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  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    So, I'm curious while we're on the subject of new players. Has anyone figured out why new players always run under towers without noticing?

    I did it, my friends did it.

    I'm currently teaching someone DOTA and they died to turrets five times in a match.

    I just, I don't understand why everyone is so incapable of figuring it out fast. I swear it's like a fly trap.

    My friend did it. Then I drew her a color coded map, and when we played a game together I'd ping the ground at the turrets range when she'd get close. After a couple games she began avoiding the spot. Though I'd still ping once or twice at the start of the game. I think it's honestly just not even being aware of it. It's not a creep or a person and the cue isn't really noticeable when you're totally hitting that tunnel vision.
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Also because people do not pay attention to agro mechanics when they are concentration on not getting murdered in lane.
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    So, I'm curious while we're on the subject of new players. Has anyone figured out why new players always run under towers without noticing?

    I did it, my friends did it.

    I'm currently teaching someone DOTA and they died to turrets five times in a match.

    I just, I don't understand why everyone is so incapable of figuring it out fast. I swear it's like a fly trap.
    Learning the range of towers and how to manage their aggro is not as simple as it might appear. Also new players are bombarded with lots of things at once. What does this champion do? Why am I taking a lot of damage? How can I get money from creeps? Last hitting is hard. I'm getting attacked by stuff. I want to kill that guy. Oh no tower!
    JAEF on
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Yeah, I just find it funny that literally everyone has issues with tower mechanics at the start. Like people vary on what they do and don't grasp quickly, but they all fuck up and get killed by a tower for no reason at least a few times.
  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    Basically everything in the game takes a long time to learn because the game is complicated.

    Expecting people to understand tower Aggro mechanics after a game or two is like expecting someone to understand why they should control the center of the board while they are still learning when pawns can move one space and when they can move two and Christ why is it going diagonal!
  • JAEFJAEF Unstoppably Bald Registered User regular
    Yeah, I just find it funny that literally everyone has issues with tower mechanics at the start. Like people vary on what they do and don't grasp quickly, but they all fuck up and get killed by a tower for no reason at least a few times.
    Probably because without any armor runes or masteries and at low champion levels, towers take a shit on your face. Make one misstep under a tower and you're fucked. There's no 4-5 seconds for "oh wait this is bad I need to leave." You're already dead.
    <3Steam: Jaef -- PSN: Jaef -- League of Legends: Jaef -- League VoDs -- League Live Stream
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    I have learned today that I am terrible with Fiddlesticks and I am also terrible at trying to play against AP Yi mid as said fiddlesticks.

    People say to just drain him when he Qs but thats apparently something you have to just randomly guess ahead of time before he actually does it? I dunno. First time I've had to do the matchup and I was just kind of 'Bwuh?' and no one wanted to trade me :(
  • chocolovechocolove Registered User regular
    Are there programs other than lolreplay that can record my matches? I know there's fraps but the size of the files are too big. Wouldn't mind getting some feedback and tips on how I can play better.
  • evilthecatevilthecat Registered User regular
    I have learned today that I am terrible with Fiddlesticks and I am also terrible at trying to play against AP Yi mid as said fiddlesticks.

    People say to just drain him when he Qs but thats apparently something you have to just randomly guess ahead of time before he actually does it? I dunno. First time I've had to do the matchup and I was just kind of 'Bwuh?' and no one wanted to trade me :(

    you know where he will exit his alpha strike. position yourself close to that and drain him when he's done prancing around like some gay little fairy.
    Your q and e both interrupt his healing channel.

    I don't see fiddles killing or outfarming the yi, though, so it's a crappy laning experience anyway.
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    So next match, because Shaco is free week and I've never played Shaco... Shaco time!

    I am a bad person.

    I am also a bad person who got a quadra.

    Shiv+hydra+hallucinate=lulz. SCUZ ME GAIZ I GOT DIS.

    Apparently I mesh well with Shaco. Better then Fiddles at least.
  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I have learned today that I am terrible with Fiddlesticks and I am also terrible at trying to play against AP Yi mid as said fiddlesticks.

