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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • GammarahGammarah Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    If someone wants to support duo in ranked ever, I will Sona/Leona support you all day forever.

    What rank are you? I'm a gold V adc main.
  • KitsurubamiKitsurubami Winnipeg, MBRegistered User regular
    I'm so damn tired of getting shit from people because I play Fiora.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    I feel like Fiora got way stronger with the Season 3 items and the ult cooldown changes.

    She's still really binary and you shouldn't first pick her, but she's strong and with a hydra and a bloodthirster you can wreck hard.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    Competition in league is much more akin to an intramural league as compared to say college athletics, or even high school. Yes, you should still be trying to win, but if you're an adult playing in a company softball league, you' probably shouldn't be taunting your opponents when you hit a double, or yelling at your teammate for committing an error. It's a no stakes competition. Just have fun.

    So that explains why they never invited me back to the company rugby game.... Maybe it was the 'We will rock you' song I played on the boombox I set up next to the field every time I scored a try (rugby equivalent of a touchdown). Maybe it was when I made that guy cry when he turned the wrong way in a ruck. Hmmm
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    I'm so damn tired of getting shit from people because I play Fiora.

    Blame greg
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    People are always going to bitch when you pick melee AD carries, because lord knows if you're not picking the safest most reliable champions to win with, then you're the bane of your teammates existence. Fiora, Yi, and Tryndamere are fun. People can deal with it. Fiora's safer than those other two anyway because her abilities allow her to win early too and not just farm up for late game before getting strong.

    Every time I play Fiora mid, people bitch until I'm fed as hell, then suddenly they shut up and let me carry them. Funny how that works.
  • dasnoobdasnoob ArkansasRegistered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    People are always going to bitch when you pick melee AD carries, because lord knows if you're not picking the safest most reliable champions to win with, then you're the bane of your teammates existence. Fiora, Yi, and Tryndamere are fun. People can deal with it. Fiora's safer than those other two anyway because her abilities allow her to win early too and not just farm up for late game before getting strong.

    Every time I play Fiora mid, people bitch until I'm fed as hell, then suddenly they shut up and let me carry them. Funny how that works.

    I hate that attitude. Anytime I see something different I try my best to just have the attitude of "Sure, why the hell not?"

    I mean, it isn't like I ever have any chance of being a pro or anything. I'm an almost 34 year old man with a wife, two kids, and a stable career.

  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    im the best player in the world and literally the only thing stopping me are the noobs in champion select *crosses arms smugly*
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    im the best player in the world and literally the only thing stopping me are the noobs in champion select *crosses arms smugly*

    And spray bottles.
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Naphtali wrote: »
    im the best player in the world and literally the only thing stopping me are the noobs in champion select *crosses arms smugly*

    And spray bottles.

    There has yet to be any evidence produced that the spray bottles have in fact halted or diminished her efforts in any way. :(
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Naphtali wrote: »
    im the best player in the world and literally the only thing stopping me are the noobs in champion select *crosses arms smugly*

    And spray bottles.

    my only weakness!!

  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    Naphtali wrote: »
    im the best player in the world and literally the only thing stopping me are the noobs in champion select *crosses arms smugly*

    And spray bottles.

    There has yet to be any evidence produced that the spray bottles have in fact halted or diminished her efforts in any way. :(

    I like to think the spray bottle is more for us then her. Mostly to make us feel better about the horrible images Cass has placed forced branded into our minds.
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    dasnoob wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    People are always going to bitch when you pick melee AD carries, because lord knows if you're not picking the safest most reliable champions to win with, then you're the bane of your teammates existence. Fiora, Yi, and Tryndamere are fun. People can deal with it. Fiora's safer than those other two anyway because her abilities allow her to win early too and not just farm up for late game before getting strong.

    Every time I play Fiora mid, people bitch until I'm fed as hell, then suddenly they shut up and let me carry them. Funny how that works.

    I hate that attitude. Anytime I see something different I try my best to just have the attitude of "Sure, why the hell not?"

