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  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    Yeah, the original Star Trek movies set a high bar that the next generation movies didn't really meet.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    also, what kind of ages are daycare at

    is it up until they begin school/preschool?
  • DeebaserDeebaser Way out in the water See it swimmin'?Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    cptrugged wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    I know several people who quit working because their job barely made enough money to cover the cost of daycare.

    A buddie's wife did exactly this. They spent her entire check on day care every month. So she quit and took care of the kid. Unfortunately, the problem arose that when the kiddo went to school and no longer needed day care she didn't care to go back to work. This caused some tension.

    It's got to be hard taking 3-4 years off work and going back into the grind. Your skills have atrophied and you're really off your career track.

    and no employer will want you because they'll assume you could drop another one out at any given moment and they'll be stuck with maternity pay

  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Geth make a new chat with hookers and blow and SKFM and surrealitycheck and dont invite any of the mods
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
    I am gonna get shit in for this, and rightfully so, but I was cleaning put my fridge and noticed a 1/2 used little carton of milk back there. It was solid D:
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    cptrugged wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    I know several people who quit working because their job barely made enough money to cover the cost of daycare.

    A buddie's wife did exactly this. They spent her entire check on day care every month. So she quit and took care of the kid. Unfortunately, the problem arose that when the kiddo went to school and no longer needed day care she didn't care to go back to work. This caused some tension.

    even this being the case it's better to do that than have a 5+ year gap in your employment history

    like, good luck getting another job if you're still of breeding age ma'am

    It's not exactly sensible to go back to work after the child is in school anyhow. Kids need things frequently - having one parent be on call for the kid emergencies while the other one can reliably work is a good model.

    that seems a bit excessive

    What does?
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • shadowaneshadowane Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Daycare around here is over $1500 a month. It's going to be more than our mortgage...

    edit: It'll be from 3 or so months old to what 4 years old?
    shadowane on
    Rich on Beer - I talk about drinking beer. You read about it.
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Chanus wrote: »

    hyperbole and a half updated again which is good

    but its about her struggle with depression and parts of it are a little too familiar right now D:

    That post is serious like whoa ffffffffffffffffff

    the new hyperbole and a half pretty much perfectly sums up my emotional state at the moment

    not like, dead like I have been for the majority of the past 6 years, but angry and sad that I didn't really accomplish anything for most of my life since turning 18

    I think anger and sadness is an improvement but Idk, maybe need meds. Mostly angry because men aren't supposed to be sad and that makes me mad

    depression is really weird, when nearly homeless and no serious outlook for the future being anything but shitty retail jobs I felt nothing and now that I have a job with huge upward mobility potential for a great company and am relatively close to graduating college with a manageable (if high) amount of debt I feel miserable quite frequently
    override367 on
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    cptrugged wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    I know several people who quit working because their job barely made enough money to cover the cost of daycare.

    A buddie's wife did exactly this. They spent her entire check on day care every month. So she quit and took care of the kid. Unfortunately, the problem arose that when the kiddo went to school and no longer needed day care she didn't care to go back to work. This caused some tension.

    even this being the case it's better to do that than have a 5+ year gap in your employment history

    like, good luck getting another job if you're still of breeding age ma'am

    It's not exactly sensible to go back to work after the child is in school anyhow. Kids need things frequently - having one parent be on call for the kid emergencies while the other one can reliably work is a good model.

    that seems a bit excessive

    What does?

    Having one parent ALWAYS on call.
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    also, what kind of ages are daycare at

    is it up until they begin school/preschool?

    usually, and then many schools have an after hours program if needed that probably doesn't cost nearly as much
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    I am gonna get shit in for this, and rightfully so, but I was cleaning put my fridge and noticed a 1/2 used little carton of milk back there. It was solid D:

    nobody should shit in you for forgetting some milk.

    also who cares it's just a little wasted milk.
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    TTODewback wrote: »
    cptrugged wrote: »
    TTODewback wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    I know several people who quit working because their job barely made enough money to cover the cost of daycare.

    yeah I mean daycare for us is cheap, like 800/mo

    it can be much more expensive in other parts of the country

    and that doesnt count food and diapers and clothes and toys and doctor visits and all the shit you have to buy like cribs and car seats

    800/month is wayyyy out of the range of common folk

    I just asked the guy next to me with a baby. He pays 1300 a month for his day care. Good lord why do you people do this to yourselves?

    God, you have to be six figure ballin' to afford a baby these days.

    This is probably the plan to keep white people breeding enough to not have America speaking Spanish in ten years.


    except, probably less than 5% of white people make that much?

    Right, just the good ones.
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    cptrugged wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    I know several people who quit working because their job barely made enough money to cover the cost of daycare.

