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A Thread of A Series of Books of A Song of Ice and Fire (BOOK AND TV SPOILERS HERE)



  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    So is it next weekend that there is no new episode?

    Memorial Day weekend. Caused a ratings dip last year, HBO doesn't stand for that shit.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • BubbyBubby Registered User regular
    Take solace in Tyrion looking badass from the 3x08 preview.

  • THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age.Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    So is it next weekend that there is no new episode?

    Memorial Day weekend. Caused a ratings dip last year, HBO doesn't stand for that shit.

    Considering the episode, I understand

    but still fuuuuuuck
    FREEZE. Cool your jets. Ice to meet you. Take a chill pill. Stay frosty.
  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    So is it next weekend that there is no new episode?

    Memorial Day weekend. Caused a ratings dip last year, HBO doesn't stand for that shit.

    Imagine the glorious shitstorm we're going to get after that episode.

    Now imagine if a significant portion of show-only people missed seeing it on time. Double shitstorm.
  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    I love how Bronn's like, "You waste time wanting people to love you, and you'll end up the most popular dead man in town"

    And Tyrion's face is all, "But... can't they at least love me a little bit?"
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    Read this in the show thread.
    Am I the only one who wants to watch Ygritte do her Jon Snow impersonations for a full episode?

    They have completely turned my opinion of her around. She is officially delightful.

    My reaction?


    These last few episodes can't come soon enough.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    knitdan wrote: »
    knitdan wrote: »
    ADWD character speculation
    Who do we think Septa Lemore is? We know she's 40ish, has given birth, and is connected to the Varys/Illyrio/Connington cabal.

    1). Lyanna Stark. Supposed to be dead, but we all know that means jack shit. Could confirm R+ L=J
    2). Ashara Dayne. Also supposed to be dead. If R+L=J doesn't pan out, she could be Jon's mother
    3). Someone else who will turn out to be important
    4). Someone else who will not turn out to be important

  • DracomicronDracomicron Registered User regular
    RE: Boltons/Talissa:

    If Talissa is pregnant, then the dude who marries her is King Regent of the North, and essentially has the best hostage in the kingdom: Robb Stark's legitimate progeny and heir to the throne.

    All Ramsay has to do is knock her up again, arrange an accident for the legitimate heir ("I swear, your honor, my step-son tripped and fell on my flaying tools... why yes, I am wearing his flesh as a cape. Do you like it? I felt that it was the only way to honor him properly..."), and hope that Sansa, Arya, Bran, or Rickon don't show up with a large army to enforce their claim. Poof! The Boltons are the ruling family of the North.

    Varys knows that this would work, and so should you.
  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    They don't need Talisa to become the ruling family in the north, all they need is that the king says they are.

    edit: Talisa's letter.
    Dothraki.com wrote:
    Regarding the letter, the text of it was written by Cat Taylor (Dave and Dan’s assistant) and translated by me. The shot of it is quite pretty; the art department did an awesome job! Ideally it should be in Valyrian glyphs, but I guess it didn’t seem worthwhile to create an entire writing system for what ultimately is kind of a throwaway shot. Though I do have the text of it (in both English and High Valyrian, which is what it’s written in), I don’t think I should put it up right now. I’ll put it up when the season’s done with, but there’s been a lot of creativity amongst fans regarding Talisa, and so I think this should remain a mystery for the time being. It isn’t gibberish, though, I can assure you.

    Could be something, could be nothing.
    reVerse on
  • cj iwakuracj iwakura The Rhythm Rogue Coral Springs, FLRegistered User regular
    I'm sure it's something. Also, Bronn was fantastic. Need more, much more.
  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Some thoughts:

    In the very first scene of the episode, Orell says: "People work together when it suits 'em, they're loyal when it suits 'em, love each other when it suits 'em and kill each other when it suits 'em." Very next scene: Catelyn makes a point about Robb breaking his vows. Robb tells Talisa that he loves her, twice, but Talisa does not respond. Tyrion's whole arrangement with Shae is very much "love each other when it suits 'em", which doesn't really sit right with Shae. The Brotherhood Without Banners is loyal to their people until some red woman with lots of gold comes along. When Jaime decides to go back to save Brienne, the Bolton escorts work with him because it suits 'em better than going against him. The only person in the episode to directly contradict Orell's little speech is Jaime, who has nothing to gain by going back for Brienne.

