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Strip Search - Elimination #7



  • InkAsylumInkAsylum Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I asked some clarification from Mike over Twitter:

    "Were you actually upset by Monica's joke about your mother? Some people seem to think so (not me)."

    His response:

    "Haha no I was not really upset."
    InkAsylum on
  • ZhayneZhayne Registered User regular
    heh, who wears stripes anymore? :P
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Early on in the episode they show a couple frames of Lexxy's script, which at that point went up until the fourth panel. At that point I already thought the idea of dinosaur skates that bite your feet was humorous but nothing too special. I honestly find a lot of advertisement parodies tiresome when they think it's enough to simply come up with an absurd product and then proceed with a list of its wacky, impossible features. The easy way out for Lexxy would have been to end the strip with the kids getting their feet bitten, pretending to smile nervously and saying "Thanks Tommy T-Rex!"

    That's why Lexxy's comic really had me rolling. She took what I expected -- the tired "fake product" joke format -- and turned THAT on its head in a surprising way. It was really smart.

    That said, Monica's comic was beautiful and a very strong entry. I really think it could have won out against a lot of other entries we've seen so far in the show. Lexxy's was just that good. Sure, Mike and Jerry obviously have a bias toward humor but anyone who says Lexxy won *just* because she chose a joke format is doing a disservice to her quality work.
    Lamp on
  • buzzbeebarabuzzbeebara Registered User new member
    JEFFKO said everything I was going to say, only better.
  • duddlesduddles Registered User regular
    I'm sad that Mike and Jerry didn't eat anything during the elimination...
  • BdonBdon Registered User regular
    @Ahdok - 3 interpretations (probably more but I certainly have a different one).

    3) That same night where you friends and family were trying to make you feel better about the sensible decision you made you have a dream about that very topic. You wake up in a sweat, grab your skates, take a deep breath, and reverse that "sensible" decision. You then start grinding away to hone your craft and keep chasing your dream. You're not doing it only at night. You have embraced the quest anew. It just happens to be night.
  • seegruseegru Master of None St. PaulRegistered User regular
    Great win Lexxy! I definately agree with the decision. You have now won your way back into the competition and (at least I) no longer hold a grudge for the (infamous) re-instate. Nice job!
  • SirTwitchSirTwitch Registered User regular
    I love the elimination episodes! Monica was hilarious! Lexxy was having a hard time not laughing at the end there.

    Every time I watch one of these episodes I gain a new respect for everyone involved--the artists doing the elimination challenge and Mike and Jerry. Fantastic all around.
  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    That was the thing, ahdok. Gut reaction offed Monica. It's a comic that gets stronger the more you look at it and the longer you let it sink in. Had this deliberation taken as long as Lexxy's last one, who knows, it might have been a different outcome. But they came to a quick enough decision that Lexxy was still ahead when they called the two out of the Shame Hole. Lexxy was way ahead on gut reaction, but it wasn't nearly as clear by the time the announcement was made.

    EDIT: At least that's my figuring. Worth asking Mike how much of a factor that was.
    Gosling on
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • parmeisanparmeisan Registered User regular
    Really sad to see Monica go. She's been on my RSS from very early on, though, and that won't ever change. I love her stuff. I think she lost mainly because no one told the artists that the comics were supposed to be funny - if she had set out to do funny, I really feel like she could have beat what Lexxy produced in this episode. (Of course, you are free to disagree. :) )

    That said, if Lexxy wins, I hope she starts doing a funny comic. Maybe that's why she's doing the Kickstarter. So that if she loses, she can do Cloud Factory, and if she wins, she can still do CF even alongside starting up a funny comic (which would be, after all, why and how she won)...
  • MicroMagicMicroMagic Registered User regular
    Everyone complains about the artists.

    What about Jerry. He agrees with Mike 100% of the time. It's as though Mike takes gentle control or the situation, and Jerry is just his supporting character. WTF Jerry, grow some balls man.
  • ZhayneZhayne Registered User regular
    I'm with Ahdok. I'd really like a print of Monica's comic and hang it on my wall.
  • seegruseegru Master of None St. PaulRegistered User regular
  • ahdokahdok Figment of your imagination Registered User regular
    Bdon wrote: »

    3) That same night where you friends and family were trying to make you feel better about the sensible decision you made you have a dream about that very topic. You wake up in a sweat, grab your skates, take a deep breath, and reverse that "sensible" decision. You then start grinding away to hone your craft and keep chasing your dream. You're not doing it only at night. You have embraced the quest anew. It just happens to be night.

    Also the theme tune to Rocky is playing. :)

    http://www.socksandpuppets.com for comics, art and other junk.
  • Spman2099Spman2099 Registered User regular
    A part of me really wants Lexxy to keep winning just so that I can see HeyThereEliza writhe in pain...

    That being said, it is going to be nearly impossible for me to not be happy for whoever takes this entire competition. I believe in every single cartoonist left. Hell, that sentiment was true three eliminations ago.
  • AurichAurich Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I really wanted Gabe to say "Monica, now I know what you meant when you said you wanted to fuck my mom."

