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Strip Search - Elimination #7



  • sanosuke001sanosuke001 Registered User regular
    @Lexxy you are fucking awesome (and that comic was hilarious). Keep it up and I'm cheering for you. Also, I can't wait to see the artist edition of the clouds book I pledged for; it's going to be badass and you totally deserve the successful kickstarter!
  • KnytestormeKnytestorme Registered User regular
    1. "I guess the competition wasn't as tight this time"...yeah, that's a nice sentiment
    2. I think Monica went a little too far in the counter-trolling. I understand why she did it given the comic but I think most people agree that a "fucked your mum" comment will always raise someones hackles unless you are very, very, very familiar with each other, I know they said they liked her fightback and all but if you look at Mike's demeanour it totally changes at that point and each time Monica shuts him down after that it seems she is more and more mean-spirited about it in tone/attitude (like seriously, what's the point of the "Your striped shirt is stupid" comment when you know he's angling yet again for an apology about the "fuck your mum"?)
    3. I did actually lol when it got to the 4th panel on Lexxy's strip with the rollerskate biting the kid
    4. I still think that Monica did the better comic in terms of art and execution. I like the fact that people are reading it so many different ways and still none the way I read it. To me it was that the young dinosaur grew up dreaming of being a rollerskater but had to give up that dream to get a real job in the economy as a way to make ends meet but they didn't give up the love of skating and so skate off to their "real job" every day thus keeping their passion alive for at least another day even if it's not their main focus.
    5. If Lexxy won just because hers brought laughs and Monica's was too high-concept then I guess we'll never see another Twisp & Catsby strip?

    Yeah I have some issue with it, I don't think the best artist on the day won and that Lexxy showed that unlikable side a few times in the episode again (in the same way as Abby when she continued to comment that her stand-up didn't need fixing even in the episode after her elimination round) but I can't fault the decision the guys came to given the way they have judged previously even if I don't agree with them.
  • hotzphotzp Rochester, NYRegistered User regular
    Best line of the episode: "I would not have expected that stand-up to say that she was gonna $&@! my mom." I enjoyed Monica's sass but I think she took it a little too far, but, as others have pointed out, that was her defense mechanism. I've become a huge fan of Phuzzy Comics since Strip Search started and backed the IndieGoGo campaign, but I have to admit that Lexxy produced the better comic. I laughed out loud when they displayed it on the screen. Good luck to both artists, they have bright careers ahead of them.
  • Spman2099Spman2099 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    1. "I guess the competition wasn't as tight this time"...yeah, that's a nice sentiment

    Despite really liking Lexxy's work, and actively cheering Lexxy on, I thought that comment was a little unfortunate as well.
    2. I think Monica went a little too far in the counter-trolling. I understand why she did it given the comic but I think most people agree that a "fucked your mum" comment will always raise someones hackles unless you are very, very, very familiar with each other, I know they said they liked her fightback and all but if you look at Mike's demeanour it totally changes at that point and each time Monica shuts him down after that it seems she is more and more mean-spirited about it in tone/attitude (like seriously, what's the point of the "Your striped shirt is stupid" comment when you know he's angling yet again for an apology about the "fuck your mum"?)

    I don't know, I didn't really get the feeling that Mike was truly offended. In fact, I thought he was amused by that comment. Personally, I think he was just playing up his hurt feelings for laughs.

    Also, I really wish that when Mike asked Lexxy if she would "ever say horrible things about [his] mom", that she would have replied with no and then immediately followed it up by saying horrible things about his father. That would have been incredible.
    5. If Lexxy won just because hers brought laughs and Monica's was too high-concept then I guess we'll never see another Twisp & Catsby strip?

    To be fair, Twisp and Catsby are still genuinely funny; they simply rely more heavily on abstract and absurdest humor. I would say that the better comparison would be with some of the comics that feature Mike's son; more specifically, the comics that have a more sentimental focus. Still, it is really hard to pick a clear "winner" when both comics are so very different in style. Especially when both comics are quite good.
    Spman2099 on
  • rocketjohnrocketjohn Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    Disappointing outcome, mainly because I would have liked to see Monica in the penny arcade office with the rest of the team.
    rocketjohn on
  • djlowballerdjlowballer Registered User regular
    So Lexxi's gorgeous and subtle "clowns" comic was surpassed by an 80's toy commercial fill-in-the blank gag? Shows how "advanced" the creator's tastes in art are. Monica's entry was so surreal and actually evoked laughter and sadness in the end. The eliminations are only going to get more painful as the the lack of a weak competitor makes the arbitrary decisions of the creator's bluntly apparent. I am not sore that Lexxy is staying; Her comic was still great despite not being as beautiful as the last. I just wish that the two wouldn't have run into this problem by just sending Tavis home in the first place.
  • WedgeWedge Registered User regular
    I got monica's strip straight off and I thought it was quite poignant. Also, I interpreted it as the dinosaur just going out for one last rollerskating run in the middle of the night, not necessarily running away.

