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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    so i decided to pick support. actually call the role and wanted to do well for my team.

    ADC DCd at the start of the game. Towers pushed in under 10 minutes. GG.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    I tried playing Warwick, sadly the channel decrease isn't really noticeable, but ending up in front of them for the ult is surprisingly helpful.

    So Mordekaiser's new recommended items put spectral wraith in essential and don't have Wota at all. While it makes sense, it makes me shed a single tear that even Riot thinks Wota is so bad that not even Mordekaiser should buy it and a jungle item is better.

    I am enjoying the tears from Zed and TF players.
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular

    it's probably because i'm a fan of the song.

    but this made me laugh way too hard.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    I tried playing Warwick, sadly the channel decrease isn't really noticeable, but ending up in front of them for the ult is surprisingly helpful.

    0.6 seconds of extra time means practically nothing; at level 18 with a BoRK, that might amount to a single auto attack extra.
  • JookieJookie Registered User regular
    Instead of saying a champion is disabled due to a bug they should just loop Skarner ulting said champion in place of the message.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    Coinage wrote: »
    I tried playing Warwick, sadly the channel decrease isn't really noticeable, but ending up in front of them for the ult is surprisingly helpful.
    0.6 seconds of extra time means practically nothing; at level 18 with a BoRK, that might amount to a single auto attack extra.
    Well yeah I know it would be an extra auto attack at most, but I was hoping I would at least feel the difference, if they made Dazzle .6 seconds longer people would notice, but I guess when you're CCing yourself it's not the same.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Jookie wrote: »
    I personally think that he feels Fiora is a bad jungler (which she kind of is-she won't really hit critical mass with the lower income and she needs red buff and lane CC to get kills in a gank) and since he used her as an example he kind of just has to keep going back to it. He probably has plenty of champions that he hates a lot too, I can't imagine he'd be a huge fan of Shyvana or Yi jungle either, for example. If I were to play Fiora mid would probably be the only place for me to go with her since I wouldn't be comfortable with her up top. Which means I might know what I'm doing for my next game or two to see how I like it.

    Even though I came off a game as raid boss mid Jarvan. Ulting Ashe for 765 damage post "mitigation" is no joke.

    If I remember right, the first time in his "this is why your jungler hates you" video that he mentioned Fiora, he was talking shit about her as a laner, saying she has no CC to help the jungler with the gank and that's why she sucks. The moral of the story is, some random player of league who makes youtube videos doesn't necessarily have an opinion that is worthy of consideration in this regard.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So after last nights AFK and then feeder fiasco. In order to just win games and move forward to gold, I title this: "When In doubt"

    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • KhavallKhavall Registered User regular
    I don't know why people play carrys that aren't Bluereal
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    I honestly don't get why people hate playing support so much. Like, the biggest thing that causes me stress and saps my attention while playing is Last Hitting. For the first 2-3 levels, I usually end up missing the last hits on at least 2 minions per wave unless I go like solid AD runes and quints. When you play support you can just completely ignore that aspect of the game all together and focus 100% on keeping your partner alive and setting up kills.

    Not that I'm complaining, I love never having to fight over being support (until I run into duo-queuers who insist on bottoming together).
  • KhavallKhavall Registered User regular
    Raiden333 wrote: »
    I honestly don't get why people hate playing support so much. Like, the biggest thing that causes me stress and saps my attention while playing is Last Hitting. For the first 2-3 levels, I usually end up missing the last hits on at least 2 minions per wave unless I go like solid AD runes and quints. When you play support you can just completely ignore that aspect of the game all together and focus 100% on keeping your partner alive and setting up kills.

    Not that I'm complaining, I love never having to fight over being support (until I run into duo-queuers who insist on bottoming together).

    The main reason I don't like support is because I've had really, really shitty ADCs, and support is the hardest position to carry from.

    I loooooooove adc-ing. I love mid. I love jungling. I like supporting with a good ADC.

    But 0/2/25 isn't nearly as fun of a number to have as 10/1/5. And 0/8/0 makes you look and feel terrible when your ADC can't do shit.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I don't like support because it's just not my playstyle. I like to scrap, and I like playing certain types of champions.
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Khavall wrote: »
    I don't know why people play carrys that aren't Bluereal
    It is the closest it gets right now to the ideal Ezreal build supporting what his kit and play patterns need to promote.

    But if you want to right click someone's face off then you can do it early game with Cait or lategame with iEdge Jayce dropping 3x1500 hypercharge crits on a 4 second cooldown. Either way Piltover has you covered.
  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    blue ez doesn't do traditional carry damage, but his super usefulness con perma aoe slow is why it's good

    but sometimes it's better to do traditional carry damage
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Support is a stupid role that shouldn't be in the game as is

    Your position is to willingly be the worst champion on the team so the more important champion can get stronger faster

    You have to base your pick off of what the adc picks without asking you anything. Take all their shit the entire game. Be expected to hang around them and be the first one blamed for their deaths.

    It's an abusive relationship every game and riot should remove the viability of 0 CS support
    That was true in S2, not really now. And I base my pick off the enemy bot lane, I largely ignore any requests my team's ad makes.
  • KhavallKhavall Registered User regular
    I think what I love most about Bluereal is that while I love ADCing with anyone, Bluereal is a goddamn different game, and it's so fun
  • Cucco LeaderCucco Leader Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I like playing support Thresh in 3's. I do wish all supports were viable as damage builds though. I really like the idea of Sona, Janna, and Soraka. I just wish I could play them as AP's and not be shooting myself in the foot.
    Cucco Leader on
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    I like playing support Thresh in 3's. I do wish all supports were viable as damage builds though. I really like the idea of Sona, Janna, and Soraka. I just wish I could play them as AP's and not be shooting myself in the foot.
    The problem is that a damage support becomes on OP mid.
  • WhiteSharkWhiteShark Registered User regular
    bluereal does actually do traditional carry damage up until the right click build gets its 6th item
  • Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    Khavall wrote: »
    I think what I love most about Bluereal is that while I love ADCing with anyone, Bluereal is a goddamn different game, and it's so fun

    I like bluereal because it appeals to my innate adc cowardice.

