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A Thread of A Series of Books of A Song of Ice and Fire (BOOK AND TV SPOILERS HERE)



  • quantumcat42quantumcat42 Registered User regular
    Having all the torture scenes this season will make that break all the more horrific. We've seen all this shit going down -- if Theon now disappears for a season, people's imaginations will have plenty of fodder to fill in the horrifying blanks.
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    Reek wasn't even in season 2 was he? Has he been in season 3?
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Reek doesn't exist on the show. Theon will be the first Reek, presumably.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    Ramsay calls himself Reek initially, that's it I think as far as show mentions.
  • Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    I hope they drop all the Reek Reek rhymes with shit. I didn't hate it in the book, but I certainly didn't like it. Reek wasn't in the show so Theon cannot assume his identity, he'll just come off as crazy like Patchface instead of crazy broken.

    Oh, and I fucking loathe the torture scenes. I'm not going to pretend I know a better way to do this, I'm not a show runner. I just know I hate it and can't wait for it to be over.
  • YougottawannaYougottawanna Registered User regular
    The Theon scenes are dumb IMO. They're not horrible or anything, just dumb. I've read three reviews of this week's episode and all three specifically pointed out the Theon scene as being unpleasant and unnecessarily repetitive.

    They gave Qyburn a scene, but for some reason they didn't use one of his best lines from the book, which IIRC went "for centuries the Maesters of the Citadel have cut open the bodies of the dead, to better understand life. I cut open the bodies of the living, to better understand death." Summed up Qyburn in a single sentence.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    I hope they drop all the Reek Reek rhymes with shit. I didn't hate it in the book, but I certainly didn't like it. Reek wasn't in the show so Theon cannot assume his identity, he'll just come off as crazy like Patchface instead of crazy broken.

    Oh, and I fucking loathe the torture scenes. I'm not going to pretend I know a better way to do this, I'm not a show runner. I just know I hate it and can't wait for it to be over.

    Wasn't most of that in his head, the rhyming? I don't see then using it.

    And there's no other way to do it. Theon is tortured and broken by Ramsay. So we see Theon get tortured and broken by Ramsay. You're not supposed to enjoy it. I do hope we're nearing the end, though, like I said...not because I can't deal with it, but because it's narrative purpose is nearly served and it will get boring in addition to uncomfortable soon.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    And it's official, the torture scenes are to season 3 what the whorehouse scenes were to season 1.
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    I hope they drop all the Reek Reek rhymes with shit. I didn't hate it in the book, but I certainly didn't like it. Reek wasn't in the show so Theon cannot assume his identity, he'll just come off as crazy like Patchface instead of crazy broken.

    Oh, and I fucking loathe the torture scenes. I'm not going to pretend I know a better way to do this, I'm not a show runner. I just know I hate it and can't wait for it to be over.

    I'm sure Theon feels your pain :rotate:

    And I don't see why the lack of the original Reek means that they have to drop the name entirely. The whole point is that Ramsay breaks him and he's not Theon anymore, he belongs to Ramsay and as such Ramsay gives him a new name. The rhyming, while not essential to the character, is probably going to stay as one of those 'hi there book people' things just like 'you know nothing, jon snow.'
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    I hope they drop all the Reek Reek rhymes with shit. I didn't hate it in the book, but I certainly didn't like it. Reek wasn't in the show so Theon cannot assume his identity, he'll just come off as crazy like Patchface instead of crazy broken.

    Oh, and I fucking loathe the torture scenes. I'm not going to pretend I know a better way to do this, I'm not a show runner. I just know I hate it and can't wait for it to be over.

    Wasn't most of that in his head, the rhyming? I don't see then using it.

    Most of it, yeah. But presumably that behavior came from somewhere.

    So we'd hear Ramsay say it a lot, and blah.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • Salvation122Salvation122 Registered User regular
    Oh, and I fucking loathe the torture scenes. I'm not going to pretend I know a better way to do this, I'm not a show runner. I just know I hate it and can't wait for it to be over.

    Which is exactly what they were trying to engender

    So, congrats, show runners
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Oh, and I fucking loathe the torture scenes. I'm not going to pretend I know a better way to do this, I'm not a show runner. I just know I hate it and can't wait for it to be over.

    Which is exactly what they were trying to engender

    So, congrats, show runners

    Somehow, I doubt the feeling they wanted was "I do not want to watch this."
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • Salvation122Salvation122 Registered User regular
    I'm absolutely certain that's exactly what they're going for

    It's supposed to make you really uncomfortable and, to an extent, be torturous to the viewer
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Oh, and I fucking loathe the torture scenes. I'm not going to pretend I know a better way to do this, I'm not a show runner. I just know I hate it and can't wait for it to be over.

