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A Thread of A Series of Books of A Song of Ice and Fire (BOOK AND TV SPOILERS HERE)



  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    Oberyn was willing to duel the Mountain for his revenge, I don't think he care if people suspect him, as long as they can't prove it.
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    spamfilter wrote: »
    Oberyn was willing to duel the Mountain for his revenge, I don't think he care if people suspect him, as long as they can't prove it.

    All he needs to be is a suspect and he'll hang IMO. Proof isn't a big concern to nobles in Westeros, though it can help. As long as you keep it away from powerful people who'd destroy it the first chance they get re: Cersei ripping up King Robert's will.
    Harry Dresden on
  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    As I've said, if he's willing to fight the mountain, he's pretty much willing to risk his life to get the revenge he's been thirsting for. And remember, Gregor did the deed but Tywin gave the order. So as much as he wanted the Mountain he wanted Tywin more.

    And Oberyn is a prince of Dorne, he can't be hanged on a suspicion.
    spamfilter on
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    spamfilter wrote: »
    As I've said, if he's willing to fight the mountain, he's pretty much willing to risk his life to get the revenge he's been thirsting for. And remember, Gregor did the deed but Tywin gave the order. So as much as he wanted the Mountain he wanted Tywin more.

    And Oberyn is a prince of Dorne, he can't be hanged on a suspicion.

    Then he'll be secretly kidnapped, used for Joffrey's target practice and buried somewhere nobody will find the corpse.
  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    spamfilter wrote: »
    Oberyn was willing to duel the Mountain for his revenge, I don't think he care if people suspect him, as long as they can't prove it.

    Yeah but that was within the bounds of honor. In a tricksy way, for sure, but absolutely within the rules of the game. The Lannisters can seeth but not really do anything about it.

    Poisoning Tywin as a guest under his roof, at his dinner table? He'd disgrace his family's entire name. It's not enough to be a snake, you'd also have to be a dumbass.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Is Thing X a thing Doran would do? No? Then Oberyn probably wouldn't do it. They were waaaaay more in league then their kids think, I think.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Plus like I said, I don't believe Oberyn actually delivered the poison, Varys did. Which gives Oberyn all kinds of alibi.

    And no, I don't believe Oberyn was working that closely with Doran. If he was he would never have pushed the issue like he did. Doran wanted him to remain patient a while longer. But Oberyn decided that he had enough waiting.
    spamfilter on
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    spamfilter wrote: »
    Plus like I said, I don't believe Oberyn actually delivered the poison, Varys did. Which gives Oberyn all kinds of alibi.

    Varys is a guy I expect to use poison to frame Oberyn since he's the logical number 1 suspect.

  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Except Varys needs Dorne, so that would be stupid.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    Sicarii wrote: »
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    but killing Karstark is the first time that i'd say he truly acted as his father would have.

    Hardly surprising then that it is a terrible decision.

    as for Robb, he's been learning as he goes and while he has made mistakes he's at a point where it would seem that he's reflected on them and is ready, able and prepared to fix them.

    Yep, Robb is ready to turn it all around. Or...not. So many pissed people incoming.
    "For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men. Not women. Not beasts...this you can trust."
  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    Except Varys needs Dorne, so that would be stupid.

    The death of Tywin serves the end of both Varys and Oberyn. Oberyn for his revenge, and Varys because Tywin was in "danger" of actually stabilizing the realm. Which Varys did not want. So he had to remove Tywin just like he would later remove Kevan.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Varys framing Dorne makes no sense though.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    spamfilter wrote: »
    Plus like I said, I don't believe Oberyn actually delivered the poison, Varys did. Which gives Oberyn all kinds of alibi.

    And no, I don't believe Oberyn was working that closely with Doran. If he was he would never have pushed the issue like he did. Doran wanted him to remain patient a while longer. But Oberyn decided that he had enough waiting.

    Poison isn't like shooting a guy in the head, it's not like there's a set time limit for when he might have done it (not to mention err, westerosi investigation techniques being what they are)

    Not to mention his alibi to the question, "Where were you when Tywin drank his poisoned wine?" would have been, "Sitting right next to him at his dinner table?"
  • DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic I've Done Worse Registered User regular
    The poison theory is fucking silly.

    If his bladder and bowels were shut down:
    • He wouldn't have had anything to shit out.
    • He would not be having sexy times with a whore.

    If you want to assume it's just locking up the muscles and preventing the physical act then there is no reason why loss of autonomic control (i.e. death) would fix it.

