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Strip Search - Elimination #7



  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    half of them have seen his winning elimination comic now
    Yeah, I guess that's true. Because we've never seen them reading the winner wall, I forgot about that. But I think you're right, and they've seen Tavis' too. Then again, as we've all seen, these are all pretty subjective. Hard to say who anyone would decide is the greatest threat based on the comics alone. Guess it's all kind of moot, though, since they don't seem to be sending people off to elimination based on who's a threat.

    You had some interesting points about the general likelihood of winners though:
    (a lot of other wise words)
    I really don't want to insult anyone, so I want it to be super clear that I'm about to get very analytical about each artist's chances of winning based on previous performance and sometimes existing comics. So, if you're one of the remaining artists... well, who am I kidding, you're probably going to just keep reading. But you might regret it. I'm putting the rest in spoiler tags.
    • I think that I agree that Tavis is weak compared to most of the others in elimination stage. Which is odd, since he's stated that he's used to not having much time to do his comic. Maybe next time he'll be more confident and prepared and rock everyone's socks off... but from what we've seen, it's hard to expect that.
    • Katie does seem to be the strongest in social/competition challenges. Personally I'm not a fan of her sense of humour as displayed in Skadi, but a) that seems to be a minority opinion, and b) I'm not sure how much of that writing is her own, since she works with a partner.
    • Maki is very strong in both types of challenges, although not necessarily the best in either, depending on your opinions. (Certainly I don't think he's a weak link myself, I was only thinking in comparison to the other 4 and based on the minimal real data that the other artists have. As compared to the abundance that we at home have :D)
    • I have a feeling that Lexxy doesn't have any sort of immunity for getting sent up again, at this stage with so few competitors to choose from. I think it's anything goes. She's done OK for herself in all types of competitions as well, but I think you're right in that eventually she will be up against someone stronger in the humour part of the elimination stage.
    • I feel that Abby is actually the strongest competitor. She hasn't been winning the social/competitive challenges, but her sense of humour is bang-on with what Mike & Jerry like. I just don't see her losing an elimination challenge easily.
    Of course you're right about how much of this comes down to unpredictable things. But I think they all have a sense of the "rules of the game" now, so to speak. One of them could still undervalue usage of the Ideas and/or humour and be out of there in an instant, or they could just let their fatigue get to them or have bad Ideas come out (perhaps twice, in the case of a Redraw). And of course we have NO idea what order people will get sent to elimination in. And I'm mostly not disagreeing with you. But you got me thinking, in general. Here's my take on the last days:
    • I feel like Tavis would lose to Katie, Maki, or Abby. He might beat Lexxy again, but I kind of feel no. I predict (as you do) that he'll be gone the next time he reaches elimination stage. (Sorry, Tavis! I do like your real comics!)
    • Lexxy might beat Katie, since their strong points coincide. The art in both will be good. They both seem hit and miss with getting Mike & Jerry to laugh. I... kind of want to see this match-up now. I am leaning toward saying that Katie would take it, though. And versus Abby or Maki, I think they are both more likely to come up with funnier comics and although Lexxy's would probably be better drawn, she would end up losing out. So again, I think that Lexxy will be out soon... but I am a lot less confident about predicting that.
    • I think that Katie would actually lose against Abby, because I think that hers, although better drawn, would not make M&J laugh as much. Now Katie vs Maki I am not as sure, because I think his would be funnier but with a less significant divide in the humour, and the amazing art might actually pull out the win. In fact, I think that I would predict a Katie win. And I think that Abby would beat Maki. This is all based on the idea that Abby is funnier to M&J than Maki is, but they laughed pretty hard at her comic and it was pretty typical of her sense of humour, so I think it's a decent guess. So I would agree that any of these three would produce very close elimination comics, but I wouldn't be surprised if the final two end up being Katie versus Abby, with an Abby win.

    Of course as you mention, any of them could keep winning immunity and therefore stay in until the final two. Or surprise us in an elimination stage. But I wanted to throw in my predictions anyway.
    parmeisan on
  • TidomonkeyTidomonkey Registered User new member
    First time I have disagreed with their choice. Monica's was hands down better. Lexxy's was funny; Monica's was beautiful.
  • ghostcatghostcat Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    Lexxy's comment about the lower level of competition was a little arrogant and cruel, though not malicious.
    She said, "The competition wasn't quite as tight this time around." I don't think it was arrogant or cruel. It was objectively less tight. She knew Mike and Jerry didn't deliberate as long or as painfully as they did over the round with her and Tavis.
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ghostcat wrote: »
    kedinik wrote: »
    Lexxy's comment about the lower level of competition was a little arrogant and cruel, though not malicious.
    She said, "The competition wasn't quite as tight this time around." I don't think it was arrogant or cruel. It was objectively less tight. She knew Mike and Jerry didn't deliberate as long or as painfully as they did over the round with her and Tavis.

