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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Man, I love how people get so worked up about different item builds. I felt like playing Katarina last night while playing normal draft with my friends. I'm going top lane, so I run 9/21/0. The other team has triple AP, including a Karthus, so I decide i'm going to go with a build that will counter that, not to mention I want to be tanky because I'm the top laner and I don't want 80% of our team to be squishy. I build Warmog's first item, then Abyssal Scepter. So now I'm basically untouchable to their APs, especially the Lissandra that topped against me. The enemy team kept acting smug about my build in all chat, and I have no idea why. I think the Lissandra was mad that I was beating her down 1v1 with nothing but a Warmog's on Katarina. I ended up building Warmog's, Abyssal, Haunting Guise, Sorc boots, then later getting a DFG(for CDR and the active) and finishing Liandry's late game after I was super fed. I think I went 13/4/15. Guess I just don't understand why people are so hung up on building the same items every game, and never changing it up.

    Also had a game going 13/3/9 as Quinn AD carry. It was me and Blitz versus Alistar/Ashe. I honestly love the hell out of Quinn. No, she doesn't scale as hard as other AD carries into the late game. Yes, she's more fun to play than most of them, and that's what drives my decision. She's so strong in lane with E-harrier auto, especially not that she gets move speed after hitting a harriered target.

    Plus, there's no other AD carry that can see a fight going on mid, bird dog, fly in to lane, swoop in on the enemy mid, attack them a million miles an hour and then just rain arrows down on their head for a kill. Plus, IMO her team fight potential is underrated. If somebody dives on me, I'll ult, blind them, attack in bird form with the AA steroid until the blind is gone, rain arrows on them, E away and kite it out, blind when it comes up, E when it comes up, etc. Depending on who is diving me I may need help from my team for CC peel, but that goes for 100% of AD carries.

    Tanky kat is what voyboy was building for the longest time.

    I had the same thing building 'Tanky Yorick' last night from a mid lane teemo. 'LOL yorick build no damage gg, builds frozen heart' - Yes my little yordle friend I build a frozen heart because their team has a Jax and a Vayne on it. This lovely little item when picked up with my maramune gives me plenty of damage to curb stomp Vayne as she trys tumble away from me.' I spent the entire team fight phase pushing their vayne and lux out. Every fight would go the same. THe fight would start, I would ult our AD carry and make it shoot whatever she was. I would then drop ghouls on Vayne and run directly at vayne and lux and hit them they would do their very best to kill me but fail because I am Yorick and I care not for your silly games. All the while Their Jax and Nasus and support would just get murdered by our super fed Ad Carry and Jungler.

    Also when did frozen heart not become core against AD heavy teams on Yorick. Granted I love the 'Never Die, Kill All Yorick Build: Maramune, Iceborne, Spirit Visage, Warmogs, GA.' but I can't always build that especially against a team with Jax Vayne.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • WitchdrWitchdr Registered User regular
    Khavall wrote: »
    I just had a game where at 5/9/5 I had not only a majority of the kills and the least deaths, but there was literally not a kill that I was not responsible for in some way, as Lee Sin jungling.

    The teams diagnostic of why we lost?


    I had a ranked game where my bot seemed to be winning on their own. So i would hang out Top or Mid, I think i had something like 4 successful top ganks and ~7 successful mid ganks (those numbers include counterganks). Then bot gets ganked once and starts to lose, and naturally "/all Noob jungle won't gank bot"

    But one of my favorite things happened, the other team defended me before i could even bother to type /ignore. Got a 21 min surrender out of them.

    Morale of the story, Sej is OP.
    "Look, all I know is that this cord was plugged into my house and your house was glowing like the freakin' sun. So, I put two and two together there and decided that you're pissing me off." -Carl Brutananadilewski

    In regards to the advocates of his former empire: “I was going to have them all executed… the Royal Advocate talked me out of it.” -Shadowthrone (Emperor Kellanved)
  • ImperfectImperfect Registered User regular
    ARAM is the best game.

    I basically only ever play ARAM any more.

