Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

[Mechwarrior:Online] Weapon Rebalancing on the 21st. Oosik Sigs on P19



  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P Registered User regular
    BillGates wrote: »
    Syngyne wrote: »
    Actually, poking around on the forums they apparently did show up as their own entry in the pilot lab during closed beta. I think the XP has always counted towards the base variant, though. I swear that was mentioned on the official forum somewhere. I'll have to see if I can dig it up.

    If it's necessary to go dig through the forums for that change, that sort of thing is effectively the same thing as no notification at all. Yeah, Founders were entirely separate throughout the closed beta, which was when I actually regularly used the Jenner last.

    Dunno why they did the change, I just want my money back. 3.5 million completely lost because of a completely non-obvious in-game change is not fun. There wouldn't even be any way to tell without buying it and finding out the hard way, and why would I ever bother to check and see if they changed the status of Founder mechs from something they were for months?

    They did the change before they wiped stats, it was one of the many reasons they did the wipe before the game went OB. So problems like yours are avoided.

    So much for for "foolproofing". Nothing beats a combination of determination, patience, and ignorance.
  • BillGatesBillGates Registered User regular
    To be fair, they didn't announce or make it plainly obvious that it was changed. They just figured since everyone is now 0, it won't make a difference.

    Steam and Origin - BillGates91
    LoL - BillBotNik
    MWO - BillGates
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P Registered User regular
    They clearly underestimated my limitless prowess.
  • AvalonGuardAvalonGuard GO DIGITIGRADE OR GO HOME Registered User regular
    So! for the Good Morning Outreach! broadcast this weekend, we want to start something new.


    That's right! Now you can send questions, no matter how inane, hilarious, or (ir)relevant, to mailbag@outreachnews.net. We'll answer what we can. Send 'em in!
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    Well, that was the coolest, most clutch round I think I've ever played.

    Got 4 kills in my Spider, too.
    Steam: stabbitystyle | XBL: S For Stabbity | MWO: stabbitystyle
  • W00dst0ckW00dst0ck Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Well, that was the coolest, most clutch round I think I've ever played.

    Got 4 kills in my Spider, too.

    David (Stabbity) slays Goliath (Iceash) to win the game!

    W00dst0ck on
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style Walla Walla, WARegistered User regular
    Holy crap, apparently I'm a beast in my Cicada-2B. According to my stats it's my best mech:

    Matches: 38
    Wins: 28
    Loses: 10
    Win-Loss Ratio: 2.80
    Kills: 63
    Deaths: 16
    Kill-Death Ratio: 3.94
    Steam: stabbitystyle | XBL: S For Stabbity | MWO: stabbitystyle
  • HydroSqueegeeHydroSqueegee ULTRACAT!!!™®© Registered User regular
    i really wish we had these stats going back to day 1 of open beta.

    ULTRACAT is technically my best with a 3.0 w/l ratio and a 3.67 k/d ratio. but it is hardly played compared to the muromets since the stats went in. and even then my 4P has a 2.87 w/l but a low 1.87 k/d ratio.
  • HydroSqueegeeHydroSqueegee ULTRACAT!!!™®© Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    HAH! so all my raw recordings from afterburner have my voice in them, but when i compress them with handbrake, my channel doesnt seem to make the re-encoding. ideas?

    edit: nevermind. figured it out. needed to add all the audio tracks in handbrake. it didnt add my mic track by default for whatever reason. now to re-encode...

    eidt edit: WTF! now it is hit or miss. some encodes have both mic and game sounds, others dont. ffffffffffffffffff
    HydroSqueegee on
  • AxenAxen Registered User regular
    I've never bought a Hero Mech or Premium time in MWO, but I am a total whore for paints and camo. I've probably spent enough on paints/camo to buy 2-3 Hero Mechs. :oops:

    My good friend and partner on the other hand has not spent a single red cent on anything and at no point has he ever felt like he had to.

    Then you got my Brother, who I believe is trying to collect all the Hero Mechs and has been paying for Premium time pretty much since it was available. :P

    I'd be curious to hear just how well this business model is working for PGI. My gut tells me the answer is probably "rather well". :)
  • CampyCampy Registered User regular
    Yeah, while they've made no announcements regarding their financial well being; just the number of hero mechs that pop up on release day leads me to believe they're doing fine. Any financial doom one might read here (minimal), on reddit (a lot) or the official forums (why in god's name are you there?!) is generally only from a small vocal minority.

