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  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    WINKY'S BRAIN: Hey Winky, I have an idea, let's be unconscious always!
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    *adds random [chat]ters on FB*
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Hmm. I still have a gross bruise on my shoulder from where that dude bit me.


    It was nonconsensual biting!

    Although I did bite him first.



    I mean.

    I already got into and graduate at or near the top of my class from Edinburgh.


  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    I don't think biting people makes me crazy!

    Although it probably doesn't help.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Corehealer wrote: »
    Hmm. I still have a gross bruise on my shoulder from where that dude bit me.


    It was nonconsensual biting!

    Although I did bite him first.

    Ok go back



    start from slightly before there

    I bite people when I'm drunk. Apparently I gave him a huge bruise on his arm the previous weekend. So he creeped up behind me and bit me hard while I shrieked in pain.


    ok then


    I've never heard of a bitey drunk

    Don't judge me girl we're bffls. >:l

    bffls don't bite biffls

    They're too busy trying to wrap their mouths around the word bffls!
    Hakkekage on
  • simonwolfsimonwolf Registered User regular
    Whoa are we getting bitten by girls now

    Where do I sign up
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    I don't think biting people makes me crazy!

    Although it probably doesn't help.

    Well it doesn't warrant an escalation of biting by one of the bitten, at any rate.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • CokebotleCokebotle 穴掘りの Registered User regular
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Cokebotle wrote: »
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Cardcaptor Sakura had insane character design

    I used to love the look of the "cards" spirits

    Also I remember her friend who would sew her crazy costumes all the time and was probably in unrequited lesbian love with her

    Wasn't Sakura's brother gay?

    Did she have a brother?? I don't even remember

    She had some other magical type kinda boy she was in love with

    I always felt bad for Tomoyo, cockblocked by some pretty boy

    Gurl you go get yours

    The original also was more explicit about the nature of her brother's relationship with the other guy (totes yaoi bro)

    The romantic relationship between Sakura and Syaoran was also a lot more explicit

    The things we lose in translation and culture shift!

    Or just watch/read Tsubasa Chronicle. *shrug*

    The plus side there is that the full story is only if you also pay attention to xxxHolic (mostly the manga there, though).

    Well, this is where I point out that Tsubasa is very much a shonen text, while Card Captor Sakura was an outright shoujo text originally that got edited into something more shonen for its Western release, since Western girls don't watch cartoons, duh

    I didn't pay much attention to Tsubasa or xxxHolic, though, they didn't quite appeal to me

    True. xxxHolic is still one of my favorites, though.
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Cardcaptor Sakura had insane character design

    I used to love the look of the "cards" spirits

    Also I remember her friend who would sew her crazy costumes all the time and was probably in unrequited lesbian love with her

    Wasn't Sakura's brother gay?

    Did she have a brother?? I don't even remember

    She had some other magical type kinda boy she was in love with

    I always felt bad for Tomoyo, cockblocked by some pretty boy

    Gurl you go get yours

    The original also was more explicit about the nature of her brother's relationship with the other guy (totes yaoi bro)

    The romantic relationship between Sakura and Syaoran was also a lot more explicit

    The things we lose in translation and culture shift!

    God dammit! I was but a child, watching edited dubs on the WB 11's Saturday Morning Cartoon Block! LIKE A SCRUB!!

    Now I want to go back and watch it >_<

    I watched it again a few years ago, it holds up pretty well, and it's actually interesting to realise just how much stuff was edited or outright removed from the English release

    Same with Sailor Moon, actually

    I ended up getting all the unedited releases on DVD from my ex was surreal to see how much the show was edited for us audiences but at least we were spared from this


    I actually started watching this with friends back in college. It was hilariously terrible!

    But I stopped after a couple of episodes because I'm not going to watch a sleepover episode where middle school girls might fight another tentacle monster. So much 'NOPE' there.
  • AresProphetAresProphet giggle and the flames grow higher Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    *adds random [chat]ters on FB*

    I have like 4 friends on Facebook for some reason (I don't use Facebook)

    I wonder what they would think if suddenly dozens of people from around the world showed up on that list, with no explanation
    no more need for the old empire
    when the indigo children come
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    All I'm sayin' is I married the last girl to bite me

    Take notes ladies
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    Ok dammit it's almost 1

    I gotta go to sleep

    gotta wake up early

    take my car to the mechanic FOR THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK /grumble

    goodnight hos

    and not a ho in the sense a havin a pussy

    but a pussy havin no goddamn sense

    tryna push me
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    Shut up chu I'll bite you I'm not afraid of your STDs.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    I just made a....mixture. It is greek yogurt, blackberries, and raw nopales. It fills a quart sized tupperware container but the total calories is < 500.
  • shalmeloshalmelo sees no evil Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    Nah, drunk girls who bite have been around way longer than her.
    Steam ID: Shalmelo || LoL: melo2boogaloo || tweets
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Ok dammit it's almost 1

