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Seven of the top ten books of all time are by Ayn Rand or L. Ron Hubbard... who knew?



  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    Sassori wrote: »
    Basically that Snape, Dumbledore, and Harry can all be used to describe the inner fights of good vs. evil in each of us.

    Oh and Harry came back to life. Jesus.

    While I wouldn't normally wish this on anyone, I sincerely hope her thesis is rejected.
  • SassoriSassori Registered User regular
    Sassori wrote: »
    Basically that Snape, Dumbledore, and Harry can all be used to describe the inner fights of good vs. evil in each of us.

    Oh and Harry came back to life. Jesus.

    While I wouldn't normally wish this on anyone, I sincerely hope her thesis is rejected.

    This was for her MA.

    I have no idea how she wrote even 15 pages on this.
  • PeccaviPeccavi You are all weirdos!Registered User regular
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    All bow before The One. You wanna talk about a Jesus analogy. I don't think one has been as in your face as Neo since Aslan

    Though the idea of Jesus coming back as a lion in a sweet fantasy land and kicking it with some kids and Santa clause and fighting witches is better then computers ergo visave
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    House of Leaves is also one of the only books to constantly play with its own formatting that's actually any good

    When I was in middle school there was this series of fad books that all had janky formatting to try and look cool, and like most "young adult" lit they were also utter trash

    Can this be the House of Leaves thread instead

    I fucking devoured that book
  • jgeisjgeis Registered User regular
    I have never been able to finish House of Leaves. I started it and part way in I just sort of lost interest, but I'm not sure why.
    3DS Friend Code: 2320-6460-9072
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    I felt like I was solving a mystery the entire time I read it

    And then you find out
    that's exactly what happened to other people in the book too, and holy shit the things that happened to them

    It certainly wasn't the most original concept but the execution was superb
  • JasconiusJasconius bird internet Saint Petersburg RussiaRegistered User regular
    the relationship between neo and cyber-jesus wasn't that explicit until the later movies which i try to forget every day

    the first movie in and of itself... it's not like jesus holds the copyright on coming back from the dead
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Registered User regular
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    House of Leaves is also one of the only books to constantly play with its own formatting that's actually any good

    When I was in middle school there was this series of fad books that all had janky formatting to try and look cool, and like most "young adult" lit they were also utter trash

    Can this be the House of Leaves thread instead

    I fucking devoured that book

    Man, every book thread turns into a dang old House of Leaves discussion at some point.

    It's a good enough book, but I really don't get why it's THE go-to choice for so many people when a topic turns to dense lit.
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    Jasconius wrote: »
    the relationship between neo and cyber-jesus wasn't that explicit until the later movies which i try to forget every day

    the first movie in and of itself... it's not like jesus holds the copyright on coming back from the dead

    Actually he does. If you come back from the dead you have to pay royalties. He also owns the copyright on the Happy Birthday song and if your family sings it you have to pay up before getting into heaven
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    Well I've never discussed it on here

    But if you want to get into some Vonnegut, or maybe discuss A Confederacy of Dunces, I'm down
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    House of Leaves is also one of the only books to constantly play with its own formatting that's actually any good

    When I was in middle school there was this series of fad books that all had janky formatting to try and look cool, and like most "young adult" lit they were also utter trash

    Can this be the House of Leaves thread instead

    I fucking devoured that book

    Man, every book thread turns into a dang old House of Leaves discussion at some point.

    It's a good enough book, but I really don't get why it's THE go-to choice for so many people when a topic turns to dense lit.

    Because it's a book everyone had read and its not just another sci fi or fantasy novel, or a young adult thing like Harry potter.

    Though Tolkien is straight dense lit and I will fight anyone who disagrees
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    Bucketman wrote: »
    Jasconius wrote: »
    the relationship between neo and cyber-jesus wasn't that explicit until the later movies which i try to forget every day

    the first movie in and of itself... it's not like jesus holds the copyright on coming back from the dead

    Actually he does. If you come back from the dead you have to pay royalties. He also owns the copyright on the Happy Birthday song and if your family sings it you have to pay up before getting into heaven

    I just wish he wasn't such a snob about it, like he's so great for having done it, but

    It's hard to fault the guy for having a holier-than-thou attitude when he actually is holier than thou
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    Sassori wrote: »
    Sassori wrote: »
    Basically that Snape, Dumbledore, and Harry can all be used to describe the inner fights of good vs. evil in each of us.

