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confused old [chat]



  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Honk wrote: »
    I programmed a raytracer graphics engine where you can move the camera around.

    I have maybe 30 polygons on screen and only ambient lighting.

    And at a 500x500px resolution the frame rate is one frame each 8 seconds. So 0.125 fps.

    I guess that is why raytracers are not used for games.

    I once had a conversation with a friend of mine that went:

    "So dude, what's cooking in these newfangled eksbawkses?"

    "Well, there IS a rumour going around about a dedicated raytracer chip being soldered in there..."

    "*hack* *snort*"


    "We've had raytracers FOREEEVERRR, that's not NEW!"


    Somehow, and I'm not much of a techie but still, I get the feeling someone didn't quite know what a dedicated raytracer means.
    Zephiran on
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    Yea, and there's reasons why horsemen are the biggest losers at the race track.. ;)
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • MimMim Registered User regular
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    Mim wrote: »
    IG]Oh SNAP


    Mim, I may just go seek to get that stalker approval after all. ^.^

    I'm not that fit nor do I want to be. I'd rather have Noomi Rapace's body from Prometheus

    Oh Noomi, how you stir lust and envy within me

  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Like I get if you are all "MEMES MAKE US HUMAN"

    I'm down with that. I think that is the best idea Dawkins ever had. (a lot of people disagree)

    And if you are like "CULTURE HELPS US BE MORE FIT" yehp okay

    Just to be clear here- fitness doesn't mean anything but "survives to reproduce better than other organisms"
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod

    After reading your postings I've decided you're a deeply dark individual.

    Also, apparently you're someone who can comment on what is involved/is it worth it to get CISCO certed as I'm looking at a career in the field if possible (going back to school and all that).

    Don't compliment him like this!




    which one is ludious?
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    @Arch Whatever you say, chief! Some light reading and we can talk about the merits if you want:

    I believe meme theory articulates a lot of the whys for things. Especially cultural differences.

    You still haven't said anything. Evolutionary game theory is basically bullshit.

    Here, lets look at some data.

    This paper by Byars et al did a lot of fancy math, but the takeaway is pretty nice, and directly contradicts whatever the heck you were trying to say about "thinning bloodlines" or whatever.
    We found that natural selection is acting to cause slow, gradual evolutionary change. The descendants of these women are predicted to be on average slightly shorter and stouter, to have lower total cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure, to have their first child earlier, and to reach menopause later than they would in the absence of evolution. Selection is tending to lengthen the reproductive period at both ends.

    Before we continue- whether or not darwinian selection is operating on humans is still under debate. Most of the studies are drawn from historical records and genealogies, and it is kind of hard to backtrack accurately to get heritability and accurately estimate evolutionary parameters.

    Milot et al also tried to estimate selection in a human population, and came to a similar result.
    Here we study life-history variation in an insular preindustrial French-Canadian population and apply a recently proposed conservative approach to testing microevolutionary responses to selection. As reported for other such societies, natural selection favored an earlier age at first reproduction (AFR) among women. AFR was also highly heritable and genetically correlated to fitness, predicting a microevolutionary change toward earlier reproduction.

    These are just two examples, but they serve to illustrate my point- while potentially true that selection is operating on humans, if anything we have been consistently selecting for ease of reproduction, so if anything we are becoming more fit, in a classical selection idea. That is, it is becoming easier and easier for people to reproduce, and to do so earlier. (One of those studies, I forget which, found that early male death was the biggest selective agent in humans. That is, dying before reproducing. Duh.) We seem to be evolving towards reducing that gap.

    What the fuck are you talking about? I've never said anything about pure blood lines, I said the reverse, and what does this have to do with meme theory?
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • HonkHonk Registered User regular
    Honk wrote: »
    I programmed a raytracer graphics engine where you can move the camera around.

    I have maybe 30 polygons on screen and only ambient lighting.

    And at a 500x500px resolution the frame rate is one frame each 8 seconds. So 0.125 fps.

