Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[Diablo 3] Reports of the Economy's death were greatly exaggerated

HexDexHexDex Registered User regular
edited May 2013 in Games and Technology
New Thread smell!

Patch 1.08
The Infernal Machine
Monster Power

Forum HC challenge, should it be re-invigorated:
RandomEngy wrote: »
Guess what's back on?

The Penny-Arcade Forums Super Hardcore Challenge

Rend got busy so I'm taking over for him. And I'm adding a 50 million gold prize for the winner.

Are you hardcore? Do you believe yourself to be the hardest, of all cores? Prove your mettle in this test of speed, skill and luck against opponents eager to show you exactly how much better they are!

The first to kill the Butcher with a new Hardcore character on MP1 will take home 50 million gold.
Glory is for the young: You must make a new Hardcore character for the contest. Start with an empty inventory and 0 experience points. I will let everyone know a special word to put in their character's name before the contest starts.
Gold is for the weak: You cannot buy anything from the vendor or take anything out of the stash. You can only use what drops for you.
Friends are for the incompetent: You must be the only player in the game. You can disable Quick Join in the Social settings to make sure no one crashes your game. Also you must dismiss followers as soon as possible.
Privacy is for the unknown: You must stream your attempt, and agree to let the event caster re-stream it. We want to watch your grisly death! Twitch TV is a great place to stream to.

The winner will be the first player to kill the Butcher
If all combatants die, the player who made it furthest in the quest chain wins
If there is a tie on quest progress, the player who made it to their spot the fastest wins

The winner will receive 50 million gold (softcore) on any realm.

Players will have to balance speed and survivability: they can run past packs of enemies , but will give up valuable levels in the process. If you play it safe, someone more reckless than you may take home the gold.

In addition to the individual streams, we'll have an overall stream showing play from different player's streams and giving commentary. Either me or another volunteer will do this.
The event will be casted here: . Those participating should watch at the start time for a final recap of the rules and the special word to put in their character names.

It will be held on Saturday, November 3.
12 PM Pacific Daylight (noon)
3 PM Eastern Daylight

WARNING! There has been a lot of hacking of Battle.net Accounts since Diablo 3's release. GET AN AUTHENTICATOR. You can get them for iOS and Android devices for free, or from the Blizzard store for a reasonable price. If you get hacked Blizzard will restore your items and characters, but only a limited number of times. After the first you will need to get an authenticator anyway, and after the second you will no longer be able to use the RMAH.

D3's opening cinematic
What's different from Diablo 2?

The game is still an isometric click-fest where you slaughter thousands of demons in the enternal search for better loot, though several of the mechanics/game systems have been changed. It is now ONLINE ONLY, with a max party size of 4. You can set games to be private (invite only), friends only, and open to public. With friends only games, your friends will see a quick join button on their main screens, letting them drop in any time as long as there is room. "Appear Offline" functionality will be coming soon.

Skill trees, skill points, synergies, and manual stat placement are all gone. Instead, all of your stat points are gained and placed automatically with each level up, with distribution based on your class. Skills are now broken into Actives and Passives, and are all gained as you level up, along with the new skill runes. The potion belt is also gone, and potions themselves now have a 30 second cooldown, so no more chugging to stay alive. Instead, enemies drop Health Orbs, which simply heal you and all your allies within range when you walk over them. Runes and Runewords are also gone, and have been replace with a proper crafting system.

Hardcore makes a return, but the requires you to have one character reach level 10 in normal before you can create any Hardcore characters. Last but not least, Hell is no longer the hardest difficulty in the game. That duty has been taken over by the Inferno difficulty, which has proven to be a significant challenge.

There's a lot more detailed info available at the official game guide, including skill calculators and character profiles. If you're still curious, you can try the game for free up to the first boss and level 13.

The Classes

New Systems added since Launch

Paragon levels: Added in 1.04, this adds progression past level 60. For every paragon level you gain, you gain a small amount of stats as well as 3% magic and gold find. This increases up to a cap of 300% at Paragon level 100. The cap is shared with MF from gear (on both yourself and your follower) and shrines but not Nephalem Valor, so the max effective cap is 375%.