    People say to just drain him when he Qs but thats apparently something you have to just randomly guess ahead of time before he actually does it? I dunno. First time I've had to do the matchup and I was just kind of 'Bwuh?' and no one wanted to trade me :(

    you should do it after he Qs, not before

    Master Yi is untargetable during his Q and it will drop the channel from drain as well as a ton of other targeted abilities

    AP Yi's only damage in lane is Qing creeps and hoping it bounces to you. Stay further away from your own minions to try and make it miss. If it hits and he runs back, drain a melee creep and you should be back to full health. If he Qs onto you and starts hitting you, drain him instead

    you should be able to win off of drain alone unless he's super ahead for some reason. save fear or silence to CC him out his heal and he shouldn't be a huge problem
    TIFunkalicious on
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • TorgaironTorgairon Registered User regular
    I really wish veigar wasn't such a liability against half the mid meta picks/people who know to shut him down early, because oh my god is he insane if he gets out of laning with solid cs and a few kills to his name. I'm not sure any carry experience compares to late game 4-digit AP veigar for me, but it pretty much necessitates your opponent blind picking TF or karth into him, which fortunately happened in both of my normals tonight.
  • chocoboliciouschocobolicious Registered User regular
    My problem was more just running out of mana so he got to pretty much freefarm while I couldn't do much. Having to step into range of being Q'd just to CS was kind of an issue I was having and he could just run back to break the drain tether since the alpha bounce is pretty far.

    I admit I was just badly outplayed though. I don't even know what possessed me to try to take him mid. I should have just run Ahri or someone I know, but it seemed fun and I always try to roll up free week champs when I'm just messing around in blind pick when they first change over.
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    chocolove wrote: »
    Are there programs other than lolreplay that can record my matches? I know there's fraps but the size of the files are too big. Wouldn't mind getting some feedback and tips on how I can play better.

    Dxtory is basically a better FRAPS. It's not free though.

    And re: Fiddles vs. AP Yi, I can see it being really tough to learn, but once you're comfortable, you should stomp his face in. Fidds is very strong vs. both melee and people without hard CC and Yi is both. Max drain first and laugh and laugh.
  • NaphtaliNaphtali Registered User regular
    chocolove wrote: »
    Are there programs other than lolreplay that can record my matches? I know there's fraps but the size of the files are too big. Wouldn't mind getting some feedback and tips on how I can play better.

    Dxtory is basically a better FRAPS. It's not free though.

    And re: Fiddles vs. AP Yi, I can see it being really tough to learn, but once you're comfortable, you should stomp his face in. Fidds is very strong vs. both melee and people without hard CC and Yi is both. Max drain first and laugh and laugh.

    Don't forget to let them suffer for a while too. This is the most important thing about playing Fiddles.

    Also CAW CAW CAW
    Naphtalí SE++ WoW | Steam | B.net Tag: Naphtali#1830 | LoL: El Naphtali | Wish List
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Fiddles is one of those champions I'm super glad isn't more widely played. I suspect should he ever gain a major presence I would soon come to despise him.

    I think one of the big bits of that is that fear doesn't have an animation. It's just like 'suddenly no control for you!' when you get near him.

    Plus his auto attack sound is annoying as hell.
  • VizardObserverVizardObserver Registered User regular
    Fiddles fear is honestly one of the things I despise most in this game.
    3 seconds? really? why not drop it to atleast 2.5 or 2, or just give it a traveling missile or something along those lines to give it counterplay.
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    Fiddle being able to cast his fear while ulting is the only thing that pisses me off. I mean, I get why and it's hardly op. But it's so annoying to have him blast out of a bush cawcawcawing and you just stand there feared.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Mmm, on the subject of things I'm glad aren't played regularly I'm glad I've not seen a Lee Sin jungle for a while now. They're always played by practiced Lee's and they always wreck face.
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    I try to give Fiddlesticks a go every so often, but he just feels so... unwieldy, if that's the right term. His kit doesn't seem to flow together properly, mainly due to the drastically different ranges on his abilities and wind-up time on his ult.