    Which is exactly what they were trying to engender

    So, congrats, show runners

    Somehow, I doubt the feeling they wanted was "I do not want to watch this."

    Did it make you quit the show?


    Then yeah, I suspect that level of uncomfortableness is precisely what they wanted.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The torture scenes make you uncomfortable, they make you think holy shit I can't imagine what this is doing to Theon, and they make you think holy shit this guy doing this is a sick bastard. Thus, they do everything they were written to do. They're not gratuitous, and they're not there just for the sake of violence. They're the best kind of character development, where they don't have to use exposition to explain to you what's happening.
    Joshmvii on
  • ComradebotComradebot Lord of Dinosaurs Hunts Vegas, TXRegistered User regular
    And, apparently, the scenes are the most apt to spark a multi-page discussion.

    That hasn't happened since the Mountain hanged twenty men last night.
  • QinguQingu Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    "The best" kind of character development? What is being developed? They're just repetitive at this point. We know Ramsay is a depraved torturer with a penchant for mind games. We know Theon is broken. We (the audience) probably wished bad tidings on Theon for his betrayal and have been made duly uncomfortable.

    Showing yet another mind game and yet another body part cut off accomplishes what, in terms of character or plot development? Any more nitty-gritty details of Theon's gruesome torture at this point are just superfluous. And involving two hot naked girls (who seem awfully well-adjusted) seems mostly some weird torturous cousin to "sexposition" that's been (thankfully) missing since the first season.

    I would much rather have a scene of Roose giving the strip of leather to Robb, "here's Theon's flayed finger," and watching *that* interaction.
    Qingu on
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic I've Done Worse Registered User regular
    Comradebot wrote: »
    And, apparently, the scenes are the most apt to spark a multi-page discussion.

    That hasn't happened since the Mountain hanged twenty men last night.

    So I guess torture does make people talk. Well that's settled then.

    "When you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. When you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

    Borderlands 2 PA Xbox Metatag - Bazillion Guns
  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    I really don't get the complaint that the torture scenes are repetitive. Each scene is unique from the last, with different methods of torture and with different things happening. From the lackeys asking questions and not happy with any answer, to Theon's escape and rescue by the bastard, to the very heartfelt scene of Theon realizing just how badly he's fucked up, to the guessing game, to sexy ladies and dick cutting... they're all different scenes with different things happening in them.

    People who say they're repetitive just aint paying attention.

    Or they're skipping the scenes and then ignorantly complaining about something they know nothing about.
  • shrykeshryke Registered User regular
    Qingu wrote: »
    "The best" kind of character development? What is being developed? They're just repetitive at this point. We know Ramsay is a depraved torturer with a penchant for mind games. We know Theon is broken. We (the audience) probably wished bad tidings on Theon for his betrayal and have been made duly uncomfortable.

    Showing yet another mind game and yet another body part cut off accomplishes what, in terms of character or plot development? Any more nitty-gritty details of Theon's gruesome torture at this point are just superfluous. And involving two hot naked girls (who seem awfully well-adjusted) seems mostly some weird torturous cousin to "sexposition" that's been (thankfully) missing since the first season.

    I would much rather have a scene of Roose giving the strip of leather to Robb, "here's Theon's flayed finger," and watching *that* interaction.

    I don't think we have seen anything near this extreme before this point. This is far more important then alot of previous shit because this is permanent and disfiguring and can never be undone. As someone said earlier, before now there was always the hope he'd come out ok. No longer.

    shryke wrote: »
    shryke wrote: »
    The Theon scenes seem to be emphasizing just how completely fucked Theon is.

    How much emphasis do you think viewers need? Porting this over because I think it becomes tricky to talk about in a non-book context.

    Like I know exactly why they're doing what they're doing. It's still bad TV and I just skipped passed it this week. First time I've done it in this series.

    More than we've gotten in some ways. I mean, if you think about it, this week's Theon bit does in one episode what took the start of the season like 4. The stuff in the last few episodes I'd say is probably MORE necessary. It's emphasizing the sheer brutality of what Theon is enduring, both mentally and physically. It's important that the audience sees his torture as disfiguring and unrelenting and permanent. That's how you get them to believe in Theon-as-Reek and to not really except Theon to come back.

    At this point, it really seems like Theon calling himself Reek is gonna be the big ending for his storyline this season and they need to emphasize both the mind-fuckery and the crippling torture to sell that as him being fully broken, in the same way the defenestration sells Jaime as a villain at the start of S1.

    If anything, I think it's the earlier shit that went on too long. (or maybe the middle shit since the first few episodes work because you don't really expect it to all be a trick) The truly gruesome torture and the paranoia-inducing games are the important bits. You need "chop his cock off" level torture to really get across that this ain't 24.

    I think this is fair, but relies on book knowledge. For a lot of people who haven't read the books, it's not enjoyable.

