Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

The [steam] thread - Serving the Newell with open hearts and wallets.

Idx86Idx86 A man choosesA slave obeysRegistered User regular
edited June 2014 in Games and Technology

- You can now manage subscriptions inside Steam. Only one game supports it for now, but maybe one day we'll see weekend deals for monthly subscriptions to our favorite MMOs.
- Check out Enhanced Steam, a cool browser plugin for Chrome and Firefox that enhances Steam. Duh.
- Waiting is for chumps: Steam now has category for games with early access betas and alphas. Watch games develop!
- The other shoe drops: regular weekly deals begin on Steam! Are monthly deals next?
- The War Z returns to Steam with a more...honest approach. It is still shit that should not be bought.
- Linux joins Steam as several games get Linux-compatible versions.

Welcome to the Steam thread! This a magical place full of generosity and chilling displays of over-consumerism. Let this post be your guide.

Steam is a store/program by the Valve Corporation. It is both a storefront as well as a sort of launcher program for games bought from it. The easiest way to describe it is as iTunes for video games, and it's a rather apt comparison as Steam is just as much a juggernaut in its market as iTunes. We're talking THE biggest digital distributor of PC games, with a market share that is actually pretty comparable to Apple's little program.

Why use Steam?

[img]http://i.imgur.com/vEerB.png/img] Steam's real claim to fame is sales, which started about 6-7 years ago and have been increasing in variety and frequency as the years go by. Let's go down the main types of sales. The Seasonal Sales: These are the two "big ones" that Steam does twice a year, and both run for roughly two weeks. You have the Summer Sale, which typically starts in late June/early July, and then the Winter Sale which starts a few days prior to Christmas and typically ends a few days after New Year's Day. These are chock full of varying sales, which I am now going to list. - General Sale: During a seasonal sale, just about EVERYTHING goes on sale by some degree. This is typically around 25% or so, but deeper cuts do happen. The only games that don't go on a general sale are recently released titles and games released by stingy publishers (Activision). - Daily Deals: A bit of misnomer now, but these are around 6-10 games that get even deeper discounts than the general sale. We're talking 50% or more in most cases. "Dailies" used to last 24 hours, thus the name, but recently they tend to last 48 hours. There are new dailies every day until the sale ends, and dailies tend to not repeat. - Flash Sales: shorter sales of around six titles. SOMETIMES flash sales are deeper discounts than the Daily Deals, but this wasn't the case in the last Seasonal Sale. These tend to last 12 hours and do repeat. - Voter Sales: The same as a Flash Sale, only Steam users voted on it. Three games will be up for vote, along with the discount that will be offered for each game should it win. Once the previous Voter Sale is over, the winner of the current vote goes on sale for 12 hours and a new vote begins. Vote options repeat frequently, though not always against the same other two games.[/img]Gtyrd.gif

Seasonal Sales are basically a big deal around this thread.

Holiday Sales: A typically week-long sale around some holiday, typically Thanksgiving and Halloween. There are daily deals, and sometimes the other deals pop up (Thanksgiving sometimes get a general sale).
Publisher Sale: A publisher greases Valve's palm and gets a sale. These are similar to holiday sales, only there is generally a daily deal for one game each day, and the games will be unsurprisingly connected to the publisher.
Midweek Madness: Occurs every week, roughly starting midday Tuesday and ending Thursday afternoon. A game or two will get a decent discount for the duration of the sale.
Weekend Sale: Same as Midweek Madness, only slightly longer and TENDS to attract more AAA titles. Happens every week, starting midday Thursday and ending midday Monday.
Daily Deals: Literally a sale every day! Tends to be a decent discount that, as the name implies, happens every day for exactly one game. Deals goes up middday and lasts for 24 hours. Utter crap is generally up for grabs on daily deals, but sometimes you find some really good stuff here.

Note that, during bigger sales (mostly seasonal sales), the Midweek Madness, Weekend Sale, and Daily Deals are suspended until the bigger sales ends.

This is a big thread, and thus there are some guidelines to keep things nice and orderly throughout. Refusing to abide by these guidelines could get you in trouble, which includes being kicked out of the thread entirely if you are a real pain.

- This thread is for Steam-related discussion. Try to look for other, more appropriate threads before discussing games or other topics in here. Let's not drain other threads of precious content!
- Do not beg for games. This will make you unpopular and probably less likely to get anything.
- If you did get a gift, then thank the person for their generosity! Use the notification system so they can see your thank you post! ( @NAME OF PERSON )
- Likewise, if you give a gift, then you should probably mention your PA handle somewhere in the message.
- Do not whine over who got a gift.
- The person is spending money to give back to the community, and they have final say in who gets the gift.
- If you feel something is amiss in the thread, then quietly report the responsible parties. Posting about it will accomplish nothing, and probably just exacerbate things.
- Giving away games via contest? All entries must be PM'd to you! The thread gets too cluttered otherwise. You can, however, post the winning entries.