    You're using the word "objectively" wrong there, friend.

    e: And her comment's cruel whether you think she was right or not.
    kedinik on
  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino legally competent Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    ghostcat wrote: »
    kedinik wrote: »
    Lexxy's comment about the lower level of competition was a little arrogant and cruel, though not malicious.
    She said, "The competition wasn't quite as tight this time around." I don't think it was arrogant or cruel. It was objectively less tight. She knew Mike and Jerry didn't deliberate as long or as painfully as they did over the round with her and Tavis.

    You're using the word "objectively" wrong there, friend.

    e: And her comment's cruel whether you think she was right or not.

    "you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

    from an objective standpoint, her comment isn't inherently "cruel". it took less time for Mike and Jerry to decide the results for this elimination than it did between Tavis and Lexxy. it "wasn't quite as tight" because Mike and Jerry did not have to take as long a time to deliberate. taking that into account, Lexxy is objectively correct without being cruel.

    your opinion about whether it was cruel or not is a non-objective analysis.
    google+ | facebook | twitter | steam | Guild Wars 2: fightinfilipino.8914
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    It came off worse than she intended it to come off. I think that's probably the best way to put it.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    @kscully Great strip! It got an audible chuckle from me. The last elimination strip you posted was very good as well. Do you have other work on the web?
  • ghostcatghostcat Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    ghostcat wrote: »
    kedinik wrote: »
    Lexxy's comment about the lower level of competition was a little arrogant and cruel, though not malicious.
    She said, "The competition wasn't quite as tight this time around." I don't think it was arrogant or cruel. It was objectively less tight. She knew Mike and Jerry didn't deliberate as long or as painfully as they did over the round with her and Tavis.

    You're using the word "objectively" wrong there, friend.

    e: And her comment's cruel whether you think she was right or not.

    "you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

    from an objective standpoint, her comment isn't inherently "cruel". it took less time for Mike and Jerry to decide the results for this elimination than it did between Tavis and Lexxy. it "wasn't quite as tight" because Mike and Jerry did not have to take as long a time to deliberate. taking that into account, Lexxy is objectively correct without being cruel.

    your opinion about whether it was cruel or not is a non-objective analysis.
    Basically what I was going to say. The time it took and whether someone cried over it are objective observations. I wasn't saying Monica's comic was objectively worse, just that the deliberation was objectively less tight.
  • kilroy214kilroy214 Registered User regular
    Damnitall whose team am I going to be on now???? First Amy, now Monica? Crap.

    Seriously though, Lexxy's comic was fantastic.
  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    shiser wrote: »
    Geekfather wrote: »
    Just give Lexxy the fucking job. It's what they want to do anyway.

    PA us a private enterprise. If all they wanted was to give Lexxy a fucking job, you don't think they could just
    hire her without the pretext of rigging an I'm-sure-not-inexpensive reality series to do so? (

    As I recall from the New Hire episodes, one of the reasons Lexxy didn't get hired was because of her strong personality. Khoo thought that Lexxy was trying too hard to be the center of everything, coming on too strong, and there was already too many strong personalities like that in the office already. The only person Khoo had ever fired was over that sort of personality that Lexxy was showing in her interviews at PA. That's not to say Erika (the PA employee) wasn't the best candidate for reasons other than personality, but Khoo felt Erika would integrate a lot better.

    Lexxy is apparently nice enough, a bunch of the other strippers have commented that they liked her personally, but I can definitely understand why some people find her a bit grating. Whether it's arrogance, enthusiasm, overcompensating for nerves, or just a strong extroversion, that's probably why some people don't like her.

    I think the point about the Creators trying to find a way to hire Lexxy has some validity, since Mike liked her personality in the New Hire episodes (disagreeing with Khoo), and in Strip Search he seems to always take the lead on judging (I really wish we heard more from Jerry other than explaining jokes to his cohort). There's also the fact that in Lexxy's first elimination, they literally said they would find a way to hire her eventually.

