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[Iron Man 3] is out now! Man of Steel coming soon.



  • CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Ascension. Ascension. Hallelujah.Registered User regular
    Sorry about that. Lemme edit real quick.
    Raoul Duke wrote:
    There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

    I have a tumblr.
    Check it out.
  • TrippyJingTrippyJing hot hot hot hot stayin' alive stayin' aliveRegistered User regular
    Tox wrote: »
    Bedigunz wrote: »
    Bedigunz wrote: »
    Also random IM3 question:
    Was Killiam Extremis'd the entire movie? I ask because when he's with Pepper, he's showing off his brain and showed the black hole where they could alter the genetic code. Was his not altered at the time, or was he lying to Pepper?

    Finally, I just realized why the new TMNT makes me sad.

    When it comes out, the current TV show will probably get cancelled :(
    Probably was just an old scan and not a live feed like he said it was. I imagine part of the reason he looked better and didn't need a cane anymore is because of Extremis.
    Didn't he show off how his brain reacts to pain when she punched him?

    It's not a huge deal or anything, I'm just curious if I forgot that he went through the extremis procedure at some point in the movie and I had just forgotten about it.

    Nah it's probably just a plot hole. Scottsman's post makes the most sense. So either that portion was faked, or it's just a plot hole.
    Or perhaps there's more than one "upgrade slot".
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    so nicolas cage is actually terrible?

    good to know
    he's also had domestic violence charges brought against him

    i enjoy his movies and insane performances as an actor but i mean

    he's not a role model

    eh, that's making a mountain out of a bit of a molehill

    On April 15, 2011, at 11:30 pm, Cage was arrested in New Orleans in the city's famed French Quarter district for suspicion of domestic abuse battery, disturbing the peace and public intoxication, after a police officer was flagged down by onlookers after Cage allegedly grabbed his wife's upper arm while appearing to be under the influence of alcohol. On May 5, 2011, it was announced that the charges against Cage had been dropped.
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    The Mandarin wasn't even real. He was funny as fuck, though. Killian was incredibly lame and generic.
    I think I'm going to have to respectfully disagree.

    It was great having Iron Man fight a guy who wasn't just another take on Iron Man. Having him be created by Tony but not actually out for any real vengeance was great too. And his plan was actually pretty creative and clever!

    Really my only complaint is that they never really sat down and told us exactly what he was after, but then I'm not sure they really had to.

    Cash? His plan was to be in position to manipulate both the US and the "terrorists" to produce situations where his extremis formula would sell for boatloads.

    You don't
    Make a man President just to sell a bit of money. Obviously furthering AIM's goals was part of it but the long term plan was likely "be the guy who secretly rules the world".
    Eh, unless he gets the laws changed, he's only got that President in his pocket for two more terms (if he wins re-election.) ~10 years with the President in your pocket is nothing to sneeze at, but the chances of finding another stooge who's both willing to play ball, in position for candidacy and able to win is low enough that "power" isn't a feasible long-term goal here.
  • SirEtchwartsSirEtchwarts Edward Kenway's yer man. Arg, Swashbuckle, Avast, etc.Registered User regular
    TrippyJing wrote: »
    Tox wrote: »
    Bedigunz wrote: »
    Bedigunz wrote: »
    Also random IM3 question:
    Was Killiam Extremis'd the entire movie? I ask because when he's with Pepper, he's showing off his brain and showed the black hole where they could alter the genetic code. Was his not altered at the time, or was he lying to Pepper?

    Finally, I just realized why the new TMNT makes me sad.

    When it comes out, the current TV show will probably get cancelled :(
    Probably was just an old scan and not a live feed like he said it was. I imagine part of the reason he looked better and didn't need a cane anymore is because of Extremis.
    Didn't he show off how his brain reacts to pain when she punched him?

    It's not a huge deal or anything, I'm just curious if I forgot that he went through the extremis procedure at some point in the movie and I had just forgotten about it.

    Nah it's probably just a plot hole. Scottsman's post makes the most sense. So either that portion was faked, or it's just a plot hole.
    Or perhaps there's more than one "upgrade slot".

