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Strip Search - Elimination #7



  • mcpmcp Registered User regular
    PeterBman wrote: »
    mcp wrote: »
    That's cool, but mike straight up said she'd be a pretty good fit

    He said that in a sarcastic tone after she said something cruel to him.

  • RicciardiVFXRicciardiVFX Registered User regular
    I did not sense any joking in Mike when he said Monica would be a perfect fit for the office. Did a lot of you think he was joking?
  • smallviziersmallvizier Registered User regular
    I just don't understand that decision.

    Monica set up a fully-realized character and told a story in a single page. It was deep, charming, romantic - and as a bonus told us something deeply personal about her.

    Lexxy's comic was generic. If that were a guest strip in Sam & Fuzzy, it wouldn't look out of place, but I wouldn't remember it either. Making fun of OTT childrens' advertising from the 90s is practically a meme.

    I'll admit I'm a bit biased because Monica was simply awesome in the way she interacted with Mike. But seriously, is it all about the laughs for those guys? And if so, surely they should have seen Lexxy's joke a hundred times before, with better execution too.
  • Inkstain82Inkstain82 Registered User regular
    Again, to the conspiracy theorists who insist this has all been some fraudulent pretense of a competition where Lexxy was going to be crowned no matter what, how do you explain Mike's sincere distraught at having to send one of them home?

    I don't think we have to theorize an intentional conspiracy to suspect that their friendship with Lexxy has shaded their decision-making at times.
  • WangchangbackupWangchangbackup Registered User regular
    I don't think they're rigging it in favor of Lexxy or anything that extreme; but I do think that they might feel like they needed to be sure of their decision to bring Lexxy back. Basically, I think they might have felt a subconscious pressure to support her because they went out on a limb and eliminated two people in order to open up a slot for her to come back.
  • DemonicoreoDemonicoreo Registered User regular
    Damn Monica had me rolling. Her comic was amazing and hit that nice warm spot of hope with a big hug. Monica you do rock.

    I will admit that Lexxy's comic did stand to me as the winner though with its humor hit. It was also nice to actually Lexxy speak on why she was really there and speak a bit on her fear and hope then she shot it all to hell by riding her own narcissim to the finish line. I can't think of it as anything else now. When she did the job interview I had no idea where their fear of her wanting the spotlight came from; this show has made it clear why Khoo stated their fear about hiring her. She did a great comic and clearly has the skill to do this but I honestly can't stand watching her talk about how great she is.
  • wahaywahay Your Handicapped Hero Cincinnati, USARegistered User regular
    @Gosling Thanks for the insight. That makes me feel much better.
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  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Shjade wrote: »
    Three things:

    1 - "Who wears stripes anymore?" <-- best comeback in the competition so far.

    2 - I have to admit I was a little surprised Monica's comic apparently needed to be explained as much as they did. It seemed pretty straightforward, except maybe for the first panel (I initially thought he was moving, not just putting the skates away, not that it was an important distinction for the comic's purposes). But then, given I'm a writer and not an artist, I guess that means I was in Jerry's position of the two of them anyway, so.

    3 - Am I the only one who cringed at Lexxy's post-competition remark re: "I don't think the competition was quite as tight this time around?" 'Cause dang, that's kinda...harsh. Been ignoring the general comments of dislike toward Lexxy up to this point, but I have to say that one remark could be taken pretty badly, even if it wasn't intended that way. :|

    First and foremost being that the show has already been filmed, there's not much that anyone can do to work on how they were perceived... So it's not like she could have gone "hey a bunch of people that comment on the show think that I'm <insult of choice here>, so maybe I should be more careful about not seeming like a <insult of choice here>." So, until she wins/is eliminated, unintentionally negative interpretations of what she says is gonna be the norm... :P

    I didn't think it was off though. Mostly because the actual amount of time IRL that they were waiting in the "shame hole" for a decision. I mean, seeing as Lexxy would have been there twice the fact that it didn't take as long for them to call them back (and they said it was their longest one the first time), would have been good indicator of how solidly either of them won. For us though, both sequences took about 5 minutes of playtime. Plus the entire atmosphere and body language of the people onset could have been different. Not "OH MAN THIS WAS TENSE", but more relaxed. But idk. Conjecture!

    edit: beated by @Gosling. :P
    tastydonuts on
    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • Twenty SidedTwenty Sided Registered User regular
    I am disappointed that one of the competitors hasn't just deadpanned an answer to one of Mike's questions.

    Q: Do you think she deserves to go home?
    A: Yes.