    I mean, it isn't like I ever have any chance of being a pro or anything. I'm an almost 34 year old man with a wife, two kids, and a stable career.

    I always have to explain myself from the other side. Like, we're on champ select and my teammate locks in Poppy, and I'll say "Oh snap, Poppy!" and they immediately get defensive. I always have to explain that I just get excited when I see picks that rarely get played. I don't give a shit if theoretically Poppy loses 100% of lanes. League isn't played in theory land with equally skilled opponents using their computing power to make perfect moves.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    dasnoob wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    People are always going to bitch when you pick melee AD carries, because lord knows if you're not picking the safest most reliable champions to win with, then you're the bane of your teammates existence. Fiora, Yi, and Tryndamere are fun. People can deal with it. Fiora's safer than those other two anyway because her abilities allow her to win early too and not just farm up for late game before getting strong.

    Every time I play Fiora mid, people bitch until I'm fed as hell, then suddenly they shut up and let me carry them. Funny how that works.

    I hate that attitude. Anytime I see something different I try my best to just have the attitude of "Sure, why the hell not?"

    I mean, it isn't like I ever have any chance of being a pro or anything. I'm an almost 34 year old man with a wife, two kids, and a stable career.

    I always have to explain myself from the other side. Like, we're on champ select and my teammate locks in Poppy, and I'll say "Oh snap, Poppy!" and they immediately get defensive. I always have to explain that I just get excited when I see picks that rarely get played. I don't give a shit if theoretically Poppy loses 100% of lanes. League isn't played in theory land with equally skilled opponents using their computing power to make perfect moves.

    Not in NA anyways. KR may have differing opinions on that.
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • JebusUDJebusUD Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?
  • CyrenicCyrenic Registered User regular
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!

  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I think the idea is that the funny looking characters will make you laugh, like haha they look funny and they're using simple insults because they don't like each other. Put that dialogue on a well drawn comic and nobody would think to laugh.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    So gypsylord is testing a new Ashe passive.
    IMO Ashe as a whole is in a pretty good spot. She sees decent play and maintains a decent win rate across all elos while also being a niche pick in the competitive environment. Her kit has clear strengths and weaknesses and offers Ashe players many opportunities for extreme high moments.
    What is NOT in a good spot is Focus, Ashe's passive. As far as the majority of Ashe players are concerned it provides one singular moment of play and power to Ashe over the duration of the entire game. This is during the level one team fight/lane engagement. For the rest of the game the Ashe player tends not to notice or care about Focus and if she does notice it she feels as though she has no way to be proactive and take advantage of the power it is providing. Not cool.
    So what to do? CHANGE IT OF COURSE! Here's something CertainlyT and I just put into testing:
    Ashe gains 3/6/9/12/15/18 stacks of Focus for every 3 seconds spent not attacking. At 100 stacks her next attack is guaranteed to crit. Her Focus stacks will then reset to her current Crit Chance.
    Note - Attacking no longer causes Ashe to lose focus.

    The goal here isn't to do a massive Focus overhaul but instead make a lighter change that turns Focus into a binary mechanic that you can plan and play around in lane. If you have full stacks of Focus you get a free crit on your next attack. If you have 90 stacks of Focus then go hide in a bush for 6 seconds, get Focus, and R+W+Crit the enemy Sona.
    Sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    dasnoob wrote: »
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    People are always going to bitch when you pick melee AD carries, because lord knows if you're not picking the safest most reliable champions to win with, then you're the bane of your teammates existence. Fiora, Yi, and Tryndamere are fun. People can deal with it. Fiora's safer than those other two anyway because her abilities allow her to win early too and not just farm up for late game before getting strong.

    Every time I play Fiora mid, people bitch until I'm fed as hell, then suddenly they shut up and let me carry them. Funny how that works.

    I hate that attitude. Anytime I see something different I try my best to just have the attitude of "Sure, why the hell not?"

    I mean, it isn't like I ever have any chance of being a pro or anything. I'm an almost 34 year old man with a wife, two kids, and a stable career.

