Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

The [STEAM] thread



  • ShadeShade Registered User regular
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    A bunch of folks have been gifting this hot new game System Shock 2...

    Whats sad is that I've never actually played System Shock 2. I bought it back in the day and my computer at the time couldn't run it. I ended up giving it to a friend and going back to playing the quest for glory games.
  • CroakerBCCroakerBC YorkRegistered User regular
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    Seriously, System Shock 2 and AOE2.

    People have also been talking up:

    Monaco (Top down co-op heist simulator)
    StarDrive (4x with samurai bears)
    FX2 Pinball (because..pinball?)
    Farcry3: Blood Dragon (80's themed FPS)
    Defiance (another SF MMO, tied to..a US TV show, I think?)

    Haven't got play experience with those five though - but buzz has been solid, esp for Monaco/Blood Dragon.
  • DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    Sacred 2 Gold is $6.79 over at GMG here. Steamkey.
    Steam ID: DoctorArch Xbox Live: DoctorArch
  • rikdalyrikdaly Registered User regular
    DoctorArch wrote: »
    Sacred 2 Gold is $6.79 over at GMG here. Steamkey.

    you can also use GMG20-GGN5D-FC3NA for 20% off
  • Lindsey LohanLindsey Lohan Registered User regular
    CroakerBC wrote: »
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    Seriously, System Shock 2 and AOE2.

    People have also been talking up:

    Monaco (Top down co-op heist simulator)
    StarDrive (4x with samurai bears)
    FX2 Pinball (because..pinball?)
    Farcry3: Blood Dragon (80's themed FPS)
    Defiance (another SF MMO, tied to..a US TV show, I think?)

    Haven't got play experience with those five though - but buzz has been solid, esp for Monaco/Blood Dragon.

    Wait... Samurai Bears?
  • iRevertiRevert Tactical Martha Stewart Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I guess even though it isn't steam I'll mention it, Battlefield 3 and BF3 Premium (all the map packs) are on sale right now $10 for all the map packs and (in two days) $5 for the base game on amazon.

    Premium valid only in the US and Canada unless you get creative or have someone proxy for you.
    iRevert on
  • DrakeDrake Blow it all up ForeverRegistered User regular
    InkSplat wrote: »
    InkSplat wrote: »
    I'm left handed and picked up a guitar and Rocksmith a while ago. I kind of wish I had picked up a right handed guitar and just powered through it though, just because learning left means I'll never be able to just pick up someone else's guitar and play, which is kind of a bummer.

    Interesting fact!

    Originally right-handers played the guitar the way we know as right-handed because generally the more intricate part of the song was the picking, so the dominant hand was used for that. With modern music (some examples notwithstanding), the more intricate parts tend to be done with the fingering hand :winky: , so left-handers that play right-handed (like myself) can sometimes have a slight advantage.

    Unfortunately getting rid of a left handed guitar is kind of a bitch, so I'm stuck wit a left-handed Strat. :P

    Just string it in reverse order if you want to learn how to play right handed.

  • Banzai5150Banzai5150 Registered User regular
    I have returned.. without an Axe :( I was trying to stay in the $100-$150 range and couldn't find anything that I really liked. So next month I'll bump that range to the $250 and there were quite a few in that range already so I have hopes. And to be clear, I'm not looking for a great axe, but I had a chinese Squire when they first came out and hated about everything about it so I'm being a bit picky this time.
    GFWL: ObsoletePaper
    PA Steam Coupon List
  • iRevertiRevert Tactical Martha Stewart Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Banzai5150 wrote: »
    I have returned.. without an Axe :( I was trying to stay in the $100-$150 range and couldn't find anything that I really liked. So next month I'll bump that range to the $250 and there were quite a few in that range already so I have hopes. And to be clear, I'm not looking for a great axe, but I had a chinese Squire when they first came out and hated about everything about it so I'm being a bit picky this time.