    His kit's kind of stupidly strong, though, so I'm glad that his ease of use is limited.
  • TIFunkaliciousTIFunkalicious Kicking back in NebraskaRegistered User regular
    I got level 2 ganked top by a lee today

    as i e-q'd to safety with jarvan i briefly wondered if i had somehow traveled back in time

    but then their draven got ten million kills and i remembered what season i was in
    Box Live: TIFunkalicious
    LoL: Nerf Love
    Steam: TIFunk
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    RE: Morgana, she's still strong, but she loses hard to AD mids so if you pick her early you're much more likely to get Zed, Talon, Kha'zix etc. in your lane ruining your fun time farming session. If you played her in s2 though, she doesn't play any differently. Farm it up, get a zhonyas, be a big factor in team fights, use snares to catch people out and poke them down with snare-pool. I haven't played her in a while, but I really need to start again, because she's my kind of mage, where once I get the zhonyas I can do the initiating myself if needed.

    RE: Lissandra, I must admit I was 100% wrong about her. When she first came out and I was watching people play her on stream, I thought she was going to be OP. Turns out she's actually a bit weak. I'm still going to keep playing her, because ice mages are awesome and her kit is actually pretty fun to play, but her damage pretty much sucks. The kit's not bad with the stun/zhonya option, the E for mobility and the aoe root, but her CDs are all long except Q since her other abilities have CC/mobility on them, so in team fights I find after you ult and root people, there's a lot of trying to kite and throw Qs while waiting on W and E again and I don't love that. Maybe I need to try for some more CDR on her, but imo RoA is a must because you have to be in the mix to hit her W on people for the roots.
    Joshmvii on
  • dasnoobdasnoob ArkansasRegistered User regular
    Still practicing ADC and had a couple of good games last night. Final game I was 21-4 with Caitlyn along with 300 CS. Multiple occasions the enemy player would be running, turn a corner and I would hit my e and then do a q across a wall and get a blind kill. The rage was delicious. I had been playing pure Vayne for practice but since Cait was free and is a pretty tough lane for Vayne to play against I went with her.
  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Fiddlebutts is my third favorite champ, behind Singed and Rammus.

    He'll show you true terror.
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Caitlyn is the bestest ADC.

    Caitlyn/Nami or Soraka is just mean. Never engage, just poke. All the time, with Soraka, hit Q every time it's off cooldown because fuck it, you have unlimited mana. With Nami well, oh noes, Leona's E'd in, guess I'll just bubble that and let Cait E away with no effort.

    Even Nami's E becomes kinda neat when attached to Cait's headshot poke.

  • KayKay Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    Fiddlebutts is my third favorite champ, behind Singed and Rammus.

    He'll show you true terror.
    Every single one of these champions is dedicated to making your opponent's game as unenjoyable as possible. Interesting.

    Atherton Kess in The Vale of Buried Shadows - AC:22, F:19, R:19, W:20 - Resist Force 10
    Alénthian, the Grace of Corellon in Dragon Slayers - AC:35, F:29, R:30, W:31
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    You know, I don't think any of those 3 actually came up in the 'least favourite opponents' when I did that pole last year.

    If I remember right it was Darius, Kat, Shaco, and... a few others (not Teemo, we banned him from being picked to keep a level playing field) but I'm fairly sure none of those made the list.
  • KayKay Registered User regular
    Well, Darius is countered by range these days, Kat by co-ordinated CC, and Shaco's incredibly hard to play and falls off unless he snowballs.

    I don't worry much when I see Kat on the other team, I just harass her any chance I get, though it's hard to stay in lane if she brings a lot of pots or has a Revolver.

    Fids, Singed and Rammus have this ability to just pick someone on the enemy team, isolate them, and get them killed while they do very little and feel powerless. At least with Darius and Kat you can be HITTING THEM REALLY HARD IN THE FACE while they do their thing. Actually, did they ever remove Darius' attack speed slow on his AA modifier?
    Atherton Kess in The Vale of Buried Shadows - AC:22, F:19, R:19, W:20 - Resist Force 10
    Alénthian, the Grace of Corellon in Dragon Slayers - AC:35, F:29, R:30, W:31
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    What this is telling me is I need to run another poll.

    This time we need a system that doesn't result in 90% of champions nominated only having 1 vote like last time.
  • BurnageBurnage Just a harmless flower Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sure Rammus and Fiddlesticks were considered obsolete due to the jungle at the time when that poll was ran.
  • histronichistronic Registered User regular
    I wonder if Riot ever plans on increasing the number of bans in draft/ranked with the increase in champions.
    PSN: rlinkmanl
    Currently Playing: Battlefield 3 Premium, FFXIII-2
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    We've chatted about this before.

