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A Thread of A Series of Books of A Song of Ice and Fire (BOOK AND TV SPOILERS HERE)



  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Jason Segel films movies all the time, they have not killed Marshall on HIMYM (assassinated his character, yes, but he's not dead).

    It's other TV series like with Sean Bean you have to watch for.

    EDIT: That said, don't link to say, the AV Club's coverage of the news.
    enlightenedbum on
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • BubbyBubby Registered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    It was just announced that Richard Madden (Robb) is going to be playing the Prince in a live-action remake of Cinderella that's coming up.

    But I'm sure he'll just film between seasons, no reason to worry...

    Sean Bean all over again.

    Unless he signs on for a new TV show, nothing has been ruined yet.
  • VeeveeVeevee Registered User regular
    And it was Sean Bean, the actor you hire to play a character who tragically dies too early
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    Veevee wrote: »
    And it was Sean Bean, the actor you hire to play a character who tragically dies too early


  • rizriz Registered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    Veevee wrote: »
    And it was Sean Bean, the actor you hire to play a character who tragically dies too early



    A friend of mine spoiled Ned's death for me with this. :| He was like "Game of Thrones spoilers in this, don't watch!" and then the title of the video he linked was like "WAYS SEAN BEAN DIES"...
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    Is Red Wedding this season, or next?
  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    Episode 9.
  • Loren MichaelLoren Michael Registered User regular
    The woman who plays Cercei has been doing a bunch of stuff outside this show.
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    reVerse wrote: »
    Vic_Hazard wrote: »
    You don't kill your own kin. Unless if you're completely clueless like Joffery.

    Or if you're Jaime apparently, then you can do anything you feel like. Seriously within the universe Jaime has to have done the absolutely most despicable things imaginable...

    He hasn't done Lysa Arryn.

    Can you blame him? She's the Iron Throne of people.

    He joined the Kingsguard so he wouldn't have to sit on her.

    (Was going to post ut over there but I don't think the show covered Tywin's previous attempts to play match maker.)
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    The woman who plays Cercei has been doing a bunch of awesome stuff outside this show.

  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    She got thrown out a window by Judge Dredd!
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    She was doing some pretty awesome stuff on the show until Jaime got called to war.

    Hey! Speaking of Jaime


    he's in the background of this picture of Brienne.

    Or maybe I just wanted to share that picture of Brienne. Found it on Jaime's wiki page, and this is now how I will be picturing her in future books.
    ArbitraryDescriptor on
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    All that Jaime talk has me giddy with anticipation for the show thread's reactions to Jaime returning to Kingslanding and Tywin's death.

    They don't even care about Sandor though. I think that will change if they keep his part in the RW.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    I'm looking forward to when Jaime gives Brienne Oathkeeper.

    ""I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance at honor."
  • SicariiSicarii Registered User regular
    That Brienne is a little too manly...
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    Ridiculously so! Just look at those man-hands.

    I'm of the opinion that Brienne and Tyrion are not nearly as freakish as people say they are (or they believe themselves to be), so I never really visualized them that way (especially since I saw Dinklage before I picked up the books). That pic seemed like a great visualization of Brienne as she might see herself at the height of her self-loathing. So in the spirit of getting all the way inside her head, I thought it might be interesting to keep that image in mind while reading a Brienne POV.
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    spamfilter wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to when Jaime gives Brienne Oathkeeper.

    ""I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance at honor."

    I'm looking forward to Jaime's vigil over Tywin. Not the biggest moment but I bet NCW will make it a fantastic, even if it's only a scene or two.
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    Ridiculously so! Just look at those man-hands.

    I'm of the opinion that Brienne and Tyrion are not nearly as freakish as people say they are (or they believe themselves to be), so I never really visualized them that way (especially since I saw Dinklage before I picked up the books). That pic seemed like a great visualization of Brienne as she might see herself at the height of her self-loathing. So in the spirit of getting all the way inside her head, I thought it might be interesting to keep that image in mind while reading a Brienne POV.

