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[Iron Man 3] is out now! Man of Steel coming soon.



  • WheatBun01WheatBun01 Registered User regular
    More Actiony Talk/Ending Spoilerbits:
    I was curious as to what exactly the powers of the Extremis mooks were. Super Strength? Melty-Skin? Breathing Fire sometimes, apparently? They seemed to almost be at a Captain-America level of physical ability, with added fire powers. I loved the movie, and it was nice to have henchmen who were actually a threat against the heroes. Also, Pepper is keeping her powers, right? Tony is just getting them managed?
  • BigBearBigBear If your life had a face, I would punch it. Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The only legitimate complaint I have seen is
    that Killian is a white guy instead of The Mandarin's traditional Chinese descent, which is kinda fair.

    But even then a lot of Mandarin's appearances have been...pretty racially insensitive and even Fraction's take is basically a Kim Jong Il stereotype, even if it is an entertaining one.

    The Mandarin we got is so unique from the traditional one that i don't consider it whitewashing, although I can see why and don't consider it unreasonable some would.

    I went to see this yesterday.
    I thought how they wound up doing the Mandarin was actually kind of brilliant, but yeah, I guess it would have been nice if an actual Chinese actor were playing him. Oh well.

    Other than that, yeah, I can't really say what hasn't already been said, but I found this movie really enjoyable. Extremis Pepper and her amazing abs, Iron Patriot, that kid, the end credits stinger with Ruffalo, everything about it was just so good.

    I am wondering one thing, though. Some dude in the D&D film thread said this film "basically ignored thermodynamics." Now, to be honest, I don't really care because hey, comic book logic, but out of curiosity, does anyone know what that dude's getting at?

    I don't know if anything in what I typed up there is actually worth spoiler-ing, but I put the tags over it just in case.
    "Want me to dimpa-size your meal for 25 cents?"
    "Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?"
    My movie blog: cinematicsupersonic.blogspot.com
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    WheatBun01 wrote: »
    More Actiony Talk/Ending Spoilerbits:
    I was curious as to what exactly the powers of the Extremis mooks were. Super Strength? Melty-Skin? Breathing Fire sometimes, apparently? They seemed to almost be at a Captain-America level of physical ability, with added fire powers. I loved the movie, and it was nice to have henchmen who were actually a threat against the heroes. Also, Pepper is keeping her powers, right? Tony is just getting them managed?
    I'm thinking "removed".

    Etremis definitely seems to give you a power boost; Pepper swinging that giant iron pipe like a two by four at the end comes to mind. Other than that, it appears to be temperature control and healing factor. You can also do a lot of things that would otherwise permanently injure you because you go all Wolverine immediately after, so leaping 5 stories onto a solid metal surface; no problem, broken legs repaired. So Tony flies back when he bro-fists whats-his-name-dragon-tats, but whatshisname shatters his forearm... but who cares, fore-arm repaired.
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    BigBear wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The only legitimate complaint I have seen is
    that Killian is a white guy instead of The Mandarin's traditional Chinese descent, which is kinda fair.

    But even then a lot of Mandarin's appearances have been...pretty racially insensitive and even Fraction's take is basically a Kim Jong Il stereotype, even if it is an entertaining one.

    The Mandarin we got is so unique from the traditional one that i don't consider it whitewashing, although I can see why and don't consider it unreasonable some would.

    I went to see this yesterday.
    I thought how they wound up doing the Mandarin was actually kind of brilliant, but yeah, I guess it would have been nice if an actual Chinese actor were playing him. Oh well.

    Other than that, yeah, I can't really say what hasn't already been said, but I found this movie really enjoyable. Extremis Pepper and her amazing abs, Iron Patriot, that kid, the end credits stinger with Ruffalo, everything about it was just so good.

    I am wondering one thing, though. Some dude in the D&D film thread said this film "basically ignored thermodynamics." Now, to be honest, I don't really care because hey, comic book logic, but out of curiosity, does anyone know what that dude's getting at?

    I don't know if anything in what I typed up there is actually worth spoiler-ing, but I put the tags over it just in case.
    If I had to guess it would be the preposterous temperatures spontaneously generated without sufficient fuel being obviously consumed. For a human body to generate enough heat to reach 3000 degrees C, it would probably consume itself and snuff out before it could actually be a danger to anybody.