    That's what this whole game is about, right?
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    It blows my mind when a four man premade rolls into ARAM and starts shit talking about how the other team is omg noob and such.

    I guess some people just really have to win.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Imperfect wrote: »
    ARAM is the best game.

    I basically only ever play ARAM any more.

    That's what this whole game is about, right?

    I did this for around 2 weeks.

    However after mulling it over I realized I had a lot to improve on mechanically. So I fired up a game of ranked I figure this is the best place to work on my skill because everyone is trying their best to win (in most cases). I make a plan for each game; This game I am going to get 75 CS by 10 min and harass the opposite lane. This game I am going to ward deep and apply lots of pressure top and time and call for dragons. I ended up meeting a person who is a really really good support and we've been duo queing for the past 3 days and we have about a 75% win rate. The only games we tend to lose are when one lane just feeds uncontrollably. Or in the case of my promotion series where some one doesn't connect. I have actually completely lost my ranked anxiety I am no longer stressed when the game loads in. I am not caring about the winning or ragey team mates I am just caring about improving and moving up and its working. I'll be back in my promotion series in 1 game.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • DrDreidelDrDreidel Registered User regular
    Imperfect wrote: »
    ARAM is the best game.

    I basically only ever play ARAM any more.

    That's what this whole game is about, right?

    I've basically been doing this since ARAM started on PBE. I'm just now starting to get a little fed up with it and have been going back to SR to jungle. It's a great game mode for when you just aren't feeling super serious play. That's not to say that I haven't encountered douches and ragers in ARAM, because I have. But I just don't get the mindset of getting upset over a game where you have the potential to start with an inherent disadvantage due to dumb luck.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    the thing is with support lissandra is i just hate playing her mid

    she's so slow and vulnerable

    if only she had some sort of teleport

    Her E isn't great for getting you out of trouble when the jungler is on you or you're against an assassin. It takes you far away and it goes over walls, but the claw is a little slow when you're under pressure and she's so squishy that if you wait for it to go to its max range you might be too low for the distance to matter
  • ExpigatorExpigator Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Man, I love how people get so worked up about different item builds. I felt like playing Katarina last night while playing normal draft with my friends. I'm going top lane, so I run 9/21/0. The other team has triple AP, including a Karthus, so I decide i'm going to go with a build that will counter that, not to mention I want to be tanky because I'm the top laner and I don't want 80% of our team to be squishy. I build Warmog's first item, then Abyssal Scepter. So now I'm basically untouchable to their APs, especially the Lissandra that topped against me. The enemy team kept acting smug about my build in all chat, and I have no idea why. I think the Lissandra was mad that I was beating her down 1v1 with nothing but a Warmog's on Katarina. I ended up building Warmog's, Abyssal, Haunting Guise, Sorc boots, then later getting a DFG(for CDR and the active) and finishing Liandry's late game after I was super fed. I think I went 13/4/15. Guess I just don't understand why people are so hung up on building the same items every game, and never changing it up.

    Agreed that builds should reflect how the game is progressing, with an extreme emphasis for junglers. But it's nice to create a "jungler gank" list and a "jungler tank" list which just has all my priority items right there. Sunfire, Aegis, Bork, etc. I can see it giving more people 'tunnel vision' though when it comes to the characters they play.

    I'm real big into WW right now so I created different rows within the item set. Behind, Ahead, vs AD, vs AP, Basic....etc

  • ImperfectImperfect Registered User regular
    DrDreidel wrote: »
    Imperfect wrote: »
    ARAM is the best game.

    I basically only ever play ARAM any more.

    That's what this whole game is about, right?

    I've basically been doing this since ARAM started on PBE. I'm just now starting to get a little fed up with it and have been going back to SR to jungle. It's a great game mode for when you just aren't feeling super serious play. That's not to say that I haven't encountered douches and ragers in ARAM, because I have. But I just don't get the mindset of getting upset over a game where you have the potential to start with an inherent disadvantage due to dumb luck.

    Although isn't that really true about SR as well? You might have some real terribad player or an AFK on your team - just due to dumb luck. It's just that you're less likely to know that until you're well-invested into the current game that makes it so rage-inducing, I guess.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Naphtali wrote: »
    How are you building her bot lane Josh, out of curiosity?