    I always have to explain myself from the other side. Like, we're on champ select and my teammate locks in Poppy, and I'll say "Oh snap, Poppy!" and they immediately get defensive. I always have to explain that I just get excited when I see picks that rarely get played. I don't give a shit if theoretically Poppy loses 100% of lanes. League isn't played in theory land with equally skilled opponents using their computing power to make perfect moves.

    Next time try something obviously positive. Like "poppy, high five!"

    DrDreidel wrote: »
    When I say I have trouble reacting, what I mean is that when I feel like I need to be doing something in fights I tend to fat finger all the buttons while pointing the cursor towards the person I think is the biggest threat and hope for the best. I do have a few champs that I can just combo with from muscle memory (Lux and Vi mostly.)

    Josh, I'd love to play with you, but my schedule is pretty rigid and I'm limited to playing mostly weeknights between 9 and midnight.

    I used to do that too and still do on champions that I am not familiar with. Learning to not do it is more about having played the champion than something inherent about you.

    Some ways to prevent that faster is to play champions with long cooldowns that do wildly different things (gragas) because simply knowing that you can't press all the buttons will get your mind to get into combo mode. ADC's are also good for this.

    Alternately play ryze and press all the butans
  • JebusUDJebusUD Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.
  • corin7corin7 Registered User regular
    So Riot is finally endorsing pick order over call. I can get behind this. Not sure it will help all that much. Assholes are still gonna be assholes but whatever.
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.

    I'd like to think there is some context that could turn it from 'Diana likes the moon, Leona likes the sun, watch Leona yell at Diana, UH OH Leona said fuck! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

    But really at this point I already think it's garbage so even in the appropriate context I probably wouldn't find it funny.
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.

    See now THAT is funny ;)

    Delphinidaes on
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    It's an edit of a Gunshow comic.
  • JebusUDJebusUD Registered User regular

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.

    I'd like to think there is some context that could turn it from 'Diana likes the moon, Leona likes the sun, watch Leona yell at Diana, UH OH Leona said fuck! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

    But really at this point I already think it's garbage so even in the appropriate context I probably wouldn't find it funny.
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.

    See now THAT is funny ;)

    I don't see why. People will ask "why don't you play X on PC?" (Battlefield, or whatever.)

    Because there is a lot to be said for put in game, play game. Not put in game, mess with settings and hardware, maybe play game.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.

    I'd like to think there is some context that could turn it from 'Diana likes the moon, Leona likes the sun, watch Leona yell at Diana, UH OH Leona said fuck! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

    But really at this point I already think it's garbage so even in the appropriate context I probably wouldn't find it funny.
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.

    See now THAT is funny ;)

    It's ok that you have no sense of humor. We still love you.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    corin7 wrote: »
    So Riot is finally endorsing pick order over call. I can get behind this. Not sure it will help all that much. Assholes are still gonna be assholes but whatever.

    Where did Riot endorse it?
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Darkewolfe wrote: »

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.

    I'd like to think there is some context that could turn it from 'Diana likes the moon, Leona likes the sun, watch Leona yell at Diana, UH OH Leona said fuck! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

    But really at this point I already think it's garbage so even in the appropriate context I probably wouldn't find it funny.
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.

    See now THAT is funny ;)

    It's ok that you have no sense of humor. We still love you.

    And trust me when I say that that thought comforts me at night :)
    JebusUD wrote: »

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.

    I'd like to think there is some context that could turn it from 'Diana likes the moon, Leona likes the sun, watch Leona yell at Diana, UH OH Leona said fuck! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

    But really at this point I already think it's garbage so even in the appropriate context I probably wouldn't find it funny.
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.

    See now THAT is funny ;)

    I don't see why. People will ask "why don't you play X on PC?" (Battlefield, or whatever.)

    Because there is a lot to be said for put in game, play game. Not put in game, mess with settings and hardware, maybe play game.