    Yeah, that was my reasoning for it.
  • ToxTox I kill threads Let Piggy Chimp decideRegistered User regular
    My take on the power grab:
    The reason he wanted the VP in his pocket was mostly funding, so that they could continue to develop Extremis to try to finally work out that kink. Same as why he kidnapped Tony. He wants Extremis to be perfect so that it becomes invaluable.
    Secret Satans! Post | D&D Wishlist | General Wishlist
    Dilige, et quod vis fac
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Tox wrote: »
    My take on the power grab:
    The reason he wanted the VP in his pocket was mostly funding, so that they could continue to develop Extremis to try to finally work out that kink. Same as why he kidnapped Tony. He wants Extremis to be perfect so that it becomes invaluable.
    He didn't really kidnap Tony... Tony charged onto his property and got captured, unless I'm misremembering.
  • ToxTox I kill threads Let Piggy Chimp decideRegistered User regular
    Tox wrote: »
    My take on the power grab:
    The reason he wanted the VP in his pocket was mostly funding, so that they could continue to develop Extremis to try to finally work out that kink. Same as why he kidnapped Tony. He wants Extremis to be perfect so that it becomes invaluable.
    He didn't really kidnap Tony... Tony charged onto his property and got captured, unless I'm misremembering.

    Well, yeah, that.
    He kidnapped Pepper. He took Tony prisoner after he broke in.
    Secret Satans! Post | D&D Wishlist | General Wishlist
    Dilige, et quod vis fac
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    The villain's plan is
    clearly stated to own both sides on the War on Terror. Dude wants to supply Extremis (and after capturing the Iron Patriot probably bootleg Starktech) at maximum market potential. Extremis seems to be stable enough for Killian's needs, the only accidents occurred in the early stages of the project and with those subjects who couldn't regulate their dosage.
  • ToxTox I kill threads Let Piggy Chimp decideRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The villain's plan is
    clearly stated to own both sides on the War on Terror. Dude wants to supply Extremis (and after capturing the Iron Patriot probably bootleg Starktech) at maximum market potential. Extremis seems to be stable enough for Killian's needs, the only accidents occurred in the early stages of the project and with those subjects who couldn't regulate their dosage.

    Yeah but
    Having the president in your pocket pretty much means much more lucrative contracts, including the funding to help improve it. They were still trying to get it worked out during the film, that's the whole reason he doesn't just kill Tony. He needs him to "fix" Extremis. If it was just a blind power grab, he'd have killed Tony as soon as he had him, to make sure Iron Man can't stop him now that he knows what's going on.
    Secret Satans! Post | D&D Wishlist | General Wishlist
    Dilige, et quod vis fac
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    Gatsby wrote: »
    So reading the latest Avengers

    That was a really good issue after the last one.

    It was so fun!
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    I loved the stuff with the AIM dudes.

    Just say two words
    Pretty please?
    Avengers Assemble
    *shot of everyone partying*
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    vampire's kiss is brilliant
  • The Lovely BastardThe Lovely Bastard Registered User regular
    damnit anti

    damnit anti
  • The Lovely BastardThe Lovely Bastard Registered User regular
    i love vampire's kiss
  • The Lovely BastardThe Lovely Bastard Registered User regular
    but then again i also love all the linda blair lady charles bronson movies from the 80's

    linda blair: vigilante hero was a goddamn thing
  • DragkoniasDragkonias Registered User regular
    I never really get involved with the personal lives of celebrities(unless they just plaster it everywhere for the world to see).

    So to me, Nic Cage is just this wonderfully crazy person whose managed to have a pretty decent acting career.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    So Kevin Fiege has been pretty frank about Marvel's position and the possibilities of what movies they can make. They are aware that right now if they put out something with the official Marvel name on it they will have a pretty solid safety net of box office gross no matter what it is. It may not be that way 5 years from now, but currently they aren't approaching movies from a "what will sell the most tickets" standpoint but a "what would be the best story to tell" standpoint.

    Which is both really exciting and pretty incredible. We will probably have to wait and see how successful Thor and Cap's sequels and GotG are before we get any real indicator of if they are gonna stick to it.

    But it is still crazy that they have been able to get into such an amazing position.

  • Crimson KingCrimson King the freedom of birds is an insult to me i'd have them all in zoosRegistered User regular
    so shane black is doing a doc savage movie

    that's bound to be good
  • CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Ascension. Ascension. Hallelujah.Registered User regular
    I dunno, the movie just never really clicked for me. SPOILERS FOR IRON MAN THE THRID YO
    I mean, it was a neat twist when Batman Begins did it, but it just seemed kinda hokey in this one.

