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[Iron Man 3] is out now! Man of Steel coming soon.



  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    No I got that, I guess I just read more finality into than was intended.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    No I got that, I guess I just read more finality into than was intended.

    Remember that the monologue
    Is over a scene of Tony Stark salvaging whats left of his lab.
    My Band "The Wicked Girls"
  • nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    My comics shop does a 20% off all trades thing for free comic book day so I picked up superman Birthright.

    Goddamn this is a pretty book. Also Man of Steel is cribbing so hard from this book that well...

    If it were a term paper it would most certainly be accused of cheating off of Birthrights paper.
    My Band "The Wicked Girls"
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    In trailers before Iron Man 3 news...

    Thor 2 - on board
    The Wolverine - ehhh might be all right
    Star Trek - on board
    After Earth - looks bad

    No Man of Steel trailer at my screening.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • Crimson KingCrimson King the freedom of birds is an insult to me i'd have them all in zoosRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Nogs wrote: »
    one of the best parts of the movie
    "i give up. I don't even like working here. These guys are really weird."
    did anyone get kind of an archer vibe?

    from lines like this and from the "i'm sorry." "are you?" exchange with the kid

    mind you i have been watching way too much archer lately
    Crimson King on
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    sarukun wrote: »
    AtomicTofu wrote: »
    sarukun wrote: »
    I wasnt too big of a fan. The movie was ok, but the stuff with
    the Kid just felt really forced. And I feel like they could've cut back on the Joss Whedon-esque quips that weren't so prevalent in the first two films. Another thing that irks me is the fact that they just reduced the Mandarin to, basically, a non entity. For someone who is such a major player in the comic universe to a drugged up actor just boggles my mind.
    Not only was this a great misdirect, the Mandarin is a character designed in the 60s. He's a giant, walking East Asian Stereotype. One that hasn't been active in the comics for a while. This was a spectacular way to deal with character.

    I was stressed out about how they were going to deal with the Mandarin and his rings and everything since I found out he was going to be the big bad a year ago. They nailed it to the fucking wall.

    Mandarin and comics:
    Actually, Mandarin was a huge part of the storyline for Matt Fraction's Invincible Iron Man last year (and the film definitely took some inspiration from that run, like the human bomb stuff and ass-kicking Pepper).

    Basically, everyone should check out Invincible Iron Man.

    This sounds pretty sweet.

    Oh, it is.

    If you have a tablet, you might want to check out the Comixology sale on the first 33 issues of Invincible Iron Man for 99c/issue.

  • NocrenNocren Still AwesomeRegistered User regular
    My comics shop does a 20% off all trades thing for free comic book day so I picked up superman Birthright.

    Goddamn this is a pretty book. Also Man of Steel is cribbing so hard from this book that well...

    If it were a term paper it would most certainly be accused of cheating off of Birthrights paper.

    Thanks. I wanted to ask what book Man of Steel was going to be based on (like Long Halloween and Dark Knight) but didn't know where was a good place to do so.
  • Lost SalientLost Salient generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Registered User regular
    Nogs wrote: »
    one of the best parts of the movie
    "i give up. I don't even like working here. These guys are really weird."
    did anyone get kind of an archer vibe?

    from lines like this and from the "i'm sorry." "are you?" exchange with the kid

    mind you i have been watching way too much archer lately

    I totally did! Actually
    I'm still not sure how I felt about the segments with the kid. That plus the... what did he call it, house party protocol? Felt a little too much like BUY MY MERCHANDISE to me, which on the one hand makes sense because all fans of Iron Man aren't adults but on the other hand left me unsure of how much I enjoyed the whole movie.
    "Sandra's favourite movie is escape from new York because she cries when magpie and brain die because they will never be together." HAIL SATAN
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Nogs wrote: »
    one of the best parts of the movie
    "i give up. I don't even like working here. These guys are really weird."
    did anyone get kind of an archer vibe?

    from lines like this and from the "i'm sorry." "are you?" exchange with the kid

    mind you i have been watching way too much archer lately

    I totally did! Actually
    I'm still not sure how I felt about the segments with the kid. That plus the... what did he call it, house party protocol? Felt a little too much like BUY MY MERCHANDISE to me, which on the one hand makes sense because all fans of Iron Man aren't adults but on the other hand left me unsure of how much I enjoyed the whole movie.

