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Strip Search - Elimination #7



  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Mahou Monica ‏@montiray 4m

    Really self conscious about the latest #stripsearch episode. I have little to no recollection of the stuff I said, but I know it was mean.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • MKF36EMKF36E Untitled EarthRegistered User regular
    I love Monica. She shut Mike down. Who ever does that to him? For that steel brass pair move alone, she gets major points from me. It's just that you could tell she wasn't relaxed, and the banter really got to her, and in the end, I think that affected her comic. I'm sad to see her go, especially after the "you're shirt isn't stupid" stealth apology. And she always gave us the best lines, from "I shit my pants!" to shitting dicknipples" to "I want to fuck your mom." I think she'll do well as a cartoonist even without winning.

    But Lexxy? She made me laugh my ass off with her comic. First out loud laugh since Maki's mermaid guitar. Yeah, she gets lots of haters because she keeps a cool calm exterior on, and yes, her banter with the creators wasn't as funny, but her comic made me laugh. And she has the business of making art skills. But now that she has a 80k kickstarter successfully funded, I won't feel as bad if she loses.

    At this point, every elimination is going to hurt.
  • hateseededhateseeded Registered User new member
    So... probably something broken in my heart or something, but I don't think Lexxy's comic was funny at all...

    Skates that are dinos and bite you. ok. And frankly, I think the ending proposed by another commenter would have been much funnier, them apprehensively saying "thank you". Maybe its because roller skating isn't a joke to me like to most people, my wife plays competitive Roller Derby?

    I feel like literally anyone could have made that comic, whereas I agree that Monica's was straight up amazing, and gets better the farther you get from it. That's worth more than any dick or fart joke to me, no matter how hard I laughed at it. /shrug
    I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-a to chimpanzee.
  • TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    Lamp wrote: »
    I'm sort of baffled by some of the suggestions that Lexxy's art is lacking in either of her elimination comics. No, it's not "finished" art, but what's so impressive is the level of sophistication and draftsmanship in even her rough sketches. The gestures and expressions of her characters are full of life. In this comic all of the t-rex's expressions are very funny -- pretty impressive considering that a realistically drawn t-rex is not exactly the most expressive animal out there. Not every comic has to look like Penny Arcade with crisp digital linework, bright colors and lens flares. Do you guys look at old black and white Calvin and Hobbes strips and feel let down by the art?

    My first impression of Lexxy's art in both elimination strips was not very favorable. My second impression was that it was really awesome, especially the clown strip. It just takes a little more of a look than the brief one the video gives.
  • JermsJerms Registered User regular
    It's midnight here. I think I may have disturbed the whole street with the laugh Mike got out of me musing about Monica's stand-up not looking like the sort of character who would fuck his mother. :D

    Monica; Much <3 Some of us know all about keeping the dream alive at night when no-one else is around.

    Also anyone who is still doubting Lexxy's ability to cartoon after her two elimination strips is kidding themselves. And speaking as someone who has been drawing dinosaurs since I was 4... her dinosaurs RAAAAAAAAAWK! ;)
  • OverloadedOverloaded Registered User regular
    This is the first elimination I think they've gotten wrong. Lexxy's comic was funny, but Monica's was clearly better in my opinion. Better concept, better execution, more thought-provoking, funny and sad and hopeful at the same time. It really felt like Mike was playing up how hard it was to understand to make the decision seem more justified.
  • foofoo Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Wow, this was a complete reversal from what I was expecting!

    Ultimately the victory came down to pacing. Lexxy's comedic timing and escalation was perfect, and kept carrying it just a little bit farther each panel way past expectations. Monica's comic was really good, but I think instead of being ambiguous in a good way it ended up being a bit obtuse. The art quality from both was really good, with the sheer quantity of content from Monica and the rich expressiveness and blocking from Lexxy.

    Both themes were actually fairly tired memes. I was personally less engaged by Monica's because it's been done so often in exactly that same way; nothing was unique compared to any other expression of that concept, and I'm probably just older and that's become more of a cliche than reality to me. Lexxy went off the rails with hers and every panel of it was really fun.

    I don't think Mike was hurt at all by Monica's comments, but that he felt bad for ribbing Monica into a shell. He was obviously uncomfortable in trying to patch things up at the end, and I think his apology was genuine, not just trying to get her to address the things she said. He's really sensitive to artistic spirit and things that could get in the way of it, so I think him seeing Monica like that affected him more than anything else. I think Jerry missed that completely.

    As far as the more muted house reaction, I think they're seeing the competition escalate. It's getting down to the wire, and Lexxy's now a serious contender who bested a really funny, spontaneous personality and could very well stomp them all. She's almost achieved Katie status now, having been in two eliminations and still being in the house (though having only won one). I'm really glad the editing kept in Lexxy's speaking so positively of Monica to the remaining artists. Plus, less people means less crowd momentum in cheering, and everybody's missing Monica, too.