    TV tends to make even characters who are supposed to be unattractive or who don't fit their "proper" gender roles -- I mean, that's a major part of their character -- much more attractive because, y'know, The Magic of Television™.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Quick question: are we supposed to know who Ramsay is yet? It's weird picking up on Theon at the beginning of his captivity instead of later, so I'm just not sure if the audience is supposed to know this character yet.

    I forget exactly how we got here, basically, on-screen.

    Edit: my sense is no, though I don't know how well House Bolton or the Dreadfort has been introduced either, because it seems stupid easy to deduce at least that much from context.
    mcdermott on
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Book readers are supposed to know, show viewers are supposed to maybe pick up on a few key visual hints (Bolton's banner being the major one), but not necessarily know. It's one of the reasons the storyline is frustrating.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Book readers are supposed to know, show viewers are supposed to maybe pick up on a few key visual hints (Bolton's banner being the major one), but not necessarily know. It's one of the reasons the storyline is frustrating.

    See, and the people I know that are show only don't seem to even make that connection, and I wasn't sure if that was just them.

    Like, banners sure, but what percentage of viewers even notice banners other than wolves and lions? Half my friends can't even name most of the main characters.

    When they seem confused I've taken to suggesting they read the books. They do read fantasy series, so it's not a crazy suggestion, and as the show goes on it feels more and more like Harry Potter to me...the movies are only good as a visual aid to the books. They don't entirely make sense on their own, too much is lost or glossed over.

    The first season wasn't so bad, the story was tighter then. But now? I have no idea how show viewers who don't hang out all day on forums even keep up.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Book readers are supposed to know, show viewers are supposed to maybe pick up on a few key visual hints (Bolton's banner being the major one), but not necessarily know. It's one of the reasons the storyline is frustrating.

    See, and the people I know that are show only don't seem to even make that connection, and I wasn't sure if that was just them.

    Like, banners sure, but what percentage of viewers even notice banners other than wolves and lions? Half my friends can't even name most of the main characters.

    When they seem confused I've taken to suggesting they read the books. They do read fantasy series, so it's not a crazy suggestion, and as the show goes on it feels more and more like Harry Potter to me...the movies are only good as a visual aid to the books. They don't entirely make sense on their own, too much is lost or glossed over.

    The first season wasn't so bad, the story was tighter then. But now? I have no idea how show viewers who don't hang out all day on forums even keep up.

    It took until the most recent episode for the AV Club's newbie reviewer to notice, and they're paid to do this. I don't think Sepinwall has. A few of the more obsessive people on various forums have gotten it. So yeah, it's a subtle thing. One of the cuts last week did make it pretty obvious though. From torture to Bolton with Jaime and Brienne or vice versa.

    On the larger point, I think that's totally reasonable. Sprawling doesn't begin and we're absolutely sprinting through the first two thirds of ASOS to get to the Red Wedding. And then we've got 11 episodes for the last 400 pages. Which might be good news for Feast/Dance haters as they might have to get into that earlier (especially for Bran, for example) and only spend 1.5 seasons on them.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • CelestialBadgerCelestialBadger Registered User regular
    It took until the most recent episode for the AV Club's newbie reviewer to notice, and they're paid to do this. I don't think Sepinwall has. A few of the more obsessive people on various forums have gotten it. So yeah, it's a subtle thing. One of the cuts last week did make it pretty obvious though. From torture to Bolton with Jaime and Brienne or vice versa.

    If there were no books, this would be something for the obsessive fan theorists to pick up. I think that since there *are* books, this really puts people off obsessively theorizing. Where's the fun, when you could be proved right or wrong with one glance at wikipedia?
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    I have friends that are show only who figured out he was Roose's bastard once he did his fake freedom thing and killed his own men pretending to free Theon. When the guy called him "You bastard" in a very deliberate tone they picked up on that, and when he took him back to the flaying torture post they were like oh, it's totally the bastard they referenced before. You have to be paying close attention to be a show only person who picked it up, but it's obviously not impossible.
  • rizriz Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    The first season wasn't so bad, the story was tighter then. But now? I have no idea how show viewers who don't hang out all day on forums even keep up.