    Sepinwall (and his commenters) has been railing against it all year, for example. Or Andy Greenwald at Grantland (who sometimes misses the point generally, but it's an interesting perspective of how the show has gone mainstream). The AV Club newbie review just throws in an afterthought at the end of this week's review about how it's boring and confusing, most of the commenters there seem to agree. TWOP forums are the same. SA is in one of its periodic no account lockdowns so I can't check their newbie thread.

    I try to judge the show as a TV show first. I think mcdermott was the one who was talking about the Harry Potter movies and how most of them don't really work if you haven't read the books. I'm basically with him on that, though I think most of this series does a better job of it than he does.

    I'd say they have somewhat dropped the ball on convincing people it's going somewhere.

    But I think the viewers problems is one of expectations. They think it's useless precisely because they won't entertain the idea that it's going somewhere. To them it's either faffing about till Theon gets out and continues his story or faffing about till Theon dies. From my reading of comments on it, I don't think many are quite getting the implication that this is Theon's development.

    And in that vein, I think it's kinda funny in that the torture scenes are almost not doing the point because no matter how explicit they are, they can't get across the idea that this is not something that will be overcome.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Things are being developed that show only watchers would never know without the scenes: Just how sick is Ramsay? What happened to Theon to utterly break him and make him mentally a different person? These questions are being answered in these scenes. So any time Ramsay is mentioned going forward viewers will remember the things he's done. When they see Theon in ultimate PTSD mode, they'll understand why.

    On top of that, having the TV audience not yet know(if they haven't figured it out) that Ramsay is who he is, it makes the audience get a taste of not understanding who is even doing this to him that Theon is experiencing.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I think shryke hit it: show viewers don't like it because they don't understand that this is the point, this is the dvelopment, and neither rescue nor death are in Theons near future.

    This is Theons story. This is what he gets.

    And not knowing who Ramsay is doesnt help. Though I agree that might be adding a cool element allowing the viewer to connect more with Theons predicament...I the viewer lets it.
    mcdermott on
  • QinguQingu Registered User regular
    But everyone TV-only I know is getting disturbed-bored with the Theon scenes. The newest one doesn't do anything to rouse their curiosity over who he is or reflect any dashed hopes about whether Theon will make it out unscathed. I understand that getting your weewee chopped off is *different* than getting your finger flayed and then chopped off, but I would not say the difference is so great as to count as some sort of nuanced character development. The Saw movies so I am told also have a dazzling variety of distinct torture methods but the variety itself doesn't make me care about any of the characters (or for that matter watch any of the Saw movies to begin with).
  • GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    Isn't Ramsay technically Bolton's second son? Considering the name of the next episode, the TV only folks might not have to wait much longer for that reveal.
  • shrykeshryke Registered User regular
    Qingu wrote: »
    But everyone TV-only I know is getting disturbed-bored with the Theon scenes. The newest one doesn't do anything to rouse their curiosity over who he is or reflect any dashed hopes about whether Theon will make it out unscathed. I understand that getting your weewee chopped off is *different* than getting your finger flayed and then chopped off, but I would not say the difference is so great as to count as some sort of nuanced character development. The Saw movies so I am told also have a dazzling variety of distinct torture methods but the variety itself doesn't make me care about any of the characters (or for that matter watch any of the Saw movies to begin with).

    I think getting your dick chopped off is a HUGE difference. That's something you can't come back from. Even Jaime's hand isn't that extreme and that in and of itself is a huge big of change that everyone recognized as shocking and character defining.
  • ComradebotComradebot Lord of Dinosaurs Hunts Vegas, TXRegistered User regular
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Isn't Ramsay technically Bolton's second son? Considering the name of the next episode, the TV only folks might not have to wait much longer for that reveal.

    Aye, Roose had another grown son who was slightly older than Ramsay, and when he found out he had a brother he ran to meet Ramsay... and upon returning to the Dreadfort died of a "bad belly", the belief being Ramsay promptly poisoned his own brother to make sure he would be the only possible heir to the Dreadfort.
  • scherbchenscherbchen Registered User regular
    to be perfectly honest I fully expected to see at least a finger being flayed so I was ok with the Littlefinger little finger scene which was the only one that was actually graphic. the rest now, the vuvuzela and the pouring of water and the guessing game and the maidens and, most of all, Theon's reactions to all were uncomfortable, sure, but I think it worked.

    surely Ros's death was much more graphic or was it merely me being caught off guard by it?
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic I've Done Worse Registered User regular
    Lots of people are fine with dead people on screen if you don't (or obliquely) see them get dead.