    Yeah I have some issue with it, I don't think the best artist on the day won and that Lexxy showed that unlikable side a few times in the episode again (in the same way as Abby when she continued to comment that her stand-up didn't need fixing even in the episode after her elimination round)
    Abby agreed about the tangent. It was just the arm/boob masking she said didn't need fixing; she did that intentionally and thought it was the best balance.
    second wrote: »
    they should clarify the rules if they're scoring on chuckles or what's actually a good comic.
    Come on people, stop asking for rigid "objective" rules on judging. That's pointless in the pursuit of the show's goals, and would have made the show worse as well. There are no rules and no scoring in the elimination, only judgment.
    foo on
  • HanClintoHanClinto Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Great work, Lexxy! Stellar comic, and I really laughed out loud at it. This was another one of those horrible "this one makes me laugh, and this one makes me smile" sorts of decisions -- but this time you were on the other side of the equation. The Ryan North-esque feel of the whole thing was fantastic, and the expression on the dino's face in the last panel was what really did it for me -- absolutely stellar work.

    I totally didn't "get" it on the first read-through, but after mulling over it, Monica's comic is the first one that I'm actually considering buying as a print.

    @ahdok, your post is awesome. I think your explanation of the comic is perfect, and shows just how much is there.

    Someone noted that Monica's strip would have worked equally well if it had been about mermaids and ukeleles instead of dinosaurs and rollers skates. On the one hand, I agree -- but on the other, there is just something so perfectly ridiculous about the combination of dinosaurs and roller skates that I don't think it would have had quite the same punch in any other context. Like Calvin & Hobbes, sometimes it takes something as gigantic as a t-rex on roller skates in a fighter jet to make you really appreciate the nuances of a situation. And leaving a perfectly good job in this kind of economy to pursue something as crazy as this is such a perfect thematic mashup...

    ...I dunno'. Like I said, I don't "do" comic prints, but this is one I would like to purchase.

    I thought this YouTube comment said it well:
    But seriously, Monica...
    Don't box up your roller skates.
    HanClinto on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Overloaded wrote: »
    This is the first elimination I think they've gotten wrong. Lexxy's comic was funny, but Monica's was clearly better in my opinion. Better concept, better execution, more thought-provoking, funny and sad and hopeful at the same time. It really felt like Mike was playing up how hard it was to understand to make the decision seem more justified.

    while I think "that was probably because of how it was edited" is going to become a forbidden phrase at some point and it's all subjective, I can see her comic having to be explained.

    at a glance the first portion doesn't quickly communicate that the dino was a professional rollerblader and was packing his dream career away so much that it shows a dinosaur packing stuff in boxes who happened to be sad because he lost some unspecified job (or maybe he was moving?)... and then decides to go rollerblading at night because he's so upset and unsure about his new job that he can't sleep.

    it took the second glance where I made that connection. could just be a matter of perspective, idk.

    also... can you explain to me what was funny about the comic? I don't think she was going for black humour...
    tastydonuts on
    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • RicciardiVFXRicciardiVFX Registered User regular
    I totally think this was the wrong decision! I felt Lexxy's comic was dependent on text that was way to abundant and bland, and Monica's comic was not only better looking but funnier with a plot! I also think they might be slightly biased towards Lexxy.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    This is art. We're talking about art. Art is literally the least objective thing in the world. There is probably, on this planet, someone who will make a serious argument that the Mona Lisa is an inferior piece to that 'fixed' fresco of Jesus Christ. (That someone is probably the guy who 'fixed' it, but that's still someone.) You can set down all sorts of rules about technical value, what makes a good comic, what is considered funny (which, you know, itself totally an objective thing, am I right?), any kind of objective criteria you want, but it all melts away the moment you put two pieces of art side-by-side and go 'okay, which of these is better?' In some cases, you just kind of.... know. In others, you end up breaking down and repeating 'I don't wanna burn it' again and again.
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • JurgJurg Registered User regular
    I think Lexxy won this one, as well. The dino skates biting the kids was really funny, especially because, there's no way those dinos were well disguised. Kids are stupid.

    I agree that Monica's banter got uncomfortable.