    Monica has Asian mother sass powers.
  • PeterBmanPeterBman Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I did not sense any joking in Mike when he said Monica would be a perfect fit for the office. Did a lot of you think he was joking?

    The joke, to me, seemed to be a sarcastic jab about how mean the people of Penny Arcade are. I doubt, however, that Mike actually thinks his coworkers are mean. But he's said that nothing Monica said offended him, so I'll take him at his word.

    But today on his Twitter feed, Scott Kurtz (a man who, unlike Mike, has no reason to be diplomatic AND is a Penny Arcade occupant) came forward to say that he didn't like what Monica said. So, yeah, that does make me wonder how great she'd fit in there.
    PeterBman on
  • Spiffy McBangSpiffy McBang Registered User regular
    loflo wrote: »
    I don't see the comic as being particularly deep. And the line that the dinosaur should be happy to have a job in the economy implies the skates were pulled out for their job.

    They had a dream about skating for more medals, but instead skate as their job, to light lamps at night.

    Your interpretation of Monica's comic is kind of bonkers.

    I thought the same thing. It looked to me like the dinosaur was breaking out the skates and going to light lamps. Actually, I thought she'd made it a fire-breathing dinosaur and that's how it was lighting the lamps, so I got a better laugh out of it than I imagine most people would have. So I'm super-bonkers.
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    Parmeisan wrote:
    Still, I think it would have helped immensely if the artists had been given the minimal directive "make us laugh".
    But that's not what they want.
    Maybe. But then I wish I knew what they did want.

    Just as long as the remaining challenges aren't all ping pong, of course...
    I'm coming back to the rest of your comments in a moment, but I just needed to say: Please no!!

    She is the only one who got to learn from their mistakes in the elimination round. Nobody else left in that house is going to get that advantage.
    Not entirely true. Katie did, when she nearly lost to Ty and was told as much.

    Gamercow wrote: »
    Well, she did put up the kickstarter the day after she got eliminated, and before she got brought back, she had made a buttload of money. Seems like something Khoo would do, or suggest someone should do as a strategic move... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN
    Erika has said that after getting eliminated, she was allowed to have a sit-down with Khoo. So what you are saying could actually be construed as evidence that Lexxy's not one of the top two, who most likely wouldn't have had such an opportunity yet.
  • CambiataCambiata I'm an alchemist and the beat is my base metal Registered User regular
    The thing that annoys me most in the comments is not that people pick someone they don't like for some random dumb reason that doesn't have anything to do with anything (like, "so-and-so doesn't smile enough"). The thing that bothers me the most is that people in the comments seem to think that because they dislike someone, then obviously the entire cast feels exactly the same way.

    Because how could anyone disagree with [Commenter]? That's crazy talk! Obviously if [Commenter] thinks something, then everybody else must also think it!

    It's the worst kind of self-involved egoism and I despise it.
    -Tal wrote:
    If you don't develop Stockholm Syndrome, it's not a real RPG.
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  • TofystedethTofystedeth veni, veneri, vamoosi Registered User regular
    Lamp wrote: »
    PeterBman wrote: »
    I did not sense any joking in Mike when he said Monica would be a perfect fit for the office. Did a lot of you think he was joking?

    The joke, to me, seemed to be a sarcastic jab about how mean the people of Penny Arcade are. I doubt, however, that Mike actually thinks his coworkers are mean. But he's said that nothing Monica said offended him, so I'll take him at his word.

    But today on his Twitter feed, Scott Kurtz (a man who, unlike Mike, has no reason to be diplomatic AND is a Penny Arcade occupant) came forward to say that he didn't like what Monica said. So, yeah, that does make me wonder how great she'd fit in there.

    OK, this is a serious stretch. Kurtz tweeted:
    "I can’t conceive of a situation where I would tell Jim Davis or Charles Schulz to “Go fuck their mother.”"

    To which Kris Straub hilariously replied:
    "@pvponline it's the same situation where charles schulz asks who you wish would get cancer and/or aids"

    Kurtz replied: "@krisstraub touché"

    You're free to interpret Scott's original tweet how you want but IMO it was a lighthearted jab, a statement of bemused disbelief, not scorn.

    I dunno, Jim Davis is kind of a hack...
    And anyway she didn't tell him to fuck his mother. She said she was going to. Big difference.
    That and Charles Schultz and Jim Davis did/do a totally different kind of comic than PA.
  • TofystedethTofystedeth veni, veneri, vamoosi Registered User regular
    @PETERBMAN - I don't there was sarcasm at all in saying she would be a good fit. They hired Erika right after she said a very offensive joke. I get the impression that within the tight community of the PA office, there is quite a bit of joking around.