    Standard AD carry stuff really. I pretty much always start Doran's blade on ADC now just because it almost guarantees you win an early all in if the other guy doesn't start with one. Then my hope is to get a BF sword on first back, but if not, either a vamp scepter(if i'm going BT first), or a pickaxe(if I'm going IE first). Generally I like BT on her, because I'll finish it faster and have more lifesteal. Since you get lifesteal off the harrier damage, lifesteal is pretty awesome so often I go BT. Then I'm usually getting a Statikk Shiv to improve her wave clear and get some crit. PD is fine too, but I like Shiv on anybody who doesn't wave clear with abilities, which she really doesn't. Can't get a whole wave with Q.

    Typical build would be BT->Shiv->IE->LW(Swap order of these two if they're building armor early), with boots in there whenever.
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    ARAM is super fun when you get a stomp champion like Xerath or Nidalee, but it suck so bad when you get no ranged poke or get stuck on a really weak champion.

    Nidalee is just completely broken on ARAM.
  • kaidkaid Registered User regular
    Imperfect wrote: »
    ARAM is the best game.

    I basically only ever play ARAM any more.

    That's what this whole game is about, right?

    I have been doing this pretty much as well. The balance of the games overall is way tighter and I have had very few games where we just got blown out and a number of games where pretty much every tower on the map is down and it comes down to a few good plays on if you win or lose. Once in a while you get some crazy comp to go against that is tough to beat but overall it is pretty reasonable.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Man, I love how people get so worked up about different item builds. I felt like playing Katarina last night while playing normal draft with my friends. I'm going top lane, so I run 9/21/0. The other team has triple AP, including a Karthus, so I decide i'm going to go with a build that will counter that, not to mention I want to be tanky because I'm the top laner and I don't want 80% of our team to be squishy. I build Warmog's first item, then Abyssal Scepter. So now I'm basically untouchable to their APs, especially the Lissandra that topped against me. The enemy team kept acting smug about my build in all chat, and I have no idea why. I think the Lissandra was mad that I was beating her down 1v1 with nothing but a Warmog's on Katarina. I ended up building Warmog's, Abyssal, Haunting Guise, Sorc boots, then later getting a DFG(for CDR and the active) and finishing Liandry's late game after I was super fed. I think I went 13/4/15. Guess I just don't understand why people are so hung up on building the same items every game, and never changing it up.

    Also had a game going 13/3/9 as Quinn AD carry. It was me and Blitz versus Alistar/Ashe. I honestly love the hell out of Quinn. No, she doesn't scale as hard as other AD carries into the late game. Yes, she's more fun to play than most of them, and that's what drives my decision. She's so strong in lane with E-harrier auto, especially not that she gets move speed after hitting a harriered target.

    Plus, there's no other AD carry that can see a fight going on mid, bird dog, fly in to lane, swoop in on the enemy mid, attack them a million miles an hour and then just rain arrows down on their head for a kill. Plus, IMO her team fight potential is underrated. If somebody dives on me, I'll ult, blind them, attack in bird form with the AA steroid until the blind is gone, rain arrows on them, E away and kite it out, blind when it comes up, E when it comes up, etc. Depending on who is diving me I may need help from my team for CC peel, but that goes for 100% of AD carries.

    Tanky kat is what voyboy was building for the longest time.

    I had the same thing building 'Tanky Yorick' last night from a mid lane teemo. 'LOL yorick build no damage gg, builds frozen heart' - Yes my little yordle friend I build a frozen heart because their team has a Jax and a Vayne on it. This lovely little item when picked up with my maramune gives me plenty of damage to curb stomp Vayne as she trys tumble away from me.' I spent the entire team fight phase pushing their vayne and lux out. Every fight would go the same. THe fight would start, I would ult our AD carry and make it shoot whatever she was. I would then drop ghouls on Vayne and run directly at vayne and lux and hit them they would do their very best to kill me but fail because I am Yorick and I care not for your silly games. All the while Their Jax and Nasus and support would just get murdered by our super fed Ad Carry and Jungler.