I have too many games! Which do I play?
Steam Roulette randomly picks a game for you to play.

I have too many games! How do I move them to my new hard drive?
Steam Mover makes transporting your massive library much easier.

How do I make one of those cool Steam Gifts signature giveaway banners?



Why did Steam reject this CD-key?
Only games that also run under Steamworks will have their CD-keys accepted by Steam if bought elsewhere. If a game is not Steamworks, then it will ONLY install on Steam if you buy it via Steam. Most digital distributors will now mention Steam if it is required to run the game, but another list can be found here. Note that you can make shortcuts in Steam that will play non-Steam games through Steam. As far as your friends list is concerned, you will be "In-Game" but it'll just give a generic "Non-Steam game." Also, no community perks like achievements.

Why are some games not available in my region?
Publishers determine what countries get what games. Someone in a suit decided that it wasn't worth the money to make the game available to your region, so it isn't available on Steam. This also applies to cases of games having edited/censored versions showing up on Steam in certain countries. The good news is that you can generally get around this by having someone from another region gift or trade you the game.

What is this Steamgifts site? I wish to create a giveaway! I cannot enter a giveaway!

Steamgifts is a neat site that lets people create giveaways for games on Steam. If you cannot enter a giveaway, then you either lack points or aren't in a group required by the giveaway. Points are accumulated over time, so just wait a bit if you lack points. The group thing is generally done by communities to prevent mooches from getting games. If you are new to the forums, then spent a few months in the thread proving that you are serious about being a member of this community. Eventually, you will invited to the group that is required to enter our giveaways.

Steam is downloading slowly. What gives?
When a big title (or Team Fortress 2 content patch) comes out, you may notice really shitty download rates. This means you are likely on one of the default servers for downloads, which is being assailed by millions of people. Head to Steam -> Settings -> Downloads + Cloud and change your download region until things improve. Since other regions are typically less populated, you will probably get somewhat better results even if the new server is in another country. There are other ways to force Steam to switch which server you are downloading from, but these are just video games and maybe you should learn a little bit about patience.

The Steam thread has a proud tradition of marrying our love of Steam and Penny Arcade in comic edits:






















Go forth, and Newell!

2008, 2012 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
IcyLiquid on


  • Idx86Idx86 A man chooses A slave obeysRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Created a truncated version of the previous OP so we can return to being classy and excellent to each other in short order.
    Idx86 on

    2008, 2012 D&D "Rare With No Sauce" League Fantasy Football Champion!
  • SteevLSteevL Registered User regular
    Huh, thought it was weird when I saw there was a new Steam thread since I didn't think we had hit 100 pages on the other one yet. Then I read the remaining posts in the other thread and I understand now. I think I missed out on witnessing the previous thread creator's offense, though. Oh well!

    Anomaly 2 comes out in about 5 hours! If you buy it now you actually get two copies, and if you buy it directly through their site you get their PC port of Anomaly Korea, which was only available on mobile until now. I really enjoyed the first game, so I am hoping this one is as much fun.
  • TeeManTeeMan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I do love the original Anomaly Warzone Earth but by crikey if you thought the voice-over work in it was bad, don't even look at Korea. It's so amazingly bad it rubs shoulders with Deus Ex. I play it on my phone with the sound switched firmly off.

    Looking forward to what they've come up with in the sequel
    TeeMan on
    Steam: TeeMan
    GOG: hellisforheroes
    Tumblr: BrainSpoon
  • TeeManTeeMan Registered User regular
    A follow-up to my earlier System Shock 2 enquiry.

    I attempted this to upscale the UI as it was way too tiny to read comfortably at 1366x768, but neither options have changed a thing. Has anyone used these successfully? Any other tips?
    Steam: TeeMan
    GOG: hellisforheroes
    Tumblr: BrainSpoon
  • SteevLSteevL Registered User regular
    TeeMan wrote: »
    I do love the original Anomaly Warzone Earth but by crikey if you thought the voice-over work in it was bad, don't even look at Korea. It's so amazingly bad it rubs shoulders with Deus Ex. I play it on my phone with the sound switched firmly off.