    Oh and Harry came back to life. Jesus.

    While I wouldn't normally wish this on anyone, I sincerely hope her thesis is rejected.

    This was for her MA.

    I have no idea how she wrote even 15 pages on this.

    The only way I can make sense of the parallel would be if she went through Campbell, but if you take Campbell that far then everybody is Jesus
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    Bucketman wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    House of Leaves is also one of the only books to constantly play with its own formatting that's actually any good

    When I was in middle school there was this series of fad books that all had janky formatting to try and look cool, and like most "young adult" lit they were also utter trash

    Can this be the House of Leaves thread instead

    I fucking devoured that book

    Man, every book thread turns into a dang old House of Leaves discussion at some point.

    It's a good enough book, but I really don't get why it's THE go-to choice for so many people when a topic turns to dense lit.

    Because it's a book everyone had read and its not just another sci fi or fantasy novel, or a young adult thing like Harry potter.

    Though Tolkien is straight dense lit and I will fight anyone who disagrees

    Tolkien is dense lit with several authorial conceits, particularly with regard to the poetry (he says songs, but since we can't hear them...)

    The thing that Tolkien did really well before anybody else was to flesh out a really interesting world that wasn't ours, and he made a bunch of unique creatures and lands and peoples all with their own distinct identities and character

    Don't get me wrong, I love Tolkien, and his story arc is very solid, but he makes a lot of excuses to have a long journey when it could have been a very short one due to the nature of magic and eagles in Middle Earth, I suspect for the purposes of having his hobbits explore as much of his world for the reader as possible
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    Actually her paper was based on theological works by Depeche Mode
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Then fantasy was a genre and everybody copied Middle Earth and named it something else and *siiiiiigh*

    There have been exceptions, obvious GRRM aside, the Belgariad is an awesome light read where you don't care that the characters are never really in true danger because they are bad fucking ass

    Silk may still be one of my favorite characters in the fantasy genre
    joshofalltrades on
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    There was more than one Matrix movie?
  • JasconiusJasconius bird internet Saint Petersburg RussiaRegistered User regular
    There was more than one Matrix movie?


    they've been sealed due to a trademark dispute with KFC
  • A Dabble Of TheloniusA Dabble Of Thelonius Registered User regular
    I did not care for House of Leaves.

    Well. Correction. I cared enough to finish it. Then I put it down and said to myself, "Self, that was a waste of fucking time". Then I didn't really think about it until just now.
    Steam - Talon Valdez : Xbox Live & LoL - Talonious Monk
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    Well there's plenty of light and flighty fantasy books out there. But that's why I like modern fantasy so much. Like the Dresden Files. You don't need to top off old works so much as use them add legend. our world already exists, they just add magic to it and can focus note in characters and rules within that works for magic.

    Then you have Hyperion which is like fantasy/sci-fi/noir/adventure/religious subtext and it's like what.

    When it comes to Tolkien I feel like no writer was more able to build on a world and make it alive then him. Martian does this a bit too and so did Jordan. But Tolkien is still the master
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    I can see not liking the story of House of Leaves very much

    But the atmosphere of that book was really intense if you're the kind of person who lets a book just suck you in until you feel like you're part of the story, experiencing it for yourself

    I do this because that's how I liked to read books as a kid and I never stopped, so it's one of the few times when I feel like a kid again, even when reading very dense lit
  • godmodegodmode Registered User regular
    I just wish House of Leaves would come out as an ebook already.
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    EDIT: Wrong thread
    joshofalltrades on
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    It reminds me of a particular train wreck I saw once.

    Some undergrad departments at my school require a Senior Seminar paper, essentially a Bachelor's thesis. It's twenty-five pages of research, expected to be original, significant, and publishable (by the same meanings usually attributed to a grad thesis, but thankfully to a much lesser degree). This one guy decided to do his on a current attempt to revive the Student Volunteer Movement. An appropriate topic for his major, and one that could certainly be done well.

    His only sources as far as I could gather were the public (non-academic) website for an organization advocating the movement and one of the textbooks for a 101 course so broad it's part of the school's gen ed requirements.

    His was suspiciously absent from the papers made available for review and he later asked me if the prof in charge was known for being particularly harsh (he's not).