    Seeing a tortured Theon wouldn't be as bad as seeing the act happening.
    "When you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. When you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

    Borderlands 2 PA Xbox Metatag - Bazillion Guns
  • DaemonSadiDaemonSadi Registered User regular
    If Theon is not full on Reek mode and everytime we see him he is visibly a bit more confused and shaken and taking a step closer to being lost, how is that not development?
  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    Comradebot wrote: »
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Isn't Ramsay technically Bolton's second son? Considering the name of the next episode, the TV only folks might not have to wait much longer for that reveal.

    Aye, Roose had another grown son who was slightly older than Ramsay, and when he found out he had a brother he ran to meet Ramsay... and upon returning to the Dreadfort died of a "bad belly", the belief being Ramsay promptly poisoned his own brother to make sure he would be the only possible heir to the Dreadfort.

    Quite frankly I'm somewhat surprised Ramsay didn't straight out knife and gut his brother in an open street.
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    Comradebot wrote: »
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Isn't Ramsay technically Bolton's second son? Considering the name of the next episode, the TV only folks might not have to wait much longer for that reveal.

    Aye, Roose had another grown son who was slightly older than Ramsay, and when he found out he had a brother he ran to meet Ramsay... and upon returning to the Dreadfort died of a "bad belly", the belief being Ramsay promptly poisoned his own brother to make sure he would be the only possible heir to the Dreadfort.

    Roose telling this story to someone would be an excellent lead-in to Ramsay's reveal to Theon.
  • TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    I hope they don't reveal who he is to Theon.

    Instead, next season have Ramsay in some scenes with Roose to clue the audience in.
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Comradebot wrote: »
    And, apparently, the scenes are the most apt to spark a multi-page discussion.

    That hasn't happened since the Mountain hanged twenty men last night.

    So I guess torture does make people talk. Well that's settled then.

    The Mountain isn't interested in talking, he gets results from hanging. Its 100% effective. Everyone dies and the real culprit must have been killed by hanging eventually. And if they weren't he'd hang more people until they were caught.
    Zephiran wrote: »
    Comradebot wrote: »
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Isn't Ramsay technically Bolton's second son? Considering the name of the next episode, the TV only folks might not have to wait much longer for that reveal.

    Aye, Roose had another grown son who was slightly older than Ramsay, and when he found out he had a brother he ran to meet Ramsay... and upon returning to the Dreadfort died of a "bad belly", the belief being Ramsay promptly poisoned his own brother to make sure he would be the only possible heir to the Dreadfort.

    Quite frankly I'm somewhat surprised Ramsay didn't straight out knife and gut his brother in an open street.

    To quick. Ramsey likes his victims to suffer.
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    From the TV thread, I'll spoil it since it's a screengrab from the preview of next week:
    Taramoor wrote: »
    And I'm eager to learn who this suave muh'fucka from next week's promo is:
    I don't think that's the guy (speculated to be) cast to play Daario, right? I was thinking this was Yunkai's champion.
  • Salvation122Salvation122 Registered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    From the TV thread, I'll spoil it since it's a screengrab from the preview of next week:
    Taramoor wrote: »
    And I'm eager to learn who this suave muh'fucka from next week's promo is:
    I don't think that's the guy (speculated to be) cast to play Daario, right? I was thinking this was Yunkai's champion.

    Might be the Titan's Bastard, the merc captain they give the wine to and then slaughter while he's trashed
  • DomhnallDomhnall Registered User regular
    Yeah, thats who I thought it was.
    Xbox Live - Minty D Vision
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  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    From the TV thread, I'll spoil it since it's a screengrab from the preview of next week:
    Taramoor wrote: »
    And I'm eager to learn who this suave muh'fucka from next week's promo is:
    I don't think that's the guy (speculated to be) cast to play Daario, right? I was thinking this was Yunkai's champion.

    Might be the Titan's Bastard, the merc captain they give the wine to and then slaughter while he's trashed

    looks like that's how it is, cuz Daario is standing behind him in the full preview image
  • FallingmanFallingman Registered User regular
    From a storytelling perspective, the torture scenes might make Reek work better on screen. In the book, because you cant see Reek, they can fill in the details after introducing the character, for the reveal. That wont work with the show, as you'd recognise him instantly.

    From my perspective, they're just frontloading the Theon/Reek story, because it just wouldnt work as a reveal.

    It isnt as cool as the way the book handled it, but I can understand why it works for the show.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    That is the Titan's Bastard. He's mentioned in one of the various synopses.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • SteevLSteevL Registered User regular
    Tomanta wrote: »
    I hope they don't reveal who he is to Theon.

    Instead, next season have Ramsay in some scenes with Roose to clue the audience in.

    I wonder if it'll be revealed to the audience by Roose showing the skin from Theon's finger to Cat just before the Red Wedding. I believe he does something similar in the books.

    Of course, I haven't watched any of season 3 yet, but I don't mind reading TV spoilers. I'm quite looking forward to the show thread's reaction to the RW.
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