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  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    What standard bot lane doesn't counter support Lissandra hard?

    I've done well with her against non-traditional supports (like Trundle), but Sona, Zyra, Taric, Leona, etc. just completely ruin her day.
    Burnage on
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    She does well against Thresh, Soraka, Sona, Lulu...

    Here's how I play her. I use her W to disengage and her Q as a slow, not a harass (although I'll throw out a couple of Q's because they're free thanks to her passive)

    Once I have Q W E and Exhaust then you can blink in, snare both players, and slow them with Q. Exhaust the ADC, and if you have a strong laning ADC, you should win the trade

    Rinse and repeat, when you have your ult it's far nastier
  • RamiRami Registered User regular
    Why was twin fang not classified as single target in the first place?
    Steam / Xbox Live: WSDX 3DS FC: 2637-9461-8549
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    I feel like such a bad person, but Shaco makes me so happy.

    I was trying machete>boots>madreds>zerks>zeal>shiv>BF sword item.

    Rocked a game with machete>boots>madreds>zerks>tiamat into hydra>Yuumuus and oh god it was hilarious.

    Q>attack>E>R>1>2>box behind me>Q away while the clone explodes and they all die.

    I'm still not sold on Shiv yet, I see a lot of guides suggest it but the hydra just seems like the beefier choice and the ghostblade is just hilarious and a bit of armor pen.

    Grabbed wriggles one game too because why not? More lifesteal is good. Maybe I should have just gone for a BORK though.
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Rami wrote: »
    Why was twin fang not classified as single target in the first place?

    Usually when a spell (like Twin Fang or Vlad Q) is not classified as single target, it is because it is on such a low cooldown that they are afraid of abuse cases cropping up in its interactions with items that are typically balanced around higher cooldown spells. One can imagine how a Vlad with a 35% slow on about a 2s cooldown is a real pain in the ass.
    I needed a name to post. on
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    She does well against Thresh, Soraka, Sona, Lulu...

    I just don't see that. Somebody as squishy as Lissandra engaging against Thresh sounds like a recipe for getting hookmurdered. Lulu and Soraka can both completely shut her down after blinking with E thanks to polymorph and infuse; Soraka's also got the sustain to mostly ignore her harass, and Lulu has more range and a shield. Sona deals more damage and has sustain, and at level 6 her CC is flat out stronger.

    Liss' pre-6 CC doesn't help much in winning bot lane trades - a snare doesn't stop an AD carry attacking, after all - and her ult's CC is roughly equivalent to what Taric gets at level 1. She's fun, but both on paper and in my limited experience I don't think she does well at all in bot lane.
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Cass what you just described is an all-in murder lane. It works against Sona and Soraka because those are champions you want to catch and kill.

    The Tresh and Lulu were bads.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Well yeah I'm a bronze player

    If I don't do stuff like orianna support and lissandra support ill throw myself out a window
  • JookieJookie Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hasn't Vlad Q been considered single target for a really long time now?

    Edit: hey apparently it isn't for Rylai's I always thought it was you learn something new sometimes I'm kind of dumb.
    Jookie on
  • StragintStragint Registered User regular
    I feel like such a bad person, but Shaco makes me so happy.

    I was trying machete>boots>madreds>zerks>zeal>shiv>BF sword item.

    Rocked a game with machete>boots>madreds>zerks>tiamat into hydra>Yuumuus and oh god it was hilarious.

    Q>attack>E>R>1>2>box behind me>Q away while the clone explodes and they all die.

    I'm still not sold on Shiv yet, I see a lot of guides suggest it but the hydra just seems like the beefier choice and the ghostblade is just hilarious and a bit of armor pen.

    Grabbed wriggles one game too because why not? More lifesteal is good. Maybe I should have just gone for a BORK though.

    I tried Shaco but I couldn't get any good ganks off. I felt like a failure.
  • TalithTalith 変態という名の紳士 Miami, FLRegistered User regular
    Yup, near the end of 2011 they changed his Q cooldown from 3 seconds to 4 seconds and then the following patch made it count as a single target spell after there was blood on the streets from all the angry Vlad players.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Talith wrote: »
    Yup, near the end of 2011 they changed his Q cooldown from 3 seconds to 4 seconds and then the following patch made it count as a single target spell after there was blood on the streets from all the angry Vlad players.
    Huh, you're right, it's there in the patch notes, I wonder why people still think it doesn't apply the full rylai's slow.
  • JookieJookie Registered User regular
    I don't know what skill I read then because I thought it said diminished effect. Refer to comment about being dumb.
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Jookie wrote: »
    I don't know what skill I read then because I thought it said diminished effect. Refer to comment about being dumb.
    It did say diminished effect on the wiki. I just changed it.
  • LewishamLewisham Registered User regular
    Well, just the two. But I got them both one after the other. Cray cray.