    Must be nice, most of the time on my consoles it's "Put in game, download day 1 patch fixing bugs for said game, adjust settings, play game"

    On the flip side for PC it's usually "Download game, patch game fixing recent bugs found, adjust resolution/settings, play game" which is fairly similar in my experience. I attribute that to the idea that a console, is just a PC with standardized components for the most part.
    Delphinidaes on
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • corin7corin7 Registered User regular
    corin7 wrote: »
    So Riot is finally endorsing pick order over call. I can get behind this. Not sure it will help all that much. Assholes are still gonna be assholes but whatever.

    Where did Riot endorse it?

  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Sprout wrote: »
    corin7 wrote: »
    corin7 wrote: »
    So Riot is finally endorsing pick order over call. I can get behind this. Not sure it will help all that much. Assholes are still gonna be assholes but whatever.

    Where did Riot endorse it?


    The stance comes down to, "talk it out first, but if neither player will budge then it comes down to pick order". That seems like the most sensible thing they could have gone with.

    Makes sense to me. I especially like how they are merely endorsing the concept and not mandating it in some fashion.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • corin7corin7 Registered User regular
    Yeah best possible solution for how the system works currently. I still kind of wish you could que for a specific roll. I know they don't want to lock in any specific meta, but damn that would make the whole process easier. I also like how one the question and answers was about what if I can't play a role? I tell people all the time if you can't at least play all roles on a basic level you probably shouldn't be playing draft.
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    JebusUD wrote: »

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.

    I'd like to think there is some context that could turn it from 'Diana likes the moon, Leona likes the sun, watch Leona yell at Diana, UH OH Leona said fuck! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

    But really at this point I already think it's garbage so even in the appropriate context I probably wouldn't find it funny.
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.

    See now THAT is funny ;)

    I don't see why. People will ask "why don't you play X on PC?" (Battlefield, or whatever.)

    Because there is a lot to be said for put in game, play game. Not put in game, mess with settings and hardware, maybe play game.

    Psssht. You guys haven't PC gamed until you've coded and compiled your own game from scratch by typing in 20 pages of BASIC code out of the pages of the latest copy of TRS-80 magazine.
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    I am excite to make some custom item builds
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    JebusUD wrote: »

    I'm either not getting a reference here, or and missing the joke entirely because that doesn't seem at all funny to me.

    leona is like, a sun knight!


    No I get that it's just.....

    I don't think this particular brand of 'humor' is for me :(

    i'd explain the joke but you know what they say about explaining jokes.

    I'd like to think there is some context that could turn it from 'Diana likes the moon, Leona likes the sun, watch Leona yell at Diana, UH OH Leona said fuck! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

    But really at this point I already think it's garbage so even in the appropriate context I probably wouldn't find it funny.
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    JebusUD wrote: »
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    The only time I have trouble was a bug with the recent patch that a karthus ult on 3 or more people near me will tank my framrate to like 5 and normally it runs at 98 FPS. That is a known issue :(.

    Yeah karth ults are bad. Anything with lots of effects at once tanks the frame rate. Sounds mess out up too. Minions have spawned tanks it bad. What is with that?

    For me its only karthus ults. I dont run high shadow's either. However everything else is maxed out. I could have a 5 person fight with spell particles everywhere and be fine, but Karthus ults and I see three of the beams and my frame goes down to 1-5 until its over and I have a triple kill because I MF ulted.

    Their support page suggests the soundthing could be a registry issue.

    And people wonder why console gaming is so big. This is the reason I haven't gamed on PC for many years.

    See now THAT is funny ;)

    I don't see why. People will ask "why don't you play X on PC?" (Battlefield, or whatever.)

    Because there is a lot to be said for put in game, play game. Not put in game, mess with settings and hardware, maybe play game.

    Psssht. You guys haven't PC gamed until you've coded and compiled your own game from scratch by typing in 20 pages of BASIC code out of the pages of the latest copy of TRS-80 magazine.

    This still likely would have been quicker then installing Everquest back in the day.
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