    I gotta go to sleep

    gotta wake up early

    take my car to the mechanic FOR THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK /grumble

    goodnight hos

    and not a ho in the sense a havin a pussy

    but a pussy havin no goddamn sense

    tryna push me

    Good night Hakkekage and Hakkekage's Pussy.
    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    The best part of that quote tree is the fact that I dropped the d off graduated.
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Raven stop doing weird things while you're drunk!
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    When Notch starts drinking she is obsessed with getting "white girl wasted". I do not have the heart to tell her that she cannot be.
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    raven bites when she's drunk, steals when she's into you

    from this, it's safe to conclude that if she's both, she drinks your blood
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    Shut up chu I'll bite you I'm not afraid of your STDs.

    what the

    i don't have any STDs what is this the inquisition
  • CorehealerCorehealer The Apothecary Your Dark Descent FriendRegistered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    Shut up chu I'll bite you I'm not afraid of your STDs.

    2ItqRJ7.jpgSteam/Origin/PSN: Corehealer / Core's Streamtastical Livestream (Streaming Wildstar Beta later this year).
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    @Corehealer @JacobKosh @Thomamelas @Desc @Riemannlives @Ronya

    I think I got most folks.

    So I broke down and bought Stardrive today and I am in the middle of a round as the Humans, mostly because I love the ship design they have. I was in a Battlestar mode. So here are my thoughts:

    First the general game is fun. I am using the governors on most planets just so I have stuff being made when I forget things. Since I have about 18 colonies now that is easy. I left Sol/Earth on manual and use it for ship production. In general that part feels good. The empire screen lets me move around and control almost all aspects but the queue without zooming in. Also kind of reminds me of GalCiv 2 in its planet design more than MoO2.

    The combat is nice. Space combat isn't overwhelming though I lost my prototype capital ship to the damn remants. Stuff looks neat. And sometimes you just have crazy amounts of bullets. Ground combat is pretty much Civ5 but automated and no ranged units. I have spider tanks though and that is cool. I have been mostly just bombing colonies into nothing though. Marines take more effort but the reward isn't large enough for me yet.

    But this stuff to me feels like just icing compared to the real heart of the game. Ship design. Holy crap it is amazing. I have focused on mostly ballistic weapons, shields and armor ignoring lasers. This means I have to carry ammo on my ships but I have less power generation requirements. This has led me to build focused ships. I have missile fighters for anti-capital ship attacks. I have pd bullet storm fighters for fighter to fighter. I have 3 corvettes with different purposes. I have 4 frigates. One is a bunch of forward guns and armor. One has missiles. And one has repair and resupply drones and keeps my fleets going. I just got up to cruisers. I made a cruiser with fighter bays, big guns, pd-defense, boarding shuttles, marines, ordnance production, tons of shields and missiles to help clear its rear. I am planning on basically building the Galatica with flack, missiles, big guns and fighters with its own repair and recover systems. There are even CiC, engineering and medbay items to put on ships and stations that give bonuses like more power, better control, repair and if warp core breaches.

    Another nice thing is that weapons are not using the rock paper scissors system. Shields are good at absorbing all damage but eat tons of power and once down and you have no armor your ship systems can be chipped apart. In general I love the space combat.

    Overall as a 4x it is pretty great. Races are fun to interact with. I have the mollusks with mind controlled owls, the samurai bears who speak in poetry, the piano playing plants and the mechanical bugs which I am currently taking over. Hoping to get the assimilation tech before their homeworld so I can steal their bonuses.

    Tech tree is pretty diverse and you do make decisions which is nice. As far as I can tell though, no tech victory just diplomacy and conquest.

    But overall as a 4x it is awesome.
  • AresProphetAresProphet giggle and the flames grow higher Registered User regular
    I just made a....mixture. It is greek yogurt, blackberries, and raw nopales. It fills a quart sized tupperware container but the total calories is < 500.

    This thing sounds weird but delicious

    I could probably get nopales around here too
    no more need for the old empire
    when the indigo children come
  • evilbobevilbob Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Raven stop doing weird things while you're drunk!

    She doesn't always. Sometimes she's just the getaway driver for people who do weird things.
  • simonwolfsimonwolf Registered User regular
    shalmelo wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    Nah, drunk girls who bite have been around way longer than her.


    I need to know for reasons
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    Cokebotle wrote: »
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Cokebotle wrote: »
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Cardcaptor Sakura had insane character design

    I used to love the look of the "cards" spirits

    Also I remember her friend who would sew her crazy costumes all the time and was probably in unrequited lesbian love with her

    Wasn't Sakura's brother gay?