    I recently bought a not completely insignificant amount of funbux to facilitate shiny mech painting. Though I'm thinking I might hold onto the change I have from that for a little while. Those seven unannounced mechs and the upcoming clan invasion is holding my purse strings tight!
  • TheCanManTheCanMan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I basically never buy full price games. Just about everything I play I've gotten on a Steam Sale. So when I decided PGI deserved some of my money, I got the $15 package (3000 MC). I've gotten a couple paints and I'm still sitting on 1800 MC. The best part is that I've already given PGI the money, but I can sit on the MC for as long as I want until I find something I feel is worth spending it on.
    TheCanMan on
  • DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Registered User regular
    Anyone wanna play? I'll go sit in vent
    "Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are smarter than one man. How's that again? I missed something" Lazarus Long
  • heckelsheckels Registered User regular
    I will be on in an hourish
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Campy wrote: »
    Yeah, while they've made no announcements regarding their financial well being; just the number of hero mechs that pop up on release day leads me to believe they're doing fine. Any financial doom one might read here (minimal), on reddit (a lot) or the official forums (why in god's name are you there?!) is generally only from a small vocal minority.

    Well, the people that doomsay the game in terms of money are generally the ones that have completely inflexible, unsupported views of "THE GAME NEEDS TO HAVE THESE THINGS I THOUGHT OF AND HERE'S WHY..." Most people spouting things like that have no concept of what actually makes money and what is necessary to keep making profit; they think it's in any way reasonable of fiscally feasible for PGI to scrap the current gameplay system for half-baked ideas.

    My concern for the financial viability of the game is PGI's repeated and consistent inability to maintain any sort of balanced, stable state for the game. You can do that sort of thing for a while when you've got a solid, dedicated group of fans and a small team, but once you expand your dev team, the situation becomes much more volatile. Then you've got to keep that revenue higher to match the higher costs of the larger team which means keeping the quality and consistency of the game up, which are two areas where PGI has failed frequently and for prolonged periods of time. The potential "doom" here isn't from PGI failing to ape things the old MW games did or catering to silly grognards or driving people off with supposed "pay-to-win" Hero mechs, it's PGI getting enough success to sink itself by being unable to hold up to the rigors of expanding their company while keeping quality high enough to keep people playing and paying. It's entirely possible PGI could outgrow the number of people patient enough to profitably tolerate the endless bugs, crashes, poor code, and horrible, horrible ability to handle balance issues in reasonable and timely manners, but that won't happen for some time yet.
    Ninja Snarl P on
  • CarbonFireCarbonFire lasers pew pew pew Registered User regular
    TheCanMan wrote: »
    I basically never buy full price games. Just about everything I play I've gotten on a Steam Sale. So when I decided PGI deserved some of my money, I got the $15 package (3000 MC). I've gotten a couple paints and I'm still sitting on 1800 MC. The best part is that I've already given PGI the money, but I can sit on the MC for as long as I want until I find something I feel is worth spending it on.

    Buy 6 Mech Bays. Mech Bays are ALWAYS worth it.
    Steam: CarbonFire MWO, Planetside 2, Origin: Carb0nFire
  • CampyCampy Registered User regular
    Campy wrote: »
    Yeah, while they've made no announcements regarding their financial well being; just the number of hero mechs that pop up on release day leads me to believe they're doing fine. Any financial doom one might read here (minimal), on reddit (a lot) or the official forums (why in god's name are you there?!) is generally only from a small vocal minority.

    Well, the people that doomsay the game in terms of money are generally the ones that have completely inflexible, unsupported views of "THE GAME NEEDS TO HAVE THESE THINGS I THOUGHT OF AND HERE'S WHY..." Most people spouting things like that have no concept of what actually makes money and what is necessary to keep making profit; they think it's in any way reasonable of fiscally feasible for PGI to scrap the current gameplay system for half-baked ideas.

    My concern for the financial viability of the game is PGI's repeated and consistent inability to maintain any sort of balanced, stable state for the game. You can do that sort of thing for a while when you've got a solid, dedicated group of fans and a small team, but once you expand your dev team, the situation becomes much more volatile. Then you've got to keep that revenue higher to match the higher costs of the larger team which means keeping the quality and consistency of the game up, which are two areas where PGI has failed frequently and for prolonged periods of time. The potential "doom" here isn't from PGI failing to ape things the old MW games did or catering to silly grognards or driving people off with supposed "pay-to-win" Hero mechs, it's PGI getting enough success to sink itself by being unable to hold up to the rigors of expanding their company while keeping quality high enough to keep people playing and paying. It's entirely possible PGI could outgrow the number of people patient enough to profitably tolerate the endless bugs, crashes, poor code, and horrible, horrible ability to handle balance issues in reasonable and timely manners, but that won't happen for some time yet.