    Looking forward to what they've come up with in the sequel

    So they actually got someone worse than the hilarious Jason Statham knockoff from the first game? I'm curious to see how things go with the acting in Anomaly 2.
  • minirhyderminirhyder NYCRegistered User regular
    SteevL wrote: »
    Huh, thought it was weird when I saw there was a new Steam thread since I didn't think we had hit 100 pages on the other one yet. Then I read the remaining posts in the other thread and I understand now. I think I missed out on witnessing the previous thread creator's offense, though. Oh well!

    Anomaly 2 comes out in about 5 hours! If you buy it now you actually get two copies, and if you buy it directly through their site you get their PC port of Anomaly Korea, which was only available on mobile until now. I really enjoyed the first game, so I am hoping this one is as much fun.

    Maaaaannn what did I miss
    BF3 Battlelog | Twitter | World of Tanks Profile
    Selling a brand new NZXT Hale82 650W Modular PSU - PM me for details
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    I am completely intimidated by Crusader Kings II, but if they had a Game of Thrones version I would probably buy it up immediately.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • DecoyDecoy Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    I am completely intimidated by Crusader Kings II, but if they had a Game of Thrones version I would probably buy it up immediately.

    Hah, I was intimidated as well, til I watched about 3-4 hours of a LP/Tutorial Guide. I know that's a good bit of time to sit and watch someone though, so I can understand if you aren't into that.

    Also, there actually IS a GoT mod for the game. Just food for thought.
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    I've been saying for years that Fantasy: Total war, or Mythology: Total War would be soooooo right up my alley.
  • striderjgstriderjg Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    I am completely intimidated by Crusader Kings II, but if they had a Game of Thrones version I would probably buy it up immediately.

    You mean like this: http://www.moddb.com/mods/crusader-kings-2-a-game-of-thrones-ck2agot
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    Welp, guess CKII is going on the wishlist.
    I have no idea how to use mods, generally.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • VikingViking Registered User regular
    Mmmmm New New Thread smell.

    I too am looking forward to Anomaly 2, first one was good times
  • DahkathDahkath Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    I am completely intimidated by Crusader Kings II, but if they had a Game of Thrones version I would probably buy it up immediately.

    Besides the Game of Thrones mod, there's also a Elder Scrolls Tamriel Mod

    3DS: 1005-9043-1577
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Decoy wrote: »
    Ceno wrote: »
    I am completely intimidated by Crusader Kings II, but if they had a Game of Thrones version I would probably buy it up immediately.

    Hah, I was intimidated as well, til I watched about 3-4 hours of a LP/Tutorial Guide. I know that's a good bit of time to sit and watch someone though, so I can understand if you aren't into that.

    Also, there actually IS a GoT mod for the game. Just food for thought.

    True fact, that length of lecture is reserved as a punishment for minor speeding offenses in the UK.

    Jus' saying. 8->
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    Woo, thread is back! Looking forward to Anomaly 2. Gonna be fun! I think I'm gonna wait till Sanctum 2 goes on sale, though. Sexy as it looks, there are games I want more.
    Steam: stabbitystyle | XBL: S For Stabbity | MWO: stabbitystyle
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Yeah, if a game requires 3-4 hours of research to play BEFORE I can start having fun, it's tough. I found a CKII play-along guide that I did for a bit, which is less terrible. The game is super fun, but it's just deeeense.
  • Al BaronAl Baron Registered User regular
    I've been saying for years that Fantasy: Total war, or Mythology: Total War would be soooooo right up my alley.
    Well, Creative's working on a Fantasy Warhammer game.

  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Al Baron wrote: »
    I've been saying for years that Fantasy: Total war, or Mythology: Total War would be soooooo right up my alley.
    Well, Creative's working on a Fantasy Warhammer game.

    Yeah, I don't even care about Total War past 'oh that's a game I find kinda dull' but if they announce 'yo guys, you can play Skaven in Total War and basically pop up WHERE EVER THE FUCK YOU WANT' I will pre-order that shit instantly.

    Seriously guys, infinite tunnel networks and an underground empire that no one can attack, it'd be like easy mode.
  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular
    CK2 creates a time vortex when you load it up. 1pm? Eh, I'll load it up, create a ruler, and have an hours or so play.

    *5 minutes later*


    I'm looking forward to the Old Gods Expansion, because I want to play a petty Kingdom in what will later be England from the start. Also vikings. And Pagan Stuff.
  • rikdalyrikdaly Registered User regular
    TeeMan wrote: »
    A follow-up to my earlier System Shock 2 enquiry.