    Also I want to say that I've liked Lexxy way more since she came back. The sort of careful polite smokescreen seems diminished or gone.
    Aurich on
  • Korbei83Korbei83 Registered User regular
    Zhayne wrote: »
    heh, who wears stripes anymore? :P

    Right here. I actually own a shirt very similar to the one Mike was wearing.

    Way to cut me like a knife Monica.
  • MicroMagicMicroMagic Registered User regular
    I miss Amy. No I didn't really like her, but it added the drama of, "Oh no, I hope she doesn't win." Now I just don't want anyone to lose. :(
  • mcpmcp Registered User regular
    Maybe you should make better fashion choices

    Have you thought of that

    Better fashion choices
  • VanilloVanillo Registered User new member
    Am I mistaken or is Monika's dinosaur not just skating away into the night, but using his skates to light lamps with his breath of fire more quickly? I thought that was a lovely detail and it went completely unmentioned.

    Anyway my gut reaction actually was that Lexxy would lose, but I'm quite happy that she stayed.
  • toaster_pimptoaster_pimp Registered User regular
    daaang- monica gets CAUSTIC when she's under stress.

    it is interesting how they all react differently in the final showdown.

    but - dang, i don't think anyone has ever antagonized a judge like that...on like, any show i've seen.

  • GoslingGosling Team Monica Watertown, WIRegistered User regular
    daaang- monica gets CAUSTIC when she's under stress.

    it is interesting how they all react differently in the final showdown.

    but - dang, i don't think anyone has ever antagonized a judge like that...on like, any show i've seen.

    Andres Alvarez ‏@NerdNumbers 1h

    #stripsearch is the only reality TV show I can think of where the contestants abuse the judges during elimination challenges.
    I'm trying, through my blog, to break into the journalism industry. Any eyes and ears that pick up on any leads towards that end are greatly appreciated. PM me if you happen to hear anything.
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    Vanillo wrote: »
    Am I mistaken or is Monika's dinosaur not just skating away into the night, but using his skates to light lamps with his breath of fire more quickly? I thought that was a lovely detail and it went completely unmentioned.

    That's an... interesting interpretation, but yes I think you are mistaken. For one thing, dinosaurs don't breathe fire. It's not fire breath, just his regular breath showing in the cold night air. Even if I imagine that was the bizarre angle Monica was going for it wouldn't fit because the lamps ahead of the dinosaur are clearly already lit. They're just lamps.

  • eagleagl Registered User regular
    The whole episode felt a bit like a comic to me... Over the top and funny as heck because the characters were extreme in nature. I was wondering how Monica would handle the distractions, and on reflection it doesn't surprise me that she put up her shields and starting firing back. The added value there of course was seeing Mike begin to question his role, which was comical, touching, and a bit of poetic justice all at once. I think that if I hadn't been following PA for years, this episode would have really bothered me. As it was, it was a fun glimpse of some people playing at work and working at playing, but dropping the façade when "shit got real" to make sure they didn't hurt anyone. It made me want to point at Mike and yell "burrrrnnnn!!!!" and then laugh with him and buy him a beer or something, as if I was actually a friend and not some random guy who has enjoyed watching him share a part of his life for a few years. It made me wish that before the elimination, Monica had been able to develop some rapport with Mike and Jerry so we'd see a little more of her playfulness in the interaction.

    As for Monica's comic, I though it was pretty deep and "classic" Monica. Her phuzzy comics seem to often revolve about poignant or comical aspects of her own life, and I thought her comic was funny and touching. More touching than funny, but Monica's comics often deal with daily struggles so it seemed appropriate for her to remain true to her own style. Unfortunately, she didn't have any warning that its hard to win the elimination if you don't make Mike and/or Jerry actually laugh, and that it might have been better for the elimination to try to be more funny than touching. Still, it seemed like she remained true to her own style and that's totally cool I think. I think almost everyone can relate to Monica's comic on a personal level and with respect to her fans/readers, that is appealing over the long term I think.

    As for Lexxy's comic, it was funny both in itself and as a parody or commentary on over the top child-targeted commercials. Can't argue with the decision to keep her since it seems a very consistent decision based on Mike and Jerry's comments in previous eliminations.

    I'm sad to see Monica eliminated but I think it was one of the better episodes. One last thing I thought was interesting was that while Monica seems really defensive until she gets to know people, she also appeared to get comfortable with a group of new people pretty quickly when those people were nice and had common basis for friendship or personal interaction. I think that she would have fit into the PA family very well once she felt confident that they weren't really going to bite her head off so hopefully there will be the potential for some future collaboration there.
  • mcpmcp Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    daaang- monica gets CAUSTIC when she's under stress.

    it is interesting how they all react differently in the final showdown.

    but - dang, i don't think anyone has ever antagonized a judge like that...on like, any show i've seen.

    Andres Alvarez ‏@NerdNumbers 1h

    #stripsearch is the only reality TV show I can think of where the contestants abuse the judges during elimination challenges.
    I love it

    Monica and Abby have been my favorite in the eliminations so far
  • TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    Gosling wrote: »
    daaang- monica gets CAUSTIC when she's under stress.

    it is interesting how they all react differently in the final showdown.

    but - dang, i don't think anyone has ever antagonized a judge like that...on like, any show i've seen.

