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[MOBA] league and dota and smite and qtpie



  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Had an ARAM last night where we had a pretty good team comp including Sion and then the person with Sion fucking rerolled and we lost our tank so we couldn't fucking push for shit. Hardly anyone wants to be the tank in solo queue.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    blue map, rorus, and I just had the worst fucking smite match

    just, the pubs on our team, in the worst "asshole who can't work with the team and then blames everyone else for failure" and "just plain bad at the game" flavors

  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    Isis is pretty bonkers, by the way.

    I really like her toolbox.

    That isn't a euphemism.
  • ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    I recorded it, but deleted it

    it was basically an hour of us being frustrated and angry and I didn't want to relive it

    :/ Hate when that happens.
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I am uploading it at some point.

    It was a game where we lost with a roughly 15,000 gold advantage.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    Good heavens.
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    edited May 2013
    This is a game where we opened with Gold Fury and had a 20-30k advantage throughout most of it. Then our neith would dink around too long and get initiated on. Arachne was just all-around bad.

    I am going to remove the skype talk since it's basically A) Jubilation B) Blue Map getting mad C) My trying to calm Blue Map down D) TDOT vainly trying to get our pubs under control E) My getting mad F) TDOT getting mad.
    Rorus Raz on
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    That'll teach you to play with less than the holy 4. =P
    I am sorry things went so wrong.
  • Temporal ParadoxTemporal Paradox Registered User regular
    Jax is fun to play in ARAM as long as you don't care about dying. Just jump in like a madman, and either the enemy team focuses you down and eats AOE's from your teammates, or they spread out all over and get focused down themselves.
  • ThatDudeOverThereThatDudeOverThere Ymir owns. He fucking owns!Registered User regular
    I think we were still up like 10k when we lost.
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    Jax is fun to play in ARAM as long as you don't care about dying. Just jump in like a madman, and either the enemy team focuses you down and eats AOE's from your teammates, or they spread out all over and get focused down themselves.

    Basically how I play melees in ARAM

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2013
    solo queue isn't always bad


    we just fucking melted that team
    Druhim on
  • Temporal ParadoxTemporal Paradox Registered User regular
    Oh god, it's gonna take forever to get all the custom item sets I want done. :(
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    lol if you don't build Lichbane on Sona.
    Steam: cristke
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    rushin that bitch book probably helped a lot against yi

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    lol if you don't build Lichbane on Sona.

    Never had the chance, since I only died once.
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    also what you don't see is that I had Eleisa's Miracle as well
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    lol if you don't build Lichbane on Sona.

    I have never needed to build anything as ARAM Sona.

    Buy Chalice, win game.
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I mean, even if I had died more than once it was a thirteen minute match.
  • M.D.M.D. and then what happens? Registered User regular
    riot finally speaks up about champ select


    As you all know, we value communication and collaboration above all when it comes to choosing roles in ranked games. According to the Player Behavior team's studies, teams that cooperate together have a greater chance to win. Naturally, cooperation and communication is something we want to encourage within all games of League of Legends.

    That said, we do know that there have been some problems with coming to an agreement at champion select, and many players have defaulted to one of two systems: Pick Order – where players higher on the pick list have first choice of their role – and Call Order – where players believe whoever “calls” a role first gets the right to it. For a while, we've been asked what our own official stance is on Pick Order versus Call Order and, after much consideration, we've ultimately decided to endorse Pick Order over Call Order as an underlying system. There are many reasons why Pick Order works better to encourage communication and cooperation in teams:

    Players with faster load times shouldn't have an unfair advantage in Call Order
    Pick Order occurs naturally in the current design, so it's more intuitive
    Over time, players get an equal number of opportunities to be each pick slot
    Players shouldn't have to race to type a position at the start of each match

    At this point we would like to stress, once again, that Pick Order should not be the first thing players turn to in determining who plays what role in ranked games. Pick Order is meant to be a last resort when settling discussions - this is why we are endorsing it and not mandating it. Communication and collaboration are still the most important things when it comes to playing ranked games, and we hope players will continue to uphold the Summoner's Code in all of their matches. If you refuse to communicate with your team and rely only on Pick Order to determine your role selection, you are still being a toxic player and this will reflect negatively upon you. By officially endorsing Pick Order, however, we are hoping this will give more structure to players and may help settle some disputes. And, of course, this isn't the only thing we're doing to address champion select as a process. For more information on our long-term plans, turn to this discussion with Lyte, status kwoh, and davin. We've also included a mini-FAQ for players who have further questions on our endorsement of this philosophy.

    Happy hunting,


    Q: How will Riot be able to enforce this?

    A: The short answer is it won't be strictly enforced. We want to create an environment that encourages collaboration when creating team comps. Strict enforcement here could potentially obstruct that. However, in the event that somebody is breaking the Summoner's Code in champ select, players can use the existing reporting tools like the tribunal.

    Q: I'm last pick and I have no idea how to play the role left to me – so I get reported either way. What do I do?

    A: It's best to go into ranked with at least a basic grasp of how to play every role. Having said that, behavioral and game skill reporting is handled differently. Receiving an ‘unskilled player' report can't result in a ban.

