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[MOBA] league and dota and smite and qtpie



  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    I want to try rengar with sotd
  • Mr FuzzbuttMr Fuzzbutt Polar Warbear ˁ ͡° ᴥ ͡°ˀRegistered User regular
    DudBolt wrote: »
    Hon more like gone

    Because nobody plays it anymore
    A shame.

    yeah, rip
  • SoaLSoaL Registered User regular
    Sara Lynn wrote: »
    Nothing impressive, at all, but I'm always proud of myself when I actually fulfill the role of carry.

    11/2/9 is a Good Carry Score

    big problem with that game is your creep score. any time you aren't fighting over a map objective you should just say nuts to your team and kill jungle camps or minion waves
  • ButtersButters Registered User regular
    We were kind of rolling through them so there wasn't much opportunity for her to farm.
    League of Legends: Lamby Cakes | XBox Live: Jon Butters
  • SoaLSoaL Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    i can't tell what my favorite teemo play is

    is it the old "shove top turret against a low enemy and then feign basing but really just stealth in the midle of lane and kill them when they try to clear one last wave"

    or is it the "retreat early from teamfight, stealth around corner, and then kill straggler(s) on enemy team as they run past to chase the rest of your team"

    seriously my favorite passive ever

    edit: that last ranked match I played I based with so much gold I could upgrade to liandrys, upgrade to morellonomicon, and flat out buy a deathcap
    it was outrageous
    SoaL on
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    morellonomicon is the dumbest name
  • SoaLSoaL Registered User regular
    i laffed when I saw it first... the fun of fantasy stuff is having stupid names. cmon brt

    It is also really so so good
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Morellonomicon is the best name. I'm not sure that it's a good item, though.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    Morellonomicon is one of those weird items where you're not really interested in getting it every game, but some games it is a gift from on fucking high
  • SoaLSoaL Registered User regular
    It really goofs over anyone who relies on regen or healing to be spooky(so lots of supports, dudes like vlad voli or singed)

    on teemo in particular it helps get those kills where the person either flashes or dashes away with poison on them and tries to regenerate or potion to survive

    plus 20% cdr is nice
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Morellonomicon is one of those weird items where you're not really interested in getting it every game, but some games it is a gift from on fucking high
    Which is reason enough for it to exist, I guess. But I've never found myself in a position where I wanted to buy it.
  • NikolaiNikolai HHHEHEHE That one tasted purpleRegistered User regular
    how to play aram Vi: Pick one enemy and go hard every time. I felt bad for the heimer in the last game I was in.
  • WhytherWhyther Registered User regular
    When I playing Aram against a team with multiple high-threat characters with regen/healing, and the APs don't get Morellonomicon/ the ADs don't get Executioners, I cry over my computer keyboard so much that I die from electrocution.
  • NikolaiNikolai HHHEHEHE That one tasted purpleRegistered User regular
    AP yi: the pol pot of aram.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    SoaL wrote: »
    i laffed when I saw it first... the fun of fantasy stuff is having stupid names. cmon brt

    It is also really so so good

    I don't have a problem with stupid fantasy names

    I don't like morello because he's a prick so having his name on the item makes it a bad name
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    SoaL wrote: »
    i laffed when I saw it first... the fun of fantasy stuff is having stupid names. cmon brt

    It is also really so so good

    I don't have a problem with stupid fantasy names

    I don't like morello because he's a prick so having his name on the item makes it a bad name
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    SoaL wrote: »
    i laffed when I saw it first... the fun of fantasy stuff is having stupid names. cmon brt

    It is also really so so good

    I don't have a problem with stupid fantasy names

    I don't like morello because he's a prick so having his name on the item makes it a bad name
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    does it really fuck over vlad, though? it's not like he gets by on emergency sustain the same way that voli or singed do

    and it's not like your active is going to be up every time he goes to Q something
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    you HAVE TO KNOW its like GALACTUS
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    does it really fuck over vlad, though? it's not like he gets by on emergency sustain the same way that voli or singed do

    and it's not like your active is going to be up every time he goes to Q something
    It hasn't had an active for six months dude.
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    does it really fuck over vlad, though? it's not like he gets by on emergency sustain the same way that voli or singed do

    and it's not like your active is going to be up every time he goes to Q something
    It hasn't had an active for six months dude.

