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Seven of the top ten books of all time are by Ayn Rand or L. Ron Hubbard... who knew?



  • nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    It's no Jason Goes to Hell that's all I'm saying

    That's underrated. Its definitely better than Jason X.

    You have got to respect a movie that will just make up a whole mythology for a character after like 9 movies.

    Also I'm not sure how people feel about FvJ but I adore that movies attention to detail.
    My Band "The Wicked Girls"
  • Binary SquidBinary Squid One step away from squid row. Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    Psychic alien shit monster

    did someone mention my name

    Wouldn't you have posted that before fuzzball did?
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Druhim wrote: »
    I don't think it really counts as a spoiler when almost no one here who hasn't read the books already will be inclined to do so.

    But on the off chance that someone who wants to read them but hasn't does read this thread

    you know

    it takes, like,

    ten seconds to do
  • WaltWalt Waller Arcane Enchanted Frozen ElectrifiedRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Dreamcatcher's only crime is being a faithful adaptation of the book.

    And that is a great crime indeed.

    The film does such an earnest and decently acted job of presenting the source material that you can only beg for death while you watch these poor fucks hang themselves with the rope King gave them.

    It is brilliant as a horror movie because the real horror is you, the audience member, writhing through every illogical character decision, every masturbatory exercise in illuminating, poorly, the human condition. Toothpick addiction. Bro cabin bromance. The animals know. Government secrets! Shit monsters!

    And at the end, just when you think you can't take anymore, fucking Duddits.

    It is a masterpiece; it provides horror not by the story itself, but by presenting the audience with something so atrocious it ruins everyone involved in the film including Stephen King himself. This movie, like any masterpiece of horror, desecrates your childhood and haunts your memory forever. Desperate to forget what you have seen, but unable to do so, the movie (and the book) get locked away in your mind in a little library where secrets are kept safe.

    10/10 a masterpiece
    Walt on
    PSN:GeneiDjinn XBL:Top Hat Panda Steam:Top Hat Panda Battle.net:Walt#1813
    got more chains than the snow patrol every one razor thin like an insect stripper pole
  • LalaboxLalabox Who even writes this rubbish? Registered User regular
    There needs to be a statute of limitations on spoilering shit.

    If you haven't seen it/read it/heard it ten years after release, live with the fact that it'll probably get spoiled somewhere/somehow?

    Yeah, but at the same time, there's not a lot of effort involved in putting stuff in spoiler tags. It's nice to just minimise that chance of being spoilered for people who haven't had the chance to cosume all media made up until 2002.
    . zsiSs.jpg
  • chrishallett83chrishallett83 Hi! Registered User regular
    Or if you're worried about something from a series of books that are extremely popular worldwide and have become a staple of modern culture, referenced and satirized near endlessly, perhaps don't read the thread which is highly likely to feature discussion of said literature? If I don't want to know important plot points of a popular movie, I stay out of the thread for talking about film until I've seen it.
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    I was gonna watch The Passion of the Christ today, but then my dumb ass coworker spoiled the twist.
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    what, that it basically ends with satan going "oh nooooooooooooo"
  • Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt w o r s h i p c a t g o dRegistered User regular
    It's no Jason Goes to Hell that's all I'm saying

    That's underrated. Its definitely better than Jason X.

    You have got to respect a movie that will just make up a whole mythology for a character after like 9 movies.

    Also I'm not sure how people feel about FvJ but I adore that movies attention to detail.

    Freddy versus Jason really delivered

    I thought it was great
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Solar wrote: »
    Druhim wrote: »
    I don't think it really counts as a spoiler when almost no one here who hasn't read the books already will be inclined to do so.

    But on the off chance that someone who wants to read them but hasn't does read this thread

    you know

    it takes, like,

    ten seconds to do

    You know what? I can live with that slim chance. I'm pretty goddamn certain no one here is going to read through both Thomas Covenant trilogies if they haven't already. I wouldn't be surprised if someone decided to start reading it just to prove me wrong, but I'm also pretty certain they'd just give up by the second book.
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Druhim wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    Druhim wrote: »
    I don't think it really counts as a spoiler when almost no one here who hasn't read the books already will be inclined to do so.

