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[League of Legends] : Awakening | Latin America servers on their way



  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    So, I'm sitting on 3K RP.

    Lisandra or Zac + Burd skin
    Both the new ones + some other skin?
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    Play Lissandra as support you fools

    Support Liss is good in a really specific set of circumstances that are rarely met. Basically, the enemy support needs to have no poke, little to no sustain and no pre-6 hard CC. Ideally, the enemy AD carry has no escape and the enemy jungler will also have no strong gap closer.

    Compared to most (all?) standard supports she's just flat out weaker in both lane and teamfights.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    If anything, Shaco is more interesting to play against than most junglers, because if you can out play him and not let him win laning phase for his team, then you're basically in a 5v4. Compare it to a jungler like Xin who either snowballs and wins his teams all the lanes, or he's still useful and potent in team fights anyway. I don't mind playing against Shaco at all, or with one on my team, just like any other champion. Of course, I don't hate playing against any opponent. If anything, my "least favorite opponents" become the most interesting to see, because if they're my least favorite it likely means i'm biased toward thinking they're hard to beat, and I will have to adapt my game and feel very good if I manage to outplay them in lane and beat them.

    @Cyrenic, I've played her maxing W and E second. The damage is basically the same. I think my biggest thing with her is I have to figure out how I want to play her. Am I using the root and stun to peel for my back line and just fire Qs, am I trying to dive in and kill a high priority backline target first?

    I think she's going to end up buffed some, though I don't think she needs a ton of buffs. She does have the hard CC/zhonya on her ult, and she does have great mobility and the root, so her numbers can't be too amazing or she'll be too strong.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I see no reason you'd ever play Lissandra as support unless you just really like the champion. If you want an AP support, Lux and Zyra are unequivocally better choices with their snares, and Zyra's plants, ult, etc. Lissandra brings poke that isn't even that strong with Q, then a root that needs you to be in melee range to hit. I mean, her ult is a stun, but Taric and Leona have stuns that aren't ultimates. I just don't see many lanes that a Lissandra support could win without being carried by her AD or just facing a less skilled opponent.
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    I see no reason you'd ever play Lissandra as support

    One of the unspoken laws of bot lane is that if there exists a champion X, then X shall be played as a support.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Support is not for specific champions. No, for true support players it's a constant state.

    I try to spam wards and save people when I'm mid lane and should be doing something else helpful.

    Still not sure what to buy guys D:
  • RiusRius Registered User regular
    AKA Predator Fizz?
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Rius wrote: »
    AKA Predator Fizz?

    I was thinking more 'mecha-fizz' then pulse-fire myself. More champions need to join 'My The Mecha Army.'
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    show me the mecha shark model >:[
  • CoinageCoinage Registered User regular
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    histronic wrote: »
    I wonder if Riot ever plans on increasing the number of bans in draft/ranked with the increase in champions.

    Yes, Zileas had a huge thread about it at the end of S2, iirc. The gist of the thread was that Zileas found three reasons to ban something:

    1. It's OP as fuck
    2. It counters your team (Banning Janna against Jax+Udyr)
    3. The enemy team is really good with it (Froggen Anivia)

    From that standpoint, Riot didn't see any reason to have more than three bans per team.
    Which is really stupid because target bans don't exist in solo queue, tournament considerations should not be applied to the whole population, and in the current system Froggen still doesn't get to play Anivia. And it's ridiculous that he thinks there are only ever going to be 4-6 "s tier" champions, which just happens to coincide with the amount of bans they already have! What a happy accident.

    Lyte talked about every player getting a ban because that would make champion select much more friendly, and it would be really awesome if they did that. They can keep the tournament bans the same if they feel so strongly about it.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Coinage wrote: »
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    histronic wrote: »
    I wonder if Riot ever plans on increasing the number of bans in draft/ranked with the increase in champions.

    Yes, Zileas had a huge thread about it at the end of S2, iirc. The gist of the thread was that Zileas found three reasons to ban something:

    1. It's OP as fuck
    2. It counters your team (Banning Janna against Jax+Udyr)
    3. The enemy team is really good with it (Froggen Anivia)

    From that standpoint, Riot didn't see any reason to have more than three bans per team.
    Which is really stupid because target bans don't exist in solo queue, tournament considerations should not be applied to the whole population, and in the current system Froggen still doesn't get to play Anivia. And it's ridiculous that he thinks there are only ever going to be 4-6 "s tier" champions, which just happens to coincide with the amount of bans they already have! What a happy accident.

    Lyte talked about every player getting a ban because that would make champion select much more friendly, and it would be really awesome if they did that. They can keep the tournament bans the same if they feel so strongly about it.