    I attempted this to upscale the UI as it was way too tiny to read comfortably at 1366x768, but neither options have changed a thing. Has anyone used these successfully? Any other tips?

    I'm at work now but I'll give it a shot when I get home and let you know if I manage to get it working
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I'm still doing this, and I'm gonna keep doing it, until noon EST on Saturday!


    Open to everyone in the regular PA group.
    Blendtec on
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • DecoyDecoy Registered User regular
    So apparently Grim Dawn's alpha release is going to use Steam. How awesomely convenient. I've been looking forward to getting my hands on it for awhile (since their KS).
  • anoffdayanoffday To be changed whenever Anoffday gets around to it. Registered User regular
    I want to thank you guys for the classiness overload I received yesterday. You guys are too classy for your own good. Don't forget my system shock 2 giveaway ends today. I'm on my crappy phone at work otherwise I'd link it again, but you can find it in the old thread. Page 17 I think? Or check out my posts for it.
  • Ed GrubermanEd Gruberman Registered User regular
    Also a reminder that this is open for another 5 hours. Only 4 entries so far (probably because everyone else already has it)


    Open to PA Group
  • HounHoun Jump In Save the WorldRegistered User regular
    anoffday wrote: »
    I want to thank you guys for the classiness overload I received yesterday. You guys are too classy for your own good. Don't forget my system shock 2 giveaway ends today. I'm on my crappy phone at work otherwise I'd link it again, but you can find it in the old thread. Page 17 I think? Or check out my posts for it.


    There you go, @anoffday.
    Steam: DigitalArcanist | XBoxLive: DigitalArcanist | PSN: DigitalArcanist | Backloggery: Houn
  • CorriganXCorriganX Registered User regular
    Its a trap, offdays giving away badrats. D:
    CorriganX on Steam and just about everywhere else.
  • anoffdayanoffday To be changed whenever Anoffday gets around to it. Registered User regular
    Thank you @Houn!
  • HounHoun Jump In Save the WorldRegistered User regular
    Not a problem, sir. It let me avoid making flowcharts for a moment.
    Steam: DigitalArcanist | XBoxLive: DigitalArcanist | PSN: DigitalArcanist | Backloggery: Houn
  • anoffdayanoffday To be changed whenever Anoffday gets around to it. Registered User regular
    CorriganX wrote: »
    Its a trap, offdays giving away badrats. D:

    No! We both know the pain that game causes.
  • HounHoun Jump In Save the WorldRegistered User regular
    I thought the only coping mechanism for Spec Ops was alcohol...
    Steam: DigitalArcanist | XBoxLive: DigitalArcanist | PSN: DigitalArcanist | Backloggery: Houn
  • KetarKetar Registered User regular
    Houn wrote: »
    I thought the only coping mechanism for Spec Ops was alcohol...

    And that explains the intervention I sat through last night...
  • KrummithKrummith Registered User regular
    Houn wrote: »
    I thought the only coping mechanism for Spec Ops was To The Moon and The Walking Dead

    Fixed that for you.
    I'm always looking for new steam friends!
  • HounHoun Jump In Save the WorldRegistered User regular
    I have never played those, but their reputation precedes them. You can't fool me!
    Steam: DigitalArcanist | XBoxLive: DigitalArcanist | PSN: DigitalArcanist | Backloggery: Houn
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    Also this Prison Architect game that Giant Bomb quick looked looks awesome. Another wishlister.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    Have they said anything about a release date for Mortal Kombat, and hopefully a price point? I had a dream about it last night. I must know!
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah Registered User regular
    Premature new thread. I was also confused. Thanks for the invites to the new group guys. I'll probably do a giveaway soon as I've never done one before. :oops:
  • EvilMonkeyEvilMonkey Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    @Krummith - RE: BttF
    I follow but I don't agree that everything lines up so-to-speak. In movie #2 Doc is committed and presumably doesn't fully invent a time machine yet nobody disappears (again presumably) due to the ripple effect that gives them a chance to fix their mistakes. But in the game when young-Doc and Edna hook-up only Doc disappears. But at this point I think I should just go with your "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey" idea.
    EvilMonkey on
    [PSN: SciencePiggy] [Steam]
  • DrunkMcDrunkMc Registered User regular
    I picked up Terraria last night during the sale. I never got into Minecraft or Don't Starve (Liked it, but I don't like die and lose everything), but this game for some reason or another got me hooked. I went from, this is kind of interesting to 30 minutes later thinking, "And this mountain shall be Seanville, a boundless maze of hovels and torches where Zombies go to die!!!!!!!!"

    Reminded me of the PA Minecraft Arc:

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