    But on the off chance that someone who wants to read them but hasn't does read this thread

    you know

    it takes, like,

    ten seconds to do

    You know what? I can live with that slim chance. I'm pretty goddamn certain no one here is going to read through both Thomas Covenant trilogies if they haven't already. I wouldn't be surprised if someone decided to start reading it just to prove me wrong, but I'm also pretty certain they'd just give up by the second book.

    In the amount of time it took you to make that post you could have spoilered your previous post


    is this really something you want to take a stand on or whatever

    it's a tiny, tiny expenditure of effort on your part

    it's the smallest of deals for you
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I mean what I said. If you really feel that strongly about it, report me for spoiling the book and let a mod decide. I'm done discussing this nonsense.
  • SolarSolar Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    okay dude
    Solar on
  • HobnailHobnail Registered User regular
    Walt wrote: »
    Dreamcatcher's only crime is being a faithful adaptation of the book.

    And that is a great crime indeed.

    The film does such an earnest and decently acted job of presenting the source material that you can only beg for death while you watch these poor fucks hang themselves with the rope King gave them.

    It is brilliant as a horror movie because the real horror is you, the audience member, writhing through every illogical character decision, every masturbatory exercise in illuminating, poorly, the human condition. Toothpick addiction. Bro cabin bromance. The animals know. Government secrets! Shit monsters!

    And at the end, just when you think you can't take anymore, fucking Duddits.

    It is a masterpiece; it provides horror not by the story itself, but by presenting the audience with something so atrocious it ruins everyone involved in the film including Stephen King himself. This movie, like any masterpiece of horror, desecrates your childhood and haunts your memory forever. Desperate to forget what you have seen, but unable to do so, the movie (and the book) get locked away in your mind in a little library where secrets are kept safe.

    10/10 a masterpiece

    Wern't they called weasels? Butt weasels? Shit weasels?

    I'm pretty sure S. King woke up one morning with "shit weasels" sizzling on his brain pan and then wrote a book around those two words
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Registered User regular
    Oghulk wrote: »
    All of you should read The Pale King

    and On The Road: The Original Scroll

    also the book of my namesake The Maltese Falcon

    I'm gonna get to Pale King in a couple of months

    I'm on Oblivion: Stories right now, and need to take breaks between Wallace books

    I am generally not a fan of Wallace's short stories, but Good Old Neon from Oblivion is truly incredible. And quite sad, in the context of Wallace's personal problems. And also kind of terrifying because of how much I identify with the narrator.

    Yeah. And really, a lot of the stories in here feel kinda like suicide notes. Then again, any time an artist takes their own life, it's easy to go searching for signs in their previous work. There's probably some freshman film theory kid currently writing a paper about Tony Scott slipping cries for help into Top Gun.

    Another Pilgrim is probably my favorite story of this collection, thus far, but I'm almost through the title story and it's really hitting at some of my fears re: consciousness and the nature of reality, in a manner much more grounded (and thus, terrifying) than a lot of the speculative fiction that attempts to explore the same stuff.
  • nightmarennynightmarenny Registered User regular
    ITT we rise up against the massive effort expected of us by using spoiler tags.

    Hey dude if you haven't read every popular book in existence why are you even in a thread about popular book?
    My Band "The Wicked Girls"
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    I gotta stay off Facebook for a while, afraid somebody might spoil Citizen Kane.
  • YaYaYaYa ... ...wanna fight?Registered User regular
    books suck

    you all suck
    I made a web series! watch it here: http://bloodsuckingbooks.com
  • interrobanginterrobang we can tear up this rotten world together we'll break and smash and pound it into dustRegistered User regular
    fuck words
  • Brian KrakowBrian Krakow Registered User regular
    SLyM wrote: »
    anyone have any suggestions for books written around the turn of the (twentieth) century? I have very much enjoyed some I've read recently and would like to find a few more
    The Marvelous Land of Oz (sequel to the first Oz) is very good.
  • chrishallett83chrishallett83 Hi! Registered User regular
    ITT we rise up against the massive effort expected of us by using spoiler tags.