    Superhero science!
    sarukun on
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    Nogs wrote: »
    one of the best parts of the movie
    "i give up. I don't even like working here. These guys are really weird."
    did anyone get kind of an archer vibe?

    from lines like this and from the "i'm sorry." "are you?" exchange with the kid

    mind you i have been watching way too much archer lately

    I totally did! Actually
    I'm still not sure how I felt about the segments with the kid. That plus the... what did he call it, house party protocol? Felt a little too much like BUY MY MERCHANDISE to me, which on the one hand makes sense because all fans of Iron Man aren't adults but on the other hand left me unsure of how much I enjoyed the whole movie.

    I think it worked in the context of the film
    Tony was building an army to combat future attacks by the Chiutari or whatever else was out there. The kid worked because lets face it only a child could match tony in terms of emotional maturity

    Oh, erm
    I thought he built all the suits due to obsession/insomnia, I didn't pick up a building an army vibe at all. I could be mistaken.

    The bits with the kid was ace.
    That obsession is what led him to build an army. Tony's used to being the smartest guy with the biggest dick in every room he walks in. But with all these gods and aliens suddenly flying around, he's not so sure of himself anymore. That's why he's working non-stop, obsessively building building and building with no real goal in mind, just to be ready for any other surprises the universe might throw at him.

    Yeah, Stark
    Single-handedly eased East-West tensions between Iron Man 1 and 2. He was THE cock of the walk, and even defeated people using his own tech against him on two different occasions... then the Chitauri showed up and even with the help of a thunder god, a super soldier, a pair of assassins and a giant green rage monster, still only BARELY saved the world from aliens and New York from getting blown up.
  • BigBearBigBear If your life had a face, I would punch it. Registered User regular
    sarukun wrote: »
    BigBear wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The only legitimate complaint I have seen is
    that Killian is a white guy instead of The Mandarin's traditional Chinese descent, which is kinda fair.

    But even then a lot of Mandarin's appearances have been...pretty racially insensitive and even Fraction's take is basically a Kim Jong Il stereotype, even if it is an entertaining one.

    The Mandarin we got is so unique from the traditional one that i don't consider it whitewashing, although I can see why and don't consider it unreasonable some would.

    I went to see this yesterday.
    I thought how they wound up doing the Mandarin was actually kind of brilliant, but yeah, I guess it would have been nice if an actual Chinese actor were playing him. Oh well.

    Other than that, yeah, I can't really say what hasn't already been said, but I found this movie really enjoyable. Extremis Pepper and her amazing abs, Iron Patriot, that kid, the end credits stinger with Ruffalo, everything about it was just so good.

    I am wondering one thing, though. Some dude in the D&D film thread said this film "basically ignored thermodynamics." Now, to be honest, I don't really care because hey, comic book logic, but out of curiosity, does anyone know what that dude's getting at?

    I don't know if anything in what I typed up there is actually worth spoiler-ing, but I put the tags over it just in case.
    If I had to guess it would be the preposterous temperatures spontaneously generated without sufficient fuel being obviously consumed. For a human body to generate enough heat to reach 3000 degrees C, it would probably consume itself and snuff out before it could actually be a danger to anybody.
    Huh. Yeah, I guess that could be a problem. Not really an immersion-breaking one, but one nonetheless. I might have missed it, but does anyone remember any point in the movie where they explained how Extremis affects body temperature like that? Or maybe in the comics?
    "Want me to dimpa-size your meal for 25 cents?"
    "Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?"
    My movie blog: cinematicsupersonic.blogspot.com
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    Yeah I mean comic science is whatever but that one is pretty much magic at that point.

    Not that it matters
  • sarukunsarukun Carl Edgar Blake II Nerd-King of BaconRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    BigBear wrote: »
    sarukun wrote: »
    BigBear wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The only legitimate complaint I have seen is
    that Killian is a white guy instead of The Mandarin's traditional Chinese descent, which is kinda fair.

    But even then a lot of Mandarin's appearances have been...pretty racially insensitive and even Fraction's take is basically a Kim Jong Il stereotype, even if it is an entertaining one.