    I think one of the fun changes with some of the champion balance now days in tournaments is that Purple side actually has the advantage in champion select because there are enough 'go to champions' then blue side only gets 1 of the S tier champions while Purple gets 2 of the S tier champions. :D

    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes ~Shake Shake~ MWO:Endgame Registered User regular
    Coinage wrote: »
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    histronic wrote: »
    I wonder if Riot ever plans on increasing the number of bans in draft/ranked with the increase in champions.

    Yes, Zileas had a huge thread about it at the end of S2, iirc. The gist of the thread was that Zileas found three reasons to ban something:

    1. It's OP as fuck
    2. It counters your team (Banning Janna against Jax+Udyr)
    3. The enemy team is really good with it (Froggen Anivia)

    From that standpoint, Riot didn't see any reason to have more than three bans per team.
    Which is really stupid because target bans don't exist in solo queue, tournament considerations should not be applied to the whole population, and in the current system Froggen still doesn't get to play Anivia. And it's ridiculous that he thinks there are only ever going to be 4-6 "s tier" champions, which just happens to coincide with the amount of bans they already have! What a happy accident.

    Lyte talked about every player getting a ban because that would make champion select much more friendly, and it would be really awesome if they did that. They can keep the tournament bans the same if they feel so strongly about it.

    As they add champs i think a natural consequence is adding more bans eventually. I wouldn't be surprised if they revamp how they do the bans.

    I do like the idea of each player getting a ban though. Hopefully they pursue something along those lines. I think the champ pool is large enough now to warrant something like that.
    Delphin Twitch Stream: check.php?c=delphinidaes NNID: delphinidaes Oosiks Live! check.php?c=theoosiks
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Coinage wrote: »
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    histronic wrote: »
    I wonder if Riot ever plans on increasing the number of bans in draft/ranked with the increase in champions.

    Yes, Zileas had a huge thread about it at the end of S2, iirc. The gist of the thread was that Zileas found three reasons to ban something:

    1. It's OP as fuck
    2. It counters your team (Banning Janna against Jax+Udyr)
    3. The enemy team is really good with it (Froggen Anivia)

    From that standpoint, Riot didn't see any reason to have more than three bans per team.
    Which is really stupid because target bans don't exist in solo queue, tournament considerations should not be applied to the whole population, and in the current system Froggen still doesn't get to play Anivia. And it's ridiculous that he thinks there are only ever going to be 4-6 "s tier" champions, which just happens to coincide with the amount of bans they already have! What a happy accident.

    Lyte talked about every player getting a ban because that would make champion select much more friendly, and it would be really awesome if they did that. They can keep the tournament bans the same if they feel so strongly about it.

    As they add champs i think a natural consequence is adding more bans eventually. I wouldn't be surprised if they revamp how they do the bans.

    I do like the idea of each player getting a ban though. Hopefully they pursue something along those lines. I think the champ pool is large enough now to warrant something like that.

    Personally I don't feel like there need to be more Bans then there currently are. There are enough champions that if one person picks and OP champ then the other team can pick thier own OP champ. Case and point is that while Amumu, Hec, Shen, Malphite, Blitz, <FOTM> gets banned at my ELO. You still have Daruis, Kha'zix, Zed, Miss Fortune, ZAC, Xin, Ez, Rumble, Lux, Draven, Elise.... Etc...Etc... Who are are OP in their own way. The idea of bans is usually 'what punishes players at this elo'

    An example between silver and gold is that standard Bans I listed above all those champions punish players for bad positioning. Which is really common in silver. At higher tiers where people start with different bans e.g Twisted Fate. J5. Kha'zix these are bans that go through because they reward good play. Which most people in the silver/gold and lower don't have great mechanical skill.

    I wouldn't be opposed to a change in the way bans are done. I like the DOTA2 style of Ban - Pick Pick - Ban style.

    I do think once they hit a threshold they'll need to add more bans just because at that point there are too many champions not to.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • TcheldorTcheldor Registered User regular
    So, I haven't streamed in a long time, but I'm going to rectify that with a game or 2 now. I'm going to aim to jungle and work on my jungle mechanics if anyone wants to watch.
    Looking for writers for a new e-sport website to write about e-sport (Leage of Legends/Star Craft 2) events/matches/etc. Please message if interested.

    League of Legends: Glacys
    Ranked Streaming LoL: Silver II and climbing: check.php?c=tortalius

    LoL Blog: http://elohellandyou.blogspot.com/
    Updated at least twice a week. Come by and comment.
  • DaemonSadiDaemonSadi Registered User regular
    So current WW... he seems like he would make an even better Magewick than old Magewick.