    I would have liked to see them actually destroy the comic though, mainly because it was a hilarious setup.
  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    Monica's strip looked great, and I really liked it once I figured it out, but it took a lot of work to get what was going on. But Lexi's was funny on first glance, and kept getting funnier. I'm not saying it was better because it was funny, but it got its point (the joke) across a lot more clearly than Monica's, and because of that I agree with the decision. Though it sucks losing Monica, she's my favorite person on the show.
  • ElanorElanor Registered User new member
    Monica won. Her comic was far more developed both artistically and with the subject matter. It was a beautiful piece of sequential art. One of the few pieces that did not have to rely on words to tell the story. Lexy did a piece that has been done already, with no original thought. What happened was that the two creators became uncomfortable with Monica's age and that she is female. I think her presence and composure was unnerving to them, and Mike was so uncomfortable that he felt he needed to apologize. If she was a guy this would not have been an issue. They made the wrong choice as the strip created by Monica was better. She is the only one writing strips in the house. She is a comic strip artist. Go Monica!
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I think Tavis will be the next to fall, not that I want him to, but really with five left every elimination is going to be tough and I think he's the weakest link now.

    He beat out the person who got resurrected later, so he might actually seem like the biggest threat right now. Of course both Lexxy and Katie must seem pretty intimidating as well. And Abby took down Erika whom everybody seemed pretty threatened by... so I think from the perspective of those in the house, not having seen any of the eliminations, they might conclude that Maki is the "weakest link". Plus, he's pretty quiet behind that beardwall.

    I wonder if the next person who gets to pick will go for 2 people who haven't been up twice yet? ie, Maki, Tavis or Abby. Of course if it was one of those three and they gave that as their reason, they would totally be setting themselves up for the next one. So maybe not. But Katie would have every reason to pick that way.

    PS (edit): What I started out trying to say, is that he's not all that likely to get picked to go into the next elimination. No more than 40%, anyway. ;)
    PS2: Not that I mean to say I think Tavis deserves to go out next. I didn't like his first elimination comic, but I don't think it was indicative of his work, either. I just want to see more.

    parmeisan on
  • OverloadedOverloaded Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    @Tastydonuts - I thought she used the dinosaurs on roller skates thing to great comedic effect while giving some purpose to the humor. It's certainly not gag humor, but the absurdity of a professional roller skater who is also a dinosaur rejecting mainstream dinosaur society to pursue her dreams right on the cusp of giving it all up to get a "real" job is pretty funny to me. And on a deeper layer, she conveys her own insecurity about choosing an unorthodox a career path, gives some insight into the sorts of negative feedback she gets from people who don't understand what she's doing ("the economy!"), and closes it out with a life-affirming "fuck all that, I'm going for it".

    I like Lexxy a lot, love her art style, contributed to her kickstarter. She's clearly a talented artist and humorist, but I think Monica did better in this challenge.
    Overloaded on
  • Spiffy McBangSpiffy McBang Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Elanor wrote: »
    Monica won. Her comic was far more developed both artistically and with the subject matter. It was a beautiful piece of sequential art. One of the few pieces that did not have to rely on words to tell the story. Lexy did a piece that has been done already, with no original thought. What happened was that the two creators became uncomfortable with Monica's age and that she is female. I think her presence and composure was unnerving to them, and Mike was so uncomfortable that he felt he needed to apologize. If she was a guy this would not have been an issue. They made the wrong choice as the strip created by Monica was better. She is the only one writing strips in the house. She is a comic strip artist. Go Monica!

    Mike and Jerry have picked what they thought was the funniest comic every time. Monica's was excellent, but the point of it wasn't really about being funny. If you're not trolling, you've paid about zero attention to how they select winners, because I don't think this pick came as a surprise to anyone who liked Lexxy's comic. If you did like Lexxy's, then it didn't matter what you thought of Monica's, there was almost no way she came out of this with the win.
    Spiffy McBang on
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Mike's take from the main page:
    There’s a lot of discussion about how heated the banter got in this one. Everybody reacts to the stress of the elimination stage differently and it was pretty clear that Monica wasn’t going to take any of my shit. I’m no stranger to snark as a defense mechanism (hell, I built a career off of it) so it honestly didn’t bother me at all. Both artists turned in great comic strips and in the end we just had to go with our gut.

    Yep. Gut.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • Inkstain82Inkstain82 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Let's see if I can keep the controversy that negative opinions seem to draw to a minimum.

    Monica's comic needed a second look, because on first reading you are waiting for a punchline that doesn't come. Once you get it, it's awesome, but second looks seem to be a cardinal sin with the judging.

    Lexxy's comic was (IMO! Please don't kill me!) bad. I'm not going to exaggerate and say it was super-terri-horri-awful, but if there was an objective scale of comicry which placed 0 as "bad" and 10 as "good," I'd place it somewhere on the wrong side of 5. The joke was obvious and hackish, and the art was mediocre.

    The faux-trolling banter was hilarious as always. I'm down to the point where I skip the social challenges, watch the art challenges half-heartedly and greedily lap up the elimination episodes. This one didn't disappoint.
    Inkstain82 on
  • dunnright00dunnright00 Registered User new member
    Ok, here's my 10 minute submission...

    Please note! I am neither an artist or a comic writer. I just thought I would try it this time while watching them and this is what I came up with.

