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A Thread of A Series of Books of A Song of Ice and Fire (BOOK AND TV SPOILERS HERE)



  • SchadenfreudeSchadenfreude The DreadfortRegistered User regular
    He wasn't available to shoot for Season 2 when they asked him so I guess they just decided not to invite him back for Season 3. D&D discussed in one of the extras on the discs how if they feel they can't rely on someone being available they'll kill them off or write them out sooner rather than later.

    This unforgiving nature means I'm pessimistic that we'll ever see Dominic West on this show :(
    Jaime Lannister sends his regards.
  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    He wasn't available to shoot for Season 2 when they asked him so I guess they just decided not to invite him back for Season 3. D&D discussed in one of the extras on the discs how if they feel they can't rely on someone being available they'll kill them off or write them out sooner rather than later.

    This unforgiving nature means I'm pessimistic that we'll ever see Dominic West on this show :(

    I would imagine writing or killing someone off only applies if the actor has already appeared on the show. 'Sides, it was an honest misunderstanding on his part.
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    Bubby wrote: »
    Whatever happened to Umber, anyway? He was so awesome in S1.

    Apparently he's off hanging out with the real Tormund Giantsbane where they do manly things and Tormund tells jokes.
    I'm picturing a travel show where they go around the world eating, drinking, fighting, and giving commentary on local customs and culture.

    I'd watch it.
  • rizriz Registered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    Bubby wrote: »
    Whatever happened to Umber, anyway? He was so awesome in S1.

    Apparently he's off hanging out with the real Tormund Giantsbane where they do manly things and Tormund tells jokes.
    I'm picturing a travel show where they go around the world eating, drinking, fighting, and giving commentary on local customs and culture.

    I'd watch it.

    Six seasons and a movie.
  • BubbyBubby Registered User regular
    Yeah they dropped the ball with Tormund...
  • valiancevaliance Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Bubby wrote: »
    Yeah they dropped the ball with Tormund...

    His appearance is OK, and they have plenty of time to flesh out his character. I like him a lot in the books I'm hoping there's time to do him justice. And the mance as well.
    valiance on
  • ZephiranZephiran Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Man, seeing what happened to Ros on screen like that...

    Joffrey is one sick asshole.
    Zephiran on
  • MagicPrimeMagicPrime "We're ready to believe you..." The FirehouseRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Ned telling/showing Robert the history of Baratheon/Lannister children having dark hair would have been more then enough to convince Robert. But I was under the impression that all Baratheon children, regardless of whom their other parent was, had black hair. As in the Baratheon black hair is always dominant.
    MagicPrime on
    This neo-feudalism would be more tolerable if our betters had fancy titles.
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    Taramoor wrote: »
    spamfilter wrote: »
    Brandon the Builder was the founder of House Stark, he built both the Wall, and Winterfell, and legends say he also built the fortress at Storm's End.

    So is Bran the reincarnation of Brandon the Builder?


    After all, he didn't look away.

    More likely, he's just named in honor of the first Bran.
    Bran always pre-wargs his parents to make sure they give his next vessel the right name. He wound up as a Theon once, and the memory of future-Theon left a bad taste in his mouth.
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    MagicPrime wrote: »
    Ned telling/showing Robert the history of Baratheon/Lannister children having dark hair would have been more then enough to convince Robert. But I was under the impression that all Baratheon children, regardless of whom their other parent was, had black hair. As in the Baratheon black hair is always dominant.

    I think the book only documents Baratheon/Lannister couplings.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • TaminTamin Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    MagicPrime wrote: »
    Ned telling/showing Robert the history of Baratheon/Lannister children having dark hair would have been more then enough to convince Robert. But I was under the impression that all Baratheon children, regardless of whom their other parent was, had black hair. As in the Baratheon black hair is always dominant.

    I think the book only documents Baratheon/Lannister couplings.

    oh, no. It's a massive book with hundreds of pairings across hundreds of years.

    something like Lineage of the Great Houses of Westeros

    edit: The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, With Descriptions of Many High Lords and Noble Ladies and Their Children

    the wiki page lists a half-dozen Umbers, but those are apparently not canon.
    Tamin on
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Tamin wrote: »
    MagicPrime wrote: »
    Ned telling/showing Robert the history of Baratheon/Lannister children having dark hair would have been more then enough to convince Robert. But I was under the impression that all Baratheon children, regardless of whom their other parent was, had black hair. As in the Baratheon black hair is always dominant.