    Also when did frozen heart not become core against AD heavy teams on Yorick. Granted I love the 'Never Die, Kill All Yorick Build: Maramune, Iceborne, Spirit Visage, Warmogs, GA.' but I can't always build that especially against a team with Jax Vayne.

    People are dumb. Like you said, you built Frozen Heart because you're the top laner and it's your job to be meaty if the rest of your team isn't and even though the FH aura isn't obvious, it might've won you a close team fight against Jax/Vayne. Just like they were dumb to question me building tanky Kat. Had I built a glass cannon Kat build, just going in to karthus defile range and then his post death ult would've been a huge part of my health. Instead I was able to get in there and scrap, and then clean up the fights when the enemies started to get low.

  • PenumbraPenumbra Registered User regular
    DrDreidel wrote: »
    Imperfect wrote: »
    ARAM is the best game.

    I basically only ever play ARAM any more.

    That's what this whole game is about, right?

    I've basically been doing this since ARAM started on PBE. I'm just now starting to get a little fed up with it and have been going back to SR to jungle. It's a great game mode for when you just aren't feeling super serious play. That's not to say that I haven't encountered douches and ragers in ARAM, because I have. But I just don't get the mindset of getting upset over a game where you have the potential to start with an inherent disadvantage due to dumb luck.

    I had an ARAM the other night with me (Amumu[first time Mummy]), Shaco, Ashe, Teemo, and Tristana. The Shaco never stayed around long enough to play for a continuous minute; either disconnecting or just afking. Our first team fight, we got aced and the Teemo started talking about how we should just roll over and get it over with quicker. Ashe just said let our tank get tanky. And I did. We stormed down the bridge after being down to 1 nexus tower and won in 2 spawn cycles.

    I also had my best SR game ever last night. Champion select looked like it was going to be a bad one. Someone called jungle, which at level 13, I have never had a good experience with a teammate jungling. I said top after locking in Garen, but Teemo had already called it. So as I was being told only ONE TOP, I said I'd just go bot and its no big deal. Well the game starts; Sona and Teemo go top, Rumble goes mid, Rengar(I think that's the cat man with the eye-patch) heads off into the jungle, and I ask him if he needs a leash before I head to the bottom. Rumble and I hard leash the wraiths and the red buff, and I B to get topped off before I head to the lane.

    Well, my lane match up was Teemo and Ashe. And I figure I'm in for a long laning phase. But I was going to make it my business to harass them as best as I could, while keeping the turret alive. I pinged for our jungler, and after bating them back to the tower by Q-ing early, he showed up from the tri-bush and we cleared them both. By 6 minutes into the game, the Ashe afked or quit. By 15 minutes they surrendered down 2 towers. It was the first game I played with pubs that felt amazing. Communication, teamwork, and I felt like I improved my understanding of harass and how to survive the laning phase.

    I don't think I've mastered Garen, but I'm pretty happy with how I play him now. I think I'm ready to add another champion to that level of understanding; any suggestions for a natural progression from Garen to _____?
  • ExpigatorExpigator Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ARAM is super fun when you get a stomp champion like Xerath or Nidalee, but it suck so bad when you get no ranged poke or get stuck on a really weak champion.

    Nidalee is just completely broken on ARAM.

    To Weird Al a lyric from Alanis Morissette....."it's like Sionnnnnnnn in an ARAM match, when you're outta rerolls..."

    Expigator on
  • DrDreidelDrDreidel Registered User regular
    I want to have fun on SR again, and I think to achieve that I have to come to grips with the fact that I'm just not mechanically sound. I've narrowed down the reasons to these:

    * I'm a geezer for a gamer (pushing 30), and my reflexes aren't great anymore.
    * I tend to get nervous when playing and make mistakes based on that.
    * My mind for the game is sharper than my ability to actually play it, which leads to frustration.
    * I really like the variety of the champs, so I bounce from champion to champion a lot and have very few truly mastered.
    * When I jungle, which I try to do most games, I feel like I can never get my team to play the objectives.