    Andres Alvarez ‏@NerdNumbers 1h

    #stripsearch is the only reality TV show I can think of where the contestants abuse the judges during elimination challenges.

    Great. Now I want to see Abby and Monica go on one of Gordon Ramsay's shows.
  • toaster_pimptoaster_pimp Registered User regular
    hmm...i don't mean this as like, a bad thing or anything like that - but is it just me when i feel like among all the peeps, monica is the one we got to know the least - like who didn't really open up much, or u know...like 'get real' much?

    i onno...
  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    My interpretation of Monica's demeanor was genuine surprise and shock that they were seriously going to heckle her the whole 90 minutes. Like, "You guys are going to shut the fuck up and let me draw at some point, right?"

    The heckling is great TV but in the moment, with the pressure on, I don't blame her.
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    ahdok wrote: »
    I guess a lot of people have missed the epic comedic irony a person saying "who wears stripes anyway" when all their self-depictions wear giant lime green stripes.

    For a person to pick that up would require them to pay a lot more attention to said person or see their work enough. :P
    "a good leader can make an okay group great..."
  • Agent0fN0thingAgent0fN0thing Registered User regular
    I think the thing that got to Mike and Jerry about their interactions with Monica is that they were worried that they had touched a nerve that ought not have been touched. As to the comics themselves, they were both beautiful and wonderful in their own way. I would have picked Monica's, but I think Lexxy's comic was also quite worthwhile, and it clearly struck a chord with Mike & Jerry, so I can live with it. They were both clever, and good, and I wish for nothing but the best for both Lexxy and Monica!
    Up next, the Final Five compete! Okay, so Lexxy is Tory Foster, Maki is Chief Tyrol, Tavis is Samuel Anders, Abby is Saul Tigh, and I guess that makes Katie Ellen Tigh? Okay, so maybe the analogy breaks down pretty quickly.
  • rathwolfrathwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Wow. Lexxy's comic was funny, yes, but Monica's comic was so poignant it almost brought me to tears.That was a fabulous piece of art, and I'm somewhat saddened that the competition pretty much came down to humor. I mean, humor is important, yes, but the power behind Monica's piece....ye gods.
    rathwolf on
  • eagleagl Registered User regular
    One other thing... I very strongly feel that in this elimination, Monica's strip was far more indicative of talent that could be sustained over a period of time in the form of a periodic comic. Being LOL funny every strip is hard. Mike and Jerry have various themes they fall back on but those themes have legs. Like raising their kids as gamers, or the reaction their alter egos have to new gaming trends. The deeper meanings behind Monica's strip can be stretched beyond one comic, especially when backed by her talent. Lexxy's comic was "funny once", not a theme you could reliably return to over the life of a periodic strip and the characters were not memorable.

    So from that perspective, yea maybe Lexxy had a funnier one-time individual strip but I think it totally missed the boat with regards to indicating which artist could create a high quality periodic strip for any length of time. From that perspective, I think Monica's strip was clearly superior. After reading Monica's, I want to read her NEXT strip. I don't have anything to look forward to after reading Lexxy's, except maybe another gag. Now Lexxy's previous elimination strip... That was a completely different story. The clown bit with the clearly defined individual characters could be developed over as long a run as Lexxy could think up new ideas for them to explore. I want to know what those clowns are up to next. But for this one, I think Monica's strip was a much stronger long-term indicator of quality webcomic potential.
  • GeekfatherGeekfather Registered User regular
    Just give Lexxy the fucking job. It's what they want to do anyway.
  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    Well, Lexxy finally earned her spot. I thought her comic was funny, though the art was rather unimpressive. They really look like thumbnail sketches to me, like her last comic. But anyway, talking dinosaurs eating children, what's not to like? Clearly Mike found it funny, so fine. I still think she's going down the next time she faces Abby, Katie, or Maki since they can do funny and great art at the same time. Lexxy continues to have time management issues.

    Monica's was very clean, and certainly had a great story. It wasn't funny though. It was like Katie's second comic, really. Kind of sad. I understand why the Creators didn't pick hers to win, though personally I'd rather read a comic like Monica's over Lexxy's any day. Even though Monica lost, she's won a fan in me already.

    As for Monica's shutting down when Mike was asking her questions she didn't want to answer, we all should've been expecting that. Remember her interview on the second day's elimination challenge? She doesn't feel the need to respond to anything she doesn't want to. Good for her, even if it was uncomfortable to watch. I was really expecting her to be funnier, but I think she was just stressed. I'm glad that at the end of it, she seemed to be feeling pretty good overall. At the end of the day, she went 400% on her indiegogo, won a lot of new fans, and I do believe she'll be able to continue rollerskating as long as she wants. I will miss her on the show, though. Let's all shit our pants in memory of Monica.

    I think Tavis will be the next to fall, not that I want him to, but really with five left every elimination is going to be tough and I think he's the weakest link now.
    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
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