Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

The Brad Muir Thread: Also Starring Giant Bomb



  • JarsJars Registered User regular
    the XL can feel kind of heavy in my hands
  • captainkcaptaink TexasRegistered User regular
    As a preview for Bioforge, Vinny and some Irish fellow are playing Die By the Sword
    sig.gifSteam | D3: captaink#1674 | 3DS: 2466-1914-7679
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • SkyEyeSkyEye Registered User regular
    Oh no, they're adding some sort of trading card game on steam.

  • -Tal-Tal Truth is elusive It's nowhere to be foundRegistered User regular
    I tried DOTA the other day.

    It seemed...fine?

    Like, it's not my kind of game, but it was fun for what it was.

    I'm not really sure where the hate comes from.

    People get irritated when they have to hear about a thing they don't care about constantly.

    It's the same reason some people get really irritated by persona talk

    and feminism
  • Emerlmaster999Emerlmaster999 6/2005 - 3/20/2013Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I was quite pleased to see the Kid Icarus stand holding up just fine against the added weight and size of the XL.

    It also frequently betrays its 3D lover in favor of my Vita.
    Emerlmaster999 on
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Ace Attorney 5 might sell me a 3DS

    I only played the first two and really liked the story but the games logic just could not have been more confusing. Did that ever get better?

    Two was pretty bad with its logic and that issue reached critical mass in Apollo Justice, but Ghost Trick and Miles Edgeworth 1 were far, far better in that aspect. You should definitely play Trials and Tribulations, it's one of the best in the series.
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • tsplittertsplitter Registered User regular
    oh jesus cyber raptors
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Ace Attorney 5 might sell me a 3DS

    I only played the first two and really liked the story but the games logic just could not have been more confusing. Did that ever get better?

    Two was pretty bad with its logic and that issue reached critical mass in Apollo Justice, but Ghost Trick and Miles Edgeworth 1 were far, far better in that aspect. You should definitely play Trials and Tribulations, it's one of the best in the series.

    I'm currently playing Apollo Justice, and the first two cases are pretty straightforward (for an AA game, anyway). I do recall it getting more obtuse later on, though. I'll soon see if that's accurate.

    Trials and Tribulations is pretty solid, but even it has issues near the end where you can know exactly what theory you need to prove yet not be clear on which piece of evidence the game wants you to present.

    Also, I forgot how heavily tutorialized the perception gimmick in Apollo Justice is. The game holds your hand through three of those sequences before it trusts you to remember what it's been beating you over the head with.
    Stilts on
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Stilts wrote: »
    Ace Attorney 5 might sell me a 3DS

    I only played the first two and really liked the story but the games logic just could not have been more confusing. Did that ever get better?

    Two was pretty bad with its logic and that issue reached critical mass in Apollo Justice, but Ghost Trick and Miles Edgeworth 1 were far, far better in that aspect. You should definitely play Trials and Tribulations, it's one of the best in the series.

    I'm currently playing Apollo Justice, and the first two cases are pretty straightforward (for an AA game, anyway). I do recall it getting more obtuse later on, though. I'll soon see if that's accurate.

    Trials and Tribulations is pretty solid, but even it has issues near the end where you can know exactly what theory you need to prove yet not be clear on which piece of evidence the game wants you to present.

    Also, I forgot how heavily tutorialized the perception gimmick in Apollo Justice is. The game holds your hand through three of those sequences before it trusts you to remember what it's been beating you over the head with.

    Case 3 is pretty bad logic wise, but you'll find out soon enough. And yeah, I liked the perception stuff in AJ, but the training wheels could have come off sooner.
  • StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Also, I really love the character designs, animations and poses in Apollo Justice. They're so good.


    Stilts on
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    Paddy Gonzales omg
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • Der Waffle MousDer Waffle Mous WALK 3X FASTER New Yark, New Yark.Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I can't breathe this is amazing
    Der Waffle Mous on
    Steam PSN: DerWaffleMous Origin: DerWaffleMous Bnet: WaffleMous#1483
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    Stilts wrote: »
    Also, I really love the character designs, animations and poses in Apollo Justice. They're so good.