    Would the War on Terror really be as important to controlling the world after AN ALIEN INVASION?

    And Killian was just a sneering douche. And he was Fire Lord Ozai, apparently. Because healing equals fire. Yep.

    Instead of a shirtless Guy Pearce Mandarin, why not have, say, one of those space worm things modified via Extremis into an awesome Fin Fang Foom shout out? Or something.

    And did Iron Patriot even do anything? At all?

    And why didn't SHIELD have Hawkeye or Black Widow or fucking anybody targeting the Ten Rings?

    And how did Pepper suddenly know Kung Fu and how to wield Extremis?

    And why did no one think to ask Iron Patriot to take off his helmet. On Air Force One. After numerous terrorist attacks.
    Raoul Duke wrote:
    There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

    I have a tumblr.
    Check it out.
  • CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Ascension. Ascension. Hallelujah.Registered User regular
    I still had fun during it. I can watch RDJ being RDJ with Paltrow as his straightwoman all day.

    I just expected the superhero parts to be better, is all.
    Raoul Duke wrote:
    There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

    I have a tumblr.
    Check it out.
  • TrippyJingTrippyJing hot hot hot hot stayin' alive stayin' aliveRegistered User regular
    I can easily see those criticisms coming out of the worst comic book nerds' mouths.
  • Crimson KingCrimson King the freedom of birds is an insult to me i'd have them all in zoosRegistered User regular
    i will say about the iron man movie villains
    every single one of them has been an evil businessman whose plot is to gain power via technology

    it would be nice to see a bad guy who wasn't just an evil tony stark counterpart

    that's what i thought we'd get with the mandarin? so it's a little disappointing to have him turn out to be first a standard post-nolan blockbuster terrorist and then yet another iteration of the standard iron man villain. neither mandarin feels particularly original or has anything at all to do with the character from the comics.

    now, this is nitpicking what i thought was an exceptional film with remarkably strong performances from both ben kingsley and guy pierce, and i would unhesitatingly give it five stars, but i can appreciate why people have an issue there
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Chareth Cutestory Lawyer of the SeaRegistered User regular
    The thing about these movies, they have to get people acclimated to the craziness

    Think about the natural progression of things:

    Iron Man 1 - Not realistic but definitely grounded. Technology-based superhero vs. technology-based villain.
    The Incredible Hulk - Crazy! But still, the crazy is contained to the hero and the villain and is explained away by "science"
    Iron Man 2 - Technology vs. technology again. Drones ratchet it up just a tiny bit.
    Thor - Here's the important one. Another dimension. This was the hugest one for testing the waters. People seemed to respond well.
    Captain America - Nothing too crazy in this one, in fact it sort of backpedals a little bit on it, but it's also a period piece set during WWII, so hey.
    The Avengers - Fucking aliens. And the interdimensional villain is back and here's the big green guy again.
    Iron Man 3 -
    Pretty much everything related to Extremis! Guy Pearce breathing goddamned fire! Regenerative heat capabilities, people exploding, turning steel into molten steel with their bare hands! The simple "technology vs. technology" of those first two films is long gone, and the reason they got away with it is because it's informed by the earlier films.

    I mention all this because even considering the point we're at now, it's all been relatively gradual. But I don't think people are ready for Fin Fang Foom just yet.

    They are, of course, gradually building up to a talking raccoon
    You're a crook, Captain Hook, Judge, won't you throw the book at the pirate!
  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    the thing about nic cage is he is absolutely a brilliant actor

    he is also absolutely insane

    he is a crazy person who somehow channels his messed up brain into acting

    and sometimes it totally pays off and his crazy is completely on the money and you get a performance like leaving las vegas

    other times you get vampire's kiss

    the point is, there is something inherently beautiful about an obliviously crazy fucking idiot giving all the energy he has into a performance, whether it makes sense for the role, the movie, the character, or cage himself.

    this is why i love nic cage

    even though jesus christ he is not a person you should ever think is cool or a role model or someone you'd ever want to know

    the conclusion that I have come to about nic cage is that he needs a much better agent. It's obvious he can be a great actor when he's taking scripts that are a good fit for him, but my god he's made some bad decisions (not even including the movies that I assume he knew would be bad in advance.)

    and in his personal/financial life his decisions, if anything, have been worse
    Eat it You Nasty Pig. on
    hope? change? busproject.org
    my unofficial autobio will be accompanied with tips on how to smile
    cause I've found that when they don't see you frown, they never know that you're a threat
    and they don't sweat you when you came around
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I dunno, the movie just never really clicked for me. SPOILERS FOR IRON MAN THE THRID YO
    I mean, it was a neat twist when Batman Begins did it, but it just seemed kinda hokey in this one.