    Sometimes I don't know if I want to improve, because when I play with friends I have a blast even if I lose. But friends aren't always around, and I want to just feel like I'm improving as a player. I play about 2.5 hours a night, sometimes additional time on weekends. Recently my mindset has been, "I'll play an ARAM to warm up." If I lose, I'll play another to try and get my quick first win bonus. Then maybe I'll play a SR game, not play super great, and might just quit for the night or go back to ARAM.

    Not asking for tips or anything, I think I just I needed to say that.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Good lord I have Therainman so worked up on his stream. I'm not trolling or anything, but he's talking about how Riot is so stupid because they didn't consult him before nerfing Teemo, because he's the only person in the world that plays Teemo at a high level. So I told him Riot has actual metrics and data to analyze to make decisions, and that he's a narcissist, which is why he thinks his opinion is the most important thing in the world. He literally said the reason they nerfed Teemo is that "They watched my stream and then just nerfed it."

    He's spent the last 10 minutes calling me out on the stream and saying how I don't understand because I'm not on his level, lol. I really wish somebody I actually like would start streaming, because the only reason I watch his is because I'm somehow amused by his insane narcissism.
  • KayKay Registered User regular
    Guardsman Bob! SivHD! Voyboy!
    Atherton Kess in The Vale of Buried Shadows - AC:22, F:19, R:19, W:20 - Resist Force 10
    Alénthian, the Grace of Corellon in Dragon Slayers - AC:35, F:29, R:30, W:31
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    @DrDreidel, if you're having fun playing that's all that matters. I'm probably never getting out of silver, because I don't really have that dedication. I don't play every day, when I do play it's often normals with my friends. And when I play ranked, I'm usually only going to get in a couple games at a time, so instead of just playing champs I know I'm good with, I just play like Fiora or something that sounds fun that day. There's nothing wrong with that though. Nobody needs to assign worth to their league status based on where they are in ranked, etc.

    If you just play to have fun, that's all that matters. If your fun is focusing on a few champs or a certain role, and improving with it to rise up the ranks, that's awesome. If your fun is owning every champ and playing each one once every couple months, that's awesome too.

    Also, if we're ever actually playing the same time I'm definitely down to duo in some ranked for fun. I know we PMed about it before and you're on my friends list, but I think we're usually playing at different times, and like I said, I'm not playing much lately because my wife is very pregnant and I'm spending a lot of evening time making sure she's comfortable.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Guardsman Bob! SivHD! Voyboy!

    None of those people are streaming right now or I'd definitely be watching them, heh. Voyboy is my favorite streamer by far for mechanics and knowledge, though QTpie is probably my favorite for sheer entertainment value.
  • ExpigatorExpigator Registered User regular
    DrDreidel wrote: »
    I want to have fun on SR again, and I think to achieve that I have to come to grips with the fact that I'm just not mechanically sound. I've narrowed down the reasons to these:

    * I'm a geezer for a gamer (pushing 30), and my reflexes aren't great anymore.
    * I tend to get nervous when playing and make mistakes based on that.
    * My mind for the game is sharper than my ability to actually play it, which leads to frustration.
    * I really like the variety of the champs, so I bounce from champion to champion a lot and have very few truly mastered.
    * When I jungle, which I try to do most games, I feel like I can never get my team to play the objectives.

    Sometimes I don't know if I want to improve, because when I play with friends I have a blast even if I lose. But friends aren't always around, and I want to just feel like I'm improving as a player. I play about 2.5 hours a night, sometimes additional time on weekends. Recently my mindset has been, "I'll play an ARAM to warm up." If I lose, I'll play another to try and get my quick first win bonus. Then maybe I'll play a SR game, not play super great, and might just quit for the night or go back to ARAM.

    Not asking for tips or anything, I think I just I needed to say that.