    Also, do note how scared the Yunkai ambassador is and how quickly he drinks what is offered. Admittedly he wasn't offered any salt, but a drink is good enough.
    reVerse on
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    reVerse wrote: »
    Also, do note how scared the Yunkai ambassador is and how quickly he drinks what is offered. Admittedly he wasn't offered any salt, but a drink is good enough.

    I'd be scared too. Those dragons look amazing. That scene was Good Dany, the Fire and Blood, Breaker of Chains Dany that we know and love. The meat-tossing amused me because I immediately thought "yep, get 'em off screen to save money"
  • poshnialloposhniallo Registered User regular
    Have Wildling events become slightly unmoored from the timeline? I am feeling like we should have had the battle with the Magnar at the wall by now.

    I forget which events happen contemporaneously with which others.
    Neal Stephenson wrote:
    It was, of course, nothing more than sexism, the especially virulent type espoused by male techies who sincerely believe that they are too smart to be sexists.
  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Registered User regular
    IIRC the RW and the Wall thing kind of happened at the same time.
  • TofystedethTofystedeth veni, veneri, vamoosi Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »

    Somehow, that's worse

    NOpe, it's the best. Cause i'm out of town without internet access on that day. And if I missed seeing that episode live with my friends who don't know what's coming and coming here immediately after it would suuuck.
  • burboburbo Registered User regular
    Man, you guys are way too rough on show Shae, with the entitle bitch stuff. You all just want her to accept that she is a whore and will only ever be a whore and deserves nothing. Like it is so crazy of her to not want the man she supposedly loves to not marry a young girl. Especially because his Dad says so. Wouldn't anyone want their lover to just tell their Dad to fuck off and do what they want? Even if she accepts that Tywin will kill them, they could go somewhere! Oh, poor Tyrion won't get to play politics with Varys and a bunch of people who hate him. He is not willing to sacrifice shit for her. Of course she is pissed.
  • Rhan9Rhan9 Registered User regular
    I can't wait for the last episodes now. The show thread is just too precious.
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    So, Balon Greyjoy's time is coming. There's a decent chance we'll see it happen, and theories may be called into question, confirmed, disputed and/or disproven.

    People may flip shit if A Man makes an appearance.
  • TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    Yara was in one of the season 3 promos, so we will definitely see something Greyjoy related.

    I'm not sure if I want to have us actually see it or just leave it questionable about what happens.
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    burbo wrote: »
    Man, you guys are way too rough on show Shae, with the entitle bitch stuff. You all just want her to accept that she is a whore and will only ever be a whore and deserves nothing. Like it is so crazy of her to not want the man she supposedly loves to not marry a young girl. Especially because his Dad says so. Wouldn't anyone want their lover to just tell their Dad to fuck off and do what they want? Even if she accepts that Tywin will kill them, they could go somewhere! Oh, poor Tyrion won't get to play politics with Varys and a bunch of people who hate him. He is not willing to sacrifice shit for her. Of course she is pissed.

    I actually found show Shae way too kindhearted and helpful and genuine, initially

    I didn't see a reasonable way for Tyrion to do her in
  • HeraldSHeraldS Registered User regular
    reVerse wrote: »
    Some thoughts:

    In the very first scene of the episode, Orell says: "People work together when it suits 'em, they're loyal when it suits 'em, love each other when it suits 'em and kill each other when it suits 'em." Very next scene: Catelyn makes a point about Robb breaking his vows. Robb tells Talisa that he loves her, twice, but Talisa does not respond. Tyrion's whole arrangement with Shae is very much "love each other when it suits 'em", which doesn't really sit right with Shae. The Brotherhood Without Banners is loyal to their people until some red woman with lots of gold comes along. When Jaime decides to go back to save Brienne, the Bolton escorts work with him because it suits 'em better than going against him. The only person in the episode to directly contradict Orell's little speech is Jaime, who has nothing to gain by going back for Brienne.

