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  • MelksterMelkster Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    no jobs anywhere look good

    going to live in texas forever

    going to burn to a crisp

    Me too. :(

    I'm relishing the cooler temperatures while we have them.

    Because June -> September is just going to be hell.

    you get out of here melkster you don't even live in austin as far as I have been able to confirm

    I can't get out of here! It's Texas! It's like a black hole, except worse.
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    I found in the short span of time I raided 40-mans that people developed their own little cliques based on preexisting friendship (real or Interweb), or alternatively based on class or role even. Like all us hunters pretty much knew each other and talked and stuff during raid in our hunter sub-channel. I'm pretty sure all the healers and tanks also talked to each other more than to other people in the raid.
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    Just finished Perfect Dark

    what a miserable game

    I regret the moment I put it in my N64, just as I thought I would


    perfect dark was what got me onto online gaming communities! it's one of the defining cultural moments of my adolescence : o

    *meditates upon this*
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    I think I played until you got a horse but my horse was dumb

    lvl 20?
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    Cass I don't know if I can deal with you and Mim changing your avatar today. I can only take so much.

    Also I have always known you as that pink-haired lady.

    Good lord, really? You joined around the time of the scheck avatars?

    I feel like you've been around significantly longer than that...
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    Melkster wrote: »
    no jobs anywhere look good

    going to live in texas forever

    going to burn to a crisp

    Me too. :(

    I'm relishing the cooler temperatures while we have them.

    Because June -> September is just going to be hell.

    you get out of here melkster you don't even live in austin as far as I have been able to confirm

    I can't get out of here! It's Texas! It's like a black hole, except worse.


    I started lol again a few weeks ago! aram is so fun!

    but then my computer broke
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    Eddy wrote: »
    Just finished Perfect Dark

    what a miserable game

    I regret the moment I put it in my N64, just as I thought I would


    perfect dark was what got me onto online gaming communities! it's one of the defining cultural moments of my adolescence : o

    *meditates upon this*

    *drives iron spikes through forearms*
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    I tried to play wow with elldren and james and some others

    but it was too boring so I stopped

    I can't even remember what my guy was, maybe a warlock gnome

    Yeah that was kind of a short abortive attempt
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    Deebaser wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    That seems low to me.


    Babies cost about $5000 per plate.
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    mim how big is sarksus' dick

    its ok we're friends here the secret won't get out


  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    mim how big is sarksus' dick

    its ok we're friends here the secret won't get out



  • MelksterMelkster Registered User regular
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I found in the short span of time I raided 40-mans that people developed their own little cliques based on preexisting friendship (real or Interweb), or alternatively based on class or role even. Like all us hunters pretty much knew each other and talked and stuff during raid in our hunter sub-channel. I'm pretty sure all the healers and tanks also talked to each other more than to other people in the raid.

    Yep yep, and there were even class leads which is ridiculous looking back.

    I was the druid leader of my guild once.

    I also somehow got invited to the Paladin class channel at some point, which my druid still belongs to. For some reason it was called pallypowerdrama, presumably because of an addon that made buffing easier but Paladins argued about?
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    I wonder if a non apple store place would replace my hdd for cheaper

    like $100 or something

    because this ifixit guide looks terrifying
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    Mim wrote: »
    mim how big is sarksus' dick

    its ok we're friends here the secret won't get out



    I had such a crush on Amy. I love you, Sailor Mercury!!!!!!!
  • Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    Eddy wrote: »
    Just finished Perfect Dark

    what a miserable game

    I regret the moment I put it in my N64, just as I thought I would


    perfect dark was what got me onto online gaming communities! it's one of the defining cultural moments of my adolescence : o

    *meditates upon this*

    Turns out you had a miserable adolescence!
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Drez wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    That seems low to me.


    Babies cost about $5000 per plate.

    dawg if that's what you're paying i can get you one for $4000

    just wait 40 weeks or so please

    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    wow > lol
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Eddy wrote: »
    Just finished Perfect Dark

    what a miserable game

    I regret the moment I put it in my N64, just as I thought I would


    perfect dark was what got me onto online gaming communities! it's one of the defining cultural moments of my adolescence : o

    *meditates upon this*

    *drives iron spikes through forearms*

    great av/post combo

    you psychopath
  • MelksterMelkster Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    Melkster wrote: »
    no jobs anywhere look good

    going to live in texas forever

    going to burn to a crisp

    Me too. :(

    I'm relishing the cooler temperatures while we have them.