    wow it seems even shittier now

  • MarthMarth Sad Schaub Registered User regular
    Not looking forward to my upcoming hiatus from league :(
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    does it really fuck over vlad, though? it's not like he gets by on emergency sustain the same way that voli or singed do

    and it's not like your active is going to be up every time he goes to Q something
    It hasn't had an active for six months dude.
    wow it seems even shittier now

    Yeah, kind of. I like the idea so you can actually apply it to multiple people, but the execution is lacking. They're probably afraid of making it actually good.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Isis looks like a lot of fun.
    sarukun on
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    i greatly disliked the old version of it

    the new one isn't bad
  • Temporal ParadoxTemporal Paradox Registered User regular
    Nikolai wrote: »
    how to play aram Vi: Pick one enemy and go hard every time. I felt bad for the heimer in the last game I was in.

    That Heimer was me unfortunately. :(
    He's not a champ to play first time in an ARAM.
  • TcheldorTcheldor Registered User regular
    Nomicon is really really gold efficient for what it does. It's also better than chalice offensively when you want CDR mana regen and AP.
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  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    remember the old one that was just AP, less cdr, and piddly mana regen

    oh man
  • scarlet blvd.scarlet blvd. Bebop Cola Goooood!Registered User regular
    I'm never playing udyr again... that was fucking stupid as all hell.
  • NiryaNirya Registered User regular
    Udyr is just a difficult champion to master.

    That being said, he can be hilariously fun. There were games where I'd go Udyr and spend the entire game kiting the enemy team through their jungle without a care in the world.
    411mania's best/worst tv reviewer TV Rants & Raves: Wednesdays
  • stimtokolosstimtokolos Registered User regular
    SoaL wrote: »
    i laffed when I saw it first... the fun of fantasy stuff is having stupid names. cmon brt

    It is also really so so good

    I don't have a problem with stupid fantasy names

    I don't like morello because he's a prick so having his name on the item makes it a bad name

    I bet he feels shit that his buddies Guinsoo and Eul have far superior items named after them in DotA still.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    3 pages and only a passive mention of Awesomenauts.

    You people, it's like you don't like bullshit character designs, which can't be true, because that's the point of MOBA's :P

    Also, playing Nami with a spiking ping makes my bubbles go everywhere and it makes me sad.
  • ButtersButters Registered User regular
    I wanna learn Udyr. He seems really neat. I also wanna learn to jungle...
    League of Legends: Lamby Cakes | XBox Live: Jon Butters
  • Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity Ask me about Super Propane and Super Propane accessoriesRegistered User regular
    Morellonomicon is one of the best items you can buy on a caster right now

    It's a high cooldown high ap item that builds out of a gold generating item

    It is fucking amazing

    That's like saying spectral wraith is bad because it gives minion damage and mana regen

    It's still crazy
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    The only thing I'd like to see is to raise the % activation threshold for Morellonomicon, or give it back its active
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • Zen VulgarityZen Vulgarity Ask me about Super Propane and Super Propane accessoriesRegistered User regular
    It's current passive is already too good
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    But I need more power
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Only if they give me a 'healing pen' stat for Nami/soraka.
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    SoaL wrote: »
    i laffed when I saw it first... the fun of fantasy stuff is having stupid names. cmon brt

    It is also really so so good

    I don't have a problem with stupid fantasy names

    I don't like morello because he's a prick so having his name on the item makes it a bad name

    I bet he feels shit that his buddies Guinsoo and Eul have far superior items named after them in DotA still.
    It's just the Scythe of Vyse now, actually. Because Guinsoo is a bit of a tosser
  • P10P10 Registered User regular
    also valve needs to steal HoN's midwars for dota2

    because my friends and i were literally the kings of midwars. and the gamemode was the most consistent fun i've had playing these games
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