    Any reason why a Gransfors Bruks isn't good enough for you?
    you still could technically shred with one

    iRevert on
  • Unco-ordinatedUnco-ordinated Registered User regular
    Would it be a good idea to pre-order Total War: Rome II from GMG before the 25% discount expires? I'm just not sure if there'll be a better deal before September.
    Steam ID - LiquidSolid170 | PSN ID - LiquidSolid | Backloggery
  • Banzai5150Banzai5150 Registered User regular
    iRevert wrote: »
    Banzai5150 wrote: »
    I have returned.. without an Axe :( I was trying to stay in the $100-$150 range and couldn't find anything that I really liked. So next month I'll bump that range to the $250 and there were quite a few in that range already so I have hopes. And to be clear, I'm not looking for a great axe, but I had a chinese Squire when they first came out and hated about everything about it so I'm being a bit picky this time.

    Any reason why a Gransfors Bruks isn't good enough for you?
    you still could technically shred with one

    I have wee little girly hands and those are too manly for me to hold!
    GFWL: ObsoletePaper
    PA Steam Coupon List
  • LuchaireLuchaire Registered User regular
    CroakerBC wrote: »
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    Seriously, System Shock 2 and AOE2.

    People have also been talking up:

    Monaco (Top down co-op heist simulator)
    StarDrive (4x with samurai bears)
    FX2 Pinball (because..pinball?)
    Farcry3: Blood Dragon (80's themed FPS)
    Defiance (another SF MMO, tied to..a US TV show, I think?)

    Haven't got play experience with those five though - but buzz has been solid, esp for Monaco/Blood Dragon.

    Wait... Samurai Bears?

    Samurai Bears.

    That makes it an instant must-have. :D
  • Dyvim TvarDyvim Tvar Evil Snake Cult Leader Registered User regular
    Well I know what I want for a killstreak in the next CoD game.
  • InkSplatInkSplat 100%ed Bad Rats. Registered User regular
    Drake wrote: »
    InkSplat wrote: »
    InkSplat wrote: »
    I'm left handed and picked up a guitar and Rocksmith a while ago. I kind of wish I had picked up a right handed guitar and just powered through it though, just because learning left means I'll never be able to just pick up someone else's guitar and play, which is kind of a bummer.

    Interesting fact!

    Originally right-handers played the guitar the way we know as right-handed because generally the more intricate part of the song was the picking, so the dominant hand was used for that. With modern music (some examples notwithstanding), the more intricate parts tend to be done with the fingering hand :winky: , so left-handers that play right-handed (like myself) can sometimes have a slight advantage.

    Unfortunately getting rid of a left handed guitar is kind of a bitch, so I'm stuck wit a left-handed Strat. :P

    Just string it in reverse order if you want to learn how to play right handed.

    Unfortunately it isn't as simple as that.
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    CroakerBC wrote: »
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    Seriously, System Shock 2 and AOE2.

    People have also been talking up:

    Monaco (Top down co-op heist simulator)
    StarDrive (4x with samurai bears)
    FX2 Pinball (because..pinball?)
    Farcry3: Blood Dragon (80's themed FPS)
    Defiance (another SF MMO, tied to..a US TV show, I think?)

    Haven't got play experience with those five though - but buzz has been solid, esp for Monaco/Blood Dragon.

    Wait... Samurai Bears?

    Also, Pinball FX 2 is amasing, addictive digital crack that will rape a wallet, even if shes willing.
    The sound of eight hooves reaches his ears, comes from the heavenly light, two wolves howls fills his heart with fear, and he sees two ravens fly. Down from the sky a warlord rides, like fire his one eye glows, and just before the preacher dies he knows his god is false.
  • HounHoun Jump In Save the WorldRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Since I bought a WiiU, I find the 360 controller's button assignments horribly confusing. I press A when I want B and X when I want Y. Who were the jerks that did that?

    Houn on
    Steam: DigitalArcanist | XBoxLive: DigitalArcanist | PSN: DigitalArcanist | Backloggery: Houn
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    CroakerBC wrote: »
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    Seriously, System Shock 2 and AOE2.

    People have also been talking up:

    Monaco (Top down co-op heist simulator)
    StarDrive (4x with samurai bears)
    FX2 Pinball (because..pinball?)
    Farcry3: Blood Dragon (80's themed FPS)
    Defiance (another SF MMO, tied to..a US TV show, I think?)