    Did she have a brother?? I don't even remember

    She had some other magical type kinda boy she was in love with

    I always felt bad for Tomoyo, cockblocked by some pretty boy

    Gurl you go get yours

    The original also was more explicit about the nature of her brother's relationship with the other guy (totes yaoi bro)

    The romantic relationship between Sakura and Syaoran was also a lot more explicit

    The things we lose in translation and culture shift!

    Or just watch/read Tsubasa Chronicle. *shrug*

    The plus side there is that the full story is only if you also pay attention to xxxHolic (mostly the manga there, though).

    Well, this is where I point out that Tsubasa is very much a shonen text, while Card Captor Sakura was an outright shoujo text originally that got edited into something more shonen for its Western release, since Western girls don't watch cartoons, duh

    I didn't pay much attention to Tsubasa or xxxHolic, though, they didn't quite appeal to me

    True. xxxHolic is still one of my favorites, though.
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    simonwolf wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Cardcaptor Sakura had insane character design

    I used to love the look of the "cards" spirits

    Also I remember her friend who would sew her crazy costumes all the time and was probably in unrequited lesbian love with her

    Wasn't Sakura's brother gay?

    Did she have a brother?? I don't even remember

    She had some other magical type kinda boy she was in love with

    I always felt bad for Tomoyo, cockblocked by some pretty boy

    Gurl you go get yours

    The original also was more explicit about the nature of her brother's relationship with the other guy (totes yaoi bro)

    The romantic relationship between Sakura and Syaoran was also a lot more explicit

    The things we lose in translation and culture shift!

    God dammit! I was but a child, watching edited dubs on the WB 11's Saturday Morning Cartoon Block! LIKE A SCRUB!!

    Now I want to go back and watch it >_<

    I watched it again a few years ago, it holds up pretty well, and it's actually interesting to realise just how much stuff was edited or outright removed from the English release

    Same with Sailor Moon, actually

    I ended up getting all the unedited releases on DVD from my ex was surreal to see how much the show was edited for us audiences but at least we were spared from this


    I actually started watching this with friends back in college. It was hilariously terrible!

    But I stopped after a couple of episodes because I'm not going to watch a sleepover episode where middle school girls might fight another tentacle monster. So much 'NOPE' there.

    no no no

    that was Japan Live action SM you are thinking of

    Saban wanted to buy the US rights for the property and make it Power Rangers-esque thats what the trailer is

    The school life parts would be Live action with white actors and the combat parts were new animated sequences by some shitty Amercan company

    Luna was also a stuffed animal.
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular

    revolution is a super stupid show

    but the sight of gus fring jamming out to lionel ritchie is amazing
  • shalmeloshalmelo sees no evil Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    raven bites when she's drunk, steals when she's into you

    from this, it's safe to conclude that if she's both, she drinks your blood

    *consults scratch pad*

    The math does check out.
    Steam ID: Shalmelo || LoL: melo2boogaloo || tweets
  • Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    I just made a....mixture. It is greek yogurt, blackberries, and raw nopales. It fills a quart sized tupperware container but the total calories is < 500.

    This thing sounds weird but delicious

    I could probably get nopales around here too
    Even pre-cut nopales are HELLA cheap. The thing bubbles when you mix it though and it has the consistency of semen at times. It tastes really good though? I have no idea. I did this on a whim.
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    raven bites when she's drunk, steals when she's into you

    from this, it's safe to conclude that if she's both, she drinks your blood

    I don't get why the boys aren't all up in this.

    I'm a riot.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    When Notch starts drinking she is obsessed with getting "white girl wasted". I do not have the heart to tell her that she cannot be.

    This post took me a second to comprehend because the only Notch I know of is the dude behind Minecraft

    And now I kinda wanna see Minecraft Notch get white girl wasted
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Mazzyx better or worse than Endless Space?
  • shalmeloshalmelo sees no evil Registered User regular
    simonwolf wrote: »
    shalmelo wrote: »
    Organichu wrote: »
    raven is literally the reason that white girl wasted is a phrase

    Nah, drunk girls who bite have been around way longer than her.


    I need to know for reasons

    Some of them went to my high school.

    And based on Raven, I can confirm that central NY has been the habitat for several for quite a while now.
    Steam ID: Shalmelo || LoL: melo2boogaloo || tweets
  • SarksusSarksus TEN FUCKING DOLLARS Registered User regular
    Biting is for sex, not for violence!
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Biting is for sex, not for violence!


    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • WinkyWinky Registered User regular
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Biting is for sex, not for violence!

    Does eating fall under sex or violence?
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    i can't say i've known many people who get all whacky when they drink
  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    There once was a man onanistic
    And a doctor optometristic
    Evilbob, said the doc
    Let go of your ----
    For your vision I'm not optimistic
This discussion has been closed.