    Because June -> September is just going to be hell.

    you get out of here melkster you don't even live in austin as far as I have been able to confirm

    I can't get out of here! It's Texas! It's like a black hole, except worse.


    I started lol again a few weeks ago! aram is so fun!

    but then my computer broke

    ARAM is fun, I've been playing a bit recently.

    You need to fix yo puter dawg.
  • descdesc the '87 stick-up kids Registered User regular
    I heard we were talking about pretty blood elf paladins and didn't want to deprive the thread of my expertise
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Cass I don't know if I can deal with you and Mim changing your avatar today. I can only take so much.

    Also I have always known you as that pink-haired lady.

    The pink haired lady was a shop. She was blonde the whole time!!
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    basically the way wow pvp worked out the rogue skillset encouraged trolling

    and it was fantastic

    back in the days where you could one shot a cloth wearer? fucking gold.

    stunlocking some poor guy? gold.

    repeatedly sapping (30 second stun that doesn't bring the rogue out of stealth) someone? GOLD.

    i got so many people switching on to alts to yell at me

    twas the best

  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Melkster wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I found in the short span of time I raided 40-mans that people developed their own little cliques based on preexisting friendship (real or Interweb), or alternatively based on class or role even. Like all us hunters pretty much knew each other and talked and stuff during raid in our hunter sub-channel. I'm pretty sure all the healers and tanks also talked to each other more than to other people in the raid.

    Yep yep, and there were even class leads which is ridiculous looking back.

    I was the druid leader of my guild once.

    I also somehow got invited to the Paladin class channel at some point, which my druid still belongs to. For some reason it was called pallypowerdrama, presumably because of an addon that made buffing easier but Paladins argued about?

    I was warrior lead once then got demoted because the guild leader decided to play a warrior so he was automatically warrior lead despite not actually knowing anything about warriors

    edit: then I joined a new guild that didn't have any of that bullshit and was just friends playing gaem
    Elldren on
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Cass I don't know if I can deal with you and Mim changing your avatar today. I can only take so much.

    Also I have always known you as that pink-haired lady.

    The pink haired lady was a shop. She was blonde the whole time!!
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Melkster wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I found in the short span of time I raided 40-mans that people developed their own little cliques based on preexisting friendship (real or Interweb), or alternatively based on class or role even. Like all us hunters pretty much knew each other and talked and stuff during raid in our hunter sub-channel. I'm pretty sure all the healers and tanks also talked to each other more than to other people in the raid.

    Yep yep, and there were even class leads which is ridiculous looking back.

    I was the druid leader of my guild once.

    I also somehow got invited to the Paladin class channel at some point, which my druid still belongs to. For some reason it was called pallypowerdrama, presumably because of an addon that made buffing easier but Paladins argued about?

    there was guaranteed to always be at least one Pally per raid that bitched endlessly about someone not having pallypower configured right

    it's like, a universal law of WoW
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I found in the short span of time I raided 40-mans that people developed their own little cliques based on preexisting friendship (real or Interweb), or alternatively based on class or role even. Like all us hunters pretty much knew each other and talked and stuff during raid in our hunter sub-channel. I'm pretty sure all the healers and tanks also talked to each other more than to other people in the raid.

    We had channels for it. Like a guild tank channel. Which was nice because our whole group of tanks were really mellow, laid back guys. All of us older married types. With the exception of our tank mascot who was this really nice, if slightly retarded 15 year old. Healer chat on the other hand was a land of bitchiness. Paladin chat was us setting up which rogue was getting BoP'd during the fight and how we were gonna set up the rotation to maximize BoP uptime.
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    Tav wrote: »
    wow > lol

    i have never played wow so i don't know, but

    in my experience wow causes more addictions and lol has more brazilians

    so i'm kind of torn, they both have deep, deep black marks
  • EddyEddy i ain't afraid of no ghosts Registered User regular
    Eddy wrote: »
    Just finished Perfect Dark

    what a miserable game

    I regret the moment I put it in my N64, just as I thought I would


    perfect dark was what got me onto online gaming communities! it's one of the defining cultural moments of my adolescence : o

    *meditates upon this*

    Turns out you had a miserable adolescence!