Exp charts for Paragon levels:

Monster Power: Coming in 1.05, this mode will be accessible from the menu and provides scaling difficulty for all difficulties. It defaults to off, and at MP1 it sets the level of all enemies in every Inferno Act to 63. Enemy level determines the level of loot you get, making it viable to farm the very best loot wherever you please. Every level of MP increases the MF and exp you get, beyond the 375% cap.

Normal/Nightmare/Hell MP Benefits

Inferno MP benefits (please note that MP2-3 is equivalent to pre-1.05 mob values):

Auction Houses

Diablo 3 has two different types of Auction houses available for players: the gold AH, and the Real Money AH. The gold AH is fairly straight forward, and functions largely the same as AHs found in other games, like WoW. It's available at launch to both Normal and Hardcore characters, but is exclusive between the two. The RMAH allows you to buy and sell in game items with real world currency and is only available for Softcore. Here's quick breakdown of the specifics:
-Commodities are automatically searched for best price, and are buyout only.
-You must choose Battle.net balance or real currency when you post the auction, not when it sells.
-15% fee on cashing out
-Battle.net balance can be used for a bunch of battle.net stuff including digital games, and WoW paid services. It cannot be used to pay subscription fees.
-No RMAH in Asia at release


For Equipment (weapons, armor, accessories, and other unique items)

Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): $1.00 USD per item / $1.00 AUD per item
Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

For Commodities (gems, materials, dyes, pages, recipes, and other non-unique items)

Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): 15% of final sale price
Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

For a more indepth how-to, please go here http://us.battle.net/d3/en/services/auction-house/how-to

Useful links:

Game guide: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/game/
Damage and EHP calculators: http://www.d3rawr.com/d, http://d3up.com
Max values on items: http://www.d3rmt.com/guides/diablo-3-item-stat-maximum-values/
Blue tracker: http://d3db.com/blue/browse
Gem calculator: http://diablo-3-gem-calculator.com/index.php
Legendary/Set browser: http://www.d3lexicon.com/legendary
Explanation on how loot works: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/comment/24393042/#Comment_24393042
Rare drop evaluation spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AoEU_oBnESrOdElTaVBhZTVFbEYwYzlqbHZJeXk1dGc&toomany=true

Dosh! Moneymoneymoney! Cash guys someone take it!


Don't buy gold on the auction house, buy radiant gems then sell those for gold.
If you are reading this add me.
D3: Caretta#1196
HexDex on


  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    If you are inclined to trim down the old OP few would begrudge you.
  • HexDexHexDex Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Too late! Imported! I may go through and clean it up though. It needs to be updated some.
    HexDex on
    If you are reading this add me.
    D3: Caretta#1196
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    HexDex wrote: »
    Too late! Imported! I may go through and clean it up though. It needs to be updated some.

    Updating would be keen.

    I had not looked at the battletags list in a while. Yea gods that needs some trimming.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    And so we begin the process of grieving...

  • Undead MonkeyUndead Monkey Registered User regular
    Good riddance. Now this thread can go back to talking about the game itself instead of everyone only posting about how much they just got for their most recent stack sold. :P
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Good riddance. Now this thread can go back to talking about the game itself instead of everyone only posting about how much they just got for their most recent stack sold. :P

    Speaking of which, I still have gold stacks for sale on RMAH. If they sell when they expire, will I get the money from before the patch or after the patch?
    KoopahTroopah on
  • Talus9952Talus9952 Registered User regular
    Good riddance. Now this thread can go back to talking about the game itself instead of everyone only posting about how much they just got for their most recent stack sold. :P

    Speaking of which, I still have gold stacks for sale on RMAH. If they sell when they expire, will I get the money from before the patch or after the patch?