    I think the phrase "poor code" might be a little unfair. Yes there are crashes, but as has been hashed over several times in this thread bugs are fucking horrible to just find sometimes. ([oldhat]Game is in beta etc...[/oldhat])

    The only gripe I'd say is valid, and it's certainly one of mine, is the lack of balance. Since multiplayer games have been around people have been too quick to demand the nerf bat, not giving time for new strategies and new metas to evolve. However this waiting is only useful when balance is slightly more nuanced. I think this is subtlety is what PGI think is occurring at the moment, rather than the hideously rampant 4/5/6xPPC builds that we're seeing everywhere.
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    It's a little unfair to blame bullshit that goes wrong in Cry3 on PGI. They didn't make the engine and every game engine has its own share of insanely strange, hard to track down bugs.

    Also debugging is a gigantic pain in the ass because sometimes the interactions causing a given bug are bizarre beyond imagining. I had some bugs in my code back in undergrad that resulted from seemingly innocuous lines that broke the entire program in fantastic and strange ways.

    Cut them some slack here. Degbugging isn't just "fix the broken code," it's figure out why the code is breaking --> figure out what interaction is throwing the error --> actually find the responsible code (THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER) --> fix the broken code in a way that doesn't break the entire program or generate new and exciting bugs.

    edit: I think their code is actually shockingly good. Cry3 has notoriously poor performance but with some creative cfg tweaks I have the game running at high/ultra on an E8400 CPU and an Nvidia GTX 285 at 20 fps in combat. And, they've figured out a way to have their anti cheating mechanism working as intended AND they've gotten rid of the firing delay and are fixing the lag issues by implementing HSR.

    PGI certainly has some missteps, but poor code isn't one of them. You want poor code, look at WoW's performance. It's like, the least optimized program ever.

    Or any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. They basically don't run above medium on any system.
    3clipse on
  • GaslightGaslight It's not your fault Video games are amazingRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    3clipse wrote: »
    Or any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. They basically don't run above medium on any system.

    Total hyperbole. I ran Shadow of Chernobyl with the Complete 2009 graphical enhancement mod on high on my old laptop which was a 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo with a 9800GS. I run Call of Pripyat with the Misery mod maxed out on my current system.

    In any case, while I agree that it's easy for us to say "Fix the broken code," one must admit that PGI has a long-standing pattern of "One step forward, two steps back" with patches. The early April patch in particular was a disaster in terms of the number of bugs it introduced, some of which people are still experiencing now after like 4 subsequent patches/hotfixes. It's always seemed as if their QA process before releasing a patch is cursory or nonexistent.
    Gaslight on
  • CampyCampy Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    Or any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. They basically don't run above medium on any system.

    Total hyperbole. I ran Shadow of Chernobyl with the Complete 2009 graphical enhancement mod on high on my old laptop which was a 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo with a 9800GS. I run Call of Pripyat with the Misery mod maxed out on my current system.

    In any case, while I agree that it's easy for us to say "Fix the broken code," one must admit that PGI has a long-standing pattern of "One step forward, two steps back" with patches. The early April patch in particular was a disaster in terms of the number of bugs it introduced, some of which people are still experiencing now after like 4 subsequent patches/hotfixes. It's always seemed as if their QA process before releasing a patch is cursory or nonexistent.

    Not really, STALKER was notoriously buggy and ran like shit on many systems that should have run it like hot butter, including mine. Just because you got lucky with your configuration doesn't make everyone else's POV redundant.
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    Or any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. They basically don't run above medium on any system.

    Total hyperbole. I ran Shadow of Chernobyl with the Complete 2009 graphical enhancement mod on high on my old laptop which was a 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo with a 9800GS. I run Call of Pripyat with the Misery mod maxed out on my current system.

    In any case, while I agree that it's easy for us to say "Fix the broken code," one must admit that PGI has a long-standing pattern of "One step forward, two steps back" with patches. The early April patch in particular was a disaster in terms of the number of bugs it introduced, some of which people are still experiencing now after like 4 subsequent patches/hotfixes. It's always seemed as if their QA process before releasing a patch is cursory or nonexistent.

    o_O On all 3 of the computers I've tried to run it on it has been a poorly optimized mess. Maybe your computer is secretly jesus.

    Anyway, my point was more that MWO doesn't really have "bad code." There are many games with much worse.
  • GaslightGaslight It's not your fault Video games are amazingRegistered User regular
    Campy wrote: »
    Not really, STALKER was notoriously buggy and ran like shit on many systems that should have run it like hot butter, including mine. Just because you got lucky with your configuration doesn't make everyone else's POV redundant.