    Q: I ALWAYS end up last pick so this will have a significantly negative impact on me – how does pick order even get decided?

    A: On average players should be seated in each pick order roughly the same number of times over a large enough set of games.

    Q: So if I play with a friend who's significantly higher ranked than me, I will never have a choice in my role?

    A: In this specific case, you could ask your friend to make a pick for you and then trade. More generally it's pretty rare to find a team who all insist on playing specific positions. It's worth communicating your strongest and weakest positions to your team since usually a compromise can be found.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    That seems like a crap solution to a fairly large design problem.

    Not that I have a better one, but endorsing one bullshit lock-in over another seems kind of wonky to me.
  • M.D.M.D. and then what happens? Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I think it's going to be a problem until they institute a dungeon finder, but if they did that people in high elo will forever be without a game as they already take upwards of 15 minutes to find a game, and the queues for low level games will be just as high as everyone will want to be the mid or top.

    Honestly, as he put it, communication should be how picks are made but that rarely happens on the lower level where the majority of complaints arise from.
    M.D. on
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    A: It's best to go into ranked with at least a basic grasp of how to play every role. Having said that, behavioral and game skill reporting is handled differently. Receiving an ‘unskilled player' report can't result in a ban.

    Something the vast majority of the player base seems absolutely clueless about. If you straight up asked them, most players would insist "unskilled player" goes against the summoner's code.
  • NiryaNirya Registered User regular
    It's the best case scenario, because anything like a dungeon finder, besides making queues basically impossible at high levels, would result in an endorsement of the meta, which Riot doesn't want to do.
    411mania's best/worst tv reviewer TV Rants & Raves: Wednesdays
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    sarukun wrote: »
    That seems like a crap solution to a fairly large design problem.

    Not that I have a better one, but endorsing one bullshit lock-in over another seems kind of wonky to me.

    Well, like he said it's not a lock in. Ultimately it's best if a team communicates and decides on a team composition that works for the team. Of course in reality there are plenty of players that are committed to one or two roles when solo-queued but that's the heart of the problem and I don't know how you get players that are determined to be the most fed on the team to understand what teamwork actually entails. That's not why they're playing.
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    Man, do people on the Tribunal even SEE pre-game shit? I've never seen it while doing the tribunal.

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Yeah, a dungeon finder would be bullshit.
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2013
    Welcome to half hour queues because everyone wants to adc or assassin and no one wants to tank or support. Although alternatively, for people that do want to tank or support then they'd presumably have pretty short queues.
    Druhim on
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Druhim wrote: »
    A: It's best to go into ranked with at least a basic grasp of how to play every role. Having said that, behavioral and game skill reporting is handled differently. Receiving an ‘unskilled player' report can't result in a ban.

    Something the vast majority of the player base seems absolutely clueless about. If you straight up asked them, most players would insist "unskilled player" goes against the summoner's code.

    Yeah, I used to think it was silly until I realised it was basically Riot going:

    Well ass holes are going to report people who have bad games, so lets give them a dump category that we wholly ignore in every way possible.

    It's pretty smart really.

    And the dungeon finder queue wouldn't work. The issue with pub teams is no one wants to depend on eachother which means tanks, initiators supports and junglers are all undesirable because they put you in a position where you rely on someone else in key roles and are playing a character that does less if fed.

    The way you solve that issue is by gifting all players Leona so they may understand the holy light of initiating.
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King arf arf Registered User regular
    I for one and going to blame the map again

    Jungle was a bad idea
  • ButtersButters Registered User regular
    What is dungeon finder?
    League of Legends: Lamby Cakes | XBox Live: Jon Butters
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    It's a feature in WoW. Everyone queues up as DPS, Tank, or Heal, and then gets put into groups accordingly. They'd make it so there was AP, ADC, Tank, Support, Jungle, basically

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • The BetmanThe Betman Are you afraid of God, Booker? No. But I am afraid of you.Registered User regular
    it would be terrible

    D3: TheBetman#1189 Steam XBox Live: The Betman PSN: The Betman 3DS: 1521-2933-5072
  • ButtersButters Registered User regular
    Oh yeah that would be pretty crappy. At least as a standard.
    League of Legends: Lamby Cakes | XBox Live: Jon Butters
  • M.D.M.D. and then what happens? Registered User regular
    yea it would be horrible in league

    I still think they plan on putting something like XXXX prefs to play support/adc/top/jungle/mid when you hover over their name or something with how many games they play as what possibly.
  • NikolaiNikolai HHHEHEHE That one tasted purpleRegistered User regular
    I had a bot lane game yesterday where I laned against a darius and cait as varus. My support was nidalee. She never bought wards. I uninstalled league and through my computer out the window.
  • Rorus RazRorus Raz C'est Waa Vie "I'm no PORN EXPERT"Registered User, Super Moderator, Moderator mod
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    darius support?
  • NikolaiNikolai HHHEHEHE That one tasted purpleRegistered User regular
    Pretty much was a kill lane. And I don't even like laning against darius top when I'm not a useless ADC.
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