    I hate bluereal because sometimes you've gotta go and be a man.

    Overall I still dislike ezreal, despite my 80% winrate with him.
  • PenumbraPenumbra Registered User regular
    I feel like I should have unlocked an achievement tonight.

    I "forced" a teammate to quit a beginner bot match because I was trying to see how support Morgana. I was teamed up on the bottom with a Blitzcrank, and I kept killing the other team on accident with my ranged AA, this happened 4 times before I wandered to mid to help Lissandra kill Annie and move onto the tower. Unfortunately as I arrived, so did the Cho`Gath & Taric bot. After Lissandra yelled at me for being bad and to "stay the hell out of her lane" she just up and left, AFTER I apologized.

    And the game was a failure, because I didn't get to do any kind of support action.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I played the young Thresh Prince top lane AD earlier and smashed a Renekton. It was too funny. My extra damage on passive hits when I'd go back to lane was like 500+ damage.
  • RedThornRedThorn Registered User regular
    The tragedy of the scaling Karthus build. "Aw yeah son, got my Tear and Rod, so I can start building some damage now!" The enemy team has surrendered 4 votes to 0.
    League of Legends: Drokmir
    Steam: Drokmir
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    RedThorn wrote: »
    The tragedy of the scaling Karthus build. "Aw yeah son, got my Tear and Rod, so I can start building some damage now!" The enemy team has surrendered 4 votes to 0.

    This is kind of how I feel about Shaco.

    I can do well enough early game, but man... Right around the time I finally get a hydra+yuumuus its usually a win or loss already. So I don't get to kill people 3v1.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Support is a stupid role that shouldn't be in the game as is

    Your position is to willingly be the worst champion on the team so the more important champion can get stronger faster

    You have to base your pick off of what the adc picks without asking you anything. Take all their shit the entire game. Be expected to hang around them and be the first one blamed for their deaths.

    It's an abusive relationship every game and riot should remove the viability of 0 CS support

    I kinda disagree with this. Does this mean I'm trapped in my abusive relationship? :?
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    no it means that you don't think a role should change just because you don't enjoy playing it
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Sometimes in ARAM, you just get a team where you know everything is going to be all right no matter what the enemy's team is.

    Raiden333 on
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    no it means that you don't think a role should change just because you don't enjoy playing it

    More importantly I'd say the support throws more abuse:


    supports are actually the prima donna's of League.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    The following fun things were played by me tonight:

    Kha'zix mid - Fun to play a stupid champ sometimes and just crush easy mode.
    Thresh prince top - AD Thresh is just fun.
    Middlesticks - I'm terrible at Fiddlesticks, but doesn't matter caw caw caw.
    Urgot top - Beat up on a Kha'zix actually. Such a fun champ to play mechanically.
  • StragintStragint Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Gonna try to win a game as Malz, let me know how I do.

    No talking, just music. Also a normal match.
    Stragint on
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Support is a stupid role that shouldn't be in the game as is

    Your position is to willingly be the worst champion on the team so the more important champion can get stronger faster

    You have to base your pick off of what the adc picks without asking you anything. Take all their shit the entire game. Be expected to hang around them and be the first one blamed for their deaths.

    It's an abusive relationship every game and riot should remove the viability of 0 CS support

    Agreed. And really, the fact that 0 CS support in specific is not only viable, but ideal, indicates a scaling balance issue so substantial that abusing it becomes near mandatory to win.

    Supports need better AP ratios, perhaps AP ratios on the support effects (You get 30 Armor + 0.02 AP Armor), and ADCs need to scale a touch less well with gold.
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Or accept the fact that a lot of people enjoy support the way it is. Supports are strong early and dont really scale. Carries are weak early but scale.

    Hot damn, its almost like they balanced that shit.

    Support is a challenging and interesting role that requires you have better resource management and be able to do quite a few tasks at once. It lets you get out of that shitty last hit grind stone and I'm glad for it when I just don't feel like it.

    A good carry should be pushing waves for their gold. A good support should be pushing objectives for theirs.

    "A lot" meaning that most games, someone needs to be bribed, threatened, or cajoled into playing it, right? It's WOW all over again "LF Healer. PST."

    I enjoy protecting other players too, which is why Shen has been my favorite tank since release. But the thing is, while a lot of people might enjoy support if it was powerful, it's exceedingly difficult to find people who want to play 0 CS support time and time again.

    Moreover, balance issues are still balance issues. A slight late game / early game skew is fine, but there's a reason Urgot was nerfed into oblivion, and it was because his early game was too strong.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    There are 4 income streams and 5 players, and some champions are always going to scale better with gold than others. There is no way for Riot to get rid of 0 CS support.
  • StrikaStrika Registered User regular
    What champs would you guys recommend against a Zed mid?
  • TheExAmTheExAm Gerrymandered your districts Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Ziggs is on warcrimes tribunal today


    God that was fun

    edit: @Strika, Lux has pretty great harass from enough range to make him whiff a lot of his shots.
    TheExAm on
    BF3/PS2/MWO/Hawken: CabbageOfDiscord | Minecraft: BrotherCabbage
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