    I don't think that there's a vast conspiracy, but it always felt a bit weird that Lexxy was on the show to begin with (same with Erika Moen). Then there's the matter of her resurrection after a double elimination, when the Creators had already been displeased with both comics in past days. Add in her strong personality that gets on some people's nerves, and it's no surprise some people think something hinky is going on.

    But no, the Creators' decision this time was perfectly valid as far as judging consistency is concerned. They are most interested in a funny gag strip, every time. It's why they eliminated Lexxy the first time, it's why they eliminated Monica this time.
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • kscullykscully Registered User regular
    Lamp wrote: »
    @kscully Great strip! It got an audible chuckle from me. The last elimination strip you posted was very good as well. Do you have other work on the web?

    Thank you so much! Very kind words @lamp!

    I'm normally an illustrator/designer kinda guy, but I've always wanted to try my hand at something sequential. I'm a big Penny Arcade fan, and Strip Search has really energised that desire. Once I saw other people having a crack at the Elimination Comics I thought I'd dust off the Wacom and have a go myself.

    The first one I did (naughty/mystery) was featured on the actual site, in the little Home Edition update. Such an amazing feeling, very lucky!

    This is my illustration site, I'm afraid it contains absolutely no chuckle material though. KScully
  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino legally competent Registered User regular
    kscully wrote: »
    Lamp wrote: »
    @kscully Great strip! It got an audible chuckle from me. The last elimination strip you posted was very good as well. Do you have other work on the web?

    Thank you so much! Very kind words @lamp!

    I'm normally an illustrator/designer kinda guy, but I've always wanted to try my hand at something sequential. I'm a big Penny Arcade fan, and Strip Search has really energised that desire. Once I saw other people having a crack at the Elimination Comics I thought I'd dust off the Wacom and have a go myself.

    The first one I did (naughty/mystery) was featured on the actual site, in the little Home Edition update. Such an amazing feeling, very lucky!

    This is my illustration site, I'm afraid it contains absolutely no chuckle material though. KScully

    well, if your day job doesn't work out, at least you've got something solid to fall on to! :P

    (serious though, those are some quality strips for 90 minutes!)

    (also, the solid thing was somewhat in reference to your penis pattern strip ) :winky:
    google+ | facebook | twitter | steam | Guild Wars 2: fightinfilipino.8914
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    You really are abusing the word "objective", @fightinfilipino.

    I could point out that the judges were so moved by Monica's strip that they, just as in Lexxy's case, refused to destroy that strip. That sounds pretty equally tight to me! That sounds like strong evidence handed down from the judges that you're wrong, if you really want to play this game.

    I could point out that Lexxy's round showed Mike and Jerry that they would have to eliminate people they did not want to eliminate, and that in the long run they had to harden their hearts to that fact, that now they simply bite the bullet and make the hard choices. Mike and Jerry made comments to this effect in the wake of Lexxy's elimination.

    I could point out that Lexxy learned from her first round and used that knowledge to turn in a strip in this round better tailored to Mike and Jerry's preferences, perhaps raising the bar and creating fiercer competition than existed before. If Lexxy used new tricks to improve her odds of winning and if Monica still fought very close to a draw, wasn't the competition fiercer and tighter in that sense?

    There are lots of things I could say! And nothing that we've said makes Lexxy's statement objectively true or false, because this is a subjective art competition interwoven with subjective variables at every turn! You might as well argue apples are better than fridges because you can't eat a fridge. It's a piece of evidence true as far as it goes, except that the underlying question (are apples better than fridges?) is rottenly subjective and open-ended. "Was the competition more tight", you say?

    And really, this is all besides the point. It boils down to generic good sportsmanship. It's widely considered bad form to say much other than, "It was a good game, but I'm happy that I performed well and won." Comment on what you did well and how the game went, sure. But you certainly don't make comments implying your opponent was weak, even if you buried them on the scoreboard! That's not really what competitors do, unless you're ok with being a bit of a mean competitor.