    Would the War on Terror really be as important to controlling the world after AN ALIEN INVASION?

    And Killian was just a sneering douche. And he was Fire Lord Ozai, apparently. Because healing equals fire. Yep.

    Instead of a shirtless Guy Pearce Mandarin, why not have, say, one of those space worm things modified via Extremis into an awesome Fin Fang Foom shout out? Or something.

    And did Iron Patriot even do anything? At all?

    And why didn't SHIELD have Hawkeye or Black Widow or fucking anybody targeting the Ten Rings?

    And how did Pepper suddenly know Kung Fu and how to wield Extremis?

    And why did no one think to ask Iron Patriot to take off his helmet. On Air Force One. After numerous terrorist attacks.

    Well tackling each of those points in order with my own opinion
    I was incredibly impressed they were able to hide this twist for so long and so well, but I understand why it wasn't anyone's cup of tea

    Yeah, Killian was a douche, but he was a douche with a plan that was working and could have easily worked had it not been for some very unexpected developments regarding Stark's armour. And fire doesn't equal healing in the movie, it's the body going into a state of overdrive in a sense to rapidly heal itself and because of the way we are made, this causes bodies to overheat a la exploding people who can't handle Extremis. So the fire was kinda par for the course, especially after seeing people with lava hands, basically. It's comic book movie science, and it followed the pattern and basic laws it set up itself. I think that's a whole lot more than you normally get from any other movie in a fictional universe.

    Seeing as the space whales from Avengers were all dead and useless if not completely beaten up corpses thanks to the team, resurrecting something dead ain't the same as giving it a biochemical cocktail that kickstarts its brain into redlining. Would it have been awesome? Yeah. Would it have fit into this film at all? Fuck no. The fire breathing was a nice touch, the dragon tats were cool, and the embroidered Fing Fang Foom on Kingsley's Mandarin costume was fun. Also, this isn't common knowledge, but they established that only 47 recorded alien items survived the battle of New York, and only one of them works. And it's a gun.

    I think that was kind of the point with Iron Patriot, he became a figurehead, an image for people and the government to follow. And Tony knew this, he knew the second they rebranded him and gave the suit a new coat of paint, Rhodey was going to become a glorified lapdog, hence why he made fun of it for so long. As War Machine he did ten times as much as iron patriot, and I hope they follow that train of thought.

    The whole issue with SHIELD interfering is indicated by Rhodey saying the US government and military wants its own win, also why he turned down Tony's offer for help, and have basically trying to take down the Mandarin and ten Rings so they can one-up SHIELD. Plus maybe they're busy, or have tried and have failed? They have a super team now, there are bigger threats they might want to focus on.

    I...don't think Pepper did kung-fu...? She just kind punched and kicked and threw shit around while under the effects of Extremis. I dunno maybe she does Tae Bo or aerobics? Seeing as her beatdown lasted all of ten seconds, I'd be more concerned with how does Tony know how to pull all of those moves with him jumping between suit to suit, manoeuvring in the air, hell even the way he caught each Mk. 42 piece at the start would've taken some measure of learned skill. He fucking backflips and catches a faceplate. With his face. I don't feel everything like that need an explanation.

    Why would they as Rhodes to take off his helmet? What does that achieve? The whole point is that the government always wants him in the suit and to make a big show of him being Iron Patriot, I don't think anyone was expecting the highly advanced suit of armour to fall into the wrong hands when they just sent him out on a mission and reported no unexpected incidents. And the Alpha Henchman, Coldblood, inside the damn thing only kept his cover until they were up in the air, I think even he could assume he wouldn't be able to keep his cover for long.
    Gatsby on
  • GoatmonGoatmon RAWR RAWR RAWRRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Nicolas Cage once spent $276,000 on a 67-million-year-old dinosaur skull.