    This was the same guy I was bitching about in the school thread for not knowing how to cite.
  • PoorochondriacPoorochondriac Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    godmode wrote: »
    I just wish House of Leaves would come out as an ebook already.

    I really don't ever see that happening. HoL is designed with incredibly exacting page layouts, and eBooks have to be compatible with so many devices that getting a universally consistently-displayed page is quite impossible

    MAYBE somebody will put it out as a .PDF, but that's be a pain in the ass to read on anything other than a big tablet.
    Poorochondriac on
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    I picked up slaughterhouse five on my kindle tonight as I am doing a thing where I read "fun" book then a "classic" book and I just finished night watch which was genuine good fun.
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    I'm so glad I don't have to worry about thesis stuff or writing publishable papers in my major.
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    Slaughterhouse Five is a page-turner
  • BucketmanBucketman Dyslexic Puppy Skraggle RockRegistered User regular
    That's on my list. I've heard good things
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    John Dies at the End was genuinely the strangest book I have ever read in my life

    It was like reading Evil Dead 2 by Stephen King or something
  • Muddy WaterMuddy Water Quiet Batperson Registered User regular
    Yes, please! for a Ulysses thread. I've owned that book for years, started it multiple times, but never really got to the end. This is a great idea.
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Bucketman wrote: »
    Mortal Sky wrote: »
    House of Leaves is also one of the only books to constantly play with its own formatting that's actually any good

    When I was in middle school there was this series of fad books that all had janky formatting to try and look cool, and like most "young adult" lit they were also utter trash

    Can this be the House of Leaves thread instead

    I fucking devoured that book

    Man, every book thread turns into a dang old House of Leaves discussion at some point.

    It's a good enough book, but I really don't get why it's THE go-to choice for so many people when a topic turns to dense lit.

    Because it's a book everyone had read and its not just another sci fi or fantasy novel, or a young adult thing like Harry potter.

    Though Tolkien is straight dense lit and I will fight anyone who disagrees

    Tolkien is dense lit with several authorial conceits, particularly with regard to the poetry (he says songs, but since we can't hear them...)

    The thing that Tolkien did really well before anybody else was to flesh out a really interesting world that wasn't ours, and he made a bunch of unique creatures and lands and peoples all with their own distinct identities and character

    Don't get me wrong, I love Tolkien, and his story arc is very solid, but he makes a lot of excuses to have a long journey when it could have been a very short one due to the nature of magic and eagles in Middle Earth, I suspect for the purposes of having his hobbits explore as much of his world for the reader as possible

    actually there's a reason the eagles didn't just take everyone there

    and it makes total sense given everything else in the books

    i just do not remember what it is
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    wasn't the reason that the eagles were totally not gonna be bossed around by gandalf

    except for when he was bossing them around
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    John Dies at the End was genuinely the strangest book I have ever read in my life

    It was like reading Evil Dead 2 by Stephen King or something

    jdate and the sequel were like 50 times weirder in the original internet versions
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    Yeah, and that's pretty damn flimsy

    Like I said, he basically made a bunch of handwavy excuses about why they totally need to hoof it the entire way there
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Fake Nerd I just want to be lovedRegistered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    John Dies at the End was genuinely the strangest book I have ever read in my life

    It was like reading Evil Dead 2 by Stephen King or something

    jdate and the sequel were like 50 times weirder in the original internet versions

    Is the movie out? Because I really want to see it
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    John Dies at the End was genuinely the strangest book I have ever read in my life

    It was like reading Evil Dead 2 by Stephen King or something

    jdate and the sequel were like 50 times weirder in the original internet versions

    Is the movie out? Because I really want to see it


    it ain't great

    it's got paul giamatti as the reporter but ehhhhhhhhhhhh

    it ain't bad, but it ain't great. don't go out of your way to see it.
  • rhylithrhylith Registered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    John Dies at the End was genuinely the strangest book I have ever read in my life

    It was like reading Evil Dead 2 by Stephen King or something

    jdate and the sequel were like 50 times weirder in the original internet versions

    Is the movie out? Because I really want to see it

    Yeah it's out. I think it's already on DVD?
    Rhylith - <Shambler Milk>, XBL/LoL/HoN- Amalockh, SC2- Rhylith.485
  • CorporateLogoCorporateLogo Registered User regular
    Yep, it's on DVD now
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