    I think he was quite serious in saying she'd be a good fit because of the way she was joking around with Mike.

    And there is no conspiracy with Lexxy. They let her go the first time even though she turned in a fantastic piece. And this time she won on merit. When you suggest that Mike and Jerry are rigging the contest, you're calling them liars. They don't deserve that, and people making such unfounded accusations honestly should be ashamed.

    A joke so offensive that they will never, ever repeat it.
  • PeterBmanPeterBman Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Lamp wrote: »
    You're free to interpret Scott's original tweet how you want but IMO it was a lighthearted jab, a statement of bemused disbelief, not scorn.

    I guess I was more looking at THIS tweet:

    Scott Kurtz ‏@pvponline 3h
    @mfiume My mom died in 1996, and Mike’s Mom has always treated me like a son. So I didn’t like it, no.

    But you're right, Lamp. I'm probably seeing something that isn't there.
    PeterBman on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    When quoting tweets, could you guys... actually... link the tweet? Please?
    Mike Fiume ‏@mfiume 3h
    @pvponline are you saying you don't approve of Monica's behavior?

    Scott Kurtz
    @mfiume My mom died in 1996, and Mike’s Mom has always treated me like a son. So I didn’t like it, no.

    Mike Fiume Mike Fiume ‏@mfiume 3h
    @pvponline "your mom" jokes are always a bit weird when you actually know the mom so I can understand that. But context is everything.

    edit: this is the conversation with context: link

    edit2: added text of said conversation.
    tastydonuts on
    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • Squidget0Squidget0 Registered User regular
    This felt like a reversal of the Lexxy/Tavis elimination, in that the winner produced something funny while the loser produced something wonderful. Now all we need to complete the circle is another double-elimination in which Tavis goes and Monica is brought back.
  • Spman2099Spman2099 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    JoeDeath wrote: »
    Am I the only one who had no issue following Monica's strip? A guy packing up his roller skates so he can "grow up" and pursue this new job. Trying to sleep that night, tossing and turning, hearing the reasons why he had to give up. Waking up in a cold sweat, saying "Eff it" and pulling on his skates to go do what he loves... Even the "Fire breathing lamp lighter hypothesis" amazes me, to me it's obvious that it's cold outside and he's merely letting out a deep breath to clear his head in the cool night air...

    You aren't the only one, but it doesn't seem like you are necessarily part of the majority either. I agree with the assessment that is floating around which posits that the first portion is a little confusing. Personally, I thought the dinosaur was moving at first (possibly for his new job). It was only with a subsequent read through that it all came together for me. Don't get me wrong, I still thought the comic was quite good. However, I did find the beginning to be a little muddled.
    Spman2099 on
  • there'saforum?there'saforum? Registered User regular
    Kind of dissapointing in the end, and a little sad.

    Monica's comic was touching, but lacked the funny almost entirely. I don't know how (or if) she thought the PA guys would be into that. She seemed uncharacteristically resigned to losing, as if she just wanted to make one last point (about being a cartoonist no matter what?) before they kick her out.

    Lexxy's, on the other hand, had a funny premise but no story that I could pick up on. Is it really enough to just say "what if the skates were dinos?" and call it a comic? It sounds more like a half-formed funny idea that goes nowhere ATM. If Monica had made it a challenge at all, it might have failed. (Or not, since they loved it for some reason. But I liked her clown porn thing much, much better.)
  • ahdokahdok Figment of your imagination Registered User regular
    3clipse wrote: »
    You could have done the same gag with anything not rollerskates and/or dinosaurs (like, a human and, I don't know, professional gaming).

    The rollerskates can represent any dream or aspiration of yours. The dinosaurs represent you, and those people who love you and want the best for you. It might be autobiographical, but it's powerful because it's meaningful to so many of us. Welcome to the wonderful world of metaphor!

    Yes, they could be anything, but the combination of dinosaurs and rollerskating is quite poignant, because it's so ridiculous for a dinosaur to rollerskate. Use sensible things, hell even use "me" and "making webcomics" and not only does it lose charm, it also loses it's strength.
    http://www.socksandpuppets.com for comics, art and other junk.
  • geauxrocketgeauxrocket Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    First of all: loved Monica's comic. Holy cow. Powerful stuff.

    Didn't like her behavior in the elimination challenge, though. I know it's irritating when you're trying to work and someone won't leave you alone, but she seemed to forget that she was on a game show.

    edit - clarification: I don't care that she was shutting Mike and Jerry down. Abby did that last week and it was hilarious. Monica came across to me as someone who was resisting the challenge's construction. (That said, I love her and her work, I just don't think this was her best moment.)
    geauxrocket on
  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
  • l-o-ll-o-l Registered User regular
    Incredible strips by both artists. Lexxy's strip was hilarious, second to Maki's on my laugh o'meter. Monica's was in a whole different category of amazing.