    I really liked
    Harley the kid, because he reminds Tony so much about himself. He's a boy without a dad who lives to invent stuff and is way more intelligent than anyone seems to give him credit for. He's almost like the brother Tony never had, the way they act and bounce off one another, especially with the way they sometimes flip roles sometimes. Also, this is just me, but I'm glad a superhero movie actually made an effort to connect with kids more.

    Audiences age and develop as time goes on, but so many of us discovered these characters when we were that age, so it's nice that they can still be made accessible to people that young, especially through a character they can relate to that doesn't feel hamfisted. He feels like a kid written by smart adults, and thankfully not a kid written to be a kid to market towards kids by adults. Plus as an adult I am absurdly stoked to see badass Iron Man toys of all the suits from the movie that actually make sense. Merchandising is always going to be a thing. Have you seen the toys for Dark Knight Rises?



  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Oh yeah the rises toys were hilariously awful. The commercials too.

    Watch out bane! *Launches batnan like a misse at stacked cups and Bane figure*
  • Lost SalientLost Salient generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Registered User regular
    I kinda missed those toys due to being out of the country

    But basically your point is the decision I settled on also after thinking about it for a while
    "Sandra's favourite movie is escape from new York because she cries when magpie and brain die because they will never be together." HAIL SATAN
  • WeaverWeaver Cap'n NEW CRUNCH CITYRegistered User regular
    There should be IM branded stuff like build your own miniature six cylinder engine kits all red & gold that come with instruction software and manuals themed after Tony's fancy blue UI.
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    Yeah the more I look at that last picture I posted the more I want that in my superhero movies.
  • GatsbyGatsby Last night I had a dream about you In this dream I'm dancing right beside youRegistered User regular
    I enjoyed how even that little bit at the end of the Avengers showed off the effect superheroes have on just regular people, from changing hairstyles to merchandising.
  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Nogs wrote: »
    one of the best parts of the movie
    "i give up. I don't even like working here. These guys are really weird."
    did anyone get kind of an archer vibe?

    from lines like this and from the "i'm sorry." "are you?" exchange with the kid

    mind you i have been watching way too much archer lately

    I totally did! Actually
    I'm still not sure how I felt about the segments with the kid. That plus the... what did he call it, house party protocol? Felt a little too much like BUY MY MERCHANDISE to me, which on the one hand makes sense because all fans of Iron Man aren't adults but on the other hand left me unsure of how much I enjoyed the whole movie.

    I think it worked in the context of the film
    Tony was building an army to combat future attacks by the Chiutari or whatever else was out there. The kid worked because lets face it only a child could match tony in terms of emotional maturity
  • CaptainBeyondCaptainBeyond Registered User regular
    Nogs wrote: »
    one of the best parts of the movie
    "i give up. I don't even like working here. These guys are really weird."
    did anyone get kind of an archer vibe?

    from lines like this and from the "i'm sorry." "are you?" exchange with the kid

    mind you i have been watching way too much archer lately

    I totally did! Actually
    I'm still not sure how I felt about the segments with the kid. That plus the... what did he call it, house party protocol? Felt a little too much like BUY MY MERCHANDISE to me, which on the one hand makes sense because all fans of Iron Man aren't adults but on the other hand left me unsure of how much I enjoyed the whole movie.

    I think it worked in the context of the film
    Tony was building an army to combat future attacks by the Chiutari or whatever else was out there. The kid worked because lets face it only a child could match tony in terms of emotional maturity

    Oh, erm
    I thought he built all the suits due to obsession/insomnia, I didn't pick up a building an army vibe at all. I could be mistaken.