    I think the book only documents Baratheon/Lannister couplings.

    oh, no. It's a massive book with hundreds of pairings across hundreds of years.

    something like Lineage of the Great Houses of Westeros

    I mean the parts of the book Ned reads in our book. I'm aware the book is exhaustively boring.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • TaminTamin Registered User regular
    Well, yeah. Ned reads off a handful of specifically Baratheon / Lannister pairings. But you could easily check Baratheon / Stark or Lannister / Greyjoy

  • KanaKana Registered User regular
    Don't forget the scene where a bunch of disemboweled, crucified, mostly still alive children were pointing the way to Meereen. (I think it was Meereen)

    And then the talk of the violent gangrape of a young girl by the Mountain and his men while her family watched. Clearly, Berric Dondarrion might've been hiding in her vagina, and they all needed to check.

    Oh, and all of Joff's animal abuse, from using rabbits and cats for target practice, to leaving said cat to slowly suffer and die, to how Tommen once had a pet fawn that Joff had killed and skinned so he could wear it (which is a horribly dickish move to do to your little brother).

    Oh, and how Ramsay forces Theon to go down on Jeyne while he watches.

    Then there was the time The Mountain fed Vargo Hoat pieces of Vargo Hoat.

    EDIT: Yes, it's Meereen. They nailed up children pointing towards the city, and then Strong Belwas dropped a deuce towards the city. Personally, I hope we get to see Barristan do that instead.

    The big difference between that stuff in the books and how the show handles it is most of the nasty stuff in the books is related to us, not experienced directly in the narrative (except for theon). We don't take a chapter to describe Vargo Hoat's breakfast choices from a close-up point. We hear about Joff doing shit things to animals but there's no Joffrey PoV where he spends a couple pages enjoying torturing some kitten. We hear about Saltpans, but we don't get a scene set there during its destruction.

    I mean you can read a history book and hear some really gruesome shit far in excess of anything GRRM's ever put down, but there's a difference between glorying in and dwelling on the violence and just acknowledging its existence.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    It's a TV show. To have any impact, you need to show and not just tell. If some character just said "Hey, did you hear the Bolton bastard flayed Theon Greyjoy's finger?" and that was it there is no impact to the viewer. It's not a book and shouldn't be handled like it is. To be honest, they've been very mild with what they've shown on the show.
  • rizriz Registered User regular
    Do we see Grey Wind get killed on "camera" in the book? I really don't even want to see that. Lady's yelp still haunts me.
  • Captain TragedyCaptain Tragedy Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sure Grey Wind's death is just talked about, and not actually "seen".
  • PsykomaPsykoma Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sure Grey Wind's death is just talked about, and not actually "seen".

    I think Grey Wind's death was seen, but it was the sewing of his head onto robbs body which was just talked about.

  • Captain TragedyCaptain Tragedy Registered User regular
    Was it? It's been awhile since I read it, but I thought it was just talked about afterwards (since it occurred outside of the main wedding area) about how he killed several men before they finally took him down.
  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    Yeah, there's no reason they'd have to show the wolf head on screen in the show. That's not a character development tool, though it won't surprise me if they do show it, like not 100% make it clear Robb's dead, then they show that to hammer it home. I doubt it though.
  • quantumcat42quantumcat42 Registered User regular
    Based on rumors from on set, we will see some headswapping. A bystander who didn't know what he was looking at reported "major characters got their heads removed and sowed onto an ox."
  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    Greywind's death was not seen. The closest description we get is that Greywind got caught in a net and the Freys were going to shoot it to death with arrows when Reynauld Westerling (Jeyne's brother) tries to free it but got shot himself with arrows and dove into the river.

  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    I had read a while back that the CGI for the direwolves and dragons is quite expensive, and that's why we don't really see them. So I'm curious if we'll see wolf head Robb just based on that. Again though, given that they're showing Theon's torture, the Red Wedding is going to be messy and there's a good chance they'll show that too.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    Blendtec wrote: »
    I had read a while back that the CGI for the direwolves and dragons is quite expensive, and that's why we don't really see them. So I'm curious if we'll see wolf head Robb just based on that. Again though, given that they're showing Theon's torture, the Red Wedding is going to be messy and there's a good chance they'll show that too.

    I'm rather disappointed about the lack of direwolves even though I understand this. I guess dragons get the most CGI budget attention though.
  • YarYar Registered User regular
    The direwolves are mostly just huskies shot and then digitally enlarged, though, right? Not the same level of CGI as the dragons.
  • reVersereVerse The shadow's come to stay Registered User regular
    Pretty sure they're actual wolves, digitally enlarged.
  • jimb213jimb213 Registered User regular
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Blendtec wrote: »
    I had read a while back that the CGI for the direwolves and dragons is quite expensive, and that's why we don't really see them. So I'm curious if we'll see wolf head Robb just based on that. Again though, given that they're showing Theon's torture, the Red Wedding is going to be messy and there's a good chance they'll show that too.