    Also note, my handwriting is atrocious, that's why I typed it in afterwards...

  • WhiskersmgooWhiskersmgoo Registered User regular
    Lexxy's was the first elimination comic to actually make me chuckle.

    It took a while 'getting' Monica's strip, but it wasn't helped with the way it was shown to us. i.e. scrolling down slowly. Making me have to pause and read and then play and then pause...Once I read it I knew it wasn't meant to be funny I pretty much knew she wouldn't win.
  • spawnoftheEDspawnoftheED Graphic Designer New JerseyRegistered User regular
    @inkstain82, Lexxy's comic might not have been up to your standards but it's defiantly is an automatic laugh and I think that's the point of the challenge which I feel Monica unfortunately missed.
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    Elanor wrote: »
    Monica won. Her comic was far more developed both artistically and with the subject matter. It was a beautiful piece of sequential art. One of the few pieces that did not have to rely on words to tell the story. Lexy did a piece that has been done already, with no original thought. What happened was that the two creators became uncomfortable with Monica's age and that she is female. I think her presence and composure was unnerving to them, and Mike was so uncomfortable that he felt he needed to apologize. If she was a guy this would not have been an issue. They made the wrong choice as the strip created by Monica was better. She is the only one writing strips in the house. She is a comic strip artist. Go Monica!

    Meh... as much as I like Lexxy, part of me wanted her to lose because I knew there would be people saying nonsense like this. :|

    I was not expecting the ageism angle though, so kudos on that... but really if a bunch of people are joking around and one person acts like she did, I'd apologize because I would assume maybe they were more offended than amused too.

    @overloaded: As a fan of the old show Dinosaurs, I don't think the idea of one rollerblading is absurd! They had everything until one of the saddest series finales that I've ever seen. But I get you now. :P
    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • JohnnyOmahaJohnnyOmaha Registered User new member
  • Inkstain82Inkstain82 Registered User regular
    @inkstain82, Lexxy's comic might not have been up to your standards but it's defiantly is an automatic laugh and I think that's the point of the challenge which I feel Monica unfortunately missed.

    I didn't laugh. It's a joke I'd expect from a group of 5th graders asked to draw a comic. To me (and all humor is somewhat personal, so obviously others are free to disagree), it was unimaginative and boring, and not particularly well-drawn. I'd immediately put it up as a candidate for the worst we've seen in the elimination challenges.

    I can understand the argument that Monica's comic failed it's execution and Lexxy wins by default, but for my money, her comic was the equivalent of bidding $1 on the Price is Right.
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    also... can you explain to me what was funny about the comic? I don't think she was going for black humour...
    Personally, I don't think she was going for humour at all. I think she was using the comic medium to tell a story. But others have referenced the humour in it, so I too am curious to hear an answer to this.
    Gosling wrote: »
    This is art. We're talking about art. Art is literally the least objective thing in the world. There is probably, on this planet, someone who will make a serious argument that the Mona Lisa is an inferior piece to that 'fixed' fresco of Jesus Christ. (That someone is probably the guy who 'fixed' it, but that's still someone.) You can set down all sorts of rules about technical value, what makes a good comic, what is considered funny (which, you know, itself totally an objective thing, am I right?), any kind of objective criteria you want, but it all melts away the moment you put two pieces of art side-by-side and go 'okay, which of these is better?' In some cases, you just kind of.... know. In others, you end up breaking down and repeating 'I don't wanna burn it' again and again.
    Still, I think it would have helped immensely if the artists had been given the minimal directive "make us laugh". Whether or not you agree that certain artists (such as Monica) would have produced winning or at least better comics if they had known this, it still leaves great potential to lose out on someone who could have been great, simply because they didn't know what Mike and Jerry really wanted. (Then again, I would love to have seen a rubric laid out and actual scores given... but I recognize that this is probably a minority opinion and am willing to suck it up on that.)
    parmeisan on
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    shiser wrote: »
    Geekfather wrote: »
    Just give Lexxy the fucking job. It's what they want to do anyway.

    PA us a private enterprise. If all they wanted was to give Lexxy a fucking job, you don't think they could just
    hire her without the pretext of rigging an I'm-sure-not-inexpensive reality series to do so?

    On a completely unrelated note, what's this "spirit animal" thing that the new poll is talking about? I feel like I missed something somewhere... :-(

    Spoiler-sensitive way to say 'ping-pong partner'.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    Parmeisan wrote:
    Still, I think it would have helped immensely if the artists had been given the minimal directive "make us laugh".
    But that's not what they want.
  • RaphDSRaphDS Registered User regular
    Calling it:

    They do another double elim and bring back Monica.

    Undestroyed strips = return-able artists.

    Yes, this is the weird, I-lack-sleep prediction that won't come true but would be funny if it did.
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