    I was honestly confused after just season 1, wondering why people who only watched the show cared THAT MUCH about the show and the characters. The plot is more straightforward but the history of the world and the characters, and their internal motivations, is such a huge part of the books which is not so much present in the show. And it just gets even crazier. Of course I'm ecstatic that people love it enough to keep it running and get a bigger budget, etc., but I'll never quite understand it.

    Also that climbing gear picture is amazing. The colors!
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    riz wrote: »
    Also that climbing gear picture is amazing. The colors!

    That was great, and I'm also fond of Climbing, Weaponry, and Climbing Weaponry
  • Kipling217Kipling217 Registered User regular
    Some speculation here. Since we are seeing Theon being tortured into becoming Reek, something that was absent from the books. I have a thought that crossed my mind about how they will develop the storyline later in the series. They can't just keep showing Theon being tortured, that is already getting a bit old. (if you don't think its getting old, see a shrink).

    This got me thinking about the Iron Islanders that sold Theon out. While Rob promised them safe passage if they gave up Theon, nothing about Ramsay suggests that he would/did honor such a promise. I mean this is Ramsay we are talking about, 12 torture puppets for his very own? No way he would pass that up. He also implied that the Iron Islanders where all gone when he got to Winterfell, so nobody would suspect he has them.

    Which brings me to Theon's story. What better way to show Theon being tortured into Reek, then by Theon starting off torturing those same Iron Islanders? If the show could pull of a genuine horrifying Stockholm Syndrome storyline, that would be some amazing writing/acting. We haven't seen them and if next few episodes don't show them on the Iron Island, what do you guys think are the chances they are going in that direction?
    Communicating from the last of the Babylon Stations.
  • QinguQingu Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    They might fold Bran's story in with Theon's somehow, to break up the lack of anything interesting happening in both.

    If they show too much torture, even with non-Theon folks, then they risk it losing its shock value.
    Qingu on
  • nexuscrawlernexuscrawler Registered User regular
    Since they've shown the Bastard cares Bran and Rickon are alive he may go hunting them with Theon in tow.

    in the books theres never much indication Ramsay cares one way or the other about Bran
    SC2 : nexuscrawler.381
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Kipling217 wrote: »
    Some speculation here. Since we are seeing Theon being tortured into becoming Reek, something that was absent from the books. I have a thought that crossed my mind about how they will develop the storyline later in the series. They can't just keep showing Theon being tortured, that is already getting a bit old. (if you don't think its getting old, see a shrink).

    This got me thinking about the Iron Islanders that sold Theon out. While Rob promised them safe passage if they gave up Theon, nothing about Ramsay suggests that he would/did honor such a promise. I mean this is Ramsay we are talking about, 12 torture puppets for his very own? No way he would pass that up. He also implied that the Iron Islanders where all gone when he got to Winterfell, so nobody would suspect he has them.

    Which brings me to Theon's story. What better way to show Theon being tortured into Reek, then by Theon starting off torturing those same Iron Islanders? If the show could pull of a genuine horrifying Stockholm Syndrome storyline, that would be some amazing writing/acting. We haven't seen them and if next few episodes don't show them on the Iron Island, what do you guys think are the chances they are going in that direction?

    Ramsay, is that you?

    Ramsay Snow?

    But yes, that would be an interesting direction to go. They might also use those guys for when Theon negotiates whatever fort's surrender.
    Bobble on
  • YougottawannaYougottawanna Registered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    Kipling217 wrote: »
    Some speculation here. Since we are seeing Theon being tortured into becoming Reek, something that was absent from the books. I have a thought that crossed my mind about how they will develop the storyline later in the series. They can't just keep showing Theon being tortured, that is already getting a bit old. (if you don't think its getting old, see a shrink).