    A buddie's wife did exactly this. They spent her entire check on day care every month. So she quit and took care of the kid. Unfortunately, the problem arose that when the kiddo went to school and no longer needed day care she didn't care to go back to work. This caused some tension.

    even this being the case it's better to do that than have a 5+ year gap in your employment history

    like, good luck getting another job if you're still of breeding age ma'am

    It's not exactly sensible to go back to work after the child is in school anyhow. Kids need things frequently - having one parent be on call for the kid emergencies while the other one can reliably work is a good model.

    it's also crazy expensive to throw a whole persons income away so someone can be on call if the school nurse calls

    when i was a kid if timmy got sick while parents were working timmy had to sit his ass in the nurses office until 5 pm
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    cptrugged wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    I know several people who quit working because their job barely made enough money to cover the cost of daycare.

    A buddie's wife did exactly this. They spent her entire check on day care every month. So she quit and took care of the kid. Unfortunately, the problem arose that when the kiddo went to school and no longer needed day care she didn't care to go back to work. This caused some tension.

    even this being the case it's better to do that than have a 5+ year gap in your employment history

    like, good luck getting another job if you're still of breeding age ma'am

    It's not exactly sensible to go back to work after the child is in school anyhow. Kids need things frequently - having one parent be on call for the kid emergencies while the other one can reliably work is a good model.

    that seems a bit excessive

    What does?

    having one parent not work at all so they can be on call when the kids are of school age
  • matt has a problemmatt has a problem Six pack on a dick Registered User regular
    Don't cry over spilled milk.

    Don't shit over spoiled milk.
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    In 2009, the average rate for younger children in Alabama was just over $400 a month.
    A little less for older children.
    Yay for the land of poverty.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »

    hyperbole and a half updated again which is good

    but its about her struggle with depression and parts of it are a little too familiar right now D:

    That post is serious like whoa ffffffffffffffffff

    the new hyperbole and a half pretty much perfectly sums up my emotional state at the moment

    not like, dead like I have been for the majority of the past 6 years, but angry and sad that I didn't really accomplish anything for most of my life since turning 18

    I think anger and sadness is an improvement but Idk, maybe need meds. Mostly angry because men aren't supposed to be sad and that makes me mad

    Yes, please talk to a doctor.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular

    i've already seen spartan and the movie where they try to solve the secret service assassination attempt thing through several vignettes

    what else

    i've seen shooter already

    Abdhyius wrote: »
    I am gonna get shit in for this, and rightfully so, but I was cleaning put my fridge and noticed a 1/2 used little carton of milk back there. It was solid D:

    nobody should shit in you for forgetting some milk.

    also who cares it's just a little wasted milk.

    Oh I don't care about the wasted milk but it was old enough that if it was a Pokemon it would have evolved.
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    i too am wracked with the depresshuns right now
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    i too am wracked with the depresshuns right now

    Have you tried making the fish not dead?
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • AresProphetAresProphet giggle and the flames grow higher Registered User regular
    premature e[chat]ulation?

    anyway is this monitor any good:


    I have $150 in Amazon cards so it comes out to free

    Looks cheap. You are not likely to find anything better for less. See if there is a cheaper model without the speakers that are undoubtedly horrendous.

    I wouldn't use them, naturally. As far as I can tell they don't make it without the speakers.
    no more need for the old empire
    when the indigo children come
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    I don't remember how old I was before my parents stopped spending the day with me when I was sick

    probably around the time when I learned how to throw up and hit the bucket reliably

    stopping by to check on me during an extended lunch or taking a half-day off, occasionally
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    jacob, jacob in the [chat] thread

    tell me,

    which is the fairest TOS Star Trek movie of them all?

    I mean Wrath of Khan is the only realistic choice

    if you want an interesting discussion ask which one is second-best. There are strong arguments to be made for IV, VI, and the director's cut of I.


    you didn't like TUC then?
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular

    that hyperbole and a half was way too relevant

    should probably talk to a doctor myself :/
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    spool32 wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    spool32 wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    cptrugged wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Deebaser wrote: »
    I saw a PSA earlier that said Babby costs $10,000 a year.
    This can't possibly be true.

    I know several people who quit working because their job barely made enough money to cover the cost of daycare.

    A buddie's wife did exactly this. They spent her entire check on day care every month. So she quit and took care of the kid. Unfortunately, the problem arose that when the kiddo went to school and no longer needed day care she didn't care to go back to work. This caused some tension.

    even this being the case it's better to do that than have a 5+ year gap in your employment history

    like, good luck getting another job if you're still of breeding age ma'am

    It's not exactly sensible to go back to work after the child is in school anyhow. Kids need things frequently - having one parent be on call for the kid emergencies while the other one can reliably work is a good model.

    that seems a bit excessive

    What does?

    Having one parent ALWAYS on call.