    But on the other hand it is one of those things where it's like having to explain a joke ruins it, if her strip takes effort to get then it might spoil the moment too much.
    Give a man fire and he has fire for a day, set a man on fire and he has fire for the rest of his life.
  • GreenPowerRangerGreenPowerRanger Registered User regular
    Abby's sarcastic comment as Lexi walked through the door wasn't funny at all.

  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Making the conscious decision to not really go for laughs was what looks to have done Monica in. She still went down fighting, though; Mike couldn't bring himself to destroy her comic.

    As for shutting Mike down the whole time... her big play was to hit Mike and Jerry with feels. If she wanted to do that, she couldn't answer anything beyond 'all will be revealed at the end' lest the impact be reduced. Whether she took it too far or not depends really on how Mike perceived it, and so that's really a question only Mike can answer. I can't answer that for him. If getting more time to actually draw was part of it, though, that bit of it paid off because holy shit that should not be possible to draw in 90 minutes.

    That house just looks so empty without her in it.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • KnytestormeKnytestorme Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    because holy shit that should not be possible to draw in 90 minutes.

    Yeah, when I saw the length and quality of the finished product I couldn't believe how good the art was, no matter opinions on the strip itself
  • cbricharcbrichar Registered User regular
    A shame, I thought Monica knocked it out of the park - that last scene of dino in shadow, breath visible in the night air, taking off for a midnight ride under the streetlights... that was so incredibly evocative. Loved it!
  • ValkirasValkiras Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    Yikes. Seeing someone raise their shields like that, I won't speculate as to reason, and then cross the line of civility was hard to watch. Great TV, but hard to watch.

    It looked like Mike's feelings were a bit hurt there and props to him for offering an apology.

    I thought Monica's comic was powerful and heart achingly sweet, and then Mike pointed out that Monica was the dinosaur and i may have got a bit teary. My initial reaction was that hers was the better work. After three more viewings it remains so.
    Valkiras on
  • PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    Yeah I have some issue with it, I don't think the best artist on the day won and that Lexxy showed that unlikable side a few times in the episode again (in the same way as Abby when she continued to comment that her stand-up didn't need fixing even in the episode after her elimination round)

    I don't really get the Abby comment. Yeah to us watching the show it was four days later and we were (mostly) over it, but to her I'm guessing the interview happened not even 18 hours after her elimination (likely less than half of those hours conscious), and I also highly doubt she wasn't asked about it either 0.o
  • kekrops_kekrops_ Registered User new member
    Ugh. I love Lexxy and Monica both, but I can't believe the decision Mike and Jerry came to after seeing Monica's comic. I guess making them laugh really is 90% of the ballgame.
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    I would have been sad to see either of them go.

    I would like to say that Monica's comic really resonated with me and it makes me jealous that I don't have that sort of compulsion that there was something that I must do. It certainly doesn't make it easy when that compulsion is rollerskating or cartooning, but there is also something really beautiful about having that drive to do it.

    I wish her the best of luck.
  • ZhayneZhayne Registered User regular
    I really think Monica did a better comic, in all aspects. I do not see how Lexxy's is on par with even her first one.
  • InkAsylumInkAsylum Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The judges made the right choice, and Lexxy has proven that she deserves to be there. I'm sure The Cloud Factory will be great, but now I really want to see more of Lexxy's humor.

    Even if it wasn't humor they were looking for, the moment Mike and Jerry have to spend a couple minutes figuring out Monica's comic it was all over.
    InkAsylum on
  • secondsecond Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    nowai. i didn't find lexxy's the least bit funny. so a tommy t-rex busts in and gives them live dino skates and then tommy and the skates attack the kids. that's........funny........i guess? the last panel was especially terrible. monicas might not have been a laugh riot but it was a terrific comic. they should clarify the rules if they're scoring on chuckles or what's actually a good comic.
    second on
  • Spman2099Spman2099 Registered User regular
    second wrote: »
    nowai. i didn't find lexxy's the least bit funny. so a tommy t-rex busts in and gives them live dino skates and then tommy and the skates attack the kids. that's........funny........i guess? the last panel was especially terrible. monicas might not have been a laugh riot but it was a terrific comic. they should clarify the rules if they're scoring on chuckles or what's actually a good comic.

    The crux of the comic is that it is acting as a parody of advertisements from the 80's and early 90's. Personally, I found it hilarious. However, such things are highly subjective.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    second wrote: »
    nowai. i didn't find lexxy's the least bit funny. so a tommy t-rex busts in and gives them live dino skates and then tommy and the skates attack the kids. that's........funny........i guess? the last panel was especially terrible. monicas might not have been a laugh riot but it was a terrific comic. they should clarify the rules if they're scoring on chuckles or what's actually a good comic.