    You listed them at pre-patch prices, so if they sell at all(impossible at this point), you would sell them at 25 cents per million pre-patch prices.
  • sumwarsumwar Registered User regular
    No one is buying your gold for roughly 8X the price. I have 240m gold sold before patch 1.08 that is still processing and I'm kind of worried. Assuming some error doesn't happen I get 51 blizz bucks which is a ton of freaking gold.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So now the thing would be to sell items for Blizzbucks and buy gold with the Blizzbucks? I mean assuming you want to buy items on the Gold AH.
    Incindium on
  • SavantSavant Registered User regular
    Gold looks like it is all selling for .25 per 10 million now. I'm thinking that somebody didn't read the patch notes.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Interesting... Gem prices in RMAH stayed the same but on Gold AH they inflated to double pre patch prices(selling for 40mill+). So the 4.5 in blizzbucks if converted to gold via Gems would be 240 million vs 140 million straight up buying gold at .33x10million.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    Interesting... Gem prices in RMAH stayed the same but on Gold AH they inflated to double pre patch prices(selling for 40mill+). So the 4.5 in blizzbucks if converted to gold via Gems would be 240 million vs 140 million straight up buying gold at .33x10million.

    Interesting... I had 30M go out about 2 hours before the downtime (the guy who bought it will be pissed). Have cancelled most of my gold auctions as well - can't see that they will sell.

    Nice to see a whole lot of gold in my actual balance (rather than continuously circulating the RMAH).

    Sad day though...


    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    lmao converting gems is still more efficient? what the heck
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    Interesting... Gem prices in RMAH stayed the same but on Gold AH they inflated to double pre patch prices(selling for 40mill+). So the 4.5 in blizzbucks if converted to gold via Gems would be 240 million vs 140 million straight up buying gold at .33x10million.

    So, if you buy gems on the RMAH, sell them on the Gold AH will you make a profit by selling that gold on the RMAH? Provided of course the gold sells?

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Matz wrote: »
    Incindium wrote: »
    Interesting... Gem prices in RMAH stayed the same but on Gold AH they inflated to double pre patch prices(selling for 40mill+). So the 4.5 in blizzbucks if converted to gold via Gems would be 240 million vs 140 million straight up buying gold at .33x10million.

    So, if you buy gems on the RMAH, sell them on the Gold AH will you make a profit by selling that gold on the RMAH? Provided of course the gold sells?

    No... It's just if you want Gold it's currently still better to buy Gems instead of straight up buying Gold from the RMAH. No path of conversion back(except selling items on RMAH). Who knows if this will stay this way though.
    Incindium on
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    Lets see... Spend $4.50 on 6 gems? Get 240M? Sell that 240M at .33 cents per 10M = $7.92 x .85 = $6.73. Profit?

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    The fuck is going on with gem prices?
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    id imagine current prices are not stable
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    Matz wrote: »
    Lets see... Spend $4.50 on 6 gems? Get 240M? Sell that 240M at .33 cents per 10M = $7.92 x .85 = $6.73. Profit?

    That seems to be the case.

    RS E:
    Gold: 50M
    RMAH: $.59

    Flippity flip flip

    This could be people trying to rack up Blizbucks by selling gems for cheap. But...people won't STOP buying gold...right?
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Wow. The Emerald prices jumped from $.40 to $.76 while I was trying to do a transaction.

    This is awesome / terrible.

    Edit: Kind of fun to keep refreshing and watch the prices spike.
    _J_ on
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Matz wrote: »
    Lets see... Spend $4.50 on 6 gems? Get 240M? Sell that 240M at .33 cents per 10M = $7.92 x .85 = $6.73. Profit?

    That seems to be the case.

    RS E:
    Gold: 50M
    RMAH: $.59

    Flippity flip flip

    This could be people trying to rack up Blizbucks by selling gems for cheap. But...people won't STOP buying gold...right?

    I wonder if you can get immediate gold sales by simply being the lowest? eg 0.32 or whatever. If you start by just selling say, 200M you get 20x.032x.85 = $5.44/0.6 = 9 RSE x 50M = 450M x 0.85 = 382M.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    Wow. The Emerald prices jumped from $.40 to $.76 while I was trying to do a transaction.

    This is awesome / terrible.

    Edit: Kind of fun to keep refreshing and watch the prices spike.

    I guess price stability is an issue... pity I am at work.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    So much fuckery I could be taking advantage of right now. Sooooo sad. Stupid job...that pays more than Diablo ever could.
  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    So much fuckery I could be taking advantage of right now. Sooooo sad. Stupid job...that pays more than Diablo ever could.