    Haven't got play experience with those five though - but buzz has been solid, esp for Monaco/Blood Dragon.

    You forgot Prime World: Defenders...
  • Lindsey LohanLindsey Lohan Registered User regular
    Cantido wrote: »
    CroakerBC wrote: »
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    Seriously, System Shock 2 and AOE2.

    People have also been talking up:

    Monaco (Top down co-op heist simulator)
    StarDrive (4x with samurai bears)
    FX2 Pinball (because..pinball?)
    Farcry3: Blood Dragon (80's themed FPS)
    Defiance (another SF MMO, tied to..a US TV show, I think?)

    Haven't got play experience with those five though - but buzz has been solid, esp for Monaco/Blood Dragon.

    Wait... Samurai Bears?

    Also, Pinball FX 2 is amasing, addictive digital crack that will rape a wallet, even if shes willing.

    Oh I know... but I've decided to only invest in tables for the Wii U so I can play on the game pad while the family watches TV. So far I have all the Marvel stuff.
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    A word of warning for those that are picking up La-Mulana, there's some crazy cryptic puzzles later on.
  • HawkstoneHawkstone Registered User regular
    Hawkstone wrote: »
    Took a week off for my birthday...recommend me some cheap steam guys. I have a mediocre gaming laptop so nothing to much on the graphics intense side.

    Gemeni Rue
    Binding of Isaac
    Ben There, Dan That
    Broken Sword Trilogy
    Cave Story+
    Critter Crunch
    Costume Quest
    Deus Ex
    The Dig
    Dungeons of Dredmor
    Faerie Solitaire
    Fate of the World
    Frozen Synapse
    Hotline Miami
    Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
    Kentucky Route Zero
    Lone Survivor
    The Penny-Arcade Games (On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness)
    Puzzle Agent
    Revenge of the Titans
    Starseed Pilgrim
    Super Hexagon
    Super Meat Boy
    Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP
    System Shock 2
    To The Moon
    Unity of Command

    I'm sure I'm missing plenty. Make sure you wait for a Steam sale, don't just buy games straight up.

    Thanks to all that made suggestions...system shock 2 was the winner.
    We are not low.
  • vegeta_666vegeta_666 CanadaRegistered User regular
    Would it be a good idea to pre-order Total War: Rome II from GMG before the 25% discount expires? I'm just not sure if there'll be a better deal before September.

    That will probably be the best deal but, GMG will most likely offer it on and off all the way up until release. 20% at least for sure.
    Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin |
    Defiance: Alaria/noautomobilesgo
  • Unco-ordinatedUnco-ordinated Registered User regular
    vegeta_666 wrote: »
    Would it be a good idea to pre-order Total War: Rome II from GMG before the 25% discount expires? I'm just not sure if there'll be a better deal before September.

    That will probably be the best deal but, GMG will most likely offer it on and off all the way up until release. 20% at least for sure.

    Yeah, I can remember them offering 20% discounts quite a few times before, I just wasn't sure if they'd go up to 25% again. I know I'm going to get it day one anyway but it feels weird pre-ordering this far out. I dunno, I guess I'll make a decision over the next couple of days. Thanks for the help.
    Steam ID - LiquidSolid170 | PSN ID - LiquidSolid | Backloggery
  • MortiousMortious Move to New Zealand Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    I have a 75% off Steam coupon for Total War Shogun 2

    Valid until 24/5/2013 05:00:00

    So if anybody wants it, shoot me a PM and I'll gift it to you after work.
  • Lindsey LohanLindsey Lohan Registered User regular
    Anyone want a Steam key for Blood Bowl Legendary? I already own it from an Amazon sale awhile back...
  • DissociaterDissociater Registered User regular
    Is there blood in it?
  • Al BaronAl Baron Registered User regular
    So, who likes gamification?

  • iRevertiRevert Tactical Martha Stewart Registered User regular
    Is there blood in it?

    Literally bowls of it
  • Lindsey LohanLindsey Lohan Registered User regular
    Is there blood in it?