    This got me thinking about the Iron Islanders that sold Theon out. While Rob promised them safe passage if they gave up Theon, nothing about Ramsay suggests that he would/did honor such a promise. I mean this is Ramsay we are talking about, 12 torture puppets for his very own? No way he would pass that up. He also implied that the Iron Islanders where all gone when he got to Winterfell, so nobody would suspect he has them.

    Which brings me to Theon's story. What better way to show Theon being tortured into Reek, then by Theon starting off torturing those same Iron Islanders? If the show could pull of a genuine horrifying Stockholm Syndrome storyline, that would be some amazing writing/acting. We haven't seen them and if next few episodes don't show them on the Iron Island, what do you guys think are the chances they are going in that direction?

    Ramsay, is that you?

    Ramsay Snow?

    But yes, that would be an interesting direction to go. They might also use those guys for when Theon negotiates whatever fort's surrender.

    Don't call him that!

    I wonder if they'll get some of the Wyman Manderly story stuff started a little earlier. Trying to figure out how to manage the AFFC/ADWD stuff is probably gonna be a headache, this could be the beginning of their attempt to handle it.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    I can't get enough of Theon being tortured, personally.
  • rizriz Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    I can't get enough of Theon being tortured, personally.

    Me too, but I won't refute the "see a shrink" comment either. :rotate:

    I just assume in book-timeline that those guys marched out of Winterfell, handed sack-o'-Theon to Ramsay's guys, and were immediately killed. There's more to keeping Theon as his pet and torture object for Ramsay than just "things to play with"... he could go grab peasants whenever he wants (and does, re: the girls he hunts). I don't think he'd keep them around long. But Theon is a special toy.
  • HamurabiHamurabi Registered User regular
    So the Melisandre-meeting-Beric thing was deffo not in the books, right? I was totally thrown off when that came up this week.
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    So the Melisandre-meeting-Beric thing was deffo not in the books, right? I was totally thrown off when that came up this week.

    Gendry is taking the place of Edric Storm. Just like how Strong Belwas isn't a thing, too many characters to keep track of for the show.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Blendtec wrote: »
    Hamurabi wrote: »
    So the Melisandre-meeting-Beric thing was deffo not in the books, right? I was totally thrown off when that came up this week.

    Gendry is taking the place of Edric Storm. Just like how Strong Belwas isn't a thing, too many characters to keep track of for the show.

    And Shireen is standing in for both Pylos (teaching Davos to read) and Patchface (creepy fucking songs). As well as herself, obviously.

    Saw elsewhere an interesting suggestion re: royal blood. Davos smuggles Gendry off Dragonstone before he can be sacrificed to the Lord of Light, so Melisandre takes the bottled babies instead of the thing with leeches.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • shrykeshryke Registered User regular
    Kipling217 wrote: »
    Some speculation here. Since we are seeing Theon being tortured into becoming Reek, something that was absent from the books. I have a thought that crossed my mind about how they will develop the storyline later in the series. They can't just keep showing Theon being tortured, that is already getting a bit old. (if you don't think its getting old, see a shrink).

    This got me thinking about the Iron Islanders that sold Theon out. While Rob promised them safe passage if they gave up Theon, nothing about Ramsay suggests that he would/did honor such a promise. I mean this is Ramsay we are talking about, 12 torture puppets for his very own? No way he would pass that up. He also implied that the Iron Islanders where all gone when he got to Winterfell, so nobody would suspect he has them.

    Which brings me to Theon's story. What better way to show Theon being tortured into Reek, then by Theon starting off torturing those same Iron Islanders? If the show could pull of a genuine horrifying Stockholm Syndrome storyline, that would be some amazing writing/acting. We haven't seen them and if next few episodes don't show them on the Iron Island, what do you guys think are the chances they are going in that direction?

    They aren't gonna show Theon torturing anyone because that would kinda ruin where his character is supposed to be for the events of ADWD and his development there. He's supposed to be broken, he's not supposed to become the enemy.
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    There's quite a bit of discussion about Jaime in the show thread and what kind of person he is, was, and whether he's changed. The reaction to episode 7 (Bear pit!) should be very interesting.
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