    I'll grant that it was a bugfest (though that is a separate issue from performance optimization), and also didn't run as well as it should have on systems from the era it came out (2007?). 3clipse's post makes it sound like none of the STALKER games run well on any system even today though, which isn't remotely true.
  • DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Registered User regular
    Suddenly lost server connection. Hotfix inc?
    "Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are smarter than one man. How's that again? I missed something" Lazarus Long
  • DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Working Class Hero sale

    Hero Mechs

    Cicada Hero Mech the X-5 - 30% off reg. 3000 NOW 2100
    Centurion Hero Mech the Yen-Lo-Wang - 30% off reg. 3750 NOW 2625

    Standard Oranges - (Pyramid, Gamboge, Kolin Tan, Cinnabar, Braunocker, Brazilin) 50% off reg. 500 NOW 250
    Premium Oranges - (Kubris, Blood Orange, Citrine, Umber, Chestnut) 50% off reg. 1000 NOW 500
    Camo Brown Colours - (Camo Dark Brown, Camo Brown, Camo Light Brown) 50% off reg. 500 NOW 250
    Camo Tan Colours - (Camo Dark Tan, Camo Tan, Camo Light Tan) 50% off reg. 500 NOW 250
    XP Conversion

    GXP Conversion Rate increse (Convert 50 XP for 1 MC)
    This sale is available from

    Friday May 10th 10 am PDT to
    Tuesday May 14th 10 am PDT
    (Servers will be coming down at 10AM PDT to start the sale. The downtime will be very quick!)

    We hope you enjoy the sale, and can't wait to see a massive Cicada-plague, complimented by legions of Centurions! See you on the battlefield!

    -The MechWarrior Online Team
    DaMoonRulz on
    "Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are smarter than one man. How's that again? I missed something" Lazarus Long
  • DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Registered User regular
    "Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are smarter than one man. How's that again? I missed something" Lazarus Long
  • altmannaltmann Registered User regular
    I literally JUST bought an orange. FUck me.

    GXP on sale though. Gonna convert dat shit. Sitting on 130k GXP
    My Flickr. My Fruitfucker computer and my Annarchy computer. See my PAX 2006/07/08 Flickr sets

    "Look at that subtle off-white coloring, the tasteful thickness of it... Oh my God, it even has a watermark."
  • 3clipse3clipse Registered User regular
    Blood Orange is on sale and still costs 500 MC. Pass xD

    I'm waiting for another MC sale before I add more to my account.
  • DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Registered User regular
    I got it when it was 750mc, so I don't feel that bad about it
    "Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are smarter than one man. How's that again? I missed something" Lazarus Long
  • AxenAxen Registered User regular
    DaMoonRulz wrote: »

    "It's actually a Blood Orange sale."

    "Oh...Ahem... BLOOD orange sale FOR THE BLOOD orange sale GOD!"
  • see317see317 Registered User regular
    Axen wrote: »
    DaMoonRulz wrote: »

    "It's actually a Blood Orange sale."

    "Oh...Ahem... BLOOD orange sale FOR THE BLOOD orange sale GOD!"

    Khorne is huge into the citrus diet these days.
    A diet of blood and skulls just isn't good for the ol' ticker, you know?
  • DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Registered User regular
    Fact: Khorne does not tolerate Scurvy, because it's a little to Nurgle-y. Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne, Citrus for Healthy Gums!
    "Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are smarter than one man. How's that again? I missed something" Lazarus Long
  • HydroSqueegeeHydroSqueegee ULTRACAT!!!™®© Registered User regular
    DaMoonRulz wrote: »
    Working Class Hero sale

    Hero Mechs

    Cicada Hero Mech the X-5 - 30% off reg. 3000 NOW 2100
    Centurion Hero Mech the Yen-Lo-Wang - 30% off reg. 3750 NOW 2625

    Standard Oranges - (Pyramid, Gamboge, Kolin Tan, Cinnabar, Braunocker, Brazilin) 50% off reg. 500 NOW 250
    Premium Oranges - (Kubris, Blood Orange, Citrine, Umber, Chestnut) 50% off reg. 1000 NOW 500
    Camo Brown Colours - (Camo Dark Brown, Camo Brown, Camo Light Brown) 50% off reg. 500 NOW 250
    Camo Tan Colours - (Camo Dark Tan, Camo Tan, Camo Light Tan) 50% off reg. 500 NOW 250
    XP Conversion

    GXP Conversion Rate increse (Convert 50 XP for 1 MC)
    This sale is available from

    Friday May 10th 10 am PDT to
    Tuesday May 14th 10 am PDT
    (Servers will be coming down at 10AM PDT to start the sale. The downtime will be very quick!)