    Also, do note how scared the Yunkai ambassador is and how quickly he drinks what is offered. Admittedly he wasn't offered any salt, but a drink is good enough.

    Regaining one's self-respect and the ability to sleep at night are worth quite a bit, to me at least. Moreso for someone like Jaime, who is only now admitting to himself that a) he lost his self-respect a long time ago and b) he might be able to get at least some of it back.
    burbo wrote: »
    Man, you guys are way too rough on show Shae, with the entitle bitch stuff. You all just want her to accept that she is a whore and will only ever be a whore and deserves nothing. Like it is so crazy of her to not want the man she supposedly loves to not marry a young girl. Especially because his Dad says so. Wouldn't anyone want their lover to just tell their Dad to fuck off and do what they want? Even if she accepts that Tywin will kill them, they could go somewhere! Oh, poor Tyrion won't get to play politics with Varys and a bunch of people who hate him. He is not willing to sacrifice shit for her. Of course she is pissed.

    I understand why she feels the way she feels, I just don't want her to be so awful to Tyrion about it. The anguish on his face was unmistakable; she should acknowledge that and direct her anger at the right target. What makes the series great though is that she acts human, not perfect, and even though she's doomed I do feel for her and wish it worked out differently.
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »

    Somehow, that's worse

    NOpe, it's the best. Cause i'm out of town without internet access on that day. And if I missed seeing that episode live with my friends who don't know what's coming and coming here immediately after it would suuuck.

    It's better than that for me. Thanks to the break, I'll be watching e9 with a bunch of out-of-town show people I normally don't see. I should send HBO a thank you card.
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »

    Somehow, that's worse

    NOpe, it's the best. Cause i'm out of town without internet access on that day. And if I missed seeing that episode live with my friends who don't know what's coming and coming here immediately after it would suuuck.

    It's better than that for me. Thanks to the break, I'll be watching e9 with a bunch of out-of-town show people I normally don't see. I should send HBO a thank you card.

    I'll be spending Memorial Day weekend visiting some out-of-town friends who are show-only, and where before I thought I'd actually get to watch ep9 with them, now I have to avoid show discussion entirely.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    burbo wrote: »
    Man, you guys are way too rough on show Shae, with the entitle bitch stuff. You all just want her to accept that she is a whore and will only ever be a whore and deserves nothing. Like it is so crazy of her to not want the man she supposedly loves to not marry a young girl. Especially because his Dad says so. Wouldn't anyone want their lover to just tell their Dad to fuck off and do what they want? Even if she accepts that Tywin will kill them, they could go somewhere! Oh, poor Tyrion won't get to play politics with Varys and a bunch of people who hate him. He is not willing to sacrifice shit for her. Of course she is pissed.

    I actually found show Shae way too kindhearted and helpful and genuine, initially

    I didn't see a reasonable way for Tyrion to do her in

    yes I think the show version of her was more sympathetic up front, which is why her refusal to understand the game Tyrion is forced to play is annoying.

    I would like her more if she would actually think about things and scheme a little. her solution is just "run away" which is stupid.
  • InkSplatInkSplat 100%ed Bad Rats. Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    burbo wrote: »
    Man, you guys are way too rough on show Shae, with the entitle bitch stuff. You all just want her to accept that she is a whore and will only ever be a whore and deserves nothing. Like it is so crazy of her to not want the man she supposedly loves to not marry a young girl. Especially because his Dad says so. Wouldn't anyone want their lover to just tell their Dad to fuck off and do what they want? Even if she accepts that Tywin will kill them, they could go somewhere! Oh, poor Tyrion won't get to play politics with Varys and a bunch of people who hate him. He is not willing to sacrifice shit for her. Of course she is pissed.

    I actually found show Shae way too kindhearted and helpful and genuine, initially

    I didn't see a reasonable way for Tyrion to do her in

    yes I think the show version of her was more sympathetic up front, which is why her refusal to understand the game Tyrion is forced to play is annoying.