    I'm rather disappointed about the lack of direwolves even though I understand this. I guess dragons get the most CGI budget attention though.

    The direwolves shouldn't be that expensive though. They're just regular wolves shot against green screen, scaled up, and composited into the shot. I'm no expert compositor, but I could do that in a day or so with Adobe After Effects. The hardest part for the direwolves effect is making sure the lighting and perspective are correct in both shots for where you want the wolf in the scene.

    The dragons are obviously full CGI, so that's more difficult & expensive. And now I feel like posting this again!
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Still need trained wolf actors, which is a pain in the ass. Especially if they're not expressly needed for the scene.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • Captain TragedyCaptain Tragedy Registered User regular
    It was just announced that Richard Madden (Robb) is going to be playing the Prince in a live-action remake of Cinderella that's coming up.

    But I'm sure he'll just film between seasons, no reason to worry...
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    It was just announced that Richard Madden (Robb) is going to be playing the Prince in a live-action remake of Cinderella that's coming up.

    But I'm sure he'll just film between seasons, no reason to worry...

    Sean Bean all over again.
  • jimb213jimb213 Registered User regular
    Still need trained wolf actors, which is a pain in the ass. Especially if they're not expressly needed for the scene.

    True. I bet trained wolves are expensive!
  • enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Other members of the cast have been doing other things, you know. Emilia Clarke in particular is consistently busy. It's if they're cast in a series that gives things away.
    My cousin made this game: Gem Pop. It's legitimately fun, particularly for people who enjoy Bejewled, Dr. Mario, Tetris, etc. kinds of games. Only two bucks! If you try it out, PM me with what you think of it.
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    Bobble wrote: »
    It was just announced that Richard Madden (Robb) is going to be playing the Prince in a live-action remake of Cinderella that's coming up.

    But I'm sure he'll just film between seasons, no reason to worry...

    Sean Bean all over again.

    I feel like they could've waited to say he's filming something else, kinda ruins the surprise.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • syndalissyndalis Aballah Can Tah Advancing the Human ConditionRegistered User regular
    Blendtec wrote: »
    Bobble wrote: »
    It was just announced that Richard Madden (Robb) is going to be playing the Prince in a live-action remake of Cinderella that's coming up.

    But I'm sure he'll just film between seasons, no reason to worry...

    Sean Bean all over again.

    I feel like they could've waited to say he's filming something else, kinda ruins the surprise.

    Emilia Clarke is doing broadway. right now.

    Did that spoil her death at the end of this season?
  • Captain TragedyCaptain Tragedy Registered User regular
    I was just joking around, not really saying "cast in something else = show death".
  • BlendtecBlendtec PittsburghRegistered User regular
    syndalis wrote: »
    Blendtec wrote: »
    Bobble wrote: »
    It was just announced that Richard Madden (Robb) is going to be playing the Prince in a live-action remake of Cinderella that's coming up.

    But I'm sure he'll just film between seasons, no reason to worry...

    Sean Bean all over again.

    I feel like they could've waited to say he's filming something else, kinda ruins the surprise.

    Emilia Clarke is doing broadway. right now.

    Did that spoil her death at the end of this season?

    It gets people thinking at least. It doesn't help that Robb is going to meet with the Freys to get support for a do or die battle. That, coupled with getting another job? That's a little suspicious. Dany meanwhile isn't doing a whole lot, she's coming off a big win in the show, and they haven't said what she's doing next.
    I also go by Twinkie in some games. Add me on Steam!
  • BobbleBobble Registered User regular
    I was just joking around, not really saying "cast in something else = show death".

    Too late. Can't un-press the panic button.
  • spamfilterspamfilter Registered User regular
    From an article I read Lena Headey shot all her scenes for season 3 in 18 days.

    This show has such a large ensemble cast that being in it should not preclude an actor's involvement in other projects.
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    spamfilter wrote: »
    From an article I read Lena Headey shot all her scenes for season 3 in 18 days.

    This show has such a large ensemble cast that being in it should not preclude an actor's involvement in other projects.
    Whew. That's a much better cover. Emelia's broadway show is closed / closing, so that wouldn't do as much to dissuade concerns as pointing out that the actors only work three weeks a year.

    (Want to have a good lie ready if my TV friends start to notice the leaves changing color.)
    ArbitraryDescriptor on
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