  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    I already lost this game, guess I didn't deserve to have those league points after all amirite
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • MahnmutMahnmut Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I have a tough decision to make when I reach 6300 IP in a few games, but I think Sejuani will win out.

    edit: Also, Fiddles is an odd duck, but he sure is good in ARAM.
    Mahnmut on
    Steam/LoL: Jericho89
  • ZyrxilZyrxil Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ARAM is a killing field.
    Zyrxil on
    Steam,League of Legends,BF3: Zyrxil
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    the thing is with support lissandra is i just hate playing her mid

    she's so slow and vulnerable
  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    xin went 0/9 btw

    im disappointed he couldn't feed harder
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • I needed a name to post.I needed a name to post. Registered User regular
    the thing is with support lissandra is i just hate playing her mid

    she's so slow and vulnerable

    if only she had some sort of teleport
  • PrjctD_CaptainPrjctD_Captain Registered User regular
    Yeah, something that would let her change places in a flash.
    LoL Summoner: BrightWingPA
    X360 Tag: Nyroc B Wing
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Got to my 'Collect $200 go to silver II' promotion series. Game 1: Convincing Win. Game 2: D/C'd player for the entire match. Game 3: First pick mid Kassadin, feeds uncontrollably in mid like 6 deaths in 12 min. Back to the grind. I took the wrong masteries that game too. Ahh well.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • KhavallKhavall Registered User regular
    I just had a game where at 5/9/5 I had not only a majority of the kills and the least deaths, but there was literally not a kill that I was not responsible for in some way, as Lee Sin jungling.

    The teams diagnostic of why we lost?

  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    Khavall wrote: »
    I just had a game where at 5/9/5 I had not only a majority of the kills and the least deaths, but there was literally not a kill that I was not responsible for in some way, as Lee Sin jungling.

    The teams diagnostic of why we lost?

    They neglect to count the times you had to come to lane after they lost a 1v1 to kill the enemy laner as a gank. Why weren't you there to save their life. Just spend the whole game in their lane bush dude.
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    i usually have muted my entire team by the end of the game whenever i jungle
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • pyromaniac221pyromaniac221 Registered User regular
    you have to spend the whole game in every lane bush

    and that means both mid lane bushes too
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    you have to spend the whole game in every lane bush

    and that means both mid lane bushes too
    League needs a Meepo equivalent ASAP Riot plz
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    Khavall wrote: »
    I just had a game where at 5/9/5 I had not only a majority of the kills and the least deaths, but there was literally not a kill that I was not responsible for in some way, as Lee Sin jungling.

    The teams diagnostic of why we lost?


    I had a Blitz top game where I ended as 1/6/7 in a game that ended 8-24. Every single kill was due to me roaming or deep-ward teleport ganking into a grab. The enemy voli top never took my tower, ended 2/2/2, and only had 30cs on me.

    "GG, troll pick top."
  • Mr.SunshineMr.Sunshine Registered User regular
    Really ARAM? Really?

    Their team: Veigar, Annie, Nunu, Galio and Teemo.

    Our team: Olaf, Irelia, Elise, Renekton(me) and Diana.

    Hey, lets all go at them and get stunned the fuck up.

    And then there was the Galio Ult in a Nunu Ult in a Annie stun surrounded by a Veigar ring. I'm sure there was a Teemo shroom in there too.
  • The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    Unstoppable force into Renekton, killing him outright and securing the win.

    /all: A rock killed the dinosaurs

    /all: True story
    Yes, I am still angry
  • evilthecatevilthecat Registered User regular
    Really ARAM? Really?

    Their team: Veigar, Annie, Nunu, Galio and Teemo.

    Our team: Olaf, Irelia, Elise, Renekton(me) and Diana.

    Hey, lets all go at them and get stunned the fuck up.

    And then there was the Galio Ult in a Nunu Ult in a Annie stun surrounded by a Veigar ring. I'm sure there was a Teemo shroom in there too.

    all in them early to prevent them abusing their aoe ult setup!
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Possible rework of Ashe's Passive to make it easier to use.
    "IMO Ashe as a whole is in a pretty good spot. She sees decent play and maintains a decent win rate across all elos while also being a niche pick in the competitive environment. Her kit has clear strengths and weaknesses and offers Ashe players many opportunities for extreme high moments.

    What is NOT in a good spot is Focus, Ashe's passive. As far as the majority of Ashe players are concerned it provides one singular moment of play and power to Ashe over the duration of the entire game. This is during the level one team fight/lane engagement. For the rest of the game the Ashe player tends not to notice or care about Focus and if she does notice it she feels as though she has no way to be proactive and take advantage of the power it is providing. Not cool.

    So what to do? CHANGE IT OF COURSE! Here's something CertainlyT and I just put into testing:

    Ashe gains 3/6/9/12/15/18 stacks of Focus for every 3 seconds spent not attacking. At 100 stacks her next attack is guaranteed to crit. Her Focus stacks will then reset to her current Crit Chance.

    Note - Attacking no longer causes Ashe to lose focus.

    The goal here isn't to do a massive Focus overhaul but instead make a lighter change that turns Focus into a binary mechanic that you can plan and play around in lane. If you have full stacks of Focus you get a free crit on your next attack. If you have 90 stacks of Focus then go hide in a bush for 6 seconds, get Focus, and R+W+Crit the enemy Sona."
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »

    Possible rework of Ashe's Passive to make it easier to use.
    "IMO Ashe as a whole is in a pretty good spot. She sees decent play and maintains a decent win rate across all elos while also being a niche pick in the competitive environment. Her kit has clear strengths and weaknesses and offers Ashe players many opportunities for extreme high moments.