    If you're a geezer, i'm 1 foot into the grave. 32 and still going strong. You want someone that isn't about mechanical skill and more about decision making? You have a good mind for the game you say? You say you like jungling? My friend let me introduce you to a little used champ named WARWICK. Here are some reasons why:

    -Easy sustain jungler, don't need a lot of runes to do a clear (but a bit slower)
    -No skillshots, all single target selections
    -'W' may be greatest group fight buff in the game....if you have some ad's

    It's all about decision making and playing the map. Reacting to what surely will be counter jungling and knowing when to and definitely when NOT to gank.
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    LoL is not much of a 'reaction time' game. I turn 40 in 3 months and I have no trouble reacting. Most of the game is knowing what runes/masteries/skills/items/champions to use and when.

    Also global, map wide strategy such as when to group, when to try to gank, when to play passive vs. aggressive, etc.
  • SummaryJudgmentSummaryJudgment Registered User regular
    Hey, is there a way to track the progress of people you've reported in-game?
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hey, is there a way to track the progress of people you've reported in-game?

    No, its against privacy policy to do so. Most games follow this rule. You can only track the ones that you don't know the names of in the tribunal. Except obviously in the cases of 'name violations'.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • DrDreidelDrDreidel Registered User regular
    When I say I have trouble reacting, what I mean is that when I feel like I need to be doing something in fights I tend to fat finger all the buttons while pointing the cursor towards the person I think is the biggest threat and hope for the best. I do have a few champs that I can just combo with from muscle memory (Lux and Vi mostly.)

    Josh, I'd love to play with you, but my schedule is pretty rigid and I'm limited to playing mostly weeknights between 9 and midnight.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Yeah, reactions aren't what I'd say are massive in League.

    It's more about continually playing until you see situations develop so fast that you know how to react to them. It's just like fighting games or Starcraft. Sure you need that physical ability to play but a lot of it is in the mental development from 'what the fuck is this' to 'I've seen this before'.

    I think it's why people can main lanes so well yet playing a character they already know in an off lane can be a struggle, because you're not used to the situations of that lane.
  • Salvation122Salvation122 Registered User regular
    Burnage wrote: »
    Play Lissandra as support you fools

    Support Liss is good in a really specific set of circumstances that are rarely met. Basically, the enemy support needs to have no poke, little to no sustain and no pre-6 hard CC. Ideally, the enemy AD carry has no escape and the enemy jungler will also have no strong gap closer.

    Compared to most (all?) standard supports she's just flat out weaker in both lane and teamfights.

    I can't think of a single support that fulfills this list

    Nautilus and Shen support, I guess, but even with that Shen has his taunt and Naut has his grab
  • KayKay Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Kay wrote: »
    Guardsman Bob! SivHD! Voyboy!

    None of those people are streaming right now or I'd definitely be watching them, heh. Voyboy is my favorite streamer by far for mechanics and knowledge, though QTpie is probably my favorite for sheer entertainment value.
    Just don't watch VMan. D:

    Bob tends to stream in the evenings GMT time, SivHD streams when SivHD pleases! But he is HILARIOUS, even though he's what, Silver?
    Atherton Kess in The Vale of Buried Shadows - AC:22, F:19, R:19, W:20 - Resist Force 10
    Alénthian, the Grace of Corellon in Dragon Slayers - AC:35, F:29, R:30, W:31
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    I wonder if SivHD ever actually looks at his rank.

    I like to think his stats page collects dust for all eternity.
  • AhiMahiAhiMahi Registered User regular
    ARAM helps me with champs mechanics during team fights and when to engage/disengage. It also helps me think of different team comp strong and weak points. This helps me get better for rank games.

    However, it does not help me with map awareness and I noticed during my rank games that I don't look at mini map as often as I used to.

    I do love ARAM! It offers just straight up pvp aspect.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    If someone wants to support duo in ranked ever, I will Sona/Leona support you all day forever.
  • JebusUDJebusUD Registered User regular
    Yeah, reactions aren't what I'd say are massive in League.

    It's more about continually playing until you see situations develop so fast that you know how to react to them. It's just like fighting games or Starcraft. Sure you need that physical ability to play but a lot of it is in the mental development from 'what the fuck is this' to 'I've seen this before'.

    I think it's why people can main lanes so well yet playing a character they already know in an off lane can be a struggle, because you're not used to the situations of that lane.