    (also court-records.net asks that you don't hotlink their files)
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Ah ha ha

    "Who is watching those prisoners outside?"

    "Uh, uh, this new guard I just hired!"
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
  • KilroyKilroy Seer of Heart Registered User regular
    so who is that on the bioforge stream with vinny patrick and drew?
    Steam brotimes Xbox Live: DigitalGravitas
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    Kilroy wrote: »
    so who is that on the bioforge stream with vinny patrick and drew?

    Guy who works for gamespot uk and is in town to plan for E3.
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    I love that Patrick is calmly talking about how satisfying Prison Architect is and soon after the prisoners wake up and everything goes to hell.
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    So the metro devs basically live in metro.
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • Doctor FinkDoctor Fink Are you a Fink Man? Registered User regular
    I could watch BioForge guy walk backwards forever.
    PSN: Doctor_Fink / 360:LieutenantDef / BattleTag: Finkerton#1862
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    "Yayyy, they're all psyched... THEY'RE JUST FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER!"
  • rfilyawrfilyaw Registered User regular
    august wrote: »


    oh my

  • rfilyawrfilyaw Registered User regular
    I wish the art style were different, but otherwise i'm liking what Prison Architect is doing. It kinda just makes me want to just play some Rollercoaster Tycoon
  • ZayZay FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan Please, just call me York.Registered User regular
    it was such a good quick look

    especially Clem
  • rfilyawrfilyaw Registered User regular
    hey, actually i've never played Prison Tycoon. I think I'll rectify that
  • augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    I've been wanting to go to bed but this stream has been going for like four hours oh gd
    Pac Man's character is difficult to explain even to the Japanese -- he is an innocent character. He hasn't been educated to discern between good and evil. He acts more like a small child than a grown-up person. Think of him as a child learning in the course of his daily activities. If someone tells him guns are evil, he would be the type to rush out and eat guns. But he would most probably eat any gun, even the pistols of policemen who need them.
    face | zune | last.fm | steam
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    Patrick was actually doing a pretty good job, but that canteen was his undoing. Management sims are all about learning from your mistakes though, especially when you have so many plates to spin.
  • DichotomyDichotomy Registered User regular
    a game where you build prisons

  • ChicoBlueChicoBlue Registered User regular
    I wonder if they will implement terrifying racial gangs.
  • Speed RacerSpeed Racer Rose, shut the hell up about my bedroom and save my game already!Registered User regular
    so fire emblem question

    why do some characters have boosts on their stats at all times

    i know that some of them are from their skills, but like, Panne has a boost to almost all of her stats and I can't figure out why

    or Miriel's only got a skill that boosts her magic but her skill and resistance are boosted too
  • PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 And when she knooooows, what she wants, from her ty-y-ype Registered User regular
    so fire emblem question

    why do some characters have boosts on their stats at all times

    i know that some of them are from their skills, but like, Panne has a boost to almost all of her stats and I can't figure out why

    or Miriel's only got a skill that boosts her magic but her skill and resistance are boosted too

    Beast characters get buffs from their transformation stones. There's also support buffs to consider.
  • ShenShen Registered User regular
    so fire emblem question

    why do some characters have boosts on their stats at all times

    i know that some of them are from their skills, but like, Panne has a boost to almost all of her stats and I can't figure out why

    or Miriel's only got a skill that boosts her magic but her skill and resistance are boosted too

    Taguel and Manaketes get bonus stats from their Beast/Dragonstones. Taguels to make them not suck, Manaketes to make them stupidly overpowered.

    You might have seen a scene in the barracks that said "Miriel gained a surge of Skill and Resistance!" which adds +4 to those stats the next time you deploy her in battle.
  • HullisHullis I'm no more a spy than you are- A doctor.Registered User regular
  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013

    I ordered some Swedish candy because the crew had "experienced" it a few times in past Bombcasts and wanted to see what it was all about.
    I think I'm going to throw up.
    MichaelLC on
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