    I think they should add 2 bans after second or third pick.
  • programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    Kay wrote: »
    Well, Darius is countered by range these days, Kat by co-ordinated CC, and Shaco's incredibly hard to play and falls off unless he snowballs.

    I don't worry much when I see Kat on the other team, I just harass her any chance I get, though it's hard to stay in lane if she brings a lot of pots or has a Revolver.

    Fids, Singed and Rammus have this ability to just pick someone on the enemy team, isolate them, and get them killed while they do very little and feel powerless. At least with Darius and Kat you can be HITTING THEM REALLY HARD IN THE FACE while they do their thing. Actually, did they ever remove Darius' attack speed slow on his AA modifier?

    I think Darius and Shaco still deserve a slot. Shaco has issues, sure, but a good enemy Shaco just ruins the entire match, even if you end up winning. The only real enjoyment of playing against a Shaco is the schadenfreude from seeing them lose.
  • CyrenicCyrenic Registered User regular
    Joshmvii wrote: »
    RE: Lissandra, I must admit I was 100% wrong about her. When she first came out and I was watching people play her on stream, I thought she was going to be OP. Turns out she's actually a bit weak. I'm still going to keep playing her, because ice mages are awesome and her kit is actually pretty fun to play, but her damage pretty much sucks. The kit's not bad with the stun/zhonya option, the E for mobility and the aoe root, but her CDs are all long except Q since her other abilities have CC/mobility on them, so in team fights I find after you ult and root people, there's a lot of trying to kite and throw Qs while waiting on W and E again and I don't love that. Maybe I need to try for some more CDR on her, but imo RoA is a must because you have to be in the mix to hit her W on people for the roots.

    Have you tried maxing Lissandra's E before her W and using the E for damage in teamfights? I've only tried her last night but her W felt like something I'd put one point into and then only use in teamfights if our backline was being encroached upon. Her E is slow but you could use her R to set it up.

    Cooldown reduction seemed essential on her, definitely. If you're not worried about diving into teamfights to land W that might give you more room to build dmg/cdr.

    This is mostly theorycraft since I've played her all of 1 time, but she seemed like a strong champ with a lot of potential. Plus with her current winrate and general opinion of her being bad, she's probably going to get buffed regardless of her actual strength.

  • CarnarvonCarnarvon Registered User regular
    histronic wrote: »
    I wonder if Riot ever plans on increasing the number of bans in draft/ranked with the increase in champions.

    Yes, Zileas had a huge thread about it at the end of S2, iirc. The gist of the thread was that Zileas found three reasons to ban something:

    1. It's OP as fuck
    2. It counters your team (Banning Janna against Jax+Udyr)
    3. The enemy team is really good with it (Froggen Anivia)

    From that standpoint, Riot didn't see any reason to have more than three bans per team.
  • Dread Pirate ArbuthnotDread Pirate Arbuthnot Registered User regular
    Play Lissandra as support you fools
  • Albino BunnyAlbino Bunny Registered User regular
    Carnarvon wrote: »
    histronic wrote: »
    I wonder if Riot ever plans on increasing the number of bans in draft/ranked with the increase in champions.

    Yes, Zileas had a huge thread about it at the end of S2, iirc. The gist of the thread was that Zileas found three reasons to ban something:

    1. It's OP as fuck
    2. It counters your team (Banning Janna against Jax+Udyr)
    3. The enemy team is really good with it (Froggen Anivia)

    From that standpoint, Riot didn't see any reason to have more than three bans per team.

    But it'd also be pretty neat if they slid 2 extra bans half way through so we could have:

    4. It counters your opponents team

    Rather than just banning stuff you don't like blind.
  • FrozenzenFrozenzen Registered User regular
    Bans are a part of how you plan your strategy for the coming game. It's honestly a large part of making draft more interesting, which is why I wish they would add 2 more bans after second or third pick.

    Riot doesn't agree with this though, which is sad.
    SC2EU/US: Frozenzen.437 Steam: Frozenzen
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