visions for what she'd want to do given the resources) it would not shock me at all for that to be their first advice...

    Given what Erika has said about what happened for her after she was eliminated (ie, that she got to talk to Khoo about business), I would assert that comments about how Lexxy's kickstarter reeks of Khoo's business savvy serve significantly better as evidence that she didn't win. Since there isn't a winner yet. But I can go with the theory that Khoo talked to the two proto-winners as well before sending them off for 7 months, which would mean that we can learn precisely nothing.
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    Oh, and I wanted to say this regarding my previous thoughts on the contestant's chances:
    I may have underestimated Maki. So far I had seen a) what he produced in the show, b) some of his quick sketches about Strip Search and a handful of his recent pages, and c) his earliest work. But then I tried reading his page backwards from the most recent stuff, and I find it much more to my taste than I thought I did. So, my estimation of his ability to produce funny work in 90 minutes has increased. So what happens if I put him down as the suspected winner against Katie? Not much, I guess, since I still predict that Abby would win against either. But it makes me more interested to see Katie vs Maki. And more appreciative of him and his sense of humour.

    Really, at this point (as others have said) I would be happy with a win from anybody. Actually, I think I would have been happy with a win from anybody right from the start. Really, any single one of these artists. I think it's just that the longer we have to get to know them via the show, the more we appreciate them.
  • Agent0fN0thingAgent0fN0thing Registered User regular
    @Parmeisan I know! From the beginning, I have found that, even though I have a rooting interest in #TEAMBEARDWALL, I love watching all of these artists push their limits to make something amazing, and they have all emerged as better cartoonists for their experiences. Frankly, I love watching them all win!
  • RicciardiVFXRicciardiVFX Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    17 hours is average in the world of film/tv/graphics/media haha
    RicciardiVFX on
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    I was about to say that I hope that what happened here is that Graham finally decided to get some sleep. But then I checked to see if anything more was posted on Twitter, and FYI:

    Graham Stark ‏@Graham_LRR 9m
    #StripSearch should have been up hours ago, and it’s completely my fault that it wasn’t. The issue has been fixed and it will be up soon.

    ... Not that I can say I'm entirely disappointed that I'll get to watch the show sooner, but Graham, take care of yourself!
  • bubbaholybubbaholy Registered User regular
    Withholding an episode, mistake or not, is a serious human rights violation! I'm kidding... but refresh refresh refresh
  • xdeathknightxxdeathknightx Registered User regular
    I see that it is up on youtube. I would like to thank Graham for all his hard work to make sure we get to see this. And no this isn't sarcastic but I really mean it.
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    Yeah, I think that means he was up & working hard for about 24 hours getting this to us. Go Graham!
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