  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    DaemonSadi wrote: »
    So current WW... he seems like he would make an even better Magewick than old Magewick.

    He makes a far better drain tank with bork/mallet/tank items. With both builds though the issue is simply getting your team to lategame. His early game is so awful in both jungle and top lane that you're asking your team to deal with it. WW top/jungle is like Nasus top. You hope the game doesn't end before 30m so you can be useful.
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    JAEF wrote: »
    DaemonSadi wrote: »
    So current WW... he seems like he would make an even better Magewick than old Magewick.

    He makes a far better drain tank with bork/mallet/tank items. With both builds though the issue is simply getting your team to lategame. His early game is so awful in both jungle and top lane that you're asking your team to deal with it. WW top/jungle is like Nasus top. You hope the game doesn't end before 30m so you can be useful.

    There's that Diamond Warwick guide that sort of proves the point. You don't gank unless it is guaranteed. You tell your team to wait til late game. You just farm and farm and farm then suddenly carry.
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • vagrant_windsvagrant_winds Registered User regular
    Getting more assists than the enemy team has kills (23 assists, 21 enemy kills) feels damn great. Especially on a support like Taric that doesn't have an always on aura or buff that makes it so easy for people like Sona or Nunu.
    befriend (v.): To use mecha-class beam weaponry to inflict grievous bodily harm on a target in the process of proving the validity of your belief system.
    // Steam & LoL: VWinds // PSN: vagrant_winds // 3DS: 4682-8868-5037 //
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Getting more assists than the enemy team has kills (23 assists, 21 enemy kills) feels damn great. Especially on a support like Taric that doesn't have an always on aura or buff that makes it so easy for people like Sona or Nunu.

    Incorrect, Soraka and Janna are in fact the best at being the Goddesses of assists.
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    You know in my weird last game. I was up against Nunu and Irelia on bot lane.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do. I feel like a super sustain gimmick bot lane could actually work out pretty well from my limited exposure to it.

    The only problem is that I think you'd have to lose your ranged AD. Not sure where else a ranged AD would fit into the mix though.

    (can twitch still jungle?)
    DasUberEdward on
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    You know in my weird last game. I was up against Nunu and Irelia on bot lane.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do. I feel like a super sustain gimmick bot lane could actually work out pretty well from my limited exposure to it.

    The only problem is that I think you'd have to lose your ranged AD. Not sure where else a ranged AD would fit into the mix though.

    Quinn, Vayne, Ez and Graves are all okay top.

    Sivir, Cait, Ez and Miss Fortune can rock mid.
  • AntinumericAntinumeric Registered User regular
    JAEF wrote: »
    Snoopeh right clicks blue side golems after he's done covering mid lane and uses the opportunity to take a few bites of some cake he has. As his head is turned to the side eating cake, the enemy J4 starts attacking him in the jungle. His volibear passive goes off, J4 peels off him and Snoopeh arrives at golems just as he looks back up at his screen. "Was J4 attacking me?"
    Hey Voli, you've got a little Jarvan on your face.

    In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phoney God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Lissandra is a good support and I'm going to tell y'all why

    1) she's way cooler than stupid zyra
    2) i like playing her
    3) you can just let your adc farm and stop people from going in on them
    4) entomb!
  • DasUberEdwardDasUberEdward Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    You know in my weird last game. I was up against Nunu and Irelia on bot lane.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do. I feel like a super sustain gimmick bot lane could actually work out pretty well from my limited exposure to it.

    The only problem is that I think you'd have to lose your ranged AD. Not sure where else a ranged AD would fit into the mix though.

    Quinn, Vayne, Ez and Graves are all okay top.

    Sivir, Cait, Ez and Miss Fortune can rock mid.

    I'd like to run some tests.

    break free from the meta/patriarchy
    DasUberEdward on
    Yet that is exactly what i see here.
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    I'll do some silly stuff with you DUE. Just add Skuttie ingame.
  • MiniwolfMiniwolf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    You know in my weird last game. I was up against Nunu and Irelia on bot lane.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do. I feel like a super sustain gimmick bot lane could actually work out pretty well from my limited exposure to it.

    The only problem is that I think you'd have to lose your ranged AD. Not sure where else a ranged AD would fit into the mix though.

    Quinn, Vayne, Ez and Graves are all okay top.

    Sivir, Cait, Ez and Miss Fortune can rock mid.

    I'd like to run some tests.

    break free from the meta/patriarchy

    I'll duo with you any time now that you're no longer bronze scum :P.
    I knew you could do it, welcome to the silver club.
    Miniwolf on
    League Of Legends: Wolfmini
    WolfMini's LOL Stream check.php?c=wolfmini
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    We won a game with Sejuani mid.