    The Mandarin we got is so unique from the traditional one that i don't consider it whitewashing, although I can see why and don't consider it unreasonable some would.

    I went to see this yesterday.
    I thought how they wound up doing the Mandarin was actually kind of brilliant, but yeah, I guess it would have been nice if an actual Chinese actor were playing him. Oh well.

    Other than that, yeah, I can't really say what hasn't already been said, but I found this movie really enjoyable. Extremis Pepper and her amazing abs, Iron Patriot, that kid, the end credits stinger with Ruffalo, everything about it was just so good.

    I am wondering one thing, though. Some dude in the D&D film thread said this film "basically ignored thermodynamics." Now, to be honest, I don't really care because hey, comic book logic, but out of curiosity, does anyone know what that dude's getting at?

    I don't know if anything in what I typed up there is actually worth spoiler-ing, but I put the tags over it just in case.
    If I had to guess it would be the preposterous temperatures spontaneously generated without sufficient fuel being obviously consumed. For a human body to generate enough heat to reach 3000 degrees C, it would probably consume itself and snuff out before it could actually be a danger to anybody.
    Huh. Yeah, I guess that could be a problem. Not really an immersion-breaking one, but one nonetheless. I might have missed it, but does anyone remember any point in the movie where they explained how Extremis affects body temperature like that? Or maybe in the comics?
    Pretty sure the just glossed it. In the comics Extremis is a different thing all together; it's where the idea of calling the suit from a distance just by making fancy hand motions came from.

    Edit: I guess it's not TOTALLY different, but they added some bells and whistles and they didn't have Tony using it, which happens in the comics.
    sarukun on
  • LanglyLangly Registered User regular
    BigBear wrote: »
    sarukun wrote: »
    BigBear wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The only legitimate complaint I have seen is
    that Killian is a white guy instead of The Mandarin's traditional Chinese descent, which is kinda fair.

    But even then a lot of Mandarin's appearances have been...pretty racially insensitive and even Fraction's take is basically a Kim Jong Il stereotype, even if it is an entertaining one.

    The Mandarin we got is so unique from the traditional one that i don't consider it whitewashing, although I can see why and don't consider it unreasonable some would.

    I went to see this yesterday.
    I thought how they wound up doing the Mandarin was actually kind of brilliant, but yeah, I guess it would have been nice if an actual Chinese actor were playing him. Oh well.

    Other than that, yeah, I can't really say what hasn't already been said, but I found this movie really enjoyable. Extremis Pepper and her amazing abs, Iron Patriot, that kid, the end credits stinger with Ruffalo, everything about it was just so good.

    I am wondering one thing, though. Some dude in the D&D film thread said this film "basically ignored thermodynamics." Now, to be honest, I don't really care because hey, comic book logic, but out of curiosity, does anyone know what that dude's getting at?

    I don't know if anything in what I typed up there is actually worth spoiler-ing, but I put the tags over it just in case.
    If I had to guess it would be the preposterous temperatures spontaneously generated without sufficient fuel being obviously consumed. For a human body to generate enough heat to reach 3000 degrees C, it would probably consume itself and snuff out before it could actually be a danger to anybody.
    Huh. Yeah, I guess that could be a problem. Not really an immersion-breaking one, but one nonetheless. I might have missed it, but does anyone remember any point in the movie where they explained how Extremis affects body temperature like that? Or maybe in the comics?
    I could be wrong but they don't do that in the comics, all it does is make you, like, able to interface with all technology and be strong and stuff.

    I mean if you want to comics it up you just say nanotechnology that can wireless induct energy. There.
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    So Iron Man 3 is set to have a total gross of 620 million so far and the second largest opening weekend ever.

    The first is The Avengers.

    Marvel Studios is killing it.

    I want this to be something that never ends

    Thor 2 is gonna be the one to watch. Iron Man was a blockbuster franchise even before Avengers but if Marvel is able to turn all of the Avengers buzz to Thor and it is a smash hit(moreso than the original which was successful but not wildly so) then the sky is the limit.