    Its not a game of reactions it is a game of frame rate. 40 normally, not even that old a laptop with a dedicated videocard in it, an 8600 I think and the settings all the way down. Still frame rate can drop to 5 in a team fight. At that low you hit abilities and they just don't go.

    GG game. Meanwhile WoW maintains ahigh fframe rate.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Yeah, reactions aren't what I'd say are massive in League.

    It's more about continually playing until you see situations develop so fast that you know how to react to them. It's just like fighting games or Starcraft. Sure you need that physical ability to play but a lot of it is in the mental development from 'what the fuck is this' to 'I've seen this before'.

    I think it's why people can main lanes so well yet playing a character they already know in an off lane can be a struggle, because you're not used to the situations of that lane.

    Its not a game of reactions it is a game of frame rate. 40 normally, not even that old a laptop with a dedicated videocard in it, an 8600 I think and the settings all the way down. Still frame rate can drop to 5 in a team fight. At that low you hit abilities and they just don't go.

    GG game. Meanwhile WoW maintains ahigh fframe rate.

    That's weird. I have friends who don't have great PC's and they can run it effortlessly. I'm no PC expert but you might want to look into possible issues there because League isn't hardware demanding at all.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • DrDreidelDrDreidel Registered User regular
    One thing that has helped my mental side of the game immensely I picked up from my years playing baseball. When you're defending in baseball, you should always know exactly what you're going to do with the ball if it gets hit to you. Assess the situation, and decide beforehand what your plan is.

    In League, I've been doing something similar. If I'm jungling, when I gank I decide ahead of time whether or not we'll be able to tower dive or fight off a counter-gank. If we're doing the dragon dance, I decide who needs to be zoned out of the fight, who can be ignored, etc. If I'm initiating, I know who my target is, and what the other team could do to get in my way. This frees up my brain to do more important things, like mash all the keys at once.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    DrDreidel wrote: »
    One thing that has helped my mental side of the game immensely I picked up from my years playing baseball. When you're defending in baseball, you should always know exactly what you're going to do with the ball if it gets hit to you. Assess the situation, and decide beforehand what your plan is.

    In League, I've been doing something similar. If I'm jungling, when I gank I decide ahead of time whether or not we'll be able to tower dive or fight off a counter-gank. If we're doing the dragon dance, I decide who needs to be zoned out of the fight, who can be ignored, etc. If I'm initiating, I know who my target is, and what the other team could do to get in my way. This frees up my brain to do more important things, like mash all the keys at once.

    I typed up a long parody of this post about Rugby and how playing Rugby for 12 years actually built a mentality that is toxic and has taken me many years to break that cycle and enjoy competitive games for fun. In fact Tuesday was the first day where I was actually able to play a ranked game with out freaking out at the start. I can talk at length about how you should enjoy the game and bla bla bla, but I have struggled with anger issues and putting things into practice was much harder for me then I ever thought it would be. To the extent that I have had to take breaks from League because I have become an Grade-A Goose and a toxic player. It feels weird to want to go home and play ranked because I am enjoying the improvement. I am hoping this is a lasting mental state and I don't slip back into old habits.

    I will say that the improvement skills I picked up while training for Rugby have helped A LOT. But outside of that everything about rugby is aggression under a set of rules.

    Side note: But in the end I didn't post the parody post I originally had created because it came across as goosey and obnoxious
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • ZeeyahtZeeyaht Registered User regular
    the best lol games are ARAMs.

    the worst lol games are ARAMs.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Competition in league is much more akin to an intramural league as compared to say college athletics, or even high school. Yes, you should still be trying to win, but if you're an adult playing in a company softball league, you' probably shouldn't be taunting your opponents when you hit a double, or yelling at your teammate for committing an error. It's a no stakes competition. Just have fun.
  • DrDreidelDrDreidel Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Competition in league is much more akin to an intramural league as compared to say college athletics, or even high school. Yes, you should still be trying to win, but if you're an adult playing in a company softball league, you' probably shouldn't be taunting your opponents when you hit a double, or yelling at your teammate for committing an error. It's a no stakes competition. Just have fun.

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