    What is NOT in a good spot is Focus, Ashe's passive. As far as the majority of Ashe players are concerned it provides one singular moment of play and power to Ashe over the duration of the entire game. This is during the level one team fight/lane engagement. For the rest of the game the Ashe player tends not to notice or care about Focus and if she does notice it she feels as though she has no way to be proactive and take advantage of the power it is providing. Not cool.

    So what to do? CHANGE IT OF COURSE! Here's something CertainlyT and I just put into testing:

    Ashe gains 3/6/9/12/15/18 stacks of Focus for every 3 seconds spent not attacking. At 100 stacks her next attack is guaranteed to crit. Her Focus stacks will then reset to her current Crit Chance.

    Note - Attacking no longer causes Ashe to lose focus.

    The goal here isn't to do a massive Focus overhaul but instead make a lighter change that turns Focus into a binary mechanic that you can plan and play around in lane. If you have full stacks of Focus you get a free crit on your next attack. If you have 90 stacks of Focus then go hide in a bush for 6 seconds, get Focus, and R+W+Crit the enemy Sona."
    So at level 1 not auto attacking for 30 seconds gives you a crit. At level 18 not auto attacking for 15 seconds gives you a crit?

    No increased crit chance outside of that. Stacks never go down. Might be useful in lane but it depends how many stacks you get while last hitting. I'm not convinced.

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • ExpigatorExpigator Registered User regular
    Who's excited about 3.7? I love the changes! Nerf those ranged adcs...nerf zac, elise and other champions i don't own or play! And custom item sets? That makes shopping easier.

    What's with the Rammus nerf though, that definitely doesn't help his jungling...Not like he had a fast/easy clear as it was.
  • KayKay Registered User regular
    There's a blanket ADC auto attack range nerf? Do tell.
    Atherton Kess in The Vale of Buried Shadows - AC:22, F:19, R:19, W:20 - Resist Force 10
    Alénthian, the Grace of Corellon in Dragon Slayers - AC:35, F:29, R:30, W:31
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Expigator wrote: »
    Who's excited about 3.7? I love the changes! Nerf those ranged adcs...nerf zac, elise and other champions i don't own or play! And custom item sets? That makes shopping easier.

    What's with the Rammus nerf though, that definitely doesn't help his jungling...Not like he had a fast/easy clear as it was.

    Wasn't a nerf - minions are what are in lanes. Monsters are what are in jungles. He can still taunt monsters (buffs away from people) :)

    I have spent far to much of my morning, setting up item sets for different champions via logmein at work.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Man, I love how people get so worked up about different item builds. I felt like playing Katarina last night while playing normal draft with my friends. I'm going top lane, so I run 9/21/0. The other team has triple AP, including a Karthus, so I decide i'm going to go with a build that will counter that, not to mention I want to be tanky because I'm the top laner and I don't want 80% of our team to be squishy. I build Warmog's first item, then Abyssal Scepter. So now I'm basically untouchable to their APs, especially the Lissandra that topped against me. The enemy team kept acting smug about my build in all chat, and I have no idea why. I think the Lissandra was mad that I was beating her down 1v1 with nothing but a Warmog's on Katarina. I ended up building Warmog's, Abyssal, Haunting Guise, Sorc boots, then later getting a DFG(for CDR and the active) and finishing Liandry's late game after I was super fed. I think I went 13/4/15. Guess I just don't understand why people are so hung up on building the same items every game, and never changing it up.

    Also had a game going 13/3/9 as Quinn AD carry. It was me and Blitz versus Alistar/Ashe. I honestly love the hell out of Quinn. No, she doesn't scale as hard as other AD carries into the late game. Yes, she's more fun to play than most of them, and that's what drives my decision. She's so strong in lane with E-harrier auto, especially not that she gets move speed after hitting a harriered target.

    Plus, there's no other AD carry that can see a fight going on mid, bird dog, fly in to lane, swoop in on the enemy mid, attack them a million miles an hour and then just rain arrows down on their head for a kill. Plus, IMO her team fight potential is underrated. If somebody dives on me, I'll ult, blind them, attack in bird form with the AA steroid until the blind is gone, rain arrows on them, E away and kite it out, blind when it comes up, E when it comes up, etc. Depending on who is diving me I may need help from my team for CC peel, but that goes for 100% of AD carries.

  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    How are you building her bot lane Josh, out of curiosity?
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • ExpigatorExpigator Registered User regular
    Miniwolf wrote: »
    Wasn't a nerf - minions are what are in lanes. Monsters are what are in jungles. He can still taunt monsters (buffs away from people) :)

    Well sonuva bitch. Could that be considered a buff then since you can't mistaunt in midst of a group of minions?

    As for ranged adcs nerfs, i'm looking at caitlyn who can't get stacks off structures (but the %ias increase may make up for that) and MF with impure shots. Maybe "ranged adcs" as a group was too generalized for me to say, but i see Caitlyn and MF in all my sub-30 normal games.
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