    Was Sej Mid, Shen Top, Vi Jungle, Soraka and MF bot lane. We just played protect the carry/initiate all the shit on their vayne every team fight. Was hilariously one sided after laning.
  • MegamaniacoMegamaniaco Madrid, SpainRegistered User regular
    So recently I've moved to Colombia for some time, so I will be playing a bit more again on NA (200 ping with West EU now).
    Wonder if PacificStar and all those folks from years ago are still alive n kickin'~
    Minecraft ID: Megamaniaco // LoL summoner: Corcorigan (NA), Megamaniaco (EUW) // Guild Wars 2 (EU): Megamaniaco.7254 // DCUO PC EU: Cu1ex // 0688‒6696 ‒7171 3DS Friendcode.

    Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    You know in my weird last game. I was up against Nunu and Irelia on bot lane.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do. I feel like a super sustain gimmick bot lane could actually work out pretty well from my limited exposure to it.

    The only problem is that I think you'd have to lose your ranged AD. Not sure where else a ranged AD would fit into the mix though.

    Quinn, Vayne, Ez and Graves are all okay top.

    Sivir, Cait, Ez and Miss Fortune can rock mid.

    I'd like to run some tests.

    break free from the meta/patriarchy

    Running your ADC mid or top is 100% fine. There are a lot of games where you'd be better off running a kill lane bot and letting your ADC farm mid. Tristana can farm free mid against most people with no issues. Most ADCs can honestly, but it's even easier with her because her E passive lets you farm waves quickly and you can jump away from ganks. Cait's range/wave clear and net make her prime to do the same thing mid. People are just used to what they're used to, but that doesn't mean you can't shake it up.

    Sometimes when we're playing normals my friends and I will run soraka+AP bot lane and our ADC mid, but you can also just run a legit kill lane bot. Leona+bruiser, or double bruiser bot, stuff like that.
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    #quinntowin toplane and such. Seriously though, after playing her into a traditional lane like.. twice, I decided it just wasn't worth it. Haven't bothered since. Top or mid. Mid is a bit awkward at times, though. More a gimmick then anything I'd want to do primarily.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Quinn is honestly fine bot lane too, you just have to have a support that wants to go ham with you. E on to the enemy, auto them to proc the harrier, disengage while shooting blind at them so their AA counter harass doesn't even hit you. Rinse, repeat until it's time to go for a kill. Definitely works best with a Taric/Leona type support, and I probably wouldn't pick it into somebody who can out burst you when you get in their face like a Graves, but she's a bastard in a 1v1, and that translates to 2v2 nicely.

    She doesn't scale as well into late game as other ADCs, because of her range, but if you like ADCs that require mechanics beyond just right clicking, she can be a lot of fun to play in team fights too. Going bird dog mode and blinding and attacking a bruiser with that 80% AS steroid and wrecking them before popping out and doing your kite thing with vaults and such is pretty satisfying.
    Joshmvii on
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Cait is also very strong top. She plays like Teemo with an escape.
  • JunleaJunlea Registered User regular
    Streaming some bad ranked support. Word.
    Junlea :: Platinum III Mordekaiser's Maulers :: Professional Ward-Bot
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Getting more assists than the enemy team has kills (23 assists, 21 enemy kills) feels damn great. Especially on a support like Taric that doesn't have an always on aura or buff that makes it so easy for people like Sona or Nunu.

    Taric has an always on Aura on his w.
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    Oh she's definitely doable bottom lane. Its just like... Vayne level mechanics to not get rolled by simple long range poke but without the awesome late game tumblingdeatharina payoff.

    It's fun, certainly, but with the hugely common picks of Cait, MF and especially Varus lately, there isn't many people I'd want to meet down there. The E>Q combos are scary down there and blind only helps so much.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Well, Darius is countered by range these days, Kat by co-ordinated CC, and Shaco's incredibly hard to play and falls off unless he snowballs.

    I don't worry much when I see Kat on the other team, I just harass her any chance I get, though it's hard to stay in lane if she brings a lot of pots or has a Revolver.

    Fids, Singed and Rammus have this ability to just pick someone on the enemy team, isolate them, and get them killed while they do very little and feel powerless. At least with Darius and Kat you can be HITTING THEM REALLY HARD IN THE FACE while they do their thing. Actually, did they ever remove Darius' attack speed slow on his AA modifier?

    I think you're right. I really like being able to say, "YOU. FUCK YOU."
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    Hook lux from behind go into all 5 enemy team, drop da box, flay, omygod the squishes are half health already just from Thresh! My team is at our blue, our outer mid, in base, top lane, woops. :rotate:
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