    More so than the character of Thor, I think making Loki the villain in The Avengers was a smart move for drumming up interest in that particular brand

    with the added bonus of it being a neat callback to the original story of how the Avengers came together
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    BigBear wrote: »
    sarukun wrote: »
    BigBear wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The only legitimate complaint I have seen is
    that Killian is a white guy instead of The Mandarin's traditional Chinese descent, which is kinda fair.

    But even then a lot of Mandarin's appearances have been...pretty racially insensitive and even Fraction's take is basically a Kim Jong Il stereotype, even if it is an entertaining one.

    The Mandarin we got is so unique from the traditional one that i don't consider it whitewashing, although I can see why and don't consider it unreasonable some would.

    I went to see this yesterday.
    I thought how they wound up doing the Mandarin was actually kind of brilliant, but yeah, I guess it would have been nice if an actual Chinese actor were playing him. Oh well.

    Other than that, yeah, I can't really say what hasn't already been said, but I found this movie really enjoyable. Extremis Pepper and her amazing abs, Iron Patriot, that kid, the end credits stinger with Ruffalo, everything about it was just so good.

    I am wondering one thing, though. Some dude in the D&D film thread said this film "basically ignored thermodynamics." Now, to be honest, I don't really care because hey, comic book logic, but out of curiosity, does anyone know what that dude's getting at?

    I don't know if anything in what I typed up there is actually worth spoiler-ing, but I put the tags over it just in case.
    If I had to guess it would be the preposterous temperatures spontaneously generated without sufficient fuel being obviously consumed. For a human body to generate enough heat to reach 3000 degrees C, it would probably consume itself and snuff out before it could actually be a danger to anybody.
    Huh. Yeah, I guess that could be a problem. Not really an immersion-breaking one, but one nonetheless. I might have missed it, but does anyone remember any point in the movie where they explained how Extremis affects body temperature like that? Or maybe in the comics?
    in the comics there is one scene that addresses the obscene amounts of fuel the body would need to repair itself like that

  • King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Langly wrote: »
    BigBear wrote: »
    sarukun wrote: »
    BigBear wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    The only legitimate complaint I have seen is
    that Killian is a white guy instead of The Mandarin's traditional Chinese descent, which is kinda fair.

    But even then a lot of Mandarin's appearances have been...pretty racially insensitive and even Fraction's take is basically a Kim Jong Il stereotype, even if it is an entertaining one.

    The Mandarin we got is so unique from the traditional one that i don't consider it whitewashing, although I can see why and don't consider it unreasonable some would.

    I went to see this yesterday.
    I thought how they wound up doing the Mandarin was actually kind of brilliant, but yeah, I guess it would have been nice if an actual Chinese actor were playing him. Oh well.

    Other than that, yeah, I can't really say what hasn't already been said, but I found this movie really enjoyable. Extremis Pepper and her amazing abs, Iron Patriot, that kid, the end credits stinger with Ruffalo, everything about it was just so good.

    I am wondering one thing, though. Some dude in the D&D film thread said this film "basically ignored thermodynamics." Now, to be honest, I don't really care because hey, comic book logic, but out of curiosity, does anyone know what that dude's getting at?

    I don't know if anything in what I typed up there is actually worth spoiler-ing, but I put the tags over it just in case.
    If I had to guess it would be the preposterous temperatures spontaneously generated without sufficient fuel being obviously consumed. For a human body to generate enough heat to reach 3000 degrees C, it would probably consume itself and snuff out before it could actually be a danger to anybody.
    Huh. Yeah, I guess that could be a problem. Not really an immersion-breaking one, but one nonetheless. I might have missed it, but does anyone remember any point in the movie where they explained how Extremis affects body temperature like that? Or maybe in the comics?
    I could be wrong but they don't do that in the comics, all it does is make you, like, able to interface with all technology and be strong and stuff.

    I mean if you want to comics it up you just say nanotechnology that can wireless induct energy. There.