    I found great joy and happiness in playing perfect dark coop and multiplayer with my sister. I guess 'defining cultural moment of adolescence' was a bit hyperbolic...
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Eddy wrote: »
    Cass I don't know if I can deal with you and Mim changing your avatar today. I can only take so much.

    Also I have always known you as that pink-haired lady.

    Good lord, really? You joined around the time of the scheck avatars?

    I feel like you've been around significantly longer than that...

    I joined in August.

    ^ noobtier.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    I do not like fried wings

    I like them baked

    Both can be good. A true wing aficionado does not harden his heart to any one wing cooking method, but embraces all successful attempts.

    You're a good man.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    hmm this local place said like $125 for a 250gig drive +90 for the install labor

    that doesn't seem too bad
  • ZombiemamboZombiemambo Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Tav wrote: »
    wow > lol

    i have never played wow so i don't know, but

    in my experience wow causes more addictions and lol has more brazilians

    so i'm kind of torn, they both have deep, deep black marks

  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    I found in the short span of time I raided 40-mans that people developed their own little cliques based on preexisting friendship (real or Interweb), or alternatively based on class or role even. Like all us hunters pretty much knew each other and talked and stuff during raid in our hunter sub-channel. I'm pretty sure all the healers and tanks also talked to each other more than to other people in the raid.

    We had channels for it. Like a guild tank channel. Which was nice because our whole group of tanks were really mellow, laid back guys. All of us older married types. With the exception of our tank mascot who was this really nice, if slightly retarded 15 year old. Healer chat on the other hand was a land of bitchiness. Paladin chat was us setting up which rogue was getting BoP'd during the fight and how we were gonna set up the rotation to maximize BoP uptime.

    During that one Molten Core fight, the one with the Lizard dude that casts rain of fire? I got all us fellow warlocks to cast it when he did.

    It was chaos, and funny. So funny.

    Then the raid wiped due to "that weird graphical glitch"
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    hmm this local place said like $125 for a 250gig drive +90 for the install labor

    that doesn't seem too bad

    Is this hard drive made out of gold.
  • TavTav Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    Tav wrote: »
    wow > lol

    i have never played wow so i don't know, but

    in my experience wow causes more addictions and lol has more brazilians

    so i'm kind of torn, they both have deep, deep black marks

    I've already talked about my friends addicted to lol

    i wouldn't really call us friends actually anymore

    seen one of them twice over the past five months

    he's in my classes and all
  • GooeyGooey Registered User regular
    i got kicked from a guild one time because the rogue class leader was mad that my damage meters were higher than his

    apparently his damage rates were specifically calculated to not draw aggro

    in a dps fight when our healers would run out of mana and we would wipe it was never his fault, of course.
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    Gooey wrote: »
    basically the way wow pvp worked out the rogue skillset encouraged trolling

    and it was fantastic

    back in the days where you could one shot a cloth wearer? fucking gold.

    stunlocking some poor guy? gold.

    repeatedly sapping (30 second stun that doesn't bring the rogue out of stealth) someone? GOLD.

    i got so many people switching on to alts to yell at me

    twas the best



    Oh am I ruining your XP grind? YOU'RE IN THE FOREST. I'M A ROGUE. THIS IS WHAT I DO.

    Oh shit there's a captain chasing me.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Tav wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    Tav wrote: »
    wow > lol

    i have never played wow so i don't know, but

    in my experience wow causes more addictions and lol has more brazilians

    so i'm kind of torn, they both have deep, deep black marks

    I've already talked about my friends addicted to lol

    i wouldn't really call us friends actually anymore

    seen one of them twice over the past five months

    he's in my classes and all

    i think lol has a long way to go before it can boast even a fraction of wow's poopsock stories
    Organichu on
  • ThomamelasThomamelas Registered User regular
    I ended up as Paladin Lead, then we switched over to leads by role and I ended up Tank lead (because our GM was raid leader) and I was a guild council member. Which was a relic of the 40 man days and was mostly advisers to the GM.
    There's no living with a killing. There's no goin' back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand... a brand sticks. There's no goin' back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her... tell her everything's alright. And there aren't any more guns in the valley.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    gooey = best morde na hue hue
This discussion has been closed.