    Hey dude if you haven't read every popular book in existence why are you even in a thread about popular book?

    It's just a click of the mouse to use spoiler tags. It's also just a click of the mouse to buy the book.
  • AgusalimAgusalim Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    went up to hay-on-wye over the weekend - if you dinnae ken it, its a wee town on the wales-england border which is jam-packed with second-hand bookshops, something like thirty in a town of two thousand folk. good pubs too, you should pop by it if youre ever near. had a wee wander, think my favourite place was one that specialised in crime fiction, picked up a couple of things ive been meaning to read for a while

    one was the big sleep, been reading it over the past couple of days. id seen the film a wee while back and i dunno if maybe i was just primed to expect a fairly blistering pace but it really does bomb along. marlowe's interesting, i mean the work hes nominally hired to do (which is what youd expect to be the heart of the plot in detective fiction) is pretty much done by about the halfway point, he only really keeps going because he feels sentimental about the dignity of the old man that hires him in the first place. feels like theres this perpetual tension between the cynicism of how folk mostly conduct themselves and these flashes of sentiment. the misogyny and homophobia are a bit much tho
    Agusalim on
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular

    Quit bitching and just hug it out.

    All of you.
  • DruhimDruhim Usagi's cuddlefish Registered User, ClubPA regular
    ITT we rise up against the massive effort expected of us by using spoiler tags.

    Hey dude if you haven't read every popular book in existence why are you even in a thread about popular book?

    We were talking about the Thomas Covenant series by Stephen Donaldson. That hardly counts as popular.
  • godmodegodmode Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    On the subject of "popular" books that turn out to be awful: Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go". I picked it up from my library's ebook catalogue because it had a 5-star rating and it turned out to be a super boring waste of time. I can't really go into details without spoiling the majority of it, though.
    Decided I'm going to reread the Harry Potter series instead. Those ones are good.
    godmode on
  • Mortal SkyMortal Sky Tails, You're my realest friend.Registered User regular
    Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day was pretty good. Never read much else by him though.
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    BYToady wrote: »
    BYToady wrote: »
    remember when the dude sat on the toilet because the shit alien was in there and the only way to hold it there was to sit on the lid and hold it in place

    and then he was like "oh man I need to chew on a toothpick" but his toothpicks were on the ground in front of him but just out of his reach

    the ground that, by the way, was covered in blood from the mad that had died expelling the shit alien

    but he reaches forward anyways to get the shitblood covered toothpicks and by shifting his weight it lets the shit alien out and it kills him and his last thought is "my mom always said toothpicks would be the death of me"

    Remember when the space marines decided to fuck behind some machinery and then the guy's dick explodes and out jumps the Leprechaun?

    well if it was after the toothpick scene I have no idea because I immediately took the book back to the library

    Book? No this was the classic film "Leprechaun 7: Leprechaun in Space"

    Which really paved the way for Jason X: Jason Vorheese in Space.

    are we really talking bad about jason x arguably the greatest friday the 13th movie ever to be set in space
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    what is the general opinion re: storm of the century

    i remember that being a thing and a half when i was in third grade
  • godmodegodmode Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Buttlord wrote: »
    what is the general opinion re: storm of the century

    i remember that being a thing and a half when i was in third grade

    The Stephen King one? I rarely have anything bad to say about King's novels.
    godmode on
  • TayaTaya Happy ___ Day Registered User regular
    godmode wrote: »
    On the subject of "popular" books that turn out to be awful: Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go". I picked it up from my library's ebook catalogue because it had a 5-star rating and it turned out to be a super boring waste of time. I can't really go into details without spoiling the majority of it, though.
    Decided I'm going to reread the Harry Potter series instead. Those ones are good.

    I saw the movie-version of Never Let Me Go on an airplane and I liked it, if only because I thought it was going to be a coming-of-age story about some kids living in a boarding school and I was totally surprised by what the story was actually about.
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