    The National Treasure actor - who has been forced to put several of his properties on the market after failing to pay millions of dollars of tax - filed a lawsuit in October claiming Samuel Levin, his former manager led him "down a path of financial ruin".

    The 45-year-old American actor - whose films have grossed a collective $3.9 billion - owes $6 million in back taxes from 2007 and it is only now that his extravagant purchases have come to light.

    The most bizarre purchase was in 2007 when he outbid 'Titantic' actor Leonardo DiCaprio for a $276,000 skull claimed to be from a prehistoric beast.

    He also owns a jet, two yachts, three castles, two islands in the Bahamas and a number of mansions.

    His most expensive car - out of a fleet of 50 - was a $495,000 Lamborghini whose former owner was the Shah of Iran.

    Cage is a superhero fan - he had to sell his comic collection in 1997 for $1.6 million - and even named his son Kal-El, four, after the Man of Steel.

    Goatmon on
  • glithertglithert The richest duck in the world Duckburg, CalisotaRegistered User regular
    I mean, I'd name my son Clark sure but naming your son Kal-El is basically putting a target on his back once he starts going to school
  • Crimson KingCrimson King the freedom of birds is an insult to me i'd have them all in zoosRegistered User regular
    ohh was the alpha henchman supposed to be coldblood

    christ the marketing for this movie was misleading as hell, wasn't it
  • WearingglassesWearingglasses Registered User regular
    Top henchman was good.

    I didn't catch his name, or knew the actor, but he's good.
    PSN: BlakeMaxwell3
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    James Badge Dale, he's a good actor, last prominent role I saw him in was one of the main leads in The Pacific where he nailed it
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I dunno, the movie just never really clicked for me. SPOILERS FOR IRON MAN THE THRID YO
    I mean, it was a neat twist when Batman Begins did it, but it just seemed kinda hokey in this one.

    Would the War on Terror really be as important to controlling the world after AN ALIEN INVASION?

    And Killian was just a sneering douche. And he was Fire Lord Ozai, apparently. Because healing equals fire. Yep.

    Instead of a shirtless Guy Pearce Mandarin, why not have, say, one of those space worm things modified via Extremis into an awesome Fin Fang Foom shout out? Or something.

    And did Iron Patriot even do anything? At all?

    And why didn't SHIELD have Hawkeye or Black Widow or fucking anybody targeting the Ten Rings?

    And how did Pepper suddenly know Kung Fu and how to wield Extremis?

    And why did no one think to ask Iron Patriot to take off his helmet. On Air Force One. After numerous terrorist attacks.

    You really just wanted a really different movie.

    I think you were wishing for a different movie so badly that you missed a couple of the important bits.

    Because most of what you wrote down is either baffling or wrong.

    Except for the bit on
    Pepper flipping out, though Extremis fucks with your head and makes you more violent/less in control of emotions as the movie seemed to imply.

    It didn't quite explain how she flip-kicked into an uppercut to break the Iron-Man armor that was targeting her, though.
    "Advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
    "Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but it dies in the process."
    Imagine all of my posts being spoken by Alec Baldwin
    GamerTag: MunkusBeaver ||||| Steam: munkus
  • NogsNogs Crap, crap, mega crap. Registered User regular
    some of that can be explained away by the fact
    she is married to tony, who we see in the second film as training so much as to even have his own ring in his house.

    she might have picked up a little something herself
  • Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Nogs wrote: »
    some of that can be explained away by the fact
    she is married to tony, who we see in the second film as training so much as to even have his own ring in his house.

    she might have picked up a little something herself

    Eh, even so I still thought it was kinda silly.

    The one thing the movie didn't do a great job with was
    consistency with regards to how much of a Soldier either Tony or Pepper was.

    One minute he's breaking into a compound with a McGuyver set of tools and weapons, the next he's bumbling alongside Rhodey and he can't hit a spotlight.

    I was wondering if I was watching the same movie! He goes from homemade grenades, spy gear, and a PSI-Pistol to wasting his clip shooting at nothing, and generally being incompetent in a firefight.

    Basically I felt the last action sequence in the movie was the weakest link and the movie could have standed to be about 20 minutes shorter.
    "Advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."
    "Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but it dies in the process."
    Imagine all of my posts being spoken by Alec Baldwin
    GamerTag: MunkusBeaver ||||| Steam: munkus
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