    I would like her more if she would actually think about things and scheme a little. her solution is just "run away" which is stupid.

    Its not stupid, its sane.
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    So, Balon Greyjoy's time is coming. There's a decent chance we'll see it happen, and theories may be called into question, confirmed, disputed and/or disproven.

    People may flip shit if A Man makes an appearance.

    Oh I hadn't even thought of that. The book heavily implies that Euron either does the killing or hires a Faceless Man to do it, because he shows up so quickly. We may actually get to see which one it is.
    poshniallo wrote: »
    Have Wildling events become slightly unmoored from the timeline? I am feeling like we should have had the battle with the Magnar at the wall by now.

    I forget which events happen contemporaneously with which others.

    In general I think the show is being weird with events in the North. The Reeds didn't show up at the right time. Sam hasn't killed an Other yet. They're gonna have to really stretch Theon/Ramsay stuff out. Sam didn't send the ravens from the Fist, so Maester Aemon hasn't sent out his ravens, which means it's gonna be weird when Stannis shows up damn near instantly at the Wall when we saw it took the Night's Watch a whole season to walk a few miles.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • Gandalf_the_CrazedGandalf_the_Crazed Registered User regular
    Coming in the book thread and not reading anything (except what the fuck is Ron Paul doing here?) to say that I, who have been spoiled on the Red Wedding, am doing my best to steer speculation in other directions.

    Because being spoiled on the RW is the only thing that's ever made me say, "I will murder this YouTube commenter." I would not wish my fate on any of the others.
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Yeah don't do any steering. Just let it happen.
  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Registered User regular
    Coming in the book thread and not reading anything (except what the fuck is Ron Paul doing here?) to say that I, who have been spoiled on the Red Wedding, am doing my best to steer speculation in other directions.

    Because being spoiled on the RW is the only thing that's ever made me say, "I will murder this YouTube commenter." I would not wish my fate on any of the others.

    Ron Paul commands the White Walkers.
  • shrykeshryke Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Speculation in the TV thread made me think:

    What if not-Jeyne is a spy, but not for Tywin. Like, a spy for Varys and involved in his plots. Maybe they are gonna start building to the Aegon reveal sooner then in the books. Or something of that sort.
    shryke on
  • GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Shadowhope wrote: »
    Coming in the book thread and not reading anything (except what the fuck is Ron Paul doing here?) to say that I, who have been spoiled on the Red Wedding, am doing my best to steer speculation in other directions.

    Because being spoiled on the RW is the only thing that's ever made me say, "I will murder this YouTube commenter." I would not wish my fate on any of the others.

    Ron Paul commands the White Walkers.

    His position against a Wall along the southern border makes him really popular with the Others.
    GONG-00 on
  • ShadowhopeShadowhope Registered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    Speculation in the TV thread made me think:

    What if not-Jeyne is a spy, but not for Stannis. Like, a spy for Varys and involved in his plots. Maybe they are gonna start building to the Aegon reveal sooner then in the books. Or something of that sort.

    I've been assuming she's Tywin's spy for a little while now. Why do you think she might be Stannis' spy?
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    I'm still thinking notJeyne is a Tywin spy, but her pregnancy will be used to introduce Moon Tea to the show. Rob's trueborn heir would be a threat to any claims made through Sansa or "Arya".

    Man, this talk about claimants and bloodlines is all making me want to play Crusader Kings 2 some more.
  • shrykeshryke Registered User regular
    Shadowhope wrote: »
    shryke wrote: »
    Speculation in the TV thread made me think:

    What if not-Jeyne is a spy, but not for Stannis. Like, a spy for Varys and involved in his plots. Maybe they are gonna start building to the Aegon reveal sooner then in the books. Or something of that sort.

    I've been assuming she's Tywin's spy for a little while now. Why do you think she might be Stannis' spy?

    Wrong name there, I meant Tywin.
  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    Bubby wrote: »
    Take solace in Tyrion looking badass from the 3x08 preview.


    Hopefully he threatens to geld Joffrey as he does in the books.
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