    This really should not sound crazy to people who, say, played in a soccer league when they were a kid.
    kedinik on
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Please note that I'm not saying Lexxy is, herself, a mean person. I certainly don't know her well enough to make that kind of judgment, and I trust all of the other contestants who like her and say she's nice. She just seems like a nice person who, at least here, said a cruel thing inadvertently.
    kedinik on
  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino legally competent Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    You really are abusing the word "objective".

    and i am saying you are implying maliciousness where it is at worst unclear whether there was an underlying motive or not.

    that is the very opposite of being "objective". that is a subjective interpretation.

    but let's take this further. we know for a fact that at the point where the show was being filmed, all Lexxy knew about was what was told directly to her by Mike and Jerry and the amount of time it took for them to deliberate, which was less than Lexxy's last elimination outing.

    we also know that by this point all the people in the house were pretty tight and respected one another. we can infer from the latter that none of the housemates would be inclined to shittalk any of the current or past competitors. there's also a reputational element in that none of the artists would want to be singled out as a jerk, but this is more of an inference.

    on an objective analysis alone of all of this, it is very highly likely that 1) the competition wasn't as tight as last time because it wasn't, and 2) Lexxy was very likely not trash talking Monica in any way.

    what i am saying is that you are inserting your opinion where the objective facts, and all we can infer from them, point otherwise.
    google+ | facebook | twitter | steam | Guild Wars 2: fightinfilipino.8914
  • foofoo Registered User regular
    @kedinik: In Lexxy's elimination, the creators flat out said to the challengers that it was a ridiculously arduous decision. In this one, it was quick and there was no communication of tension at all, they simply announced the loser. It's very easy to see "the competition wasn't quite as tight" as referring to the judging process.
    Inkstain82 wrote: »
    I'm really having trouble reconciling the effusive praise for Lexxy's art with the admission that it's drawn in a rough, loose style.
    That's because much of the success of art has to do with being evocative, and conveying of character, mood, expression, etc. The quantity of non-expressive components (that you might consider necessary to be called "finished") is usually irrelevant to whether or not art is praise-worthy as art. Lexxy is very good at breathing life into the characters she draws. That also might be part of the reason she's so slow at it, considering all the decisions about details of the poses and composition.
    Basically, I think they might have felt a subconscious pressure to support her because they went out on a limb and eliminated two people in order to open up a slot for her to come back.
    That's not what happened. They wanted to eliminate two people. They brought her back in order to be able to eliminate them.
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    You really are abusing the word "objective".

    and i am saying you are implying maliciousness...
    kedinik wrote:
    "... though not malicious."
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    foo wrote: »
    @kedinik: In Lexxy's elimination, the creators flat out said to the challengers that it was a ridiculously arduous decision. In this one, it was quick and there was no communication of tension at all, they simply announced the loser. It's very easy to see "the competition wasn't quite as tight" as referring to the judging process.

    True, but again, see Mike's comments about how sad eliminating Lexxy made him, how it made him realize that he simply had to get used to the idea of eliminating one person when he had two brilliant pieces in front of him in the future, etc.
  • KelverKelver Registered User new member
    I don't have a problem with Lexxi's comment about the competition. When I saw the two comics I said to myself "Wow, Lexxi won hands down" and didn't really doubt myself afterwords. I was, however, really impressed with Monica's format and story. Lexxi's comic just made me laugh, and is something I would want to come back to again.
  • DevoninDevonin Registered User regular
    Also, I believe you're misunderstanding her use of the word 'competition' to refer to Monica and her strip. "Man the competition is WEAK tonight" etc.

    I am about 95% sure that she meant the competition between the two strips to choose one, which being shorter, was objectively (yes OBJECTIVELY) less tight of a competition. The harder the decision was, the longer consensus would take, which is, I'm pretty sure, all she meant by it.

    To say that there was less of a competition to choose between the strips doesn't even include a value judgement about which strip is 'better' or 'funnier' or anything, merely which pair of choices (Lexxy v Tavis or Lexxy v Monica) took longer to resolve.
  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino legally competent Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    kedinik wrote: »
    You really are abusing the word "objective".

    and i am saying you are implying maliciousness...
    kedinik wrote:
    "... though not malicious."
    kedinik wrote: »
    e: And her comment's cruel whether you think she was right or not.

    ok seriously?

    malicious: Having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately harmful; spiteful

    cruel: 1. Disposed to inflict pain or suffering. 2. Causing suffering; painful.

    you might want to step back and figure out the meaning of words before you start accusing people of those words.
    google+ | facebook | twitter | steam | Guild Wars 2: fightinfilipino.8914
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    what i am saying is that you are inserting your opinion where the objective facts, and all we can infer from them, point otherwise.

    Again, the mere fact that you point to objective evidence (apples can be eaten and fridges can't) does not give your answer to a subjective question an objective finality (apples are better than fridges).