    The whole thing seems to be misinterpreting the fact that GRRM is fairly accurately (or more accurately than normal) showing the stuff that happens a body dies. It doesn't matter if the body was once a person who was fairly impressive, they still shit themselves and then rot once they are just meat.
    "When you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. When you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

    Borderlands 2 PA Xbox Metatag - Bazillion Guns
  • SicariiSicarii Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    If his bladder and bowels were shut down:

    He wouldn't have had anything to shit out.

    I don't follow your logic on this one. If the poisoning was done days earlier, he would have quite a bit to shit out. The fact that he wouldn't be able to is another story but constipation is quite uncomfortable so it's not completely surprising that he'd be trying.

    Anyway, it's a cool theory that made me re-examine something I had previously only interpreted as a metaphor.
    Sicarii on
  • SicariiSicarii Registered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    Yeah, this seems like a stupid overly complicated theory that serves no narrative purpose.

    Nothing wrong with theorycrafting for theorycrafting's sake.
  • Inquisitor77Inquisitor77 a.k.a. Nubmonger, 2 x Penny Arcade Fight Club Champion Oakland, CARegistered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    Yeah, this seems like a stupid overly complicated theory that serves no narrative purpose.

    Your face is a stupid overly complicated theory that serves no narrative purpose.
  • DerrickDerrick Registered User regular
    spamfilter wrote: »
    As I've said, if he's willing to fight the mountain, he's pretty much willing to risk his life to get the revenge he's been thirsting for. And remember, Gregor did the deed but Tywin gave the order. So as much as he wanted the Mountain he wanted Tywin more.

    And Oberyn is a prince of Dorne, he can't be hanged on a suspicion.

    Then he'll be secretly kidnapped, used for Joffrey's target practice and buried somewhere nobody will find the corpse.

    That would be war. Dorne is not governed by idiots and the Iron Throne is not safe without their military and monetary support.

    Oberyn died the only way he could without heads rolling; he died by his own public decision.

    "The welfare of each of us is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us."
    "This country will not be a permanently good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a reasonably good place for all of us to live in."

    "There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother."
    -Theodore Roosevelt
  • OneAngryPossumOneAngryPossum Registered User regular
    I read that chapter for the first time in a long time recently.

    Goddamn. Every single read through I'm pissed off when the turn comes and Oberyn fucks it all up. The various weddings and Ned get a lot of hype, but that moment still riles me up the most. Every horrible thing Gregor has done up to that moment is solely to make that scene more infuriating, and I respect that, but goddamnit Oberyn just SWING THE FUCKING SWORD ALREADY.
  • XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    What irks me about that scene is the details surrounding the reversal. The Mountain was pinned to the damn ground/impaled and poisoned, but still had the strength to man handle the guy so he fell practically straight down on top of him and secure enough not to, say, bump the spear sticking out of the Mountain. The Mountain must have been immune to pain...it just seemed he went out of the way to get to "Fuck you!". If the mountain had just lopped his head off at the start of the fight it would have worked better, I think.
    "For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men. Not women. Not beasts...this you can trust."
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Xeddicus wrote: »
    What irks me about that scene is the details surrounding the reversal. The Mountain was pinned to the damn ground/impaled and poisoned, but still had the strength to man handle the guy so he fell practically straight down on top of him and secure enough not to, say, bump the spear sticking out of the Mountain. The Mountain must have been immune to pain...it just seemed he went out of the way to get to "Fuck you!". If the mountain had just lopped his head off at the start of the fight it would have worked better, I think.

    It's established earlier in the book that the Mountain has severe headaches (acromegaly?) so drinks milk of the poppy like other men drink ale. He might actually be largely immune to pain.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • OneAngryPossumOneAngryPossum Registered User regular
    There are more than a few throw away lines (possibly in the preceding chapters, though I think some come earlier) about how Gregor's prowess comes almost entirely from size, strength, and an obliviousness to his own injuries. I think more than enough groundwork was laid to make it feasible. Dude's basically a wight that hates horses and has some land.
  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    It could also just be good old fashioned pain killer addict "headaches". Dude has spent his entire life chopping up people and occasionally getting chopped himself.

    And then he's also just a rage-a-holic, so I mean, take your pick I guess.
  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    On a different subject, if the TV show ever introduces Arianne, I was thinking of how easy it will be to perfectly introduce her. Oh look, its just another sexposition girl, so we learn a little something about this new kingsguard character... And then the story just keeps following Arianne instead. It'll be a delicious little reversal.
  • BehemothBehemoth Registered User regular
    I just figured it was adrenaline
  • Joe DizzyJoe Dizzy Registered User regular
    reVerse wrote: »
    Littlefinger may not have the world saving ambitions of Ozymandias, but in other ways he fits in just fine.

    The Hound and the Comedian are a pretty good match, as well. They both see their world for it is and as a result don't give a shit.