    Extremis overrides the brains blueprint for your body and tells it to rebuild you. In the comics it can give you superpowers and can be tailored to an individual mot just give out fire powers.
  • CenoCeno Chumble spuzz. Registered User regular
    Gonna give this Marvel Heroes beta a try.
    GFWL: Genesius Prime / PSN: Genesius_Prime / Origin: genesiusprime / 3DS: 4871-3718-5715
  • ThatDudeOverThereThatDudeOverThere Ymir owns. He fucking owns!Registered User regular
    so I saw this yesterday and really didn't have time to digest it until now

    I fucking loved it

    I'm not sure where it stacks against the first iron man, but it was definitely better than two
    also loved all the goddamn twists holy shit

    and I avoided most trailers so putting the suit on pepper totally caught me by surprise
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Puts his name on his helicoptor.. ..so everyone knows it's his.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I was looking up stuff about ROM, when I remembered there was talk of a Human Fly movie awhile back. :D

    I wonder if that went anywhere?
    Undead Scottsman on
  • I Win SwordfightsI Win Swordfights fuck tough be coolRegistered User regular
    yay finally actually about to watch can't wait to open all these spoilers
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    I was looking up stuff about ROM, when I remembered there was talk of a Human Fly movie awhile back. :D


  • ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Quick question, has Paul Bettany always been Jarvis? Such a great job in this one.
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
  • ZonugalZonugal One girl... I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat.Registered User regular
    Quick question, has Paul Bettany always been Jarvis? Such a great job in this one.

  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    Quick question, has Paul Bettany always been Jarvis? Such a great job in this one.
    yes, Paul Bettany was always JARVIS
  • ToxTox I kill threads Let Piggy Chimp decideRegistered User regular
    Quick question, has Paul Bettany always been Jarvis? Such a great job in this one.

    Anybody else hear him almost lose his shit when he says, "I made a flight plan!"

    Like, the line and delivery is so out of character, which honestly makes it that much greater. It's just awesome.
    Secret Satans! Post | D&D Wishlist | General Wishlist
    Dilige, et quod vis fac
  • ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    I have always really liked that guy and I'm glad he got a cool role. But man I wish he was better at picking films
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular

    he's in 3 Iron Mans and the Avengers

    so thats something
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    He picked A Knight's Tale, isn't that enough for you??
  • BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    He picked A Knight's Tale, isn't that enough for you??

    ugh of course you like that movie

    of course you do
  • nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    noir_blood wrote: »
    EW has a write up in which Shane Black confirms that (IM3)
    Guy Pierce's character IS the Mandarin.
    nightmarenny on
    My Band "The Wicked Girls"
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    i accidentally clicked that spoiler in GV, maybe tag it with iron man 3 spoilers
  • ToxTox I kill threads Let Piggy Chimp decideRegistered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    He picked A Knight's Tale, isn't that enough for you??

    ugh of course you like that movie

    of course you do

    Yes, William, with the pigs.
    Secret Satans! Post | D&D Wishlist | General Wishlist
    Dilige, et quod vis fac
  • JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    ok so I am watching Iron Man 1 right now (its on FX)

    and there is a flag in the background of the Ten Rings camp with the same symbol as they show in IM3
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    He picked A Knight's Tale, isn't that enough for you??

    ugh of course you like that movie

    of course you do

    I do too!
  • Dex DynamoDex Dynamo Registered User regular
    I have always really liked that guy and I'm glad he got a cool role. But man I wish he was better at picking films

    You didn't like Legion!?
    I didn't see Legion.
  • BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    as literal shit yes
  • ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Balefuego wrote: »
    He picked A Knight's Tale, isn't that enough for you??

    ugh of course you like that movie

    of course you do

    Bale I agree with your comic and film opinions like 99% of the time

    But if you cannot have a couple beers and have a good time watching a Knights tale there is something wrong
  • BlankzillaBlankzilla We were the best, Richard No matter what they sayRegistered User regular
    noir_blood wrote: »
    EW has a write up in which Shane Black confirms that
    Guy Pierce's character IS the Mandarin.
    Again I have no idea why people need clarification on this, it is very clearly stated.
  • nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    noir_blood wrote: »
    EW has a write up in which Shane Black confirms that
    Guy Pierce's character IS the Mandarin.
    Again I have no idea why people need clarification on this, it is very clearly stated.

    I agree but that article has a bunch of interesting notes.

    Like how the Mandarin was originally going to be the villain for IM1.
    My Band "The Wicked Girls"
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