    We hope you enjoy the sale, and can't wait to see a massive Cicada-plague, complimented by legions of Centurions! See you on the battlefield!

    -The MechWarrior Online Team


    i gave up waiting for an orge 50% off sale and broke down and got some at 30% off.

    on the other hand, i was waiting for the X5 to go on sale.
  • HydroSqueegeeHydroSqueegee ULTRACAT!!!™®© Registered User regular
    altmann wrote: »
    I literally JUST bought an orange. FUck me.

    GXP on sale though. Gonna convert dat shit. Sitting on 130k GXP

    seems like they have gxp sales every other week. i havent had a chance to play much lately (keep falling asleep) so my cashaphract hasnt seen too much grinding action.
  • AvalonGuardAvalonGuard GO DIGITIGRADE OR GO HOME Registered User regular

    It's the The X5. Seriously. The article is the most important part. PGI can't even get the name right. Prereorder unrecancelbought.
  • TheCanManTheCanMan Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    3clipse wrote: »
    Blood Orange is on sale and still costs 500 MC. Pass xD

    I'm waiting for another MC sale before I add more to my account.


    Buying Blood Orange the previous time it was on sale may have been my wisest purchase so far. Being able to creamsicle my mechs is awesome.
    TheCanMan on
  • KayKay Registered User regular
    18DHS, 9xML, max armour, standard 255 or 260 engine...

    Still have more space on the 4P. Hilarious.
    Atherton Kess in The Vale of Buried Shadows - AC:22, F:19, R:19, W:20 - Resist Force 10
    Alénthian, the Grace of Corellon in Dragon Slayers - AC:35, F:29, R:30, W:31
  • tuxkamentuxkamen Registered User regular
    .....unnnnngh. I just finished explaining to myself why I *wasn't* going to buy any MC.
    Games: Ad Astra Per Phalla | Choose Your Own Phalla
    Thus, the others all die before tuxkamen dies to the vote. Hence, tuxkamen survives, village victory.
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P Registered User regular
    Mvrck wrote: »
    Gaslight wrote: »
    3clipse wrote: »
    Or any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. They basically don't run above medium on any system.

    Total hyperbole. I ran Shadow of Chernobyl with the Complete 2009 graphical enhancement mod on high on my old laptop which was a 2.2ghz Core 2 Duo with a 9800GS. I run Call of Pripyat with the Misery mod maxed out on my current system.

    In any case, while I agree that it's easy for us to say "Fix the broken code," one must admit that PGI has a long-standing pattern of "One step forward, two steps back" with patches. The early April patch in particular was a disaster in terms of the number of bugs it introduced, some of which people are still experiencing now after like 4 subsequent patches/hotfixes. It's always seemed as if their QA process before releasing a patch is cursory or nonexistent.

    PGI is 40 people total. Most testing groups for AAA games approach 100 people. Considering this game is roughly a year and a half of development, and is playable to the extent it is, is fucking AMAZING.

    This game has balance issues to be sure. But from a code standpoint, as much as I sigh and go "Really?" On vent when shit breaks, dear lord what they've accomplished with a shitty engine in jack shit for time cannot be understated.

    Yeah, to an extent, I can be pretty patient about bugs, especially with a "small" team like that. And with stuff like firing lag, which was a byproduct of design choice rather than a bug, I don't have any issue because they're building something like that from nothing with no preexisting archetype to use. But when they've had the same bugs last for months upon months on end, it makes them look pretty bad. And then when they do finally go and make major improvements like improved netcode and HSR, we get a patch like this last week's patch where everything starts lagging badly again. I mean, I can't even drive a fast mech right now without serious, consistent rubberband issues which were nonexistent a week ago.

    And it's less a matter of whether or not the bugs personally aggravate me (which they don't, generally, even with stuff like no HUD or minimap and whatnot), it's whether or not casual players will tolerate a game which is continuously, obviously buggy. If people don't think the game is a quality game, people won't pay into it. And as much as I would like for MW/BT fans to be able to keep MWO going alone, that really isn't the case; it'll be the new blood that shows up in enough numbers to really support the game that we want to see.
  • tuxkamentuxkamen Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    18DHS, 9xML, max armour, standard 255 or 260 engine...

    Still have more space on the 4P. Hilarious.

    That's just going to happen unless you take out a sink and slip in AMS. Don't stress it. Just think of it as the mech being so optimized that you get extra leg room and cup holders.
    Games: Ad Astra Per Phalla | Choose Your Own Phalla
    Thus, the others all die before tuxkamen dies to the vote. Hence, tuxkamen survives, village victory.
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