    I guess that is why raytracers are not used for games.

    there are probably a lot of optimizations possible in your engine but pretty much yeah

    Yup! The most obvious ones is that it still computes for backfaces, and it computes for covered pixels as well. Basically every ray intersection.

    But yes, in this case even that improvement should only take off maybe 1/10th of the calculations which would still make it slow. :P
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    Like I get if you are all "MEMES MAKE US HUMAN"

    I'm down with that. I think that is the best idea Dawkins ever had. (a lot of people disagree)

    And if you are like "CULTURE HELPS US BE MORE FIT" yehp okay

    Just to be clear here- fitness doesn't mean anything but "survives to reproduce better than other organisms"


    Don't forget about kin selection >.>

    Though that's probably just a footnote here.
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    These buns of steel confirm your definition of fitness, Arch.
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Overpopulation is very real, and one if the reasons I have my libertarians leanings. I prefer to let Darwinism sort it out than government.
    Or they just make weaker and weaker lineages until the bloodline ends naturally. Darwinism works, social Darwinism isn't my thing as I'm no fan if Nazi interpretations of Nietzsche, but in an information based capitalistic democracy, I believe there is some merit in using census and aptitude test data for sociological predictions, and so does your government.

    I literally don't know what these mean, or what you are trying to say.

    The first is patently false, and the second is biologically meaningless
  • visiblehowlvisiblehowl Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.
    "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it."

    "Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    Excuse me he's an entomologist.

    What have insects ever done for science?

    okay sarah palin

    ouch ookay that even hurt me
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    I'm sad my entymologist/etymologist origin of words/the species joke went unappreciated.

    You philistines.
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.
    Mortious on
  • EriktheVikingGamerEriktheVikingGamer Barbara Streisand! Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.

    That's just evolution at work. SCIENCE!
    Youtube channel: SuperVikingGamer
    Current Playthroughs: Neverwinter Closed Beta|Let's Build! Sim City
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.

    Alt answer: people really knowledgable about anything are cool.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • ElendilElendil Registered User regular
    neckbeards are the sexiest

    i call them sexbeards
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Using artificially guided selection lines (i.e. horses for racing) as an analogue to selective forces acting on human populations currently, while a good thought experiment to get at the foundations, does not paint an accurate picture of evolution in humans.

    I know that Darwin used domesticated stocks to form the basis of natural selection theory, but that was over a hundred years ago.

    Plus artificial and natural selection are different things.

    EDIT: not that this is your point, but I am just saying that it is in no way anywhere near the whole story, and isn't directly comparable.
    Arch on
  • Donkey KongDonkey Kong and a cast of thousands Registered User regular
    I am an entenmannsologist.
  • MadCaddyMadCaddy Riksadvokate Registered User regular
    I am not against the mixing of races, and believe that broadening species exposure in blood STRENGTHENS species, and primes them for adaptation/evolution. It's widely known that thoroughbreds today are weaker because of the specified breeding to the original three, but they still have traits in certain lineages, but this is completely off the topic I thought we were talking about, and I'm just flabbergasted.

    Let me state again, I am in no way a supremacist of any sort, and encourage people to mate with whoever/whatever they want, and I was speaking about meme theory alone, and had a fuck up with my phrasing due to me multi tasking.

    The fact that people would seriously be thinking Id be espousing hate vitriol is just about the most unnerving thing I've ever heard. Please make beautiful babies with whoever you love, and look beyond class as surfaces can be deceiving,
    League of Legends: SorryNotRly Steam: MMForYourHealth Hero Academy: MadCaddy
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.

    Alt answer: people really knowledgable about anything are cool.

    Hmm, I guess since there's no bias here I can believe that.
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.

    Alt answer: people really knowledgable about anything are cool.

    let me talk to you about homestuck
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Cinders wrote:
    Chanus wrote:
    My sister teaches high school English and her students are currently reading A Modest Proposal.

    They made this for her

    Chanus on
    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    Mortious wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.