    And again, that is sideways to the real question of sportsmanship.
  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    erom wrote: »
    It's also worth pointing out that Seattle isn't a cheap city - $15,000 even before tax is tough to live on. $15,000 is live with roomates, pack your lunch every day, eat ramen regularly kind of money in a city like that.

    A kickstarter is still a reasonable move if you want enough money to start your own thing, and not have to take commissions to make ends meet.

    $15,000 is just starter money. It's not to live on. This isn't $15,000 and a vacation in Seattle. You get $15,000 to help with your move, to buy tools or supplies, servers, whatever, and then you WORK for a year with Penny Arcade teaching you how to make money off of your webcomic (and presumably you're successful at it with their support) plus their help with marketing you. The point is you're supposed to be able to use this as a launching point for a full-time comic making career. It's like any prospective businessperson dipping into personal savings a bit until their business becomes profitable. PA is just giving the winner that extra money to help ends meet until things take off.

    There's nothing wrong with a winner or finalist seeking additional funding on top of the $15,000, but it does seem a little weird considering how valuable the final prize is in terms of apprenticeship, the free office space, and access to PA staff. If you can't make ends meet with $15,000 and all of that to help your business, you're really not using the opportunity very effectively. Penny Arcade apparently thinks $15,000 is plenty when added to whatever money they'll be able to make at comics, and they would probably know, right?
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    kedinik wrote: »
    kedinik wrote: »
    You really are abusing the word "objective".

    and i am saying you are implying maliciousness...
    kedinik wrote:
    "... though not malicious."
    kedinik wrote: »
    e: And her comment's cruel whether you think she was right or not.

    ok seriously?

    malicious: Having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately harmful; spiteful

    cruel: 1. Disposed to inflict pain or suffering. 2. Causing suffering; painful.

    you might want to step back and figure out the meaning of words before you start accusing people of those words.

    No malice there in definition two. Cruelty doesn't require malice.

    You're welcome to disagree that it was unsportsmanlike, but it's just silly to pretend it was some kind of objectively true statement just because the deliberations were shorter.

    And again, you still haven't really touched that bad sportsmanship exists whether malice does.

    If you'll persist in stating that you've objectively solved a painfully vague subjective question, I'll leave you to that.
    kedinik on
  • fightinfilipinofightinfilipino legally competent Registered User regular
    kedinik wrote: »
    what i am saying is that you are inserting your opinion where the objective facts, and all we can infer from them, point otherwise.

    Again, the mere fact that you point to objective evidence (apples can be eaten and fridges can't) does not give your answer to a subjective question an objective finality (apples are better than fridges).

    And again, that is sideways to the real question of sportsmanship.

    i'm going to step away from this before Tube napalms the thread, but i'll leave with this: you are implying a lack of "sportsmanship" when the evidence points otherwise. you are impugning someone's character on shoddy proof. that's what's upsetting.
    google+ | facebook | twitter | steam | Guild Wars 2: fightinfilipino.8914
  • ShjadeShjade Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    @Tastydonuts & ENDERANDREW (I seriously have to figure out how quoting works in this comments column):

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think she meant it to be insulting - it's probably exactly what you two (and probably others I missed) said in that she just assumed from the quicker deliberation that the deliberation wasn't as hard for them this time as it was on her last go through the gauntlet.

    That said, her last trip there was a few eliminations ago. They've had more time to come to terms with making hard decisions since then, which would quicken that judgement time regardless of how close the strips are (at least in theory) and, the thing I found most significant, they ended up giving Monica's strip back to her rather than destroy it, something they did for Lexxy during her first round in the challenge (and ONLY for her so far - the others would've mentioned seeing comics destroyed on their turns when they talked about it afterward, right?). To me, that detail suggests the competition was actually pretty close. Now obviously whether she's right or wrong doesn't change what she -thinks- is the reason she won, but I'm just saying it was...kind of a thoughtless remark to make, considering, and won't be surprised if/when people jump on her about it. *shrug* This is why PR agents make the monies! ;p

    Regarding the conversation re: whether Monica's comic was better/should have won, Lexxy bias in judging, etc., I'd just point out that the elimination here basically played out the same way as the Lexxy/Tavis elimination: two great comics, one of them funny, one of them more artistic than laugh-at material, and the funny won. Funny is pretty clearly the way to go here; it's always had the edge in their conversations when one was just funnier to them than the other, pretty much regardless of other qualities.