    I don't think that's accurate. Both the Hound and the Comedian when faced with the fact that the universe is indifferent and that people can be awful, turn to despair and embrace nihilism in their own way. With Moore such a character becomes a pathetic and pitiful figure, with Martin he's an imposing straight-talker. How that reflects on the writers themselves, I leave for you to decide.

    What's "great" about Littlefinger is that he doesn't despair, but instead commits himself fully to being ambitious. He's a truthfully realized Randian hero.
    ...in accordance to the ancient prophecies.

  • Rhan9Rhan9 Registered User regular
    I can't help but feel that Cersei's greatest fuckup was reinstating the fundie armies. That can't help but fuck things up wholesale down the line. For everyone.
  • ComradebotComradebot Lord of Dinosaurs Hunts Vegas, TXRegistered User regular
    Joe Dizzy wrote: »
    reVerse wrote: »
    Littlefinger may not have the world saving ambitions of Ozymandias, but in other ways he fits in just fine.

    The Hound and the Comedian are a pretty good match, as well. They both see their world for it is and as a result don't give a shit.

    I don't think that's accurate. Both the Hound and the Comedian when faced with the fact that the universe is indifferent and that people can be awful, turn to despair and embrace nihilism in their own way. With Moore such a character becomes a pathetic and pitiful figure, with Martin he's an imposing straight-talker. How that reflects on the writers themselves, I leave for you to decide.

    What's "great" about Littlefinger is that he doesn't despair, but instead commits himself fully to being ambitious. He's a truthfully realized Randian hero.

    Except far, far better written.

    Atlas Shrugged Spoilz
    Ayn Rand was an incredibly awful writer.
    Seriously, all political viewpoints and connotations aside, at the end of the day Ayn Rand was just a terrible writer. No one wants to read a 70 page speech explaining why terrorism is totally cool so long as your rich and making sure you're the only guy who stays rich.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    I'd say arguably Cersei's greatest fuck up was fighting the system rather than working within it.

    Or maybe fucking her brother.

    One of those two.
  • QuidQuid The Fifth Horseman Registered User regular
    That's everyone's greatest fuck up.

    A jillion times that little bastard could have been stabbed.
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    PantsB wrote: »
    knitdan wrote: »
    You know what baby name trend I hope stops?

    Taking a word or name and making it backwards.
    My wife has a coworker (female) named Yrag.

    She also recently took care of a baby named Arya and thought it might be GoT related. Then the mother came in with a Pokemon shirt and they discussed PAXEast and it was confirmed.

    That sounds like a really terrible reference to menstruation to me.


    A Game of Thrones: 1996
    A Clash of Kings: 1999
    A Storm of Swords: 2000
    A Feast for Crows: 2005
    A Dance With Dragons: 2011

  • Mike DangerMike Danger "Diane..." a place both wonderful and strangeRegistered User regular
    @Hamurabi, where'd you get that graph?
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    What, you enjoyed Inigo Montoya? Well, fuck you.

    But Oberyn wins in the end. Dorne is playing the long game. Sure Oberyn dies, but he gets his revenge. The Mountain is an undead monster and Dorne is going to war.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    @Hamurabi, where'd you get that graph?

    This site, but it doesn't let you copy/paste.

    This piece on yesterday's Morning Edition backs up the claim; the original data is from Social Security.
    "The fastest riser" among girls' names was Arya. She jumped from No. 711 in 2011 to 413 last year. As the Social Security folks note, Arya's surge is probably due to the cable TV series Game of Thrones. "Arya is the daughter of a leader of one of the Seven Kingdoms," they write. "She also is an expert sword fighter, so doubt her influence on the popular names list at your own risk."
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Comradebot wrote: »
    Joe Dizzy wrote: »
    reVerse wrote: »
    Littlefinger may not have the world saving ambitions of Ozymandias, but in other ways he fits in just fine.

    The Hound and the Comedian are a pretty good match, as well. They both see their world for it is and as a result don't give a shit.

    I don't think that's accurate. Both the Hound and the Comedian when faced with the fact that the universe is indifferent and that people can be awful, turn to despair and embrace nihilism in their own way. With Moore such a character becomes a pathetic and pitiful figure, with Martin he's an imposing straight-talker. How that reflects on the writers themselves, I leave for you to decide.

    What's "great" about Littlefinger is that he doesn't despair, but instead commits himself fully to being ambitious. He's a truthfully realized Randian hero.

    Except far, far better written.

    Atlas Shrugged Spoilz
    Ayn Rand was an incredibly awful writer.
    Seriously, all political viewpoints and connotations aside, at the end of the day Ayn Rand was just a terrible writer. No one wants to read a 70 page speech explaining why terrorism is totally cool so long as your rich and making sure you're the only guy who stays rich.
    Randians do.
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