    Why? You're always on call for the first 16 years or so anyway. With the added bonuses of having a parent at home to manage homework and otherwise raise the kids from 3PM until bedtime, why not dedicate that + the inevitable daytime emergencies (small and large) to one parent?

    It's a reasonable decision to make.
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    yeah if you look at the numbers it's a mystery how anyone can afford to have kids
  • bowenbowen Registered User regular
    Chanus wrote: »

    hyperbole and a half updated again which is good

    but its about her struggle with depression and parts of it are a little too familiar right now D:

    That post is serious like whoa ffffffffffffffffff

    the new hyperbole and a half pretty much perfectly sums up my emotional state at the moment

    not like, dead like I have been for the majority of the past 6 years, but angry and sad that I didn't really accomplish anything for most of my life since turning 18

    I think anger and sadness is an improvement but Idk, maybe need meds. Mostly angry because men aren't supposed to be sad and that makes me mad

    depression is really weird, when nearly homeless and no serious outlook for the future being anything but shitty retail jobs I felt nothing and now that I have a job with huge upward mobility potential for a great company and am relatively close to graduating college with a manageable (if high) amount of debt I feel miserable quite frequently

    I really hope she and everyone else can get through depression. It sucks. No one deserves to feel like that.
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Chanus wrote: »

    hyperbole and a half updated again which is good

    but its about her struggle with depression and parts of it are a little too familiar right now D:

    That post is serious like whoa ffffffffffffffffff

    the new hyperbole and a half pretty much perfectly sums up my emotional state at the moment

    not like, dead like I have been for the majority of the past 6 years, but angry and sad that I didn't really accomplish anything for most of my life since turning 18

    I think anger and sadness is an improvement but Idk, maybe need meds. Mostly angry because men aren't supposed to be sad and that makes me mad

    Yes, please talk to a doctor.

    like my mom yells at me because my life over the last 12 months has taken such an enormous upward swing financially and career wise in such a short period of time, if my august evaluation goes well I could make more money next year than my entire life put together before that

    so why the fuck am I sad about all the other shit that is no worse than it was previously, it's like before there wasn't any hope at all of anything ever getting better now that things are getting better I can actually feel shitty

    It's like there's an emotional scale and once you fall below zero you can't even feel upset about your situation because its so bad and climbing up actually feels like going down
    override367 on
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    Why is ronnies head perfectly round in one comic after shaving but freakishly lumpy in another one while shaving.
  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User regular
    yeah if you look at the numbers it's a mystery how anyone can afford to have kids

    Especially more than one.

    We cannot afford this!
    Successful Kickstarter get! Drop by Bare Mettle Entertainment if you'd like to see what we're making.
  • y2jake215y2jake215 oh ok yeah that's cool RAP GAME KiNG TUTRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Chu I can solve both your problems right now

    go watch Crank 2
    y2jake215 on
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    if depressions minus being sad or angry or any emotional state at all is depressions then yeah bit of that meself

    which is great because it's exam time. Fighting myself to get myself to do stuff.

    But, hey, sorta winning, so.
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    i too am wracked with the depresshuns right now


    doc keeps giving me pills that don't do jack

    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • 21stCentury21stCentury Raiding Relics Everyday Registered User regular
    i read that Hyperbole and a half comic about depression.

    it felt simultaneously familiar and alien. i could recognize myself in some panels, but not in others...

    And the fact that my experiences don't match that comic perfectly fucking makes me bonkers. Er, more than usual, i mean.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    oh, that's the exact thing hyperbole lady's talking about. Huh.

    EDIT: Or, well, not really, actually.
    Abdhyius on
    Why the hell would your mom be mad you are having success now? Unless she is yelling at you because you have depression, in which case that is not cool either.
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    if depressions minus being sad or angry or any emotional state at all is depressions then yeah bit of that meself

    which is great because it's exam time. Fighting myself to get myself to do stuff.

    But, hey, sorta winning, so.

    Yeah, I don't tend to get the sads or the angries.

    I get the call out from work, lie in bed all day playing video games, and don't bother me for anythings.
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • CasualCasual IT'S CRIME TIME MOTHAFUCKAS WE OUTRegistered User regular
    yeah if you look at the numbers it's a mystery how anyone can afford to have kids

    same way everyone does everything skippy

    by half assing it and cutting corners
    R.I.P Sir Check
    i write amazing erotic fiction

    its all about anthropomorphic dicks doing everyday things like buying shoes for their scrotum-feet
    ??/02/2009 - 19/04/2013
    He lives on as cheezburger grease in our hearts.
  • AresProphetAresProphet giggle and the flames grow higher Registered User regular
    Ordered it, since it came out to free I had a hard time saying no
    no more need for the old empire
    when the indigo children come
This discussion has been closed.