    Edit: sidenote, thanks to Kedinik for living up to my expectations on the kind of hostile twist I thought would be attributed to that comment. xD
    Shjade on
  • glorpglorp Registered User regular
    The simple truth is that your comic has to be funny to win. Art, emotion, writing, that is all secondary to whether you can make Mike chuckle.

    I had no problem understanding Monica's strip or with its flow, it felt like they were trying to find any criticism to avoid saying that it wasn't funny and that's the reason it's out.
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Devonin wrote: »
    Also, I believe you're misunderstanding her use of the word 'competition' to refer to Monica and her strip. "Man the competition is WEAK tonight" etc.

    I am about 95% sure that she meant the competition between the two strips to choose one, which being shorter, was objectively (yes OBJECTIVELY) less tight of a competition. The harder the decision was, the longer consensus would take, which is, I'm pretty sure, all she meant by it.

    To say that there was less of a competition to choose between the strips doesn't even include a value judgement about which strip is 'better' or 'funnier' or anything, merely which pair of choices (Lexxy v Tavis or Lexxy v Monica) took longer to resolve.

    "Did it take longer to deliver a judgment?" isn't the same question as "Was the competition tighter", though, right?

    Surely the amount of time taken to judge can vary even if the level of competition is similar.

    For instance, a close call might take a long time when the judges have no experience at deciding close calls, and less time when they have more experience at deciding close calls.

    They had no experience deciding close calls when they saved Lexxy's strip, and much more experience deciding close calls when they, again, decided to preserve the loser's strip here. All else being equal, they're better judges, they've been in this situation before, and it should take less time, no?

    And given that, doesn't it seem pretty meaningful they preserved Monica's strip?
    kedinik on
  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    Lamp wrote: »
    We value
    Drawn better than the rest?

    Sounds like you have never seen Maki's comic.

    Here's the thing: go look at the first panel of Lexxy's strip today. Look at the gestures, body language and design of the bored kids. Look at the reclining girl. Those are not half-assed drawings. Whether you appreciate it or not Lexxy is not fucking around with her art. She can seriously draw.

    When making a sketch, a first draft, or penciling a comic, whatever you want to call it, you use the same gestures, body language, and design as you will in your final work. That's kind of the point. I don't think anyone is saying she's not capable of doing great art, or that she can't draw. What people are saying is that she's not able to complete her drawing in 90 minutes up to what she'd normally consider a final product. It's a comparison between what she produces in the elimination chamber, and what she produces when she has unlimited time (her cut-out, her contract work, her cloud factory samples).

    Lucky for her, art has always taken a backseat in this contest to humor. Also lucky for her she got brought back after losing on comedy grounds, so she had another chance.
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    I think it's a matter of context. In the Lexxy/Tavis round, they were presented with two very strong strips a lot earlier than they expected to see them. They thought they were still in the stage where they were clearing out the people who they considered field-fillers, and seeing two strong competitors in front of them there struck them as an injustice. By the time Abby/Erika came along, they figured those field-fillers were gone and were prepared for the fact that hard decisions would come every round now. So Lexxy/Monica didn't get quite the deliberation it might have gotten in an earlier round.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • glorpglorp Registered User regular
    Matrias wrote: »
    -Tal wrote: »
    Straub is the best.

    lol, and Kurtz was the guy they got to "judge" the Twitter challenge..
  • IntrepydIntrepyd Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    My $0.02. Monica was bizarrely antisocial. If she was trying for "playfully contrarian," she might be a little tone deaf. That would be an issue for me if I were judging promising web comic talent. Her comic was personal and physically beautiful, but honestly not all that interesting or enjoyable. Does it make it sacrilege to prefer her opponent's comic just because Monica's is personal? Lexxy's wasn't a soul-rending confessional, but it was a very smart and effective use of the prompts. The last panel was a perfect hilarious parody of a toy commercial punchline.
    Intrepyd on
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    There's nothing wrong with a winner or finalist seeking additional funding on top of the $15,000, but it does seem a little weird considering how valuable the final prize is in terms of apprenticeship, the free office space, and access to PA staff. If you can't make ends meet with $15,000 and all of that to help your business, you're really not using the opportunity very effectively. Penny Arcade apparently thinks $15,000 is plenty when added to whatever money they'll be able to make at comics, and they would probably know, right?