    Alt answer: people really knowledgable about anything are cool.

    Let me tell you about allocating costs.
  • wanderingwandering Registered User regular
    Elendil wrote: »
    neckbeards are the sexiest

    i call them sexbeards
  • simonwolfsimonwolf Registered User regular
    I think I only have two classes today

    Should I bring my lappy and spend my free time (after Japanese revision, of course) writing up these dumb ol' logs for my super boring Cathar game

    or should I sit, quietly, staring out the window

    mulling on half-formed thoughts of where my life went so wrong
  • Sir LandsharkSir Landshark Registered User regular
    i still dont really know what homestuck is i just wanted to fit in and make a hip joke : /
    Please consider the environment before printing this post.
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    I am not against the mixing of races, and believe that broadening species exposure in blood STRENGTHENS species, and primes them for adaptation/evolution. It's widely known that thoroughbreds today are weaker because of the specified breeding to the original three, but they still have traits in certain lineages, but this is completely off the topic I thought we were talking about, and I'm just flabbergasted.

    Let me state again, I am in no way a supremacist of any sort, and encourage people to mate with whoever/whatever they want, and I was speaking about meme theory alone, and had a fuck up with my phrasing due to me multi tasking.

    The fact that people would seriously be thinking Id be espousing hate vitriol is just about the most unnerving thing I've ever heard. Please make beautiful babies with whoever you love, and look beyond class as surfaces can be deceiving,

    For the record, I don't think you were being hateful.

    Just incorrectly using evolutionary theory and applying it badly to societal problems.

    Which I guess for me is a little offensive, but I didn't think you were Hitler or anything.
  • CindersCinders Registered User regular
    Chanus, it doesn't work that way.
  • TTODewbackTTODewback Pink haired tyrant On my throne of forum faces.Registered User regular
    So I can pick up CBS and FOX just fine. This is acceptable. Next I need to get my computer moved and look into internets.
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    Excuse me he's an entomologist.

    What have insects ever done for science?

    okay sarah palin

    ouch ookay that even hurt me

    I almost made a reference to fruit flies specifically but that would've kinda hurt my soul to emulate her more than the slightest bit.
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    I have no need to talk to you about your idiotic worldview later, MadCaddy.

    Humans are not horses.

    : \
  • ArchArch Trust me, I'm a scientist Registered User regular
    Also I'm fairly certain thoroughbreds are weaker due to inbreeding depression, and this is like the opposite of natural selection, so again you can't really say "Darwinism" here

    But I also don't know a lot about horses

    And also I hate horses
  • Ravenhpltc24Ravenhpltc24 Registered User regular
    Cinders wrote: »
    Mortious wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.

    Alt answer: people really knowledgable about anything are cool.

    Let me tell you about allocating costs.

    Yes, teach me the ways of the monies!
    Mortious wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Chanus wrote: »
    Just to be clear

    Arch is a biologist

    A sexy biologist

    You know that's redundant, right?

    Ah, good, so now I know how to answer when people ask me if my sister is hot.

    Yeah biologists are hotties. True facts.

    Bias detected.

    Alt. answer: Techies are cool.

    Alt answer: people really knowledgable about anything are cool.

    let me talk to you about homestuck

    Yeah I'll pass.
    (V) ( ;,,; ) (V)
  • ChanusChanus Registered User regular
    Cinders wrote: »
    Chanus, it doesn't work that way.

    Feck, shite, feck, shite, feck, shite, arse!
    Sarksus wrote: »
    Chanus take my quote out of your signature anyway. It's out of context and makes people think I'm afraid or hate vaginas!
  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    So today I find out, by doing some hobby surgery in the bathroom mirror, that there's a pimple inside one of my pimples.

    And it's right on my nose too.

    How the fuck did that get there.
  • simonwolfsimonwolf Registered User regular
    i still dont really know what homestuck is i just wanted to fit in and make a hip joke : /

    Keep it that way
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