    Would you like to find out? I can arrange for you to view said bowls for content (aka I can PM you the code if you want it).
  • KafkaAUKafkaAU Registered User regular
    If you play halflings against dwarves. Yes, lots of blood.
    Origin: KafkaAU
  • IoloIolo Registered User regular
    What (and/or) where is that, @Al Baron?

  • KrummithKrummith Registered User regular
    Just finished the last episode of Back To The Future: The Game. I was pleasantly surprised by it. The voice acting was quite good, and the guy who is imitating Michael J Fox does a good job of it. The puzzles were not overly challenging, and the story was very amusing. The last 5 minutes or so made me sad that there isn't a second season, because the possibilities for the next story seemed really interesting.
    I'm always looking for new steam friends!
  • Al BaronAl Baron Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Iolo wrote: »
    What (and/or) where is that, @Al Baron?
    It's gone now, but they push a beta of a new profile page which is basically Gamerscore for your Steam stuff. It will probably make use of that trading card thing to spruce up your profile.

    Al Baron on
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    Al Baron wrote: »
    Iolo wrote: »
    What (and/or) where is that, @Al Baron?
    It's gone now, but they push a beta of a new profile page which is basically Gamerscore for your Steam stuff. It will probably make use of that trading card thing to spruce up your profile.

    Kinda neat but so much wasted space. Big Picture has an expected way it will be viewed; they don't need to have those zomgheug bars on the side and center everything using only 1/2 of the overall screenspace.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    Luchaire wrote: »
    CroakerBC wrote: »
    Handgimp wrote: »
    So what's the new hotness, anyway?

    Seriously, System Shock 2 and AOE2.

    People have also been talking up:

    Monaco (Top down co-op heist simulator)
    StarDrive (4x with samurai bears)
    FX2 Pinball (because..pinball?)
    Farcry3: Blood Dragon (80's themed FPS)
    Defiance (another SF MMO, tied to..a US TV show, I think?)

    Haven't got play experience with those five though - but buzz has been solid, esp for Monaco/Blood Dragon.

    Wait... Samurai Bears?

    Samurai Bears.

    That makes it an instant must-have. :D

    Be warned the game has some performance issues towards the end game if you go for a big galaxy with lots of star systems. However in my experience so far going for a max size galaxy really just means you have more clean up when you get around to committing genocide on the galactic scale. Ground combat is also kind of poop right now.

    That said? The game is a lot of fun. Combat is entertaining, races are pretty awesome (fuck yes there are Space Bear Samurai) and the ship design is a silly amount of fun. Best 4x game I've played in years.
  • EvilMonkeyEvilMonkey Registered User regular
    Krummith wrote: »
    Just finished the last episode of Back To The Future: The Game. I was pleasantly surprised by it. The voice acting was quite good, and the guy who is imitating Michael J Fox does a good job of it. The puzzles were not overly challenging, and the story was very amusing. The last 5 minutes or so made me sad that there isn't a second season, because the possibilities for the next story seemed really interesting.

    I'm right at the end I think. I was grinning like an idiot during the first 2 episodes but then
    Doc disappears
    and I just kept thinking that the BttF theories had been broken. But I guess there's enough problems in the trilogy if you look too hard.
    [PSN: SciencePiggy] [Steam]
  • Banzai5150Banzai5150 Registered User regular
    Knock HL:1 off my backlog, only HL:2 to finish and then I can join the masses.
    GFWL: ObsoletePaper
    PA Steam Coupon List
  • TeeManTeeMan Registered User regular
    Shade wrote: »

    I promised I'd name a squad member in Xcom after you and I did.

    You're a buxom blonde with a shotgun and are still alive. Matter of fact you are the only one still alive after being mind controlled and then slaughtering your former teammates for your new alien masters. I'm reloading my last save now.....

    It's good to see I'm virtually portraying to you what XCOM truly is about - fucking whatever plans you thought you had.
    Steam: TeeMan
    GOG: hellisforheroes
    Tumblr: BrainSpoon
This discussion has been closed.