    Clarification often only comes to future contestants as more people go through the process. They can say what they're looking for, but it's the decisions they actually make that are going to be most telling. The best way to see what they favor and what their priority scale is, is to send people into the Thunderdome and have them just make decision after decision until you get the idea and the show's equivalent of making fire, cooking risotto or driving stick reveals itself.

    As it stands, what's revealing itself as most important is gut reaction. Biggest, quickest laugh wins.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • BdonBdon Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    (Forgot to comment on the comics though!)

    Lexxy's was hilarious on many levels. It had such a crazy blend of not knowing if the Dino was real or not. I was like, he's real! Oh, he's not. Wait, he's real and he was pretending to be nice and now he is eating theeeeem! Loved it.

    I was surprised Mike and Jerry had to work through Monica's so much and also that they didn't comment more on the epicness of the art. I got it instantly. My interpretation doesn't involve the Dino running away from anything. The breath-out is the representation of reversing the previous decision and committing to skating, economy and other job be damned. After that? Time to work, son. Loved it.

    I am so glad I didn't have to make this call.
    Bdon on
  • Finnish_LineFinnish_Line Registered User regular
    Both were great. Lexxy's was more clearly expressed to the judges and thus won, but I'll bet it was close in their minds.

    Loved the banter, especially "Get fucked" right off the bat. Mike wasn't offended by any of it I'm sure. He had a grand time.

    Really enjoy Lexxy's art style. High quality work. Monica's regular comic strip is wonderful and everyone should read it.
  • kekrops_kekrops_ Registered User new member
    Also, I was disappointed that they spent so much time explaining Monica's comic to Mike rather than talking about the incredible amount and quality of work--whereas the last two panels of Lexxy's are practically just sketched out!
  • Willy WonkaWilly Wonka Registered User new member
    These shows are getting really intense... there's almost always a point in the elimination rounds I find myself tearing up...
  • bentcurvebentcurve Registered User new member
    Monica's comic was art, much like the best of Calvin and Hobbes. I felt that Lexy had some great art, but the premise was very obvious and boring. Monica made something only she could or would make, and I felt Lexy made something I could find on any number of webcomics around.
  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    Korbei83 wrote: »
    1. "I guess the competition wasn't as tight this time"...yeah, that's a nice sentiment

    Regardless of the sentiment, it's a fair assessment based on the amount of time she had to wait while the judges deliberated. If Mike and Jerry came to a conclusion quicker the second time, then she is objectively correct in the assertion that the competition wasn't as tight.

    Fair assessment, probably. But it's also another unfortunate statement from Lexxy that will give those that dislike her more ammunition. I guess with Amy gone, they needed to create/edit another "villian"-type character and Lexxy seems to be filling the bill (others have made "unfortunate" remarks too, but Lexxy's seem to get noticed more)...
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    Here's a question for you, Angry_Samoan.

    If the Penny Arcade staff wanted to edit in a villain... what in the world would make them choose Lexxy?
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • HeyThereElizaHeyThereEliza Registered User regular
    Augh, do we really have to deal with MORE Lexxy? You see everyone looking happy at the end? That's fake. Sorry Monica. You make great comics. Meanwhile Lexxy can't write good jokes. ANYONE can joke about dinosaur roller skates.. But a true cartoonist can make something interesting about it. This is the only time I've been annoyed about an artist coming back(besides Lexxy's first return)
  • fullofgracefullofgrace Registered User regular
    And again both elimination strips were fabulous. I loved both of them for completely different reasons. One made me laugh. One made me reflect.

    I wasn't surprised at the winner. It seems that whatever strip Mike & Jerry connect with the quickest is the one that wins.
    I'm jessageek on Twitter and Tumblr
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  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    Spman2099 wrote: »
    second wrote: »
    nowai. i didn't find lexxy's the least bit funny. so a tommy t-rex busts in and gives them live dino skates and then tommy and the skates attack the kids. that's........funny........i guess? the last panel was especially terrible. monicas might not have been a laugh riot but it was a terrific comic. they should clarify the rules if they're scoring on chuckles or what's actually a good comic.

    The crux of the comic is that it is acting as a parody of advertisements from the 80's and early 90's. Personally, I found it hilarious. However, such things are highly subjective.

    I would also argue it's parodying comic book advertisements from the 70's too (and probably even earlier). While Lexxy's comic was good, it's a subject that's been hit on a few times, such as here...

  • Angry_SamoanAngry_Samoan Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    Here's a question for you, Angry_Samoan.

    If the Penny Arcade staff wanted to edit in a villain... what in the world would make them choose Lexxy?

    Honestly, it beats me why (I actually happen to like Lexxy myself). Regardless, they certainly stumbled upon a person who seems to arouse a lot of vitriol among viewers, judging from some of the posts here.
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