    The bits with the kid was ace.
  • Lost SalientLost Salient generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance Registered User regular
    That was my read on it as well.
    "Sandra's favourite movie is escape from new York because she cries when magpie and brain die because they will never be together." HAIL SATAN
  • webguy20webguy20 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    After reading the threads after the movie came out, I believe that there are just tons of funny parts to this movie. Here's another one...
    After Tony blacks out in the suit and flies off after the house attack, he wakes up in Tennessee and asks Jarvis "WTF". I love Jarvis' answer. "I made a flight plan!". He just sounds so excited about that, I loved it.

    also I doubt this is a spoiler but put inside just incase...
    Apparently Dell isn't good enough anymore, and Tony has upgraded to Oracle systems for his computing needs. Lets see how many prominent oracle logos we can get into a shot!
    webguy20 on
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    Jarvis - Best AI?
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    webguy20 wrote: »
    After reading the threads after the movie came out, I believe that there are just tons of funny parts to this movie. Here's another one...
    After Tony blacks out in the suit and flies off after the house attack, he wakes up in Tennessee and asks Jarvis "WTF". I love Jarvis' answer. "I made a flight plan!". He just sounds so excited about that, I loved it.

    I think at that point
    Jarvis had already started malfunctioning, which is what caused him to make the jump between Make a Flight Plan -> actually fly there, right now!

    also one of the biggest laughs in my theater was "I seem to get on alright for a while, but then at the end of the sentence I say the wrong cranberry"
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Jarvis - Best AI?

    Second only to Geth.

    agreed, but I'd rather have Jarvis watching my back

    no offense, Geth

  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Spoiler alert: Krypton is destroyed

    further spoiler alert: the Titanic sinks
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    One thing I really, really loved was Tony treating his suits like individuals. Like how people talk about their cars like they are a person. It just seemed perfectly in line with Tony as the eccentric mechanic while not crossing the line into oh god he is actually crazy.
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    So the Man of Steel Krypton not exploding rumor is officially debunked. One of the kids storybook tie ins eexplicitly shows it exploding.

    Also not really a spoiler because c'mon its Superman's origin.


    kid's storybook tie ins always explicitly show everything that happens in their given movie
  • webguy20webguy20 Registered User regular
    Solar wrote: »
    Spoiler alert: Krypton is destroyed

    further spoiler alert: the Titanic sinks

    Vader is Luke's Father!

  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    well him calling the suits by name is really an extension of Hey-You and Dummy
  • Kevin CristKevin Crist Look at the faces. Listen to the bells. It's hard to believe we need a place called hell.Registered User regular
    Rosebud is kaiser soze.

    Steam: cristke
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    So the Man of Steel Krypton not exploding rumor is officially debunked. One of the kids storybook tie ins eexplicitly shows it exploding.

    Also not really a spoiler because c'mon its Superman's origin.


    kid's storybook tie ins always explicitly show everything that happens in their given movie

    look like optimus is saying something like
  • webguy20webguy20 Registered User regular
    Damn another part I really loved...

    Ending Spoilers...
    After Pepper saves the day she is all "That was really violent wasn't it?!" besides just being an awesome line with the look on her face it makes me wonder if the extremis serum makes people more agressive. It seems like the theme of hotter emotions was played up through the whole movie. Though I did find the fire breathing bit a little over the top.

    Keep in mind I've never read the comics.
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    So the Man of Steel Krypton not exploding rumor is officially debunked. One of the kids storybook tie ins eexplicitly shows it exploding.

    Also not really a spoiler because c'mon its Superman's origin.


    kid's storybook tie ins always explicitly show everything that happens in their given movie
    I am 99.9% sure that it wouldn't show Krypton blowing up if the rumor, which involved Krypton being still alive and Zod trying to recruit Superman into the army, was accurate since that would be like the main plot of the film.
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