    I keep missing the window to get $.40 gems. I blame bots.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Matz wrote: »
    Lets see... Spend $4.50 on 6 gems? Get 240M? Sell that 240M at .33 cents per 10M = $7.92 x .85 = $6.73. Profit?

    Shit I didn't think that through all the way. Wow.

    I think the risk though will be Gold gem prices and whether they will stay so high.
    Incindium on
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    _J_ wrote: »
    mcdermott wrote: »
    So much fuckery I could be taking advantage of right now. Sooooo sad. Stupid job...that pays more than Diablo ever could.

    I keep missing the window to get $.40 gems. I blame bots.

    What annoys me is that I also just got an email that one of my RMAH items sold too... and I can't take advantage as the working day has only just started for me.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Matz wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    mcdermott wrote: »
    So much fuckery I could be taking advantage of right now. Sooooo sad. Stupid job...that pays more than Diablo ever could.

    I keep missing the window to get $.40 gems. I blame bots.

    What annoys me is that I also just got an email that one of my RMAH items sold too... and I can't take advantage as the working day has only just started for me.

    You won't get that money for over a day anyway... stupid RMAH wait times.

  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Who the hell is buying Radiant Star Emeralds for 64mill?
  • mccartmccart Registered User regular
    That is the part that I don't get, I bought two for $.50 each on the rmah and they sold instantly for 64m
    Steam | minecraft: salty_cat | Planetside2: SpareBattery
    gw2: Tom.2439 (Short Giraffe, Saltycat, Saltydog)
  • Mr. Mojo RisinMr. Mojo Risin Registered User regular
    Boourns I flipped my whole blizzbucks balance to gold last night. On the bright side im now sitting at a couple mil shy of a billion gold on the down side if I had gotten lucky today I could have made an extra 400mil to 600 mil. I get the feeling that gem flipping isnt going to be gone but with lower potential for blizzbucks/usd profits outside of item flipping.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    Matz wrote: »
    _J_ wrote: »
    mcdermott wrote: »
    So much fuckery I could be taking advantage of right now. Sooooo sad. Stupid job...that pays more than Diablo ever could.

    I keep missing the window to get $.40 gems. I blame bots.

    What annoys me is that I also just got an email that one of my RMAH items sold too... and I can't take advantage as the working day has only just started for me.

    You won't get that money for over a day anyway... stupid RMAH wait times.

    Yeah - but I have over a $100 in reserve anyway which I can spend in advance knowing that it will be topped up.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    Who the hell is buying Radiant Star Emeralds for 64mill?

    MY customers!

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    Man i got home early now i have to refresh this stupid gem search over and over don't i

    i can't just leave those profits on the table right?
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    So.... this is making me feel sick... I should probably go home from work...

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • MenasorMenasor Registered User regular
    I like how this entire thread is just discussion of the buying and selling of gems and gold. No one's talking about class balance or item builds, just how to game the AH system to increase both balances as much as possible. Killing monsters is just the warmup to the real game: the currency market.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    oh god why is everything selling so fast auction house 3 why

    lol someone bought all the RSEs
    Big Red Tie on
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    And all the radiant rubies

    the price is 0 because they're all gone
    now topazes too

    diablo illuminati

    it's so transparent, these single $3.45 topazes
    Big Red Tie on
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    So assuming you can get immediate gold sales at 0.25 per 10M, then 500M gold = $10.62 (net) = say 20 RSE’s @ 60M? = 1.2B x 0.85 = 1.02B.

    Anyone thought to try this? Possibly a bit risky but if you can get immediate gold sales by being the lowest then there is still double profit to be made.

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • MatzMatz Registered User regular
    And all the radiant rubies

    the price is 0 because they're all gone
    now topazes too

    diablo illuminati

    it's so transparent, these single $3.45 topazes

    Holy.... well that ends that theory of mine!

    Lose: The opposite of win
    Loose: Your mum
    _J_ wrote: »
    I imagine that I make more money from D3 than I would make sucking dick. But I wouldn't want to spend either my D3 or dick sucking money on gear.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    well those aren't the real prices, just people trying to fix them higher or whatever

    from the numbers im seeing right now, you can make like 40% profit assuming immediate gold sales and no fluctuations in gem prices or delays
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