    Knowing you have hundreds and hundreds of fans who are dying to throw their money at you, and taking advantage of that, is a weird decision? I frankly find it puzzling that some of the other contestants have done virtually nothing to capitalize on their Strip Search appearance.

    Edit: Not to mention that (in the case that she wins Strip Search) it allows her to, yknow, actually HAVE a webcomic by the time she goes to Penny Arcade so she can focus on monetizing and developing it instead of just getting off the ground.
    Lamp on
  • TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    Monica's strip wasn't destroyed because of it's quality. They couldn't destroy it because of the content and what throwing it into the trash would represent.
  • kedinikkedinik Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I'm just saying it's rude to downplay your opponent's skill, and that's just as true even if there's an objective scoreboard that shows you winning.
    kedinik on
  • EvilGrahamEvilGraham Registered User new member
    edited May 2013
    Best part is that Monica still has fake arm hair from being Tavis.
    EvilGraham on
  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    ahdok wrote: »
    I'm going to throw this in the ring too.

    Lexxy's art in these eliminations is not "Unfinished", it's Stylistic. It might not be a style you like, but it is far from half-assed. I'm happy to accept that it's a stylistic choice that lends itself well to the format, as it's black and white and quite minimalist - but it's not bad art. I'm happy to accept that it's a style you don't like, but it's not "just preliminary sketches".

    For me, it's a style I love, and that I wish I could do myself.

    When it looks exactly like the sorts of sketching you see other artists making before they do their inking, it's not really a unique style, it's just a sketch. If these were done in light blue, and she had more time to do what she wanted, it'd be a lot more obvious to everyone else, I guess. Again, I'll point to the clear differences in her work in the eliminations and her work elsewhere (including the Cloud Factory samples). I'd also point to her own statements about time management, her expressed wishes she had more time to work, the fact that she hadn't slept and was still doing contract work when they came to get her at the hotel at the start of the series, and on and on. What she's turned in twice now is her own equivalent of penciling. It's hard to deny that in the face of so much testimony and evidence she's provided herself.

    Nobody is saying she's not a good artist. She's just not as good in a 90 minute deadline. She has a higher potential than most if not all of the other strippers on the show, she just doesn't live up to it in the eliminations. To all the people defending her art, I hope you're not too disappointed when she does more than sketches for her Cloud Factory project. It won't look like these elimination comics, because she won't have only 90 minutes.
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    First of all: loved Monica's comic. Holy cow. Powerful stuff.

    Didn't like her behavior in the elimination challenge, though. I know it's irritating when you're trying to work and someone won't leave you alone, but she seemed to forget that she was on a game show.

    I think she knew she had a comic to make and 90 minutes to make it and everything that got in the way of that needed to get out of her hair and let her work. I know the feeling. I've had it myself when writing. You have this great idea, but you don't have much time to get it down for whatever reason- you're under a time limit; you're worried about losing the idea- and all you can think about is completing your piece, and it needs to be done, and it needs to be done now, quickly, and anyone asking you for anything while you're working is doing you a great disservice and don't they know how important this is? Your muse strikes, it grabs hold of you, and you need to take advantage before the muse goes away. It can come anywhere. In front of your easel/keyboard/notebook/etc. (if you're lucky), in the break room at work, in the middle of a game show. That feeling exists. People in the creative arts get that feeling. I get it. Clearly Monica gets it. It can result in some of a person's absolute best work, but the process of getting there can be rather unpleasant for anyone who happens to get between the artist and completion of their piece.

    Absolutely. This is why artists of all kinds generally don't do their work with an artificial time limit and a room full of hecklers :P

    I'm sure it threw Monica, and she did what she does to adapt and survive, just as she did with the interviewer. She was a bit more polite with the interviewer though. Mike really started to get to her by the end, I think. Still, she pulled off an amazing piece. Not perfect, of course, nothing ever is, but that was probably the hardest strip she'll ever make in her life and she did it very well. She just didn't know the comic had to be funny in order to win.

    As I've said before, it's not about the best comic, it's about the right comic. Hers was not the strip they were searching for. If she had gone with her usual funny comic style, she'd have probably blown them away, but she went with a more serious tone and that's just not what the Creators want to promote at Penny Arcade for a year. Lexxy's had humor and violence, right up Mike and Jerry's alley. Oh well, Monica is still going to enjoy plenty of success. She's got the skills, she's made a bunch of really great new contacts in the biz, and she's won a lot of new fans from her time on Strip Search.
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
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