    I quite enjoy Monica's strip, and have read her entire archive. Never has she opened up like this. I feel like we got to see a piece of the real Monica, a glimpse of her soul. The Dino taking that one last skate off into the night... This was such a poignant image. I was touched, it's made me reflect. It's made me bloody want to see Monica succeed!

    Brilliant. Just brilliant stuff.
  • CambiataCambiata I'm an alchemist and the beat is my base metal Registered User regular
    Whether he intended to or not Kurtz does come off as unnecessarily morally indignant in that first tweet. I'm glad Krasp is around to set him straight.
    -Tal wrote:
    If you don't develop Stockholm Syndrome, it's not a real RPG.
    Origin ID: jazzmess
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  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    First of all: loved Monica's comic. Holy cow. Powerful stuff.

    Didn't like her behavior in the elimination challenge, though. I know it's irritating when you're trying to work and someone won't leave you alone, but she seemed to forget that she was on a game show.

    I think she knew she had a comic to make and 90 minutes to make it and everything that got in the way of that needed to get out of her hair and let her work. I know the feeling. I've had it myself when writing. You have this great idea, but you don't have much time to get it down for whatever reason- you're under a time limit; you're worried about losing the idea- and all you can think about is completing your piece, and it needs to be done, and it needs to be done now, quickly, and anyone asking you for anything while you're working is doing you a great disservice and don't they know how important this is? Your muse strikes, it grabs hold of you, and you need to take advantage before the muse goes away. It can come anywhere. In front of your easel/keyboard/notebook/etc. (if you're lucky), in the break room at work, in the middle of a game show. That feeling exists. People in the creative arts get that feeling. I get it. Clearly Monica gets it. It can result in some of a person's absolute best work, but the process of getting there can be rather unpleasant for anyone who happens to get between the artist and completion of their piece.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Elanor wrote: »
    Monica won. Her comic was far more developed both artistically and with the subject matter. It was a beautiful piece of sequential art. One of the few pieces that did not have to rely on words to tell the story. Lexy did a piece that has been done already, with no original thought. What happened was that the two creators became uncomfortable with Monica's age and that she is female. I think her presence and composure was unnerving to them, and Mike was so uncomfortable that he felt he needed to apologize. If she was a guy this would not have been an issue. They made the wrong choice as the strip created by Monica was better. She is the only one writing strips in the house. She is a comic strip artist. Go Monica!

    I can't tell if this is supposed to be satire or what. While I agree Monica had the better strip, you went really kind of crazy at the end there with whatever that was.

    Bottom line, better strip does not mean winning strip, or a strip the Creators like as a winning strip (even if it wins over another strip). They didn't like Katie's second strip, which I thought was great, but it wasn't really funny so much as an expression of stress and horror. That's kind of the same place Monica's strip was at. Lexxy actually made a funny strip, though. To put it succinctly, even though Monica's strip was beautiful and life-affirming, that's not the strip they're searching for. They want something more like Lexxy's. The first time Lexxy was eliminated, she produced something that wasn't really a Penny Arcade type strip they wanted to plug into their machine. As I've said before, it was more newspaper funny (tame), not the sort of humor Penny Arcade goes for. They thought it was wonderful and had potential in another format (a book), but it wasn't the strip they were searching for and they handed it back rather than burning it. With Monica, they likewise thought it was wonderful, and couldn't bring themselves to scan it in, drag it to the trash, and then drag the computer to the trash, but it wasn't the strip they were searching for because it wasn't really a joke.

    Perhaps a big successful comic artist in a more serious vein of work will someday create a reality web show like Strip Search where more serious and long comics will be appreciated over shorter gag strips. It can be judged on art and emotional impact instead of humor. But Penny Arcade is definitely about the comedy and I think that's a reasonable thing to judge the strippers on, even if they weren't explicitly told they had to be funny to win.
    emarecksaykay on
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    It was strange for Monica to make such a somber piece in light of her usual focus on comedy. It was a great piece in a lot of ways and I'll bet it speaks to a lot of people, but the departure from comedy cost her the round.

    Lexxy's comic was very well done, much like the last one. Excellent art, amusing writing, and a strong final panel, although I think her clown strip was a bit more funny.

    Lexxy's comment about the lower level of